Secondary TRANSITION Training Madera-Mariposa SELPA February 2008 Materials based on trainings from Grossmont Union High School District and Clovis Unified School District. INTRODUCTION TO TRANSITION PLANNING For Students with Disabilities Asking the First Question Transition planning for students who receive Special Education begins with the question, "What do you plan to do after leaving high school?" Each student's answer will be unique. It is the responsibility of school personnel to begin the planning for a student's transition to adult life no later than the first IEP that is in effect when the student turns 16 years of age. What is Transition Planning? Coaching every student, along with his or her family, to think about goals for life after high school and to develop a long-range plan to get there. Designing the high school experience to ensure that the student gains the skills and competencies needed to achieve his or her desired goals. Identifying and linking students and families to any needed post school services and supports. Why is Transition Planning Necessary? One out of five Americans with disabilities fails to complete high school compared to fewer than one in ten for the non-disabled population. Fewer than one-third of Americans with disabilities between the age of 18 and 64 are working full or part-time. Twenty-nine percent of persons with disabilities are living on household incomes of less than $15,000 per year compared to ten percent of the nondisabled population. Primary purpose of IDEA is to “ensure that all children with disabilities have available to them a free, appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for employment and independent living. Students are Equal Partners To the maximum extent possible, the student must be actively involved and be an equal partner in the transition planning process. Because of the wide range of abilities of students, different strategies must be used to find ways to include and involve them. The student's parents should also be included in transition planning. Steps in Transition Planning Develop Transition Activities and Specify Services Starting with the first IEP that is in effect when the student turns 16 years of age and updated annually, an Individualized Transition Plan ( ITP ) is developed as part of the IEP. For these students, the answers to the question, "What will I do after leaving school?" will address the broad goal areas of employment, training/education, independent living, financial/economic, recreational/social life, and residential. The responses will lay the groundwork for developing instructional objectives, community experiences and postsecondary activities. The answers will suggest which agencies should become involved in assisting the student with transitioning to adult life What are Transition Planning Requirements? Beginning not later than the first IEP to be in effect when the student is 16 years of age, and updated annually. The IEP must include a statement of the student’s transition service needs and transition services. There are six main categories of transition services that must be considered by the IEP team. What remains the same as IDEA ’97? An expectation of coordinated services Transition planning based on the students needs, interest and preferences Including instruction, related services, community experiences, development of employment and when appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and functional evaluation Transition Services Transferring rights at the age of majority What language is new in IDEA ’04? Transition language in the IEP at age 16 Measurable post-secondary goals Based on age-appropriate assessments related to: Training, education, employment and where appropriate, independent living skills Providing a Summary of Performance upon school exit Indicators will measure Transition Services Language and Outcomes U.S. Dept., of Ed. Office of Special Education developed 20 Indicators that states will be held accountable for monitoring Special Education in California States must develop State Performance Plan that address these indicators and submit an Annual Performance Report (APR) on progress 20 Indicators replace the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) What Indicators will measure Transition Services Language and Outcomes Indicator 13 % of youth ages 16 and above with an IEP that includes coordinated, measurable post secondary goals, annual IEP goals and transition services that will reasonably enable the child to meet the post secondary goals (20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(B)) Indicator 14 % of youth who had IEP’s are no longer in secondary school and who have been competitively employed, enrolled in some type of post secondary school, or both, within one year of leaving high school (20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(B)) Is this ITP compliant? Transition IEP Development Age Appropriate Transition Assessment Transition Services including Course of Study Measurable Post-Secondary Goals Age of Majority Notification (Age 17) Development of Annual Goals to Support Measurable Post-Secondary Goals Summary of Performance Age-Appropriate Transition Assessments What is age appropriate? Age-appropriate means chronological rather than developmental age What is the purpose of transition assessments? Assist the student to identify needs, interests and preferences Determine appropriate accommodations and supports Determine appropriate instruction and activities that will assist the student achieve post-school goals Determine “next steps” Transition to Adult Living - APPENDIX E – pp 129-139 Activity 1 How many age appropriate transition assessments can you name? Transition Assessments All students who have been on a general education track and plan on enrolling in post-secondary education (2 or 4-year college) should have the following information in their files: State mandated test scores gathered during high school Quarterly or semester grades throughout high school Current psychological assessment data indicating areas of strength and weakness, while documenting the presence of a diagnosed disability College entrance exam scores if applying to 4-year colleges This information would include (a) data gathered over time that can (b) be associated with current and future environments. Additional information may include informal interviews with student and family, student completion of interest inventories or questionnaires to establish student interests and preferences in transition planning to meet the basic requirements of age appropriate transition assessment. Transition Assessments All students should have the following information in their files: State mandated test scores (standardized or alternate) Quarterly or semester grades or progress notes Current psychological assessment data Career Interest Inventory, Adaptive Behavioral Scale, and/or Career Skill Inventory An Adaptive behavior scale (with a student self-assessment component included), interest inventory, and interview with the student should provide information to document student strengths, interests, and preferences. Presence of the above information in the student’s file and a clear link of such information to the student’s postsecondary goal(s) would meet the requirements of age appropriate transition assessment. Additional data may include family interview, teacher/transition coordinator observational assessments or various student selfassessments. This information would include (a) data gathered over time that can (b) be associated with current and future environments to meet the basic requirements of age appropriate transition assessment. Madera-Mariposa SELPA ITP Form – Page 1 Madera-Mariposa SELPA ITP Form – Page 2 Results of Age-Appropriate Assessments Student completed the “Looking Toward the Future Questionnaire” and the “Transition Planning Profile”. Student is interested in the area of law enforcement/security. He is unsure of requirements necessary and programs available for security types of jobs. Student wants to continue at a community college and take classes related to law enforcement. Student has established a checking account, but needs to learn how to use and maintain his checking account. WorkAbility Program evaluations indicate strengths in attendance, punctuality, grooming and he was commended for trustworthiness. Indicated areas of needed improvement were polite at all times, care of equipment, lack of initiative and too much socialization effecting productivity. During simulated work situations at school, Student often displays inappropriate behavior disrupting class/work settings making comments to peers and supervisors. Student is able to utilize public transportation independently. Student completed the questionnaires, "Looking Toward the Future," and "Life After High School”. Student is unsure of the career he wants to pursue. He is interested in art and expresses interest in a career related to automotive painting. He does not know the training programs/education necessary for a job in this area. Student earns an allowance and has a savings account. He is able to read bus schedules and has utilized public transportation. He plans on living at home while completing a training/education program. Student has difficulties with appropriate behavior required for the work setting. When frustrated, he often puts his head down and quits working. He is often distracted and off task. Student participated in the TAPs assessment on 12-7-04. Results indicate strengths in Discrimination by color and Discrimination by touch. He also scored high in the area of fine finger dexterity Student’s weakest areas were in gross manual dexterity and retention of mechanical and structural detail. Results of Age-Appropriate Assessments Student would like to attend a tech school and become a video game designer. He would eventually like to open up his own business and design games. He would like to work a summer job to help out his grandmother. After graduation he would eventually like to move in with one or more friends. He currently enjoys playing video games, hanging out with friends, and playing on the computer. Go to college and major in law enforcement or business, he wants to move out of his parents' home at age 18 and get a part time job to help with living expenses. He also states that he would like to acquire a driver's license to access the community. Go to college and major in Cinematography or performing arts-career goal-Film Industry. He wants to move out when he is ready and live in a house with one roommate. Parents would like him to open his own checking and savings account and manage his money responsibly. Student would like to go to college to study Animal Science or to become a writer. She is on track to graduate from high school. She has passed the ELA portion of the HSEE, but still needs to pass the math. Her last score was a 331 needing 350 to pass. On 10/30/07, Student completed the Future Outcomes/Goals Assessment. She indicated that after graduating from high school she plans to attend Fresno City College and then transfer to Fresno State or UC Davis. Student would like to be a veterinarian. Currently, she works part-time at a dental office doing computer entry for insurance forms. She enjoys her job and plans to keep it, but would like to work more hours and plans to acquire an additional part time job during the holidays. Post Secondary Goals The IDEA ’04 requires: Appropriate, measurable post-secondary goals based on age-appropriate assessments related to training, education, employment, and where appropriate, independent living skills Post-secondary goals are what the student plans to do upon school exit A postsecondary goal is “generally understood to refer to those goals that a child hopes to achieve after leaving secondary school (i.e. high school)” (IDEA 2004 Part B Regulations, §300.320(b), p. 746) 100-Training/200-Education Education/Training is defined as enrollment in (a) community or technical college (2-yr), (b) college/university (4-yr), (c) compensatory education program, (d) a high school completion document or certificate class (e.g. Adult Basic Education, General Education Development [GED], (e) short-term education or employment training program (e.g. Workforce Investment Act [WIA], Job Corps, Vocational Rehabilitation), or vocational technical school, which is less than a two year program. What is the difference? Training ~ a program leading to high school completion or certificate, i.e. adult education or a short term training program, i.e. a vocational program. Education ~ Community or technical colleges (generally two-year programs) or college or university (generally four-year programs). Students may have either a postschool training or post-school education goal, both are NOT necessary. All students should have post school education OR training goal, employment goal and independent living goal which encompass community participation. 300-Employment Defined as (a) competitive, (b) supported, or (c) sheltered. Competitive employment is “work (a) in the competitive labor marked that is performed on a full or part-time basis in an integrated setting and (b) is compensated at or above the minimum wage, but not less than the customary wage and level of benefits paid by the employer for the same or similar work performed by individuals who are not disabled.” Supported employment is “competitive work in integrated work settings, or employment in integrated work settings in which individuals are working toward competitive work, consistent with the strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests and informed choice of individuals, for individuals with the most significant disabilities for whom competitive employment has not traditionally occurred; or for who completive employment has been interrupted or intermittent as a result of a significant disability: and who, because of the nature and severity of their disability, need intensive supported employment services.” Sheltered employment refers to “An accredited occupationally-oriented facility, including a work activities center, operated by a private nonprofit agency, which except for its administrative and support staff, employs disabled persons certified under special provisions of federal minimum wage laws by the Wage and hour Division, u. S. Department of Labor.” 400-Independent Living Yes, Necessary – BEST PRACTICE Independent Living or life skills are defined as “those skills or tasks that contribute to the successful independent functioning of an individual in adulthood” in the following domains: leisure/recreational community participation maintain home personal care Annual IEP Goals IDEA ’04 requires, “a statement of measurable annual goals” as part of the IEP Annual goals are “statements that describe what a child with a disability can reasonably be expected to accomplish (e.g. master some skill or knowledge [not an activity]) within a twelve month period in the child’s special education program. Do we need an annual goal(s) to support each post secondary goal? Not necessarily, if there is an annual goal(s) in another section of the IEP that logically supports the post secondary goal. See APPENDIX F – pp.140-145 Annual IEP Goal Measurable goals are defined as statements that contain four critical elements: Timeframe identifies the amount of time in the goals period and is usually specified in the number of weeks or a certain completion date. Conditions specify the manner in which progress toward the goals is measured. Conditions are dependent on the behavior being measured and involve the application of skills or knowledge and describe the materials and environment necessary for the goals to be completed. Behavior clearly identifies the performance that is being monitored. It represents an action that can be directly observed and measured. Criterion identifies how much, how often, or to what standards the behavior must occur in order to demonstrate that the goals has been achieved. The goal criterion specifies an amount of growth. Transition Services Transition Services may be: Services the student needs to complete required courses and succeed in the general education curriculum Services the student needs to accomplish the annual IEP goals that support the post secondary goals such as assistance gaining work experience or obtaining a social security number or drivers license List of Services Instruction Employment and post-school adult living Community experiences Related services – what and where are they Daily Living skills - when appropriate Functional vocational evaluation - when appropriate Instruction Instruction is one component of a transition program that “the student needs to receive in specific areas to complete required courses, succeed in the general curriculum, and gain needed skills”. Examples: Instruction related to word processing/keyboarding skills Tutoring (peer or teacher) in reading comprehension strategies Self-monitoring instruction related to on-task behavior Self-advocacy training Instructional support of guided notes for lessons Instructional support of preferential seating in class Spanish 1 Audio-taped texts for English 12 Extended time on tests in Algebra 2 and Advanced Biology Participation in academic and functional curriculum Travel instruction Instruction related to functional math skills Instruction related to health and hygiene Personal banking instruction Math instruction related to money skills Participate in IEP team meeting Request accommodations/modifications when needed Employment (and) Other Post-School Living Objectives Employment (and) other post-school living objectives are components of a transition program that “the student needs to achieve desired post-secondary goals. These could be services leading to a job or career or those that support activities done occasionally such as registering to vote, file taxes, renting a home, accessing medical services, filing for insurance or accessing adult services such as Social Security etc. Examples: Work experience in a position working with children Apply for college Apply for college financial aid Vocational rehabilitation referral After school paid work experience at Target to get retail training______ Volunteer position at local animal shelter Community based instruction experiences related to food service______ Work based instruction with a local construction business Community based instruction at Dollar Tree to introduce basic employment skills Instruction related to money usage Instruction related to safety in the workplace Instruction related to time using a variety of watches/clocks Instruction related to calendars and schedules Instruction related to personal safety and self-defense Ask for accommodations/modifications/assistance when needed Community Experiences Community experiences is one component of a transition program “that are provided outside the school building or in community settings. Examples include community-based work experiences and/or exploration, job site training, banking, shopping, transportation, counseling and recreational activities.” Examples: Visit community college Trip to community college using public transportation Trip to college bookstore to purchase supplies needed. Tour community college Tour adult service provider program Visit recreational agencies/facilities in community Tour retail business in community Related Services Related services is defined as “transportation, and such developmental, corrective, and other supportive services (including speech-language and audiology services, interpreting services, psychological services, physical and occupational therapy, recreation, including therapeutic recreation, social work services, school nurse services as described to enable a child with a disability to receive a free appropriate public education as described in the individualized education program of the child, counseling services, including rehabilitation counseling, orientation and mobility services and medical services, except that such medical services shall be for the diagnostic and evaluation purposes only) as may be required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education, and includes the early identification and assessment of disabling conditions in children. However, the term does not include a medical device that is surgically implanted or the replacement of such device. ” *Does not need to be on the Individual Transition Plan if addressed elsewhere in the IEP. Daily Living Skills Acquisition of daily living skills is one component of transition programs that is included “if appropriate” to support student ability to do those activities that “adults do every day (e.g., preparing meals, budgeting, maintaining a home, paying bills, caring for clothes, grooming)”. Examples: Purchase a monthly bus pass Practice safety skills in the community Practice bus routes Complete chores at home Laundry instruction to wash uniform/PE clothes Prepare simple meals Plan and purchase groceries for a meal Create a budget based on income Request assistance/accommodations when needed Functional Vocational Evaluation Functional vocational evaluation is one component of a transition program that Is included “if appropriate”. This evaluation involves “an assessment process that provides information about job or career interests, aptitudes, and skills. Information may be gathered through situational assessment, observations or formal measures and should be practical. The IEP team could use this information to refine services outlined in the IEP”. Examples: Complete a career preference inventory Complete an adaptive behavior scale Complete an aptitude assessment Complete a self-determination scale Complete teacher made task-analysis of work task in the classroom What kind of transition services are needed? Course of Study Course of study ~ A multi-year description of coursework (necessary) to achieve the student’s desired post- school goals For students working toward a general diploma, a transcript that lists courses taken/courses required may be appropriate. For students working toward a certificate of achievement/completion, a listing of academic and functional courses may be appropriate. Service Coordination The term service coordination “reflects current concepts of family and person-centered philosophies, and emphasizes the central role the individual/family plays in identifying needed services. Service coordination will assist individuals and families in working with complex systems across agency lines, and will enhance their ability to live full lives in the community and school.” Evidence and Documentation Consent for industry tour signed by parent/adult student Consent for college visitation signed by parent/adult student Referral to Transition Partnership Program Course counseling worksheet Community based work experience WorkAbility agreement Community based activity Transition Portfolio (1/2 sheet) Assessment reports TPP meeting notes (1/2 sheet) Agency Linkages Central Valley Regional Center Dept. of Rehabilitation (TPP) Center for Independent Living (Bridges - H. S.) Job Corp California Conservation Corp (CCC) Good Will State Center Community College District Fresno City College Reedley College North Center Willow Center Madera Center Oakhurst Center Transfer Age of Majority The Law Section 300.34 (c) of IDEA states, “beginning at least one year before a child reaches the age of majority under state law, a statement that the child has been informed of his or her rights under this title, if an, that will transfer to the child on reaching the age of majority.” Requirements The Age of Majority in California is 18; therefore, student need to be informed of their rights on or before their 17th birthday. All educational rights will transfer to the student when they become 18. For students age 18 and older, the IEP should document how and when these students were informed about the transfer of rights. Any required IEP notices shall be provided to the student who has reached the age of majority. If the student is determined to be incompetent to act on his own behalf in assuming his/her rights, and a judge has appointed a legal conservator, then the rights do not transfer to the student. In this case, the IEP should indicate who the conservator is. Summary of Performance The purpose of the summary is to provide the student with a document that will help establish eligibility for reasonable accommodations and supports in post school settings. Summary of existing data, a new evaluation is not required. The summary is not part of the IEP (mail or give at last IEP) Give to all with diploma & vocational (new) Summary of Performance Instructions for completion 1. Background information 2. Student’s Post Secondary goals 3. Academic and functional performance (describes accommodations/modifications 4. Recommendations to assist goals 5. Student input (recommended) Portfolio!!! Post School Options High School 4-Year Educational Institutions California State Universities Fresno Pacific University Universities of California Fresno Pacific University\ Community Colleges State Center Community College District Fresno City College Reedley College •North Center •Madera Center •Oakhurst Center Vocational Programs Adult School Career Technical College Job Corp California Conservation Corp Goodwill Industries of CA Quality College Heald College Institute of Technology San Joaquin Valley College Golden State College Etc. Transition Programs 18-21 Supported Employment (CVRC) 22+ Adult Transition Program •Keys to Success •Links to Support Access Alternative Vocational Services ARC Fresno Taft College Community Integrated Work Program Diamond Learning Center Social Vocational Services Vocation Plus, Inc. United Cerebral Palsy of Central CA