“But the Fruit of the Spirit is… Peace…” Galatians 5:22 INTRODUCTION I. So far in our series concerning the fruit of the Spirit, a. We’ve stressed how important it is to be manifesting the fruit in our lives b. And we’ve noted how we can overcome the corruption of the flesh that’s mentioned in Galatians 5… i. Jesus says that we can know that we’ve overcome the corruption of the flesh if we are indeed bearing good fruit. (Matthew 7:17-20) c. That brings us to where we studied last week… i. Where we looked individually at some characteristics of the fruit of the Spirit. ii. Last Sunday we looked at the topic of love and then of joy. 1. Our aim was to better appreciate how important love is… 2. And to better appreciate why God puts so much emphasis on joyfulness 3. Hopefully we observed from the scriptures how we can learn to get more joy out of our lives. d. In verse 16 of Galatians 5, Paul commands, "Walk in the Spirit." Let us be sure, there are certain results that will come from walking in the Spirit. i. Further, "the fruit of the Spirit" results from walking in the Spirit. Again, when we put God’s word into our minds and in our hearts, "the fruit of the Spirit" will be seen within us. The qualities of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance will characterize us. The Spirit will produce these qualities within us by the word He has inspired. ii. "The fruit of the Spirit" is the produce of the Spirit. In other words, it is the product that is produced by the Spirit’s influence. (Let us look at the characteristic of peace today and consider what the Bible has to say concerning how it can be made manifest in our lives…) II. Why should we look individually at this characteristic? a. What did Jesus say the peacemaker would be called? i. Matthew 5:9, they are blessed; they shall be called sons of God. ii. It’s important for us to consider and meditate on what God has to say about peace… because not only does he grant peace, he wants us to enjoy peace in our spiritual life. b. READ Isaiah 9:6… i. As Isaiah was preaching during the Divided Kingdom period of Bible history, he gave prophecy concerning the Messiah that was to come… the Christ… Jesus. ii. …And what title would the Messiah hold? 1. The Prince of Peace! III. IV. I believe everyone (even atheists), want peace! But what does God have to say about how you and I are to obtain it? a. 2Thessalonians 3:16, the Lord gives us peace always in every way… as He is with us… when He is with us! i. Consider the Old Testament scriptures, where we read in Proverbs 16:7, “When a man's ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.” ii. How can we expect to make peace with others if we are not at peace within? 1. This is where so many of the world just do not get it. 2. “WORLD PEACE! Why can’t we just get along? Why can’t we just be at peace with one another…?” b. Because folks will not submit to God and acknowledge how… and through what… people are to receive real peace… true peace! i. READ Romans 5:1-5… 1. Having been justified by faith… we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. ii. This is where peace comes from. If you want peace in your life… Then accept God into your life. iii. If you want peace to reign in your life… then let Jesus (The Prince of Peace) reign as the center of your life! iv. This is what it is all about!! So simple, yet very profound on a Spiritual level. So ordinary, yet extraordinary. When you begin to realize the Truth of the matter… then… and only then… will you know true peace. v. And only by knowing God will you understand what true peace is… 1. Only by knowing God will you be able to make manifest the fruit of the Spirit. (Only by coming to know God through His word can you truly obtain peace) Looking to manifest a commitment to peace… a. How did Abraham manifest a commitment to peace? b. READ Genesis 13:5-12 i. When there was strife between the herdsmen of his livestock and the herdsmen of Lot’s livestock, Abraham yielded to Lot’s choice as to where they would dwell. 1. Willingness to yield… sounds like I’ve heard that somewhere before. (James 3:17) c. How wise are we in our dealings with others… with our brethren… with our peers? i. How far are we to go to preserve peace, brethren? 1. Matthew 5:39-40, Don’t resist an evil person, turn the other cheek, if a man sues you for the shirt off your back, give him your shirt along with your coat also! d. You think about all of the strife in the world. Think about all of the strife in so many neighborhoods. Think about all of the strife within homes. Think about all of the strife within the churches across our land. i. What is the cause of, and the solution for strife? ii. READ James 4:1-3… 1. The cause for strife comes from our own pleasures that war in our members. The cause of strife comes from our own selfish ambitions for what we want… from our own wanton desires! (READ verse 1-2a) 2. The solution is here in the text as well though folks… (Verse 2 & 3)… ask for that which is pleasing to God and according to His will/ Word… and then we will receive. iii. I made mention of strife amongst the brethren… What sacrifices must we make to keep peace in the church? 1. Consider Paul’s remarks to those who were going to law against brethren in 1Corinthians 6 a. (Expound on circumstances and Paul’s remarks through verse 11) b. Live accordingly… it is sometimes better to be wronged than to cause trouble. If sin isn’t involved, but others’ poor use of tact, poor use of wisdom, or poor use of judgment… it’s sometimes better to be wronged. V. That being said, I do not believe that Jesus preached “peace at just any price” a. Read Matthew 10:34-39 i. Expound on what Jesus is saying here… peace doesn’t come without a price… We simply cannot accept anything coming Before Him; or His truth for that matter b. We read in Titus 3:9-11 how the person who rejects peace is to be treated by his brethren. READ. i. Conversations that led to disputing needed to be avoided. Admonish the person though… warn them… And reject them if they continue to be a problem. c. What did Paul tell Timothy about the servant of the Lord? i. READ 2Timothy 2:23-25… Expound d. Jesus did not preach peace at any and all costs, nor did Paul. Even under the Old Law, why did Jeremiah object to his generation extolling peace? i. READ Jeremiah 6:14 1. Because there was no real peace… the people… God’s people… did not acknowledge the problems that needed to be dealt with… with regard to sin, false prophets, false worship… ii. Blessed are the peace-makers, for they shall be called sons of God! CONCLUSION I. In conclusion, what would make a person desire strife and conflict in their lives? a. A sense of control? Do some people simple like to argue? It seems that way sometimes. But consider the root cause once again that James points to in James 4:1-3 II. b. What is most important? Peace within yourself? Peace with those around you (Your fellow man)? Peace with God? If you have peace with God, then you can have peace within yourself, and then you will strive to be a peacemaker!! c. How can you become a peacemaker at home, school, or at work? How can you become a peacemaker within the church? i. SEEK ways to make peace while staying true to God’s commands. Rely on the Lord and seek peace... walking in the Spirit. Ultimately, as we have already noted within the lesson… you cannot know true peace without putting on Christ. a. Won’t you accept the Prince of Peace’s offer? b. Jesus promised His disciples peace, but not the kind that everyone usually expects… i. John 14:27-29 (EXPOUND) c. 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