During the past weeks we have been learning about the Chapman

Thursday 26 February 2015
Perry Drive, Chapman ACT 2611 Ph: 6205 7300 Fax: 6205 7307 Website: www.chapmanps.act.edu.au
“Achieving Excellence Together”
P&C Contact
Board Chair
Anne Simpson
6205 7300
Joanne Forster
0407 258 095
Sheree Bond
After School Care 3.00pm
After School Care website
After School Care email
Chapman P&C Website
Term 1 Week 4
Family Picnic, 5.30pm – 7.00pm
Yr 3 Assembly, 12.10pm
Yr 3 National Capital Excursion
Preschool Family Picnic, 5.30pm-7.00pm
Canberra Day Public Holiday
Yr 2 Assembly, 12.10pm
Yr 5/6 Camp Borambola
Harmony Day Celebrations
Yr 4 Assembly, 12.10pm
0408 880 655/6288 0655
 Kindy Screening paperwork now
26 February  Student Medical Action Plans
must be redone for the New Year
27 February
– please see front office.
2 March
 Uniform Shop Hours 2015
4 March
Mondays & Fridays 9.00-9.30am
9 March
13 March
18-20 March
19 March
 Chapman Class Carers for 2015.
27 March
Welcome to Chapman 2015 Family Picnic and Games
Today 5.30-7.00pm
Dear Parents and Carers
Fingers crossed it won’t be raining at 4.30 today and that we all get to enjoy an opportunity to relax, chat and
get to know one another at the Welcome Picnic.
Congratulations to Jon Tucker and the PE committee who once again planned and facilitated a fantastic
swimming carnival day. Their careful planning meant that all children had the opportunity to participate in
races of their choice, and those who were there to cheer their houses on, also got to spend plenty of the time
enjoying rotation activities in and out of the pool. Parent volunteers did an amazing job of keeping time,
organising races and supporting the teachers. Well done children, teachers and parents.
We are excited! Today we receive a delivery of 15 shiny new bikes, helmets and tools in preparation for the
Ride and Walk to school program that will be launched on 25th March. Jon Tucker, Tegan Kennedy and Trish
Beck have been preparing storage space for the bikes and Trish has enrolled in a bike maintenance course.
Perhaps you’ll get a glimpse of the bikes at tonight’s picnic.
Planning a birthday celebration
This year we celebrate 40 years of schooling at Chapman Primary. We have tentatively marked Term 4 Week 2
(also Children’s Week) as the time that we will host some community celebrations. This time also links with
other activities including Alkira and the annual school fete.
To commence the planning of the birthday celebrations, a meeting will be held on WEDNESDAY 25TH
MARCH at 6.30 pm, prior to the P&C meeting which will follow at 7.30pm.
If you are interested in helping plan the events, have strong connections to people who have attended Chapman
Primary and/or have skills/interest we invite you to attend this meeting. Or perhaps you could let your contacts
Update on Security Measures
Following on from our school community consultation night in Term 4 last year and relating to additional
security measures, we wish to provide you with an update on items tabled for action:
 Alarms and security monitoring
Alarms have been checked by the security monitoring department and measures put in place to reduce the
occurrence of alarms being activated by Bogong Moths.
Conversations with ETD re response to alarms by the security company
 2. Departmental fencing of the school.
The school has over 50 external doors and our ability to lockdown in an emergency or crisis has always been
problematic and has also provided easy access to vandals and thieves. Since our consultation night, EDT has
prioritised the school in its schedule of fencing. All ACT schools are to be fenced. They have presented us with
a number of fencing design alternatives for the school to review, and a preliminary design has been signed off
on by the Principal, the Board Chair, and the President of the P&C. Our preferred design has now been lodged
with the department who will schedule the installation of the fence according to its priority list of schools
awaiting departmental required fencing.
If you have any queries relating to these matters feel free to contact Anne Simpson, Sheree Bond or Jo Forster.
Thankyou to all who have worked to make the drop off and collection of children within the internal carpark
(Perry Drive) safer for the community. A reminder to all this kerbside area should not be used for stationary
parking between 2.30 and 3.30pm. As the school bell does not ring until 3pm and most children take at least 5
minutes to come from class please consider delaying your pickup time or if you arrive early use the carpark
behind the hall, along Tauchert St or even the carpark at the bottom of the oval.
Visit from the Director General of Education and Training
On Monday, I had the pleasure of hosting a visit to the school by Diane Joseph. In her role as leader of
education in the ACT, Diane regularly visits schools in her jurisdiction. It is always a great opportunity for me
to showcase our great school and for our successes to be acknowledged by Diane. I also had the opportunity to
discuss the School’s Strategic Plan 2015-2018 and the more detailed Annual Operating Plan both of which will
soon be available on the school website www.chapmanps.act.edu.au/.
We have two Strategic Priorities:
 Improve student outcomes from Preschool to Year 6
 Enhance school and community connections
These priorities will be our key focus for the next four years and involve engaging the whole community in a
range of actions that will bring about school improvement.
We have started the year with a process of ‘putting the faces on the data”. Through professional learning and
conversations with teachers, within teams and across the school, we have focussed on the analysis of
longitudinal PIPS data, reading data and NAPLAN data for year 3 and 5 to determine where each child is in
relation to their cohort. We are now looking at strategies we can employ to ensure every child is making
progress over the term/year. This is ongoing work for all our teachers as we want to know everything about
how every child learns and grows.
As teachers we want to be continually growing and exploring ways we can be better teachers. Our school plan
identifies ways we can achieve our goals. Some of the actions include: being involved in research, coaching and
mentoring, observations of colleague’s teaching practices, developing our curriculum and giving feedback to
each other.
This year we are adopting the Kids Matter program as a framework for our already deeply embedded Chapman
VALUES FRIENDS and to enhance strategies that will assist in improving the health and wellbeing of our
Strengthening family/school partnerships is our priority for the Education Training Directorate and is
articulated into our school plan by focussing on the engagement of parents as active participants in their child’s
learning and the school environment. During the year we will be providing opportunities to connect with the
class teacher personally, through workshops and through the online space MyLearning, to find out about your
child’s learning. Of course parents are always welcome in the classroom to support aspects of learning and the
class teacher.
Parental engagement conceptual model
What aspects of family
Short term
engagement matter most for
outcomes for
children’s outcomes
the child
High expectations
Belief in the
d learning
importance of
Shared reading
Parent/child conversation,
especially around learning, social Academic
issues, family stories
Homework support that provides competence/
an appropriate environment,
rules that are consistent with
Motivation and
school expectations, that
engagement in
encourages autonomous learning learning
and fosters positive parent‑child
Cognitively stimulating
Skills for learning
Support for social and emotional Social and
wellbeing, peer relationships,
teacher relationships
Family‑schoo Communication about
l partnership children’s wellbeing and
Communication about what
children are learning and
specific information about what
families can do to help
Engagement in the school
community and positive
attitudes to school
Longer term
outcomes for
the child
• literacy
• numeracy
Mental health
and wellbeing
Mitigating the
impacts of
disadvantage on
Education capital: Our evidence base Defining Parental Engagement 2014
SRC Representatives
Congratulations to the children who have been selected to represent their class as our Student Representative
Council (SRC). It was a pleasure to present certificates to our new SRC representatives at the special SRC
Assembly in Week 2. SRC plays an important role in the life of Chapman Primary with all children having an
opportunity to have a say in the way we want our school to be. Congratulations to the SRC Leadership Team,
(President) Cooper Terry, (Vice President) Bethany Robertson, (Secretary) Charlotte Rose and (Treasurer) Kai
Livingstone on their appointment for Semester 1. This 2015 SRC will again be capably led by Ms Tegan
Words of Wisdom from James Hazell in Year 6
“I now think the entire main idea is that treasure doesn’t always come in the form of rubies and silver but in
the form of knowledge and information. The reason why I think this is because rubies and silver is not what
makes us rich but in information and knowledge we are able to accomplish more projects that ever before and
it allows us to complete our wildest dreams in reality.”
Look forward to seeing you at the picnic
Anne and staff
Food Safety & Medical Alerts
A number of our students across the school have a range of allergies to some or all of the following foods nuts,
eggs, raw potato, sesame seeds, gluten and dairy products. The eating of these foods, or foods containing
them, or even physical contact with these foods for some children, poses a serious risk to these children’s
As you are aware some people are highly allergic to some foods and can have life threatening anaphylactic
reactions if they eat or are in close contact with the food.
Our school has defined procedures in line with departmental policies to guide us in designing a management
strategy to cater for children with severe allergies. We are asking all families for their cooperation in assisting
us to minimise the potential of an allergic reaction for these children.
We request that parents support our school safety procedures by not supplying the following foods in children’s
 Cashews
 Pistachios
 Macadamia
 Peanuts/peanut butter
 Hazelnuts
 Sesame seeds
 Whole eggs /egg sandwich (Kinder -Yr 2)
 Mayonnaise (containing raw egg)
We also request that other food products that contain nuts e.g muesli and energy bars be saved for home treats.
We have been talking about these issues as they relate to the needs of children in specific classes/units. It is
important that children do not share their food with their classmates during eating and play times at school. We
also encourage regular washing of hands before school and after eating times during school.
We look forward to your continued support with protecting the wellbeing of our students. If you have any
concerns or questions please contact Kathy Dawson.
What a great start to the year we have had with all our groups! The children are very settled and have coped
very well with our routines. We have been investigating lots of different things at preschool. We have talked
about recycling our rubbish by putting paper and hard plastics in the recycling bin. We recycle our food scraps
by feeding our worms or putting scraps into the compost bin.
We have also investigated colours in our paintings and our craft and know that when you mix colours you get a
new colour. We are enjoying the outdoor learning environment especially the fairy garden, the obstacle course
and the sandpit. We are also making new friends and getting to know everyone’s name.
Please remember to put sunscreen on your child before preschool. We will reapply sunscreen before going
outside in the afternoon.
The Preschool Team
Kindergarten - The Garden
Welcome to the Kinder Garden.
In Kindergarten we have all been learning about the Chapman FRIENDS values. We
have learned them well as we had a very happy and friendly Water Play Day on
Tuesday. We heard lots of words of encouragement to class members, please and thank
you, gentle voices and helpful cooperation. Best of all were the smiles and happy
children who returned to class.
Students have been participating in the PIPs programme, which is administered by the child’s teacher. This
will be the last week and classes will resume as normal next week.
The Mystery Reader programme has begun each Friday morning and is always very exciting and well received
by the students. So far we have had Mrs Simpson ‘The Pirate’ and two parents. This is a time for the students
to hear other adults reading favourite family books. We have a few remaining spots available, so if you would
like to participate and have not yet chosen a date please see Mrs May for a possible time.
The Kindergarten Team
Michelle May, Tessa van der Hoek, Priscilla Reyenga and Kristy Messenger.
Year 1 - Where the Forest Meets the Sea
Well the year is off to a good start and we are already at Week 4! The children have settled into their classes
and have started some fantastic learning.
During the past weeks we have been learning about the Chapman FRIENDS values. We know what the
acronym stands for and have participated in role plays, artworks and circle time to gain a better understanding
of what the FRIENDS values are and how to use them in our lives.
Our next Integrated Inquiry unit, How We Keep Ourselves Healthy, will start over the coming weeks. We will
be looking into healthy eating, exercise and good hygiene.
We have also started a gross motor program once a week for each class. This consists of rotations that build
muscle, strength and co-ordination. Ask your child which is their favourite gross motor activity…
Home Readers start this week. Your child’s reading level may have gone up or down over the Christmas break,
this is quite normal. A regular reading time at home is a great way to form a routine and for your child to relax
and focus on their reading skills. Remember home readers are designed to be easy and help your child build
their confidence, fluency and expression.
A little house keeping; Please remember to label all student belongings including; lunchboxes, clothing etc. If
you still have outstanding resources missing from your child’s book pack please send them to school as soon as
Don’t forget the Chapman Welcome Picnic, Thursday 26th Feb! We hope to see you there.
The year 1 team,
Prue Anderson, Tegan Kennedy, Laura Poultney and Helen Tranter
Year 2 – Animalia
The children have all settled in well to our class routines in Animalia. We have commenced our differentiated
word study, reading and maths groups and have been very pleased with how keen and engaged the students are.
We would like to say a big thankyou to all the parents who have volunteered to help in the year 2 classrooms
after attending our Information Evening and we look forward to working with you all over the year.
The children have had a fantastic day at the swimming carnival, participating in a range of aquatic based
activities, races and having a bounce on the giant jumping pillow! Team spirit was strong and the houses almost
blew the roof off CISAC with their cheers and chants!
We look forward to seeing our families at the ‘Welcome Picnic’ to be held this Thursday at the school. Bring a
picnic and a rug and enjoy a relaxing evening getting to know our community.
We have begun our Integrated Inquiry History unit called Then and Now with a main focus on the changes in
technology over time- in particular how we communicate. If you have any artefacts that you could lend Year 2
to support our inquiry we would greatly appreciate it.
Our Year 2 assembly is in Week 6 and we hope to see you all there!
Melina Clark (Daring Dragons), Sharon Hickey (Ingenious Iguanas), Lee Hodges (Zany Zebras), Bek Lane
(Logical Lions) and Kate Pottenger (LSA).
Year 3 – The Tree House
Year Three have had a very busy start to the year and are settling into routines well. Students have started their
BEE Spelling groups and teachers are busy programming targeted lessons to meet their students spelling needs.
Maths groups have been very productive with a focus on Number work, in particular Place Value. Number will
remain a focus throughout this term whilst also exploring other areas of the Mathematics curriculum on
Thursdays and Fridays. Students have been busy preparing for our first school assembly which will be held
tomorrow in the school hall from 12.10pm. It was wonderful to see so many Year 3 students so enthused at
the swimming carnival on Tuesday and being so supportive of each other. It seems that everyone had a really
great time and we would like to thank Mr Tucker for his organisation of the event. We are really looking
forward to our excursion on Monday to the National Capital Exhibition. The exhibition will provide students
with an opportunity to understand the development of Canberra and will provide a thorough and engaging
account of how Canberra has developed over time. This is closely linked to our Inquiry unit: ‘Chapman, You’re
Standing in it’ focusing on our key question ‘How has our Community Changed?’ Homework is due on
Tuesday, we look forward to looking at all the work the students have completed at home. Students are also
reminded to read every day and also explore Mathletics regularly.
Lauren Daniel, Mark Shiels, Fiona O’Hare and Trish Foster.
Year 4 – The Land Of Oz
It has been a busy couple of weeks in Year 4. We have completed our FRIENDS values unit of work and have
created STUNNING portraits which we have proudly displayed in our unit.
It was fabulous to see so many children participating in the swimming carnival on Tuesday. Whether competing
in races, games or rotations, a wonderful day was enjoyed by all. Thank you to all the parents who helped out
on the day too.
Students have settled quickly into the unit routines. Last week we began working in our differentiated reading
and maths groups. Spelling matrix sessions have begun on Thursday and Friday mornings from 9:00 -9:30. If
you are able to help out during this time, we would love to see you! Please ensure you sign in at the Front
Office first.
Homework will also commence this week. Children will have a grid with a mixture of compulsory and optional
activities designed to support curriculum taught in class.
We are looking forward to seeing lots of Year 4 families at Chapman’s family picnic this afternoon at 5pm.
Fiona Duncan, Sheridan Brill and Paul Campbell
Year 5/6 - Superheroes
We know at the start of the year there are a lot of notes for you to manage. Please continue to send back the
following notes.
- Getting to know your child
- Band offers
- Camp
- Voluntary contribution
- Class carer information
The front office keeps copies of all notes if required.
Band Update
Year 6 band has started for the year with IMP lessons on Monday afternoon and Friday morning, with a lunch
time practice on Wednesday. Mrs. Foggett is excited to continue working with these talented musicians.
The multi-talented Miss T will be taking on Year 5 band this year. Offers of placement went home last week
and are due back ASAP. We are hoping to have the Year 5 band up and running with their new instruments
soon. A reminder that on Friday 27th February at 8:15 there will be an information session for new band parents
in the music room.
Classroom Snapshot
In literacy we have be looking at how words can paint a picture in our minds and experimenting with building
on simple sentences. We used the text ‘Dogzilla’ by Dav Pilkey as our inspiration and worked in pairs to
improve the basic sentence: “The dog barked and ran away.”
- The terrible canine let out an extraordinary yelp and hurried away into the distance.
- The creature howled and scarpered into the depths of a dangerous crater.
- The horrified hound produced a screech that rumbled the sky and then she bounded away swiftly.
- The terrified hound released a frightening screech and ran, leaving his courage behind.
The Year 5/6 team.
Excursion Medical Permission
It is the responsibility of the parent to notify the school of any medical issues and/or medications that their
child is taking. All students attending an excursion must have a current Excursion Medical Permission note
completed. If the information that you provided on your child’s 2015 Excursion Medical Information form has
changed since the beginning of this year (eg medications) please complete a new form for your child prior to
this excursion.
The Excursion Medical form is available from the school website or at the front office.
Harmony Day is held every year to coincide with the United Nations
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The message of
Harmony Day is everyone belongs. It’s a day to celebrate Australia’s diversity –
a day of cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home.
We are celebrating Harmony Day at Chapman Primary School on Thursday 19
March 2015. Students are being asked to wear either orange or traditional
dress/costume from another country.
In addition, we would like to organise for one or two parents to visit their
child’s class on the day and share something that represents their cultural background with the students. You
might like to show some interesting objects/artefacts, teach the children a song/dance or share some pre-make
food e.g.- spring rolls, sushi, damper etc. Please keep in mind we have children with severe allergies to nuts
and eggs. If you are interested in sharing on the day or have any questions please ring the school on 62057300
and ask for Kirsten Waldron or you can email kirsten.waldron@ed.act.edu.au
Sport News
House Captains
Congratulations to the following students who have been selected as House Captains for 2015:
Captains: Jessica Burrows & Zarden Hurley
Vice Captains: Bethany Robertson, Ayden Maconachie & Jack Boxshall
Captains: Bella Brooks & Marvin Boone
Vice Captains: Tayla Julien & Ratu Cabebula
Captains: Sam Manton & Charlotte Kynaston
Vice Captains: Cooper Terry & Ella Crane
Captains: Kai Livingstone & Olivia Farmer
Vice Captains: Grace Obst & Cartia Johnstone
All captains represented their respective houses with strong leadership and pride at our recent swimming carnival. The
students will be acknowledged at this week’s assembly.
Chapman Swimming Carnival
Congratulations to all students who attended our swimming carnival. It was wonderful to see so many students having ‘a
go’ and enjoying themselves. A big thank you to all parents who assisted throughout the day, we really appreciate the
strong community support provided by our families. Individual results will be published in our week 6 newsletter;
students who have qualified for the South Weston Carnival will be notified in the coming weeks. A ribbon assembly will
be held on Friday week 8 commencing at 2pm in our school hall. Unfortunately we were unable to hold our 100m
Butterfly and 200m IM events due to time restraints. If your child would like to be considered for these events at the
South Weston Carnival please email me their personal best times by Tuesday 3rd March.
Jon Tucker
Chess Club
Due to the swimming carnival this week, chess club is on tomorrow instead (Friday 27th February). Same
place and time.
Year 4 Chapman Chillies Netball Team
The year 4 Chapman Chillies Netball team is looking for some new players. If your child is interested in
playing netball on Saturday mornings during Term 2 and Term 3, then please call Sheree Bond on 0419 909931
or email: bonds@homemail.com.au
Chapman AFTERS welcomes Kellie Hackett as the new Director of the service following the retirement of
Heather Harmer on 16 February.
Kellie has a background in long day care centres, most recently as Director of the childcare centre at Parliament
House. Welcome Kellie.
The date for the AGM is Tuesday 31 March at 8pm in the AFTERS building. The AGM and election of 2015
committee members will be followed by a general committee meeting. All AFTERS parents and carers
welcome. Come along and meet the new Director.
Canteen Shift: 8.50am – 12.30pm
Canteen Manager: Chantell Hunt, Ph 6205 7309
Roster Secretary: Kylie Kynaston – Ph 6288 1098 or email kyliebear@tpg.com.au
Wednesday 4th March
Week 5
Week 6
Thursday 5th March
Jacqui Taylor
Friday 6th March
Sue Cooper, Nicky Bowman & Ann-Marie Choules
Wednesday 11th March
Kim Greaves
Thursday 12th March
Jen Constable
Friday 13th March
Kylie Kynaston, Jo Forster & Candace Rhind
Do not touch, pick or eat any wild mushrooms!
Death Cap mushrooms are one of the world’s deadliest mushrooms and can be found across the Canberra
region, usually in late summer and autumn. There have been four deaths and many poisonings in the ACT in
the past 15 years due to Death Cap mushrooms.
In Canberra, Death Cap mushrooms often grow near established oak trees in mild, moist weather. Death Cap
mushrooms have been found growing on school grounds in the ACT.
Parents and teachers are asked to remind children not to touch, pick or eat any wild mushrooms.
As the Death Cap mushroom can easily be confused with edible varieties, adults are also strongly advised not to
touch, pick or eat any wild mushrooms. It is difficult, even for experienced collectors, to tell the difference
between the Death Cap mushroom and edible wild mushrooms.
All parts of the Death Cap mushroom are poisonous and eating even a small amount of the mushroom can be
fatal. Cooking the Death Cap mushroom does not make it safe.
If you suspect that you or one of your family members might have eaten Death Cap mushrooms, you should
seek urgent medical attention at a hospital emergency department.
If you believe you have spotted a Death Cap mushroom, do not touch the mushroom with your bare skin. If it
is in your own yard, the best option is to leave it be and make sure others stay away from the area. The
mushroom will die in a few days.
If you believe you have spotted a Death Cap mushroom growing in a public area, please contact Canberra
Connect on 13 22 81.
For further information on Death Cap mushrooms,
Working With Children and Young People - Volunteers and Visitors Policy
All visitors and volunteers involved with student related activities should complete a Visitor or Volunteer
Nomination Form and, if required by the Working With Vulnerable People Act, be registered with the Office of
Regulatory Services.
Every visitor or volunteer must sign in on the Daily Sign-In Form each time they visit the school. Unless
you are known to staff at the front desk and known to be registered as a visitor or volunteer with the school,
your WWVP ID will be checked against school records to ensure their nomination has been completed and
accepted by the school. Forms are available on request from the Front Office.
Community News
The National Disability Insurance Agency will be holding information sessions for parents at:
 Wanniassa School on Wednesday 4th March @ 6.00pm
 Mt Stromlo High School on Tuesday 17th March @ 6.00pm.
These information sessions are particularly targeting high school and college families, and staff. Information
sessions for parents of children in primary schools will be held at a later date, HOWEVER, if it is convenient to
attend the high school session there will be an NDIA representative in attendance to talk about the primary
school rollout.
These information sessions will cover the complete process of applying for an NDIS package and what it
means, information packages will be available and NDIA representatives to talk to.
Weston Molonglo Football Club
WANTED: Future Socceroo’s
All Under 6 - U9 games @ Waramanga Oval! Season starts 2 May 2015, Join as a team & play with friends!
For more info email: miniroo_registrar@wmfc.org.au
Spots Anne Calder
Frogs Kate Stewart
Stripes Maria Stavrakis
KMM Johanna Swoboda
Turtles Maria Manton
KKM Wendy McSpadden
KTV Emma McDonnell
KPR Donna Campbell
1LP Alison Callaway
1PA Katherine Heritage
1HT Alexis Macias
1TK Sophie Chen
2RL Yvonne Soper
2SH Kim Kirsten
2LH Fiona Spier
2MC Louisa Cochran
3LD Marta Goodwin
3OF Jodie Newman
3MS Emma Schremmer
4SB Maria Brady
4FD Mitchell White
4PC Charo Paynter
5/6RM Kellie Byrne
5/6HM Craig Plaister
5/6BW Sarah Jenkins
5/6DH Sarah Hundy
5/6KT Jodie Corby
Coordinator Amanda Kingston
Also a reminder to provide details to your Class Carer (if you haven’t already) to ensure you are part of the class contact
list and receive important messages from your teacher, the school and P&C.
Please tick if you want your details included on a class list circulated to the class year
Please tick if I/We wish to be included as members of the Chapman P&C distribution list