ProStart Level 2: Poultry Worksheet - Chapter 6.2

ProStart Level 2
Chapter 6.2 Poultry
Due date
1 point per question unless noted otherwise
Points possible
assignment in early. Not completing the required chapter work will result in a lower class grade and may result in
you being removed from the class at semester. NO EXTRA CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN FOR INCOMPLETE
You need to READ the information in the chapter – Do not just look up the information.
This information will be on the National Restaurant Association Level 1 exam which will also be your semester final.
Answer all questions fully I will not grade the assignment if you don’t follow these directions!
You can email me the completed assignment at
Completed assignments will be graded as follows:
5 extra
credit points
On time
53 points
Late 1 day
43 points
Late 2 days
37 points
Late 3 days
32 points
Late 4 days
27 points
Late 5 days
1 point
Objectives: After reading Section 6.2, you should be able to answer the following questions:
Outline the federal grading systems for poultry.
Describe the various kinds of poultry.
Identify the proper purchasing and storing procedures for poultry.
List factors that affect purchasing decisions for poultry.
Outline basic techniques for cooking poultry.
Match various cooking methods with different forms of poultry.
Directions: Fill in the blanks as you read the section in the textbook or listen to lecture or demonstration.
Grades of Poultry
1. What is poultry?
2. What are three grades that can be assigned to poultry? What does each grade signify?
3 pts.
3. The U.S. grade for poultry applies to what types of birds?
(Continued on the back – turn the page over)
Two Forms of Poultry: White and Dark
1. What are the two primary forms of poultry and what are the nutritional differences between the two?
2 pts.
Purchasing, Fabricating, and Storing Poultry
1. What are free range chickens?
2. What are game birds?
3. List three factors that should be considered when purchasing poultry and explain why each is important.
3 pts.
4. Define boning:
5. How does fabrication of poultry differ from the fabrication of meat?
(Continued on the next page)
6. When receiving an order of poultry. What criteria should be used to determine whether to accept the delivery?
2 pts.
7. When would you reject a delivery of poultry?
2 pts.
8. What are ratites and give descriptions of the two named in the text?
2 pts.
9. How should fresh and frozen poultry be store?
Cooking techniques for poultry
1. Define a point: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. What does it mean to truss a bird?
(Continued on the back – turn the page over)
3. The internal temperature of cooked poultry to
4. Stuffing cooked inside poultry should reach an internal temperature of
5. Define opaque: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6. Define mole poblano: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
7. Complete the chart on cooking poultry.
Type of Poultry
8 pts.
Class and Cooking Method
8. Charleen Obal is partial to fried chicken. Research three different recipes that would use fried chicken as a
component. (Print a copy of your recipes)
6 pts.
(Continued on the next page)
9. Chef Kate was more in favor of specializing in poultry dishes than was Miguel Come up with three reasons why
Chef Kate may be on to something. What would three benefits be to making poultry an operation’s specialty?
What would one drawback be?
5 pts.
10. Chicken is the most commonly consumed poultry in the United States. How many chicken items or dishes can
you list? Try to list at least 20?
5 pts.
11. Which type of poultry form do you prefer: white meat or dark meat? Provide three reasons in support of your
choice and then one reason why it may not be the best choice to make. 2 pts.
(Continued on the back – turn the page over)