Level 1 Task and Hazard Analysis BC Timber Sales Scope / Purpose This task inventory listing and risk analysis applies to multiple programs and workplaces within BC Timber Sales program across the province. This analysis is a level 1 assessment of common tasks and hazards that most MFLNRO staff are likely to be exposed to. A further analysis (level 2) is recommend to identify additional tasks, hazards and applicable control measures by local workplaces/offices. Both assessment levels will use the following ranking criteria and documented under Table 1 below: Ranking Criteria (Level 1 and 2) Severity Probability Minor injury, requiring local First Aid or less N Probable – likely to occur immediately or very soon after A No time loss injury and/or damage less than $5,000 1 Reasonably probable – likely to occur eventually B Time loss injury with no loss of life or limb, damage less than $100,000 2 Remote – could occur at some point C Catastrophic major disabling injury or fatality, damage in excess of $100,000 3 Extremely remote – unlikely to occur D Identification of task and hazards from level 1 and 2 assessments and periodic reviews will determine the need for development of control measures (elimination, substitution, engineered, administrative, PPE). Those identified and assessed task/hazards deemed to be 2B or greater will be further addressed for control measures. July 15, 2014 Page 1 Level 1 Task and Hazard Analysis BC Timber Sales Table 1 Task and Hazard Analysis Ledger Activity: General Office Work Job Task Hazard Rank Control Measure Desk work: Computer use data entry, reading Eyestrain 1A Desk work: mouse/ keyboard and telephone use Musculoskeletal injuries (MSI’s) 2B SWP #1 Ergonomic assessments Education about the risk factors for MSI’s Lifting MSI’s 1C SWP #1 Gen On the Job Training (OJT) in lifting procedures General office tasks Struck-by - falling or moving objects; struck-against – protruding objects 2C Building inspections Emergency preparedness General office tasks Noise NC Moving or eliminating noise Barrier to isolate noise Noise assessment and hearing testing <not likely necessary for office tasks> Use of hearing protection - Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) Safe Work Procedure (SWP) Note reference to SWP throughout this document applies to a set of corporate Safe Work Procedures developed by BC Timber Sales corporately click on link to view all SWPs http://www.for.gov.bc.ca/bcts/safety/manual.htm Micro breaks and task variability General office tasks July 15, 2014 Scent from perfumes, personal hygiene products and any unregulated sources of odour 1A Local office communication Scent free policy based on respectful workplace considerations for co-workers’ sensitivities Page 2 Level 1 Task and Hazard Analysis BC Timber Sales Job Task General office tasks Hazard Rank Control Measure Trips, slips and falls (weather, wet floors, worn carpet, unsecured cords and cables etc.) 1B SWP #1 General Office Office hazard/building inspection Routine housekeeping and site maintenance General office tasks Poor air quality 1B POLICY Air Quality IAQ complaint procedures building inspection Routine site maintenance General office tasks Handling sharp objects/scissors/paper cutters NB Substitute with less hazardous equipment Office inspections On the job training General office tasks Working alone in the office 3D Local procedures for working alone General office tasks Earthquake Drills and training Emergency response procedures Emergency supplies cache General office tasks Parking lots 2C workplace inspections Seasonal maintenance Working with Public and Clients Harassment, Violence, discrimination 1B Human Resource policies SWP #13 “Dealing with Civil Disobedience / Blockades PSA OSH training- Violence Risk Assessment & Violence Prevention Working with coworker, supervisor, manager Bullying and Harassment, Violence, discrimination 1C Human Resource policies: 9. Standards of Conduct & 11. Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace. PSA training: Building a Respectful Workplace PSA OSH training- Violence Risk Assessment & Violence Prevention July 15, 2014 2D Page 3 Level 1 Task and Hazard Analysis BC Timber Sales Activity: General Field Work Job Task Hazard General field work, outdoor activities Slips, trips falls, traversing across steep slopes, rock bluffs, gullies, small streams, rivers, lakes. 2A SWP #2 Current/dynamic assessment of area/site and conditions Initial field orientation, tailgate/pre-work meeting OJT on field work and traversing techniques Wearing proper PPE (appropriate footwear ) Level 1 First Aid Fatigue management/planning General field work Eye damage and skin laceration 2A SWP 2 Wearing proper clothing Wearing PPE Level 1 First Aid General field work Struck-by - falling trees or branches; struck-against overhead obstacles 2C On the Job Training PPE SWP #2 General field work Struck-by - falling trees or branches as a result of high or erratic wind 2B SWP Extreme Weather Weather forecasts PPE General field work Snow avalanche, rock, mud, land slides 2C Weather forecasts Preplanning SWP 6 Provincial Avalanche avoidance Policy and Provincial Avalanche Safety Plan General field work Encounters with insects or 2B Training on problem recognition July 15, 2014 Rank Control Measure Page 4 Level 1 Task and Hazard Analysis BC Timber Sales Job Task Hazard noxious plants particularly for those with allergies General field work Encounters with animals 2B Training on recognition and avoidance of problems Seasonally topical safety advisories/bulletins Provision of and training in the use of devices (i.e bear spray) General field work Extreme weather, hot, cold, dry, torrential rain, or wind 2C Adequate clothing SWP 6 General field work MSI’s 1B Field assessments Training in proper techniques SWP #2 General field work Getting lost or disoriented 1C On-the-job training SOSS Sign-in / out procedures PPEs (radios, cell, SPOT) SWP # 3 “Safety Check-in Working alone or Isolation” General field work, Overexertion due to physical, medical conditions 1C Training Working alone procedures or the ‘Buddy system’ SWP #2 and SWP #6 Cell or sat phones MFLNR mobile radios GPS 1B SWP #3 and SWP #13 Cell or sat phones, mobile phones, SPOT Working with Workplace violence/Harassment public and clients in July 15, 2014 Rank Control Measure Seasonally topical safety advisories/bulletins Making crew mates aware of allergy Training / personal kits Page 5 Level 1 Task and Hazard Analysis BC Timber Sales Job Task the field Hazard Wildfire, controlled burning smoke inhalation, burns, heat exhaustion 2C Emergency firefighting training, controlled burning Emergency and evacuation plans PPE Communication devices Prescribed Burn Plans Venting indexes General field work Working alone or in isolation in the field 2B SWP #2 and #3 Cell or sat phones, SPOT MFLNR mobile radio GPS PPE First aid training Use or maintenance of small portable hand tools, grinders, drills, axes, sandviks etc Cuts, scrapes, lacerations, sharp objects – improper use MSI, Ergonomics 1B SWP #11 Training First aid kits as required. PPE (Glasses, gloves, hearing protection) OJT chain saws (bucking) no falling Cuts, scrapes, lacerations, bruises, bucking related hazards. 2B Specific training certification and on-the-job training SWP #11 Wearing proper clothing July 15, 2014 Rank Control Measure PSA OSH training- Violence Risk Assessment & Violence Prevention Human Resource policies: 9. Standards of Conduct & 11. Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace Likely requires level 2 assessment by each office Page 6 Level 1 Task and Hazard Analysis BC Timber Sales Job Task Hazard Working on around public or industrial roads and bridges (not driving) Working on around public or industrial roads and bridges (not driving) Working on around public or industrial roads and bridges (not driving) Working on around public or industrial roads and bridges (not driving) Working around heavy industrial equipment or activities Personal injury or drowning 2C Training and observation Wearing PPE Ongoing road traffic, personal injury from being struck or run down 2C PPE Signage and temporary road closure procedures Handling heavy objects or debris 2C Training Use of proper techniques Flooding 2C Weather forecasts and pre planning Training, situational awareness Emergency response and evacuation plans Heavy equipment operation, movement, cables Lack of communication / line of sight Struck by moving parts / equipment / payload Overhead hazards 3C Training and on-the-job training Orientation Communication techniques PPE SWP #2, #4, #5, #9 and #10 Situational Awareness OJT Working around heavy industrial Helicopter operations 3B Pre-works, Training, PPE Communication with on site workers/supervisor July 15, 2014 Rank Control Measure Provision and use of proper PPE for the situation Page 7 Level 1 Task and Hazard Analysis BC Timber Sales Job Task equipment or activities Hazard Rank Control Measure SWP #5 and #10 Activity: Personnel and Equipment Transport by Vehicle to and from worksite Job Task Hazard Rank Control Measure Use of Vehicles Road conditions can be a hazards e.g. weather, debris, other road users, washouts, wildlife 3B Review weather and road conditions Training & Competency reviews, OJT Road Inspections SWP #2, #3, #6 and #7 Use of Vehicles Vehicle Condition e.g. maintenance, suitability 2C Vehicle maintenance inspection procedures Circle checks OJT Use of Vehicles Operator Condition e.g. fatigue, training, 3B Training & Competency reviews, OJT SWP #7 Use of Vehicles Hauling and loading trailers 2C Training & Competency reviews, OJT SWP #7 Activity: Personnel and equipment Transport by ATV or Snow machine Job Task Hazard Use of ATVs or Snow machines Traversing steep side slopes or gullies Rank Control Measure 2B July 15, 2014 Training and demonstration of competency to a qualified supervisor or instructor Procedures SWP #9 and machine limitation guidelines On-the-job training Page 8 Level 1 Task and Hazard Analysis BC Timber Sales Job Task Use of ATVs or Snow machines Hazard Loading and unloading machines Rank Control Measure 2B Training and demonstration of competency to a qualified supervisor or instructor Procedures SWP #9 and machine limitation guidelines On-the-job training Use of ATVs or Snow machines Fuelling machines 1A On-the-job training BCTS Environmental Field Procedure #6 “Fuel Handling” Use of ATVs or Snow machines Obstructions e.g. sticks, rocks 2B Adjust speed Operator training PPE ( safety glasses/ helmets) Transport by Aircraft to and from worksite Job Task Hazard Use of Aircraft Weather conditions 3C Planning Weather forecast SWP 6 and 10 Use of Aircraft Mechanical 3C Emergency response procedures Flight plan / Flight watch / AFF Emergency rations and survival kits Use of Aircraft Carrier / pilot competency 3C POLICY Aviation Air Ops carrier list Flight plan / flight watch / AFF Use of Aircraft Exceeding aircraft load ratings 3C Aircraft specifications and pilot direction July 15, 2014 Rank Control Measure Page 9 Level 1 Task and Hazard Analysis BC Timber Sales Use of Aircraft Cargo and storing cargo on aircraft (hazardous materials) 2C Aircraft specifications and pilot direction Use of Aircraft Stranded (Inability for aircraft to return to pick up passengers) 2D SWP 2 and 3 Emergency response procedures Emergency rations and survival kits Use of Aircraft Dust, flying debris, snags at helipads and landing spots 2B Aviation Policy Use of Aircraft Blades and rotors on entry and exit or working near machine 3D Staff orientation & supervision SWP #10 Use of Aircraft Carrying or slinging equipment 2D SWP #10 Training Orientation and supervision Use of Aircraft Proximity to falling and blasting operations or other interface with operations 2D SWP #4 and #10 Staff Orientation, Situational awareness Communication with onsite supervisor, pilot 2D On-the-job training Pilot direction Fuelling Helicopters Fire remote areas Transport by Boat (float plane) to and from worksite Job Task Hazard Use of Boat Weather conditions July 15, 2014 Rank Control Measure 2A SWP 3, 6 and 8 Weather checks Trip planning Page 10 Level 1 Task and Hazard Analysis BC Timber Sales Use of Boat Mechanical conditions 2A Use of Boat Cargo, cargo storage and vessel load capacity 2C On-the-job training Boat specs Use of Boat Currents and rate of flow of water 2B Training and competence verification Adequate charts Use of Boat Launching, docking and securing vessel 2B Training and competence verification Use of Boat Other water craft or marine hazards (collisions ) 2B Emergency Procedures Use of Boat Operator competency 2B Worker/Supervisor Responsibilities and Rules Training and competence verification Applicable certification Use of Boat Hooking up trailer and hauling vessel 1B Training and competence verification Dispensing Fuel Explosions, fire, burns, exposure to fumes and smoke 2C Local Boat Fuelling procedures Training and competence verification Activity: Forklift Use Job Task Hazard Forklift Use Slips trips climbing into or descending from operator’s seat. 2C Training On the job training PPE Regular maintenance Forklift Use Overturning forklift 3C Training July 15, 2014 Rank Control Measure Page 11 Level 1 Task and Hazard Analysis BC Timber Sales Job Task Hazard Rank Control Measure On the job training Regular maintenance Forklift Use Fall of improperly loaded cargo 2C Training On the job training PPE Forklift Use Rotating parts 2C Training , On the job training PPE Regular maintenance Forklift Use Collisions with workers or objects 3C Training , On the job training PPE, Restricting worksite access Hazardous substances (Exposure to) Job Task Hazard Bleach and cleaners i.e. Caustic, incompatibility with other products Explosives, gunpowder i.e. flares, bear, bangers, cartridges Rank Control Measure 2C 2C Safe handling procedures, WHMIS training MSDS available and up to date Safe handling procedures, WHMIS training MSDS available and up to date Petroleum - oil, gas and diesel 2B Safe handling procedures, WHMIS training MSDS available and up to date Battery acid 2C Safe handling procedures, WHMIS training MSDS available and up to date Antifreeze 1C Safe handling procedures, WHMIS training July 15, 2014 Page 12 Level 1 Task and Hazard Analysis BC Timber Sales MSDS available and up to date Hydraulic fluid 1C Safe handling procedures, WHMIS training MSDS available and up to date Pesticides 1C Safe handling procedures, WHMIS training MSDS available and up to date Spray paints 1B Safe handling procedures, WHMIS training MSDS available and up to date Bear spray 1B Safe handling procedures, WHMIS training MSDS available and up to date. Copier/printer toner 1C Safe handling procedures, WHMIS training MSDS available and up to date Insect repellents 1C Safe handling procedures, WHMIS training MSDS available and up to date Carbon monoxide 1C Safe handling procedures, WHMIS training MSDS available and up to date Propane/butane 1C Safe handling procedures, WHMIS training July 15, 2014 MSDS available and up to date Page 13