Intro to Physics Mrs. Coyle Physics is the study of the physical world including motion, energy, light, electricity, magnetism, sound etc. Golden Gate Bridge Physics Mechanics Kinematics (motion) Statics, Dynamics (forces) Electricity Magnetism Waves Optics (geometric optics) Nuclear Physics (Modern Physics) Physics The most basic science. The foundation of other sciences What? Why? How? When? Aristotle (Greek 4th Century BC) Logic Studied motion Natural and violent motion 4 elements: earth, water, air, fire Geocentric view Aristarchos(310-230 BC), disagreed and believed in heliocentric view. Democritus Greek who devised the first atomic theory. Galileo Galilei (1564 AD) Father of the scientific method (along with the Englishman Francis Bacon 1500’s). Studied motion. Agreed with the Greek Aristarchos and Polish Copernicus (1473-1543) on heliocentric view point. This lead to his house arrest. Isaac Newton English (1642-1727) related force and motion and studied light. A Glance at Some Scientists who Studied Electricity and Magnetism American Benjamin Franklin (17061790), experimented with electricity. Michael Faraday (1791-1867), English with a grammar school education, found that a moving magnet induces electric current to flow. The BIG Guy Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Relativity: there is no absolute frame of reference that is at rest. Photoelectric effect (Light is quantized) (Nobel Prize) Related mass and energy E=mc2 The Scientific Method Steps followed during scientific investigations. Scientific Method Recognize a problem Hypothesis- educated guess, testable When tested and confirmed becomes a law Observation -measurement, data collection (experiment) Theory – information including tested hypothesis Conclusion Law or Principle A hypothesis that has been repeatedly tested and not contradicted. Laws change or are abandoned when contradicted. Scientific Fact Observation May change Science and Technology Science Pure Technology Applied Math and Units Math- the language of Physics Units SI – International System Basic Units MKS Meter m Mass kg Time s National Bureau of Standards Prefixes