Avoiding Powerpoint Karaoke Dr Stephen Marshall University Teaching Development Centre stephen.marshall@vuw.ac.nz Copyright ©2005 Stephen Marshall distributed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html) 1 Summary 2 of 52 Have a clear purpose for how the Powerpoint slides (or any other media) are helping students Use multiple versions of materials in different contexts Face to face time should be treated as precious Don't be passive in your use of the materials Simplify the media to focus on the elements that assist in understanding and use Complexity must be respected Be aware of copyright imposed limitations http://www.utdc.vuw.ac.nz/documentation/powerpoint/ What about the research? 3 of 52 Students have difficulty following lectures where they are not given a clear outline (Johnstone and Su 1994) Students best recall the information provided during the first five minutes of a presentation (Burns 1985; Buzan 1989) Agenda 4 of 52 Purpose of Powerpoint Planning for learning Creation of Powerpoint presentations Delivery with Powerpoint PowerPointlessness Powerpoint Poisoning Karaoke Powerpoint TTT 5 of 52 Powerpoint 6 of 52 Positive Negative Agenda 7 of 52 Purpose of Powerpoint Planning for learning Creation of Powerpoint presentations Delivery with Powerpoint Attention 8 of 52 Interaction 9 of 52 Active learning techniques • Engagement • Relevance Challenge yourself • How to get the students to learn rather than be taught QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Handouts 10 of 52 QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Provide skeletons Consider the medium Plan for revision Respect the complexity of the material What about the research? 11 of 52 Changes every ten to fifteen minutes are needed to maintain attention (Johnstone and Percival 1976; Burns 1985) Short rests or breaks improve learning (Buzan 1989) Anchoring in previous experience or concrete experiences improves learning (Blanc, et al. 1983; Karplus et al. 1976; Renner et al. 1976) The more students write down themselves the more they recall but there is a high rate of errors in student notes (Johnstone and Su 1994; Bligh 2000; Baker et al 1986; Locke 1977) Agenda 12 of 52 Purpose of Powerpoint Planning for learning Creation of Powerpoint presentations Delivery with Powerpoint Design What makes a slide effective? 13 of 52 Bulleting 14 of 52 Don’t Overuse Bullets! An example… Consider the role of the bullet: Wash your hands after the experiment •The chemicals are poisonous 15 of 52 QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. http://www.edwardtufte.com/tufte/discourse Design Text • Size Too small - 18 point Small - 24 point 16 of 52 Good - 32 point Great - 40 point • Font Decorative Serif - Times Sans-serif - Arial - Text 17 of 52 Underline Italic Bold Colour Font UPPERCASE - LESS READABLE vs Mixed Case - More Readable 18 of 52 19 of 52 20 of 52 21 of 52 Home Sweet Home Design 22 of 52 Colour 23 of 52 Avoid colours with a similar density, particularly RED and GREEN Even high contrast colours like red and blue can be hard to read when used together 24 of 52 25 of 52 In general, dark on light is your best bet Design Images and Diagrams Auckland 26 of 52 Hamilton Palmerston North Wellington Christchurch Dunedin NGI Internet Backbone Size really is important 27 of 52 Design Complexity 28 of 52 Design CANDIDATE FOR A PULLET SURPRISE by Jerrold H. Zar I have a spelling checker, It came with my PC. It plane lee marks four my revue Miss steaks aye can knot sea. Eye ran this poem threw it, Your sure reel glad two no. Its vary polished in it's weigh. My checker tolled me sew. A checker is a bless sing, It freeze yew lodes of thyme. It helps me right awl stiles two reed, And aides me when eye rime. Each frays come posed up on my screen Eye trussed too bee a joule. The checker pours o'er every word To cheque sum spelling rule. Butt now bee cause my spelling Is checked with such grate flare, Their are know fault's with in my cite, Of nun eye am a wear. Now spelling does knot phase me, It does knot bring a tier. My pay purrs awl due glad den With wrapped word's fare as hear. To rite with care is quite a feet Of witch won should bee proud, And wee mussed dew the best wee can, Sew flaw's are knot aloud. Sow ewe can sea why aye dew prays Such soft wear four pea seas, And why eye brake in two averse Buy righting want too pleas. Design http://www.tenderbytes.net/rhymeworld/feeder/teacher/pullet.htm Spelling Bee fore a veiling checker's Hour spelling mite decline, And if we're lacks oar have a laps, We wood bee maid too wine. 29 of 52 What about the research? 30 of 52 More than 40 items in a presentation resulted in reduced impact (Burns 1985) Human recall is most efficient when provided with information chunked into less than 7±2 items (Miller 1956) Complexity is important (Tufte 2001; 2003) Agenda 31 of 52 Purpose of Powerpoint Planning for learning Creation of Powerpoint presentations Delivery with Powerpoint The Medium is the Massage 32 of 52 Powerpoint tools 33 of 52 Presentation setup Slide numbering Pen tool Navigation tools Navigation 34 of 52 Go to… item Navigation palette Hyperlinks Timing 35 of 52 lets Timing 36 of 52 talk Timing 37 of 52 about Timing 38 of 52 how Timing 39 of 52 many Timing 40 of 52 slides Timing 41 of 52 are Timing 42 of 52 a Timing 43 of 52 good Timing 44 of 52 idea Timing 45 of 52 lets talk about how many slides are a good idea Movement 46 of 52 QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Audibility 47 of 52 QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Alternatives to Powerpoint 48 of 52 Blackboard Web pages • Wikis Specialist software Keynote Quicktime movies PDF files Flash … Distribution 49 of 52 Get info Convert to PDF Don’t export as HTML Remove copyright material and extraneous slides What about the research? 50 of 52 Most information written out by the teacher is retained compared with only 10% of material supplied orally (Johnstone and Percival 1976; Locke 1977) Delivery speed and clarity is important! (Johnstone and Percival 1976) Review and summaries soon after the material is covered improves learning (Buzan 1989) Summary 51 of 52 Have a clear purpose for how the Powerpoint slides (or any other media) are helping students Use multiple versions of materials in different contexts Face to face time should be treated as precious Don't be passive in your use of the materials Simplify the media to focus on the elements that assist in understanding and use Complexity must be respected Be aware of copyright imposed limitations Questions and Followup 52 of 52 ? http://www.utdc.vuw.ac.nz/documentation/powerpoint/