Completes a Faculty Mentor Orientation

Teach in the Field
as a Faculty Mentor
Internship Studies &
Cooperative Work Experience
Courses: 292 & 299
Before You Begin
Email/attachments from Nina Lovejoy
– Student Data Form
– Course #, Section #, # Units, Paid Status
Email/attachments from Donna Davis
– Model Syllabus
– 3 Required Forms
– Your Blackboard Course
Easy as 3, 2, 1
3 required
2 in-person visits to
the student’s
internship or job
1 student per
section (typically)
Faculty Mentor
Contact the student within the first week
Review all course requirements
Teach the student how to write SMART job-oriented
learning objectives for the Training Agreement (TA)
Conduct two site visits; facilitate forms completion
Grade all assignments
Transcribe student hours worked to TA
Collect, review, and submit the three required
forms to the Career Center
Submit rosters and grades on SURF per A&R
The Models
Student Orientation
Blackboard Class
Use the models, amend them, or create your own
Advise the students of your amendments and
expectations ASAP
Submit your revised syllabus to the Career Center
to share with other faculty mentors interested in
amending the model syllabus
The Model Syllabus
SMART Job-oriented
Learning Objectives
SMART Learning Objectives
YouTube Examples - Ed Muzio, CEO Group Harmonics - Joanne, Project Trainer
An Amended Syllabus
Model Blackboard Class
The First Site Visit
Review the quiz, setting goals essay,
syllabus, Training Agreement, and
Supervisor Evaluation
Develop job-oriented learning objectives
– SMART: Specific, Measurable, Action-Oriented,
Relevant, Time-bound
– Individualized to the student, job, & site
Discuss the SLO’s for the course
Determine individual project; set due date
Site Supervisors
Attention Employers & Supervisors Letter
– Supervision, Mentoring, Site Visits
– Verification (monthly hours)
Learning Objectives on Training Agreement (TA)
Supervisor Evaluation of Student Intern/Employee
Fair Labor Standards Act (slide 18)
Student Learning
Outcomes – SLO’s
Students will be able to apply each S.M.A.R.T.
characteristic to all of their on-the-job learning
Students will be able to self-assess their degree of
achievement of their on-the-job learning objectives
and to identify specific factors that affected their
degree of achievement.
Students will demonstrate competence in five
targeted workplace competencies.
Assess each student’s
achievement of each SLO.
Monthly and total hours must
be entered by faculty mentor
and verified/ initialed by
supervisor at the 2nd site visit.
Student and supervisor
evaluation of objectives are
critical and are assessed as
the second course SLO.
This evaluation form is
included the syllabus, in your
Blackboard class, and at
Student competencies are
assessed as the third course
Original signatures are required
and are to be obtained from all
parties at the second site visit.
Fair Labor Standards Act
For complete U.S. Department of Labor Fact Sheet # 71
Interns Successfully Sue Fox Searchligh Pictures
Post grades to Bb and your SURF roster
Submit completed and signed forms to
the Career Center, OC4700, mail: 8A
– SLO Assessment (slide 15)
– Training Agreement (slide 16)
– Supervisor Evaluation (slide 17)
– Mileage Authorization & Claim (slide 20)
Due 3 business days after finals
Mileage Reimbursement
Print and complete the Online Mileage Authorization Request
Submit it to Career Center for signature & forwarding to Risk
After being approved by Risk Management, complete & submit
Mileage Claim Form to Career Center, OC4700 or MS 8A
If you have difficulty completing or printing the Mileage Authorization Request
try a different browser or contact the Career Center for assistance.
LHE (lecture hour equivalent)
Non-Carnegie compliant: 60 hours of non-paid
work = 1 unit; 75 hours of paid work =1 unit
“Non-Carnegie compliant” compensation chart
LHE is .227 per student (approximately 3.75
student contact hours at your hourly rate)
Share students’ final reflective essays.
What works well?
What should be changed?
Meet with Donna Davis
Review Forms
Donna Davis
View Student Orientation
Intern/Co-op Student Orientation