Ch.3 Overview of Standard Cell Design TAIST ICTES Program VLSI Design Methodology Hiroaki Kunieda Tokyo Institute of Technology 4.1 Design Style Design Method Standard Design --------- Design by maker’s spec. Full Custom Design ------ Design of all masks by customer’s spec. Manual Design Cell-Based Design Custom Cell/ Full Custom Design Standard Cell Design Semi Custom Design ----- Design of routing wire & logic functions by customer’s spec. Gate Array FPGA Design Standard Cell Design Design Using Standard Cell, pre-design by professionals. Cells includes Verilog, Circuit, Layout Information for NAND, NOR, D-FF Logic Design and Layout Design done by CAD. Logic Design --- by use of Cells with specified delays Layout Design – by use of Cells Generated Data is mainly interconnection wires. List of Standard Cells Inverter Inverting Buffer Non-inverting Buffer Tri-state Non-inverting Buffer AND 2, 3, 4 inputs NAND 2,3,4 inputs OR 2, 3, 4 inputs NOR 2,3,4 inputs XNOR 2,3 inputs AND-OR AND-OR-Inverter OR-AND OR-AND-Inverter Multiplexer 2 to 1 Multiplexer 4 to 1 Decoder 2 to 4 Half Adder 1bit Full Adder 1bit Pos Edge DFF Neg Edge DFF Scan Pos Edge DFF Scan Neg Edge DFF RS NAND Latch High-Active Clock Gating Latch Non-inverting Delay line Pass Gate Bidirectional Switch Hold 0/1 Isolation Cell Standard Cell Design Logic gates, latches, flip-flops, or larger logic Routing channels Layout Place & Rout Standard Cell Library Circuit description at RTL level Layout description in GDSII format TLF Format Data Logical information Transistor and interconnect parastics Spice netlist Power information Process, temperature and supply voltage 4.2 Cell Library Design Flow I Cell Information Technology information I/O delay paths Timing check values Interconnect delays Layout Design Mask Data GDSII Abstract Generator Library Data LEF Extraction Circuit Data Netlist Analog Environment Circuit Data TLF Library Design Flow II Physical Layout (gdsII, Virtuoso Layout Editor) Should follow specific design standards eg. constant height, offsets etc. Logical View (verilog description or TLF) Verilog is required for dynamic simulation. Place and route tools usually can use TLF. Verilog description should preferably support back annotation of timing information. Abstract View (Cadence Abstract Generator, LEF) LEF: Contains information about each cell as well as technology information Timing, power and parasitics (TLF) Transistor and interconnect parasitics are extracted using Cadence or other extraction tools (SPACE). Spice or Spectre netlist is generated and detailed timing simulations are performed. Power information can also be generated during these simulations. Data is formatted into a TLF file including process, temperature and supply voltage variations. Library Exchange Format (LEF) An ASCII data format, used to describe a standard cell library includes the design rules for routing and the Abstract of the cells, no information about the internal netlist of the cells 1. Technology: layer, design rules, via definitions, metal capacitance a. type: Layer type can be routing, cut (contact), masterslice (poly, active), overlap. b. width/pitch/spacing rules c. direction d. resistance and capacitance per unit square e. antenna Factor 2. Site: Site extension 3.Macros: cell descriptions, cell dimensions, layout of pins and blockages, capacitances. Timing Library Format (TLF) TLF is an ASCII representation of the timing and power parameters associated with any cell in a particular semiconductor technology. The timing and power parameters are obtained by simulating the cells under a variety of conditions and the data is represented in the TLF format、 The TLF file contains timing models and data to calculate 1. I/O delay paths 2. Timing check values 3. Interconnect delays Standard Cell I Standard Cell II Layout Cell Design Flow VHDL Model Synopsys Design Compiler VHDL -> Verilog Conversion Verilog Model Cadence Design Planner Standard Cell Placement DEF File Cadence Silicon Ensemble Standard Cell Routing DEF File Cadence ICFB Export to Other Formats, SPICE Verification Verilog Model Modelsim Verilog Verification Layout Condition parameter Symbol value figure Cell height H 36λ 900 nm Power rail width W1 2λ 50 nm Vertical grid W2 4λ 100 nm Horizontal gird W3 4λ 100 nm Nwell height W4 20λ+α 525 nm 45 nm Process (λ=25nm, Minimum wire width=2λ) DC Characteristic Low slope -1 VOHMIN VOHMIN High slope -1 VOLMAX VOLMAX VILMAX VIHMIN 7/31/2001 WLT Propagation Delay with loads 4.2 LSI Design Procedure Logic Design RTL RTL Simulation Logic Synthesis Synthesis Netlist Functional Verification Scan Path Design Functional Verification Scan Netlist Timing Analysis Layout Design Netlist Layout Design Functional Verification ATPG Test Pattern Layout Netlist Gate Level Simulatior Mask Data DRC/LVS