Travelling. Thousands of people spend their holidays travelling

Thousands of people spend their holidays travelling. They want to enjoy fun-filled holidays. People often choose a
country that has something for everyone. They travel to enjoy picturesque places and also to see old monuments and
historical places.
They travel by ships up and down the rivers, make voyages along the seas and oceans. They hike in the forest, climb
over the mountains. They admire the beauty of snow-cowered mountains, of sunny valleys, vast forests. A lot of
people travel by their own cars along the roads of their state or some foreign countries.
Nowadays people have many advantages for travelling in every country there are lots of travel agencies. There you
can order tickets to every point of the world. These agencies also make discounts to the children and to the students.
There are many ways to travel one of them is hiking. Hiking is becoming very popular. People like to spend their days
off in the country. There are picturesque places near every town with forests, lakes and rivers.
It is pleasant to spend a day chatting, joking and singing with friends on the bank of the river or a lake and cooking
food on an open fire.
They return home cheerful and well-rested.
In my opinion the best way to travel is by plain. You can easily book a ticket in a booking office. Travelling by air has
some advantages of course. It is more convenient and much faster than any other means of travelling. Before you
board the plane you hand your luggage. You don't take it with you. The stewardess greets the passengers and shows
them to their seats. She asks the passengers to fasten their seat belts and not to smoke when the plane takes off. During
the flight some of the passengers read, others chat or look out of the window enjoying the beautiful scenes from the
Now I will describe my most exiting journeys. If you are looking for sandy beaches, sparkling water and clear sky
without the bother of expensive hotels you must go to Spain. Spain isn't a country that can easily be ignored by the
most demanding visitor. It is the destination of thousands of visitors who come every year to experience the beauty of
one of the interesting countries in the world. The streets of Spain are not so noisy as in New York, but there are also
the sounds of car horns beeping. But in general it is a quiet country with friendly people. The weather there is hot
that's why I took all light clothes with me for e.g.: sandals, sun-hat, T-shirts, shorts etc. There were a lot of swimming
pools that's why I included swimming costume. Sunglasses were always with me, because of the straight sun rays. The
most exciting thing about Spain is how much there is to see and do there.
For sightseers there is a cathedral of Sth. Family, Daly's museum, there are hundreds of art galleries. Lovers of fun and
extreme can visit a park entertainment: Port Aventura. Alternatively if you are a sport fan you can visit a football
stadium Barcelona and watch a football match.
The night life in Spain is equally brilliant, with a wide variety of restaurants, bars and nightclubs to choose from.
Spain is a lively and exciting country to visit with something for everyone, and is recommended to anyone seeking
fun, variety and adventure.
I have many good impressions and no complaints about my last journey. Everything was wonderful because we
relaxed on golden beaches in the shade of palm trees. I feel very happy and fortunate. The most important is that I
hadn't dull moments.
But there is a proverb which says: "East or West home is best!" And I agree there is no more convenient and best
place as home. I can say that my house for me is my sweet home!!!
The best way to understand a nation and its traditions is to explore the national cuisine.
Be prepared for hospitable Belarusians to at once invite you to the dinner table to treat you, as they say, with “what
God has sent us”. You also should be planning to be force-fed - more than you would ever possibly want to eat. It is a
tradition that a “guest should be well-fed”.
Belarusian cuisine is actually a mixture of Polish, Russian and Ukrainian tastes. This fact can be explained by
historical events that took place in Belarus. However, apart from the refined, or sometimes - simplified recipes of
Russian, Ukrainian, sometimes even Caucasian (Georgian, Azerbaijani, and Armenian), and Asian cuisines, there are
dishes that are absolutely unique and sometimes addressed as “ancient Belarusian cuisine”.
Common in Belarusian cuisine are dishes made from potato. The vegetable is often referred to as the “second bread”.
It is certainly the king of local cuisine! A wide choice of potato dishes can be explained by the climate conditions of
the country, which are favorable for growing this vegetable.
The most popular dish is “draniki” – peculiar pancakes made of grated potatoes, which can also contain various
stuffings: mushrooms, meat or even berries. Anyone who has not tasted draniki cannot claim to have visited Belarus.
Potatoes may also be stuffed, stewed in a pot, baked in an oven, with mushrooms, vegetables and bacon. There is no
need to continue: in Belarus even potato jam exists! It is understandable why neighboring nations sometimes call
Belarusians “bulbashi” (from Belarusian word for potatoes – “bulba”).
The potato is included into many types of salads and different “pirazhki” (patties).Baked puddings are made from the
vegetable. There are special potato restaurants in the country – “bulbyanaya” – where you can taste various potato
Belarusians also give preference to meats and meat products, especially pork, home-made sausages, ham and “sala” –
pig’s fat, salted, spiced and sometimes smoked. “Galubtsi” – meat and rice wrapped in cabbage leaves with seasoned
sauce – is one more Belarusian meat specialty. Meat dishes are usually served with potatoes or such vegetables as
carrots, cabbage, black radish, and peas. Some types of dishes (for example julienne mushrooms, a mixture of
potatoes, meat and vegetables) are cooked and served n clay pottery.
Of the flour dishes the most admired is a nutritious “zatirka”. Pieces of dough prepared in a particular way are boiled
in water and then milk. Sometimes salt “sala” is added. “Machanka” is another true Belarusian national dish. It
consists of the following obligatory ingredients: large pancake, home-made pork sausages, pork steak (sometimes
fried pork ribs) and mild white sour cream sauce.
“Kholodnik” (a chilled beet soup with cucumbers, sliced hard-boiled eggs, green onions with a dash of sour) and
“rassolnik”(salty and sour hot soup with beef kidneys and pickled cucumbers) are considered traditional Belarusian
Bread usually accompanies every kind of dish. Most popular is black rye bread.
Generally, local Belarusians food is recognized as quite delicious, but much of it can be fattening and heavy for those
who are not used to it.
However, in most families today national dishes like draniki, machanka and zatirca are not made on a daily basis.
Day-to-day foods would be the same as in most Western countries – potatoes (cooked and fried), pasta, rise, meat
(beef, pork, chicken, and turkey), and fish. As for traditional Belarusian drinks, they are:”myadukha” (based on
honey), “kvas” (cold non-alcoholic drink made from fermented bread) and delicious national beers.
But don’t think that the local menu is limited only to national foods. Restaurants and cafés mushrooming all over
Minsk offer dishes to any taste. Belarusians are also curious about exotic cuisines. There for, European, Chinese,
Japanese, Mexican, Caucasian and other restaurants are common in Minsk.
“Bon appétit!” Or as it is said here – “pryemnaga appetytu”!
About myself.
While describing my personality I would like to begin with introducing myself. My name is … I’m … years old so I
can say that I’m a teenager. I’m rather slender person with (your description). Many people say that I resemble my
mother\father in appearance.
I’ve always thought that people’s character is much more important than its appearance. That’s why I’d like to tell
some words about my personality. As every person I have my good and bad sides.
Firstly, I would like to speak about my positive features. I’m very energetic and lively person. It’s difficult for me to
sit on one place for a long period of time. I’m rather sociable and easy-going that’s the main reason why I have a lot of
friends. My friends consider me loyal and reliable. They know exactly that I’m always ready to support them in
difficult situations and do my best to give useful advice. It may seem to people that I’m rather insolent but deep down
I’m very shy.
To my mind speaking about faults is more important than speaking about the disadvantages because people usually
tend to look on a bright side of their characters and to idealize themselves. I consider that speaking about the
disadvantages we can overcome them and become better. I can say that I am very self-confident and it’s the worst
feature of my character. I’m a bit rush because I’m impulsive and don’t think about the consequences of my actions. I
can also add that I’m moody and at times it’s difficult to my friends to tolerate me because when I’m in a bad mood I
can scream, swear and tell them things I don’t really mean. So I value my friends’ tolerance a lot. Another weakness is
that I’m talkative and at times gets on my teachers and parents nerves.
According to my zodiac sign I’m …
As a conclusion, I’d like to say that it’s not easy thing to describe you objectively because as I have mentioned before
people try to idealize themselves.
Friendship is a magic thing: it can help people, treat serious diseases and make their life enjoyable. Friends should be
few but good.
I’m lucky to have a close friend who is my age. We study together. We made friends long ago, while we were in the
first form.
His name is … He is a terrific person, he never drops anything he does half-way. He is extremely intelligent. I admire
his wonderful sense of humor. But sometimes he acts in a pushy way. Although he is a tolerant person, he can react
negatively when he doesn’t like something.
I’m found of my friend. He is a real good friend – helpful, supportive and reliable. I believe he will never betray me or
let me down.
We like to spend our free time together: we are both keen on Math and prefer computers to going for a walk. We have
really much in common: one of our main interests and pastimes is playing sport games. So, we spend our free time on
the sports ground. We also like to watch TV and discuss the programs we have watched together.
I believe we’ll be friends forever.
English-Speaking World. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland occupies the British Isles and the northern part of
Ireland. The British Isles lie to the north-west of the continent of Europe; they include Great Britain, Northern Ireland
and a number of small islands. Their area is about 121.600 square miles. The British Isles are separated from the
continent of Europe by the English Channel. The narrowest part of it is called the Straight of Dover. The Straight of
Dover is only 32 kilometers wide. The shallow Irish Sea separates Great Britain from Ireland, in the northwest and in
the north the isles are washed by the Atlantic Ocean and by the Norway Sea. The North Sea washes the UK in the
East. Many kinds of fish live in the shallow waters of the seas, which are really rich in fish.
The population of the
UK is 56.2 ml. people. The British population is predominantly urban and suburban. Four out of every five people
live in towns. The density of the population is 591 inhabitants per square mile.
Great Britain consists of Scotland in the north, England in the south-east, and Wales in the south-west. Great
Britain is a country of a great variety of scenery.
Wales looks as if it ought to be part of England. Man has added little to the beauty of the countryside except
farm-house and stone cottages. The chief beauty of Wales is the deep valleys, with lakes and quiet moors, the fertile
plains, sandy beaches. Wales is called the land of poets and singers.
England is not a country which looks much the same all over. There is hardly another country where different
kinds of countryside change so quickly. You may see fields with wheat and not far away, moors where no one has yet
managed to grow anything useful to man.
When we speak about Scotland we constantly keep in mind the Highlands and the Lowlands to indicate the
different parts of the country. Life in the Highlands is determined by the natural conditions. The highest peak is Ben
Nevis in the Grampians in Scotland, rises to 4400 feet. The position of the mountain determines the direction and
length of the rivers. The longest rivers, except Severn and Clyde, flow into the North Sea. The longest river, the
Thames, is a little over 200 miles long. Few of the rivers are navigable. Great Britain is a country with old cultural
traditions and customs. The educational system of Great Britain has developed for over a hundred years. It is a
complicated system with wide variations between one part of the country and another. The most famous educational
centers are Oxford and Cambridge Universities. They are considered to be the intellectual centers of Europe. The
education is not free, it is very expensive.
There are about 2000 museums and galleries in Britain. Some of the most comprehensive collections of
objects of artistic, archaeological, scientific, historical and general interest are contained in the national museums and
galleries in London. Among them are the British Museum, The Victoria and Albert Museum, the Science Museum, the
National Gallery, the Tate Gallery, The National Portrait Gallery, The Tower of London and many other treasure
Great Britain is too small and crowded to produce all the food its people need. British farms produce large
quantities of wheat, sugar beet, dairy products, beef and lamb, but more than half of Britain's foodstuffs are bought
The climate of Great Britain is maritime; it is greatly influenced by the presence of the seas and the warm
current of the Gulf Stream. That is why grass is green all the year round. It snows very seldom but it rains rather often.
In winter the temperature seldom falls to 3-5 degrees below zero. Some 15 centimeters deep snow with frost about 15
degrees cause a national disaster.
Britain was the first home of many of the modern world's most popular sports. However, the British cannot
claim to be the best, even in these sports. The British pay much attention to the "sporting spirit", which means to play
with respect for the rules and the opponents, to win a competition with modesty and to lose with good temper. They
apply this sportsmanship not only to sports, but to a person's behavior in everyday life.
Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy. But the power of the queen is limited by the parliament, which
consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. Now reigns queen Elizabeth the Second.
Her position and authority in the constitutional monarchy is great and influential not only due to the historical
customs and traditions. Great Britain is playing an important role on the international arena. The two bourgeois
parties- the Laborites and the Conservatives, or the Tories rule the country in turn.
The British are known as people who are self-assured, absolutely confident in their national sense of
It’s difficult for me to choose which book is my favorite: I learned to read long before I went to school and read a lot
of books since then. On different stages of my life I found different books important or interesting. Russian folk tales
were my first stories, as far as I remember. I especially liked the stories about girls and I couldn’t help imagining
myself in her place and wondering what I’d do. During my first years at school I was fond of science fiction since it
had plenty of adventures and appealed to my imagination. Then, I began to interest in detective novels. My first
detective author was Agatha Christie and she still remains my favorite. I think her best novel is “Murder on the Orient
Express”. The puzzle in there is really unusual, and besides that, you can’t help worrying for all the characters.
I keep reading new books and from time to time I find I like one of them so much that it enters the list of my favorites,
sometimes even pushing back the old familiar favorites. Among the recent favorites I think I should name the Harry
Potter books by Joanne Rowling. I think probably everyone has heard about them. My parents bought them for my
younger brother and I was curious enough to try. I liked them a lot and I still find them interesting.
I like Harry, the main character, because he is an ordinary boy who finds out he’s not really ordinary but keeps being
himself. I find the descriptions of the magic world really interesting, and especially the school of magic has many
details that make me laugh. It is strange to think about magic being taught in a school with good and bad teachers and
having to do magical homework. I wouldn’t mind going there for a visit and may be flying on a broomstick, but since
that’s impossible I have to do with reading the books and watching their movie adaptation. I think that Harry Potter
books are great because they have a lot of adventures and fun but at the same time make us think about important
things about friendship, duty, and love.
Books in our life.
Nowadays it’s almost impossible to imagine our life without books. Perhaps there are more books on our planet then
men alive. Long before the invention of printing people valued books as treasure troves of the human knowledge and
experience. Hand-written manuscripts took months of writing and were collected by and kept in monasteries with
utmost care. We can distinguish books between three classes of them. Firstly, books on different branches of
knowledge, works by brilliant minds of mankind. Secondly, textbooks, reference books and numerous dictionaries.
And at last, books of all kinds and genres to read at leisure.
Classics should be taken a little at a time. One’s understanding of books by Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, etc, depends on
one’s age and experience. Serious books are to be read conscientiously and may be more than once. To a thinking
reader they will provide new food for thought every time he rereads it. Many people indulge in reading science fiction,
fantasy or detective stories. Of course, there are some advantages and disadvantages of this kind of literature, often
referred to as “easy reading”. For some people this type of books develops imagination, logical thinking, and broader
one’s outlook. The same could be said in favor of detective stories. They reveal such minute details of everyday life in
this or that particular country that are of greatest interest for a curious reader. The masterpieces of this genre show the
depth of psychological analysis, the insight into a human nature.
As an old saying goes, man cannot live on bread alone. Books are the source of knowledge and the means of selfperfection. Sometimes it’s difficult to solve some problems in life. I think that books can help us. Books must be our
friends during all our life.