Handwriting without Tears

Handwriting without Tears
Letter Strokes
Corner Starting Letters- B,D,E,F,H,K,L,M,N,P,R,U,V,W,X,Y,Z
B- big line down, jump to the top, curve to the middle, curve to the bottom, what did you make a B
D- big line down, jump to the top and curve to the bottom, what did you make a D
E- big line down, jump to the top, line across the top, line across the middle, line across the bottom,
what did you make E
F- big line down, jump to the top, line across the top, line across the middle, what did you make F
H- big line down, jump to the other top corner, big line down and line across the middle, what did you
make H
K- big line down, jump to the other top corner, slide down to the line and kick, what did you make a K
L- big line down and walk it across the bottom, what did you make L
M- big line down, jump to the top, slide down, up and down, what did you make M
N- big line down, jump to the top, slide down to the other bottom corner and up like a helicopter, what
did you make N
P- big line down, jump to the top, curve to the middle, what did you make P
R- big line down, jump to the top, curve to the middle and kick, what did you make R
U- big line down, curve across the bottom and up like a helicopter, what did you make U (U is always
V- big line down to the middle and straight up to the corner, what did you make V (V is a very very
W- big line down, up, down, up, what did you make W
X- Slide down to the other corner, jump to the other top corner, slide down to the other corner, what
did you make X
Y- little line to the middle, stop, jump to the other top corner, slide down, what did you make Y
Z- line across the top, slide down to the bottom corner and walk it back, what did you make Z
Center Starting Letters- A,C,G, I, J, O, Q, T, S
A- Big line down to the corner, jump to the top, another big line down to the corner, line across
the middle, what did you make A
C- make a magic C, curve to the bottom, what did you make C
big line down, line across the top, line across the bottom, what did you make I
big line down, make a hook, what did you make J
O- make a magic C and keep going to the top, what did you make O
Q- make a magic C, keep going to the top, little line through the o, that did you make Q
T- big line down, line across the top, what did you make T
S- magic C and curve back, what did you make S
Handwriting without Tears Tips
 All letters start at the top
 All letters can be made in small vertical rectangles to help with spatial
 Letter C is magic because it helps make other letters
 Pinch the pencil at the bottom for an appropriate pencil grip
 Use your writing hand to write and the other hand is your helping hand that
helps you hold the paper, you can make the helping hand like a puppet and
have it say- hi, I’m your helping hand I help you hold the paper and then
slap it down on the paper
 Don’t push handwriting if they are not ready
 If they are not ready for letters work on these handwriting strokes