Brookwood High School HIGH SCHOOL COURSE SYLLABUS COURSE TITLE……..Gifted Biology TEACHERS ....... …. …Kim Hamman TERM.................... Fall 2011 ROOM # ................. F8 Email Address Teacher Web Page Located on Brookwood’s website at (770) 736-3148 9th Grade Office Teacher Support *Office hours – Some mornings 6:50-7:20 and by appointment after school (varies by the week). Students are encouraged to make appointments with the teacher for one-on-one help and to ensure availability. *The Freshman Academy hosts extra help for Biology on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:30-3:30 pm. COURSE DESCRIPTION Concepts for this two-semester course include the interdependence of organisms; the relationship of matter, energy, and organization in living systems; the behavior of organisms; and biological evolution. Students will investigate biological concepts through experience in laboratories and field work using the processes of inquiry. Honors and Gifted Biology also require an experimental science project. COURSE CURRICULUM CONTENT The entire list of Academic, Knowledge and Skills for each of the following curriculum strands in this course can be accessed through the district web address at AKS STRANDS A - Characteristics of Science * design and conduct scientific investigations (GPS, HSGT, ACT) (SCBI_A2005-1) *apply standard safety practices for all classroom laboratory and field investigations (GPS, HSGT) (SCBI_A2005-2) * use technology to collect, observe, measure, and manipulate data and findings (GPS, HSGT, ACT) (SCBI_A2005-3) * use valid critical assumptions to draw conclusions (GPS, HSGT, ACT) (SCBI_A2005-4) * apply computation and skills necessary for analyzing data and developing conclusions (GPS, HSGT) (SCBI_A2005-5) * communicate scientific investigations clearly (GPS, HSGT) (SCBI_A2005-6) * read scientific materials to establish context for subject matter, to develop vocabulary, and to be aware of current research (GPS, HSGT) (SCBI_A2005-7) * discuss the importance of curiosity, honesty, openness, and skepticism in science and exhibit these traits in efforts to understand how the world works (GPS) (SCBI_A2006-1) B - Academic Knowledge * analyze the relationship between structures and functions in living cells (GPS, HSGT) (SCBI_B2005-8) * analyze how biological traits are passed on to successive generations (GPS, HSGT) (SCBI_B2005-9) * examine the relationship between unicellular and multicellular organisms and the increasing complexity of systems (GPS, HSGT) (SCBI_B2005-10) * evaluate the dependence of all organisms on one another and the flow of energy and matter within their ecosystems (GPS, HSGT, CE) (SCBI_B2005-11) * evaluate the role of natural selection in the development of the theory of evolution (GPS, HSGT) (SCBI_B2005-12) UNITS/TOPICS Topic Intro to Biology Chapters Chapter 1 Test Skills Test Ecology Chapters 2-5 Chapter 6 Ecology Test Midterm Biochem Test Chapters 7-9 Cells Test Biochemistry Science Fair Part I (Research) and Part II (Writing Scientific Papers) Cells (Structure, Transport, Energy, Reproduction) DNA & Protein Synthesis Review & Finals Chapter 11 DNA & Protein Synthesis Test Performance (Lab) Exam, County Benchmark Final, and Local Objective Final Fall Gifted Biology Course Syllabus – Page 1 of 4 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Published Materials Biology: Dynamics of Life Cost to replace: $55.95 (This book can be accessed online. Please see the teacher webpage for more information.) EVALUATION AND GRADING Assignments Classwork Homework Labs Quizzes Science Fair Project Unit Projects Unit Tests Midterm Exam Final Exam (Performance Exam, County Benchmark Final, and Local Objective Final) Instructional Supplies 1 in. 3- ring binder, to be used exclusively for Biology 1 of the following for Journal assignments: 3- prong folder (pockets optional), composition book, OR thin spiral notebook loose leaf notebook paper pencils and blue or black pens colored pencils for use at home Strongly recommended: USB flash drive The following classroom donations are greatly appreciated: Clorox wipes, roll of paper towels Grade Weights Grading Scale Class Assessments 35 % (Classwork, Homework, Labs, Minor Quizzes, and NonScience Fair Projects) Interim Assessments (Midterm Exam) Final Exam 20 % (Performance Exam -15% and Objective Exam- 5%) Classroom Expectations: Follow the directions the first time they are given. Be polite and respectful toward your fellow classmates, your teacher, and your school. Do not talk while others are talking. Be a participant. o All students are expected to participate appropriately in all assigned activities. o Sleeping is not allowed in class. o You are expected to do your own worknot copy others. Cheating is not tolerated. 90 and above 80 – 89 74 – 79 70 – 73 69 or below 5% Summative Assessments 40 % (Major Quizzes, Unit Tests, and Science Fair Project) OTHER INFORMATION Expectations for Academic Success A: B: C: D: F: Students will be given a final academic grade in each semester course. A final report of grades will be completed at the end of each eighteen weeks. For information on accessing student grades via the Gwinnett Parent Portal, please contact the Brookwood Counseling Office. Additional Requirements/Resources Notebooks: Organization is one key to staying on top of required assignments and study materials. To this end, students are required to maintain an organized notebook that follows the same order as the table of contents established by the teacher. Notebooks will be graded with an unannounced check or quiz Make-up work: It is the responsibility of the student to schedule to make up work missed due to an excused absence within 5 school days. Make-up work that is not completed in the allotted time will be assigned a zero. Make-up tests may not be the same format as the original. Fall Gifted Biology Course Syllabus – Page 2 of 4 Be prepared. o Be on time to class. This means in your seat and not needing to leave the room. o Bring all materials to class each day. o Complete homework and regularly review the material in your notebook. Follow policies in the Brookwood Students’ Handbook Consequences: 1. Warning 2. 30 minute detention 3. 60 minute detention + parent contact 4. Referral to administrator *In the event of a severe misbehavior, the student will be referred to an administrator. Cheating: Any student found to be cheating on any assignment will receive a zero and an administrative referral. Definition of Cheating Brookwood High School aligns our policies on academic honesty with similar policies found at colleges. Cheating at Brookwood High School includes any attempt to defraud, deceive, or mislead a teacher in arriving at an honest evaluation of student achievement. Cheating includes, but is not limited to the following: 1. Looking at a test, quiz, or exam of another student while taking an evaluation 2. Attempting to communicate information in any way during an in-class evaluation 3. Having cheat sheets, or information written on the body or other personal objects 4. Using programmed calculators or other electronic devices unless expressly permitted by the teacher 5. Looking at quiz, test, or exam materials prior to their administration 6. Failing to give credit for the ideas, words, or works of others 7. Giving information regarding an evaluation to another student who is scheduled to take the same evaluation 8. Submitting work through the use of technology that is not created by the student, Journal: Students will keep a daily journal in which they address questions at the beginning of the class period. Students are expected to be working silently on the journal when the bell rings. The journal will be graded by an unannounced check or quiz. Late Work: Students are expected to turn in work at the announced time unless the student had an excused absence. In this case, the work is due the day the student returns from the excused absence. EXCEPTION- Individual students’ portions of cooperative group work MUST be turned in on the assigned due date even if the student is absent from school on that date. This is a necessity since all members of the group are depending on the others for completion of the work. Laboratories: Labs will occur often in this class. Students are expected to follow all lab safety instructions. Any student who violates lab safety rules may be removed from the lab, may receive a zero, may receive detention, or may lose lab privileges for the semester. Projects: Gifted Biology will require the development of a Science Fair-style project from start to finish as well as other integrative projects. To help students with this process, the Science Fair project will be divided into five teacher-guided subunits that will extend from October to April. During the Fall Semester, students will be expected to research scientific journals and develop a scientific paper. During the Spring Semester, students will work in small groups in order to design and conduct an experiment, analyze data, and present findings. All students are required to participate in the group to which they are assigned and the participation of all students will be considered in the determination of a single group grade. Students will complete one to three additional projects each semester. These will combine research, presentation, extension of material, and/or creativity. Course Readings: Students will read primary and secondary sources (articles and book excerpts) that relate to each unit of study throughout the year. These course readings will come from a variety of authors and will be in a variety of formats and genres. It is important that students keep up with the course Fall Gifted Biology Course Syllabus – Page 3 of 4 including but not limited to file sharing (submitting the same work with different header), copying files to and from disks and websites, or purchasing solutions or works from others. readings and come prepared for discussion and/or activity on the day assigned. Final Exams: A county benchmark assessment will be given as the objective final during the Fall Semester. The state-mandated End of Course Test will assess students’ mastery of the biology content at the end of the school year. This test, typically given in early May, is comprehensive in nature and will count as the Spring Semester Final Exam (20% of the semester grade). Science Safety Contract for Brookwood High School Students: Please sign the Student Information Sheet indicating that you understand this safety contract and agree that as a science student, you will adhere to the following safety rules: 1. Follow all general and specific instructions given by the teacher for a lab activity. 2. Read your lab carefully. If you are in doubt about any procedure, ask your lab partner(s) and/or teacher for help. 3. Do not perform activities that are unauthorized. 4. Immediately report to the teacher any accident, injury, incorrect procedure, or damaged equipment. 5. Safety glasses, gloves, and aprons must be worn for any activity indicated by the teacher. 6. Do not engage in horseplay or any other such actions during a lab activity. 7. Use the safety equipment provided for you. Know the location of the fire extinguisher, fire blanket, first aid kit, and closest administrator’s office. 8. Any accident that might cause personal injury must be reported to the teacher. A copy of this accident report will be sent home and an incident report will be filed with county security. 9. Place trash and used materials in their designated containers. Glassware and certain chemicals must be disposed of properly. 10. Never taste any chemical substance in the laboratory and never inhale chemicals. 11. When your activity is complete, be sure to turn off the water and disconnect electrical connections. Clean your work area thoroughly as indicated by your teacher. Return all materials to their proper places. 12. Use common sense! 13. I also understand that failure to adhere to the proceeding safety rules or the regulations outlined in the student handbook, or endangering myself or any other member of the class will result in a disciplinary action and removal from the lab area. Please sign the Student Information Sheet to acknowledge that you have read and understand the syllabus. The syllabus may be updated as needed throughout the semester. Fall Gifted Biology Course Syllabus – Page 4 of 4