Political Party G R E E N AL L I AN C E People’s Party, Russia PARTY PROGRAM Political Party ‘Green Alliance – People’s Party’ Moscow, 2012 PARTY PROGRAM * Green Alliance-People’s Party * Russian Federation. Translated from Russian by ‘TransLink Translation Company’, Moscow 1 The Green Alliance - People’s Party is a union of the Russian citizens convinced that a free, happy person and healthy environment are of absolute importance for political, economic, social and cultural development of the state. Healthy environment constitutes the foundation and the top priority of the public interest established by the nature itself. Therefore it is our duty as the environmental movement to get the well-deserved and rightful place in the government through expression of the people’s will. The heart of all our values lies in the preservation of the surrounding world diversity. Exercise of the constitutional right of every citizen of our country to a healthy environment is the final incarnation of the challenges we face. We are confident that no economic or political rationale can outweigh the absolute value of healthy nature and healthy society. We distance ourselves from an uncritical belief in unlimited progress whether in socialist or capitalist guise. The current development of the state is possible only on the basis of harmony in the development of social, political, economic and ecological processes. Our goal is to level up the objectives of the development of productive forces, management of natural resources and creation of a healthy and dignified life for the country’s population. We are the followers of sustainable development, which suggests harmonized and consistent exploitation of natural resources, scientific and technological progress, development of an individual and society in the interests of both present and future generations. We are responsible before the future citizens of our country and must provide them with a worthy heritage. Our party adheres to the slogan of the Global Green movement - “We have only borrowed the world of our children." Needs of the present generation should be secured in a way not to restrict the access to natural and other resources in future. We stand for rethinking the model of economic use of natural resources and the boundaries of human impact on nature. Green economy is an economy of sustainable development based on the principles of efficient and effective use of the resources, energy and space. Green economy is focused primarily on preservation of nature and human capital rather than the traditional criteria of economic growth. Sustainable development means a new quality of human dignity and selfdetermination, as well as new values of human relations. We stand for establishment of standards of life and world vision focused on quality of life and building a healthy environment for the majority of the population. We believe in a free, democratic and social state existing in a peaceful, PARTY PROGRAM * Green Alliance-People’s Party * Russian Federation. Translated from Russian by ‘TransLink Translation Company’, Moscow 2 equitable and environmentally sustainable world community. We promote the building of the society of equal rights regardless of gender, race, age, religion, class, ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation, disability, wealth or health. Our fundamental priority is justice granting not only rights but also opportunities. We stand for the real equality in allocation of resources, high quality and accessibility of health care, education, equal opportunities for career growth and self-fulfillment. Every individual should have the opportunity to fulfill their potential and receive fair remuneration for the results of their labor. We want to redeem the rights of the Russian citizens to participate in political decision making. Every individual has the right to make their own independent choices and decisions in regard of how to establish and build their lives and social relationships. We support the development of grassroots democratic institutions and maximum delegation of authorities to local communities. We yearn for becoming a part of a growing Global Green movement which is “thinking globally, but acting locally”. We believe in attainment of our goals within the framework of the global cooperation focused on eradication of any differences between developing and industrially advanced countries and division of the world into the rich north and the poor south. Every citizen of the Earth has equal rights and is entitled for an equal share of global resources within the context of individual responsibility toward the future generations. We declare out commitment to nonviolence and strive for establishment of the war avoidance system based on negotiability, cooperation between the states and environmental safety rather than military potential. HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT Responsibility for nature conservation and environmental protection, as well as safety of any life forms, is the core of our Green values. We stand for preservation of natural diversity of the country. We value and commit to preservation of all types of living organisms, ecosystems and landscapes found in Russia. We consider a healthy environment as the foundation of harmonious development and the main criterion of efficiency, quality of life and social justice. We recognize commitment to nature as a set of preventive measures to protect the environment, elimination of the inflicted damage, reproduction PARTY PROGRAM * Green Alliance-People’s Party * Russian Federation. Translated from Russian by ‘TransLink Translation Company’, Moscow 3 and development of existing natural wealth. We commit to protect the natural resources and ecosystems from any adverse effects caused by humans, especially during construction of the transport and industrial infrastructure, plants and factories, road highways, pipelines, power lines etc. Environmental requirements shall have an absolute prevalence over any economic standards. We shall stop irreversible pollution of air, depletion and pollution of water sources, diminishing of soil fertility, degradation and desertification of farming lands. We unconditionally support expansion of natural areas of preferential protection such as conservation areas, national parks and sanctuaries. We recognize our responsibility to preserve rare and endangered species of living organisms. Prevention is always better than rectification of irreparable consequences of human irresponsibility. The costs to remedy the effects of anthropogenic influence are always higher than the investment needed to prevent them. Therefore, we strongly support re-establishment of the institutions of environmental assessment and gradual introduction of environmental auditing practices in the context of any government decisions. We support rehabilitation of the areas classified as ecological disaster zones. We consider it necessary to increase reproduction of all types of renewable natural resources. We stand for a qualitatively new attitude of the state towards environmental protection, which implies modernization and restructuring of the state environment management system. Any law and subordinate legislation must consider the environmental aspects and comply with the international standards. We consider it necessary to re-establish the united independent federal authorities on environmental and forest protection. Functions of environmental and forest protection can be exercised either by a single body or by different ones, however, these bodies shall be independent at the federal level, and their leaders should be included in the Russian government. Protection of nature should be implemented in the context of social and economic modernization. Environmental conservation and regeneration of natural resources is an investment in the future ecologically balanced economy. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PARTY PROGRAM * Green Alliance-People’s Party * Russian Federation. Translated from Russian by ‘TransLink Translation Company’, Moscow 4 We believe that any development has a natural boundary when recovery of the ecosystem is not possible anymore. Everything on the Earth is interrelated and satisfaction of infinitely growing needs in the context of limited resources appears impossible. We do not have the right to live by borrowing a healthy environment and natural resources from next generations, thus jeopardizing their future. Therefore, we support the concept of sustainable development focused on general benefits and merger of environmental, social and economic principles. The economy must meet the needs of the entire society, including its future generations but not selfish, private and clan interests. We should satisfy the needs of the present generation and at the same time we should not restrict access to natural and other national resources for future generations. We stand for a civilized market economy implemented by the efficient public administration ensuring social equality. Our priority is the sustainable development of the society avoiding any excesses of uncontrolled and state capitalism. The Russian society requires highly competitive and diversified economy, which shall be based on the principles of humanized and fair economic relations, reasonable and responsible use of natural resources and innovative production. We stand for: Drastic decrease of the economy dependence on the “oil needle”; Reduction of energy and material consumption in production. The increase of information, education and health services share in consumption structure. Growth of the export commodities. Concentration of resources on promising and innovative technologies, such as biotechnologies, molecular biology and genetic engineering, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, global information networks and integrated transport systems, space technology, solar energy. Upgrading the mining industries, fuel and energy complex, chemical and metallurgical industry in the context of environmental requirements. of advanced processing goods and Accelerated modernization and development of innovative resource-saving technologies and industries constitute the fundamental principles of Green and sustainable economic policy. We support both the promotion of the full innovation cycle of domestic enterprises based on the “development PARTY PROGRAM * Green Alliance-People’s Party * Russian Federation. Translated from Russian by ‘TransLink Translation Company’, Moscow 5 testing – commissioning” principle and the adoption and assimilation of the best available technologies. Thus, we have identified the three main objectives that should be fulfilled in order to attain the foregoing. First of all, it is required to minimize the administrative barriers in innovative production, provide long-term funding, state guarantees and preferential taxation for innovative sector entities. Secondly, it is required to spur the demand for new environmentally friendly innovations, including but not limited to the establishment of binding technical standards for the basic industries. Finally, it is necessary to establish a broad network of institutions providing non-financial support to innovative enterprises. Green innovation policy should focus on favoring flexible and adaptable technologies rather than irreversible large-scale technologies. We stand for innovations encouraging ecological modernization. We support establishment of new production and management procedures and ecofriendly technologies that reduce consumption of energy, resources and space. We stand for a Green economy and we believe that the social and environmental objectives should be factored in development of industrial, transport and energy sectors in addition to their economic performance. Activities and business of all private and state enterprises and entities should be driven by a single ultimate value - healthy environment and high quality of life. We support new management principles of industrial production: Country-wide technologies; introduction of resources and energy-saving Non-waste or low-waste utilization of natural resources; Advanced raw materials processing, wide use of secondary resources. Production of eco-safe goods of long-term use that comply with the highest health standards; Levying priority of natural resource rents and payments for natural resources to other types of taxes; Establishment of the environmental audit of enterprises. We believe that the economic feasibility of deploying the transport infrastructure (roads, railways, pipelines) should not neglect the environmental safety requirements and violate the rights of citizens to a healthy environment. We stand for a radical severization of ecological requirements for cars, trucks and aircrafts. In terms of the energy sector, our priority is development of the PARTY PROGRAM * Green Alliance-People’s Party * Russian Federation. Translated from Russian by ‘TransLink Translation Company’, Moscow 6 decentralized energy industry based on alternative and renewable energy sources. We have identified a number of opportunities for implementation of public and private energy-saving programs in the production industries and housing and utility services of our country. In this way we will cut the huge losses of energy in our economy and reduce the GDP energy intensity. We will support and implement projects that will facilitate reduction of the specific pollutant emissions per unit of generated heat and electric power. We believe that within the next 30-40 years our country may abandon the use of a very dangerous nuclear power, fossil fuel energy that causes catastrophic climate changes and will completely switch to alternative and renewable energy sources. A discrete objective of our party is to ultimately enhance nuclear and radiation safety of nuclear power plants and subsequently refuse any construction of new nuclear power plants. NEW QUALITY OF LIFE Environmental friendliness means a new quality of understanding the value of any of nature’s creations and, ultimately, a reasonable attitude to ourselves and people around. We stand for a new direction of education and culture of people, for formation of civil responsibility and activity, adequate living standards and rational satisfaction of needs. The modern eco-culture based on human dignity, intelligence and harmony facilitates resistance to global challenges. Establishment of new life guidelines requires a new cultural and educational level. We support the development of a system of continuous education focused on the revival of morality, Greening of liberal arts and sciences education. Sustention of a healthy environment is a multi-dimensional and complex task, which roots back to the development of environmental outlook of the society. The society must realize the absolute value of the problem of preservation of natural wealth and diversity. It is the society that must set the priorities of state environmental policy, the model of economic use of natural resources and the limits of man-made impact. We pursue the goal of raising awareness of the society in regard to human dignity and social development. Development of any society primarily depends not on the scale of consumption, but on its quality ensuring the environment safety, quality of life and justice. We support reasonable and sound consumption based on the following principles: High quality and safety of food products. Complete cessation of cultivation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in open PARTY PROGRAM * Green Alliance-People’s Party * Russian Federation. Translated from Russian by ‘TransLink Translation Company’, Moscow 7 systems and elimination of GMO import in Russia as the constituent part of food and feed. Environmental safety of consumer goods such as clothing, household appliances and other household items, as well as materials used in residential construction. Preference to the goods with ecological certification and products from recyclable materials. Responsible attitude towards recycling the products of human activity. Recovery and deep processing of household and industrial waste, development of eco-recycling. Preservation of natural wealth is the starting point for identification of any human being’s role in the surrounding world. Responsible attitude towards nature predefines the main tasks of building healthy and harmonious human activity environment. We stand for building a comfortable living environment for every individual in our country: High quality and safety of the potable water, air pollution control. Town-planning policy focused on the needs of individuals; establishment of comfortable and convenient public spaces, parks and recreational areas, the consumption infrastructure. Construction meeting the highest standards of environmental safety, comfort and architectural aesthetics. Restriction of compact construction in large cities at the expense of Green areas and parks. Use of eco-friendly public and private transport, reduction of pollution from operation of motor vehicles in cities and towns. Unconditional protection of forest zones in major cities. Extension of Green spaces, gardens, parks, house land plots. SOCIAL JUSTICE We believe that social justice constitutes the foundation of the well-being of the Russian society. Notions of social and ecological justice are inseparable. The under-privileged and poor are deprived of any opportunity to choose their residence, proper housing, disease prevention, proper rest, nutrition etc., and in addition their experience of environmental problems is much worse. Therefore, we commit to closing the gap between the rich and the poor, elimination of the causes of social tension and granting each citizen equal PARTY PROGRAM * Green Alliance-People’s Party * Russian Federation. Translated from Russian by ‘TransLink Translation Company’, Moscow 8 rights to national resources and public benefits. Only in this case the majority of population will have a decent quality of life. We stand for strict observance of all government commitments in regard of social security, labor, health, education, housing and utility services. Social policy should develop in two parallel directions: high level of social development and establishment and strengthening of equality and justice principles. Social justice means quality and common access to health care, education, housing and utility services. The task of bringing the quality of life of Russian citizens to the standards of developed countries should be identified as the basic priority of the state. Free and effective health care including the ultimate set of mandatory services should be covered by health insurance of the working population. Preventive treatment should be re-established in the health care system. The main objectives of health care quality improvement include equipping hospitals with modern medical appliances and upgrading professional skills of public health care workers. We believe that the country requires new educational standards in secondary and higher education, which provide equal opportunities for realization of personal potential. Increase public investment in health and education along with increased efficiency of public spending. We stand for returning the multi-apartment houses under state management and freeing the apartment owners from the intolerable burden of full responsibility for the housing. The primary task of the state consists in modernization of worn-out public infrastructure. Social justice means fair remuneration and equal opportunities for professional fulfillment. Workers of the public and "real" economy sectors deserve a substantial increase in wages and living standards. We support the overall introduction of the social partnership of business, government and professional associations as a tool of selfregulation of the labor market. The equality between women and men in terms of professional development and opportunities should be implemented in practice. We prioritize the task of increasing employment of population, in PARTY PROGRAM * Green Alliance-People’s Party * Russian Federation. Translated from Russian by ‘TransLink Translation Company’, Moscow 9 particular, senior age citizens and people with low competitive ability at the labor market. Social justice means confidence of vulnerable social groups in tomorrow, well-deserved and fair support of public sector workers, protection of mothers and children. Russian retirees created the industrial complex of our country, laid the foundation for economic, social and cultural well-being of future generations. They fully deserve the right to a decent life. We stand for a significant increase in state pension costs and establishment of social security packages for retirees at the level of European standards. There are opportunities to increase the daily living activities and participation of retirees in professional and social life. People should not be limited in any way in terms of opportunities to continue working beyond the retirement age. We want to provide an actual, not declared, fulfillment of obligations undertaken by the state in regard to the disabled. First of all, the disabled should be granted a decent social security and unimpeded access to any infrastructure facilities. We believe it is required to establish a benefits system for teachers, researchers and doctors, especially in rural areas. First of all, it is concessional mortgages for construction and purchase of housing. Enormous territorial disproportions in wages of doctors and teachers should be eliminated. The demographic situation is another vital problem. A system of state encouragement and preferences in social services, education and healthcare should be provided for all large families. Such system may include preferential housing loans in proportion to the number of children in the family, increase of the “maternal capital” and enhancing the opportunities and capacities of its utilization. Mothers should be able to combine work and family responsibilities, as well as have free access to advanced training in cases of employment termination due to child care. It is necessary to address the problems of kindergartens and nurseries maintenance. We support adoption of a state program for schoolchildren health protection, including a healthy and eco-friendly educational infrastructure focused on prevention of cardiovascular disorders and PARTY PROGRAM * Green Alliance-People’s Party * Russian Federation. Translated from Russian by ‘TransLink Translation Company’, Moscow 10 diseases of the locomotion system, promotion of healthy lifestyle, establishment of a health monitoring system, providing favorable social and psychological state of children. Social justice is a myth without gender equality and solidarity between generations. Men and women should have equal rights and opportunities in the full scale of public relations. There is a need for an institutional structure that will guarantee equal rights for women in the family, at work, in society, in public service or at other responsible positions. We will fight hidden discrimination. We commit to ensuring equal participation of all generations in the social life. Solidarity and fair relationship between generations implies the duty of the older generation to leave sustainable environmental, social and cultural heritage to their children. On the other hand, it also includes the obligation of the younger generation to provide a decent care to the elderly. In this regard, effective state youth policy based on comprehensive and harmonious development of the youth, family strengthening and development of intellectual potential of society constitutes the key priority for us. PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY We want to provide every citizen of our country with the right to participate in making any environmental, economic, social and political decisions. This goal can be achieved through strict adherence to the principles of equality before the law and its supremacy, judicial independence, pluralism and protection of the minority interests. On the other hand, it is necessary to develop the civil society of conscious and active people, who are ready to defend their rights. The most effective political design is based on selforganization of local communities, grassroots democratic institutions and transfer of decision-making power to those directly affected by it. We, the Greens, believe that every person has the right to independent choice and participation in all decisions related to his or her life and social order. Freedom, in its entirety, must cover the social, cultural, intellectual and spiritual dimensions of human life. Our goal consists in building a society of equal rights and opportunities for all citizens. As an absolute value, we support careful preservation and mutually supportive development of the spiritual, cultural, religious and ethnic diversity of the country, recognition of the contribution of each nationality of the country into the heritage of Russia. PARTY PROGRAM * Green Alliance-People’s Party * Russian Federation. Translated from Russian by ‘TransLink Translation Company’, Moscow 11 We stand for modernization of all institutions and procedures of Russian democracy based on the principles of transparency, government accountability and citizen participation. In order to ensure the maximum efficiency of the political management system, its tools and procedures must be democratic, transparent and fully understandable for ordinary people. First and foremost, it is important to establish and maintain transparent electoral legislation, its unconditional application during elections of any governmental authorities. This is the basis for the state legitimacy and the guarantee of citizens' ability to influence political decisions. It is also required to ensure accountability of all elected state authorities and representatives to the civil society. Any person must have not only the rights but also a real opportunity to explicitly express their views and freely influence and obtain information about the actions of the state influencing the environment, economy, social and all other areas of their lives. Public explanation of the adoption of any decision by public authorities is an essential element of democratic governance. In addition, the rights of municipality citizens or citizens of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to make decisions related to such important matters as the environment, economy, construction of hazardous facilities, etc. by way of a referendum is essential. The right of the citizens to make the most important political decisions by direct voting should be absolute. The decision-making right should be delegated to the lowest possible level of authority in order to ensure participation and the maximum benefit of the citizens. And vice versa, when a problem should be addressed at the higher level, one should consider the interests of the citizens at the local level. The Green Alliance supports all forms of citizens’ self-organization and actual implementation of existing but idle forms of direct power of local governments, especially decision-making concerning life and health of citizens, matters that could affect their legitimate interests or harm the environment. We believe that local government should be removed from under the actual direct subordination to regional governments. Competence and powers should be clearly defined for all levels of government. Any authority and powers assigned to local authorities should have adequate resource support. The Green Alliance supports all forms of creative individual initiatives, protects small and medium-size owners and entrepreneurs. The Party strives for development of a wide creative class of responsible, educated and entrepreneurial professionals. PARTY PROGRAM * Green Alliance-People’s Party * Russian Federation. Translated from Russian by ‘TransLink Translation Company’, Moscow 12 NONVIOLENCE We declare our commitment to nonviolence. Conflicts between individuals, social groups or states cannot be resolved by force. The fundamental principle of the Greens consists in the idea that the funds used for achievement of any goals must comply with the goal itself, i.e. peace and justice cannot be attained by violence. Violence has other than physical forms. Actions of people and global economic structures may adversely affect the human rights and serve as the cause of social injustice. From our point of view, in order to eradicate poverty it is required to establish international institutions that will fight for economic equality and put the lives and safety of people first. Such institutions should perform their activities in accordance with the binding principles of human rights protection. We realize that actions of peacekeeping forces can be justified when there is a danger of mass violence against civilians. In case of failure of implemented preventive measures, military intervention may become inevitable. Nevertheless, we are confident that the success of military forces is of short-term nature. The Green Alliance supports minimization of military intervention and believes that the use of armed forces should be carried out strictly in accordance with the international law. PARTY PROGRAM * Green Alliance-People’s Party * Russian Federation. Translated from Russian by ‘TransLink Translation Company’, Moscow 13