APHG Summer Reading

AP Human Geography
Summer Reading
Parents: The following book contains mature language and violence as it
discusses political and social issues found across the planet. If the content is
objectionable please use the book Animal Farm, by George Orwell and complete
its assignment. Please note that both books are required in Pre-AP English while
only ONE is required in AP Human Geography
Book: A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah
AP Human Geography consists of an in-depth study in various disciplines in
geography including demography, cultural geography, political geography,
economic geography, urban geography, and agricultural geography. The above
book examines one boy’s journey as a soldier while being forced to fight in a war
that isn’t his.
This book will come into play in two different disciplines in AP Human Geography.
Once when we study demography and refugee situations and again in our study
of political geography. Please complete the following assignment by the third
week of school.
Answer as detailed and completely as possible:
Describe his journey.
What were some challenges that he faced? Describe
Politically, what were issues that caused this conflict?
If you were in his situation, how would you handle it?
What are some political situations that created this type of environment?
If Animal Farm is chosen as the preferred reading:
 Describe what political situation is being symbolized here and use 5 specific
examples from the book
 Describe the process of how the animals transition from a farm based on
cooperation to one based on complete authoritarian rule
 Which character of the book do you most identify with, why?