Seeing Yourself as Others See You

Dear User,
This presentation has been designed for you by the Hearts and Minds Support
It provides a guideline for conducting a Seeing Yourself As Others See You
appraisal exercise
Please note that all the examples have been chosen to support people from all
Feel free to replace them with your own examples and/or add any slides and
exercises you find useful
We hope you will find it useful
Best regards,
The Hearts and Minds Support Team
Copyright SIEP B.V.
Seeing Yourself As Others See You
Copyright SIEP B.V.
An HSE 360 ° Upward Appraisal Tool
Seeing Yourself As Others See You
A simple, web based tool for comparing how you perceive yourself with how
others see you
To avoid serious consequences caused by misunderstandings and
By focusing on how you communicate your commitment to HSSE and how
committed you really are
Seeing Yourself As Others See You
Upwards Appraisal Process
The Process
Initiate process
Action planning
A Guardian nominates Managers and monitors the appraisal process
A Manager nominates Appraisers
A Manager fills out the self assessment questionnaire
Appraisers fill out the questionnaire assessing Manager’s HSE behaviour
Weekly status updates are being sent to a Guardian
Individual report is sent to a Manager
Report with aggregated data is sent to a Guardian
Manager reviews findings with the Appraisers and comes up with an
action plan for improvement
The Participants
A Guardian:
Supervises the process
Nominates the participants for Upwards Appraisal
Organises feedback and discussion sessions
A Manager:
Nominated for Upwards Appraisal
Nominates Appraisers
Develops a personal improvement action plan
An Appraiser:
Appraises a Manager
Helps in a development of Manager’s action plan
The Elements
• Four key aspects of HSE Management are being appraised:
• Walking the Talk:
Do you follow through your statements with real actions?
• Informedness:
Are you seen as being up to date regarding safety issues?
• Trust:
Are you seen as trustworthy with regard to safety?
• Priorities:
What messages are you sending regarding your priorities?
After the Appraisal
Discuss the results with the Appraisers:
• Strong points and the areas for improvement
• Ways to Improve
Discuss with supervisor
• Personal Action Plan
Set a review date and ask for feedback
Examines the aggregated report
Identifies the point Managers need to work on
The Questionnaire
1.Safety – no harm to people – is clearly an important personal value to.
2.…… wants all the rules to be followed even if it means jobs take longer.
3.….. assesses safety performance in the same way as other business performance issues.
4.…..’s safety behaviours set an example to others.
5.……. checks whether people are satisfied with their response to safety concerns.
6.….. is aware of the issues affecting safety performance in their part of the business.
7.… is aware of the safety concerns of their people.
8.….. holds my employees accountable for safety performance in a just and fair way.
9.….. genuinely cares about the safety of their workforce.
10.…… blames others for my own mistakes.
11.… trusts their people to make sure work is completed safely.
12. ….. always promotes safety during site visits.
13.Safety has a strong influence on the way ……. appraises people’ performance.
14.…… treats Safety as a priority when compared with other business objectives.
15.When ….. is under time pressure, safety can slip off the agenda.
16.When ….. recruits new personnel, their previous safety performance is crucial in the selection process.
17. If …… personally was to fail on the business drivers below, which failure would have the most impact on them?
Cost Leadership
Production Targets
(Please rate in order from 1st to 4th; 1st is the driver where failure affects .... most, 4th affects .... least)
For any additional questions or comments
regarding the process please contact the
SYAOSY support team at: