The Silk Road was a network of trade routes, included some

Weston Foote
4th hour blain
Social studies
The Silk Road was a network of trade routes, included some branches of
caravan roads which passed across different mountain passes bypassing deserts. A
major transportation service for goods during the role of Rome, ancient china,
renaissance Europe, and India. Many items as well as religion and culture were traded
during the Silk Road chain was benefited many way such as trading glass and cloth for
horses and iron with the other powerful empires.
Rome’s powerful empire expanded spreading ideas, beliefs, and customs
among heterogeneous peoples and as valuable goods were moved over long distances
through trade, exchange, gift giving, and the payment of tribute.
Significant factor in the development of the civilizations of ancient China opening
long-distance interactions between the civilizations, silk was a major trade item for china
the Silk Road served as a means of carrying out cultural trade among the civilizations
along the road. India was also affected as well as affected others by spreading their
religion to all of Asia and becoming the dominate religion.
Weston Foote
4th hour blain
Social studies
Silk Road,
Works Cited
Silk Road. (2014). Retrieved from Wikipedia:
trade between the romans and empire of asia. (2000-2014). Retrieved from heilbrun timeline of art