October 17 th - Augusta County Public Schools


The Golden Herd

Volume 2, Issue 1 October/November 2012

Students to Take Writing

SOL in October

The Writing SOL will be given to students in

English 11 first semester. The test will be administered over two days, Tuesday, Oct. 23 rd


Wednesday, Oct. 24 th

. All students are required to pass the Writing SOL in order to graduate.

If your child is testing, please encourage him or her to be well rested, fed, and at school on time on those days.

Students taking English 11 second semester or who are in English 11 AA will be tested second semester.

FFA Annual Fundraiser

Oct. is fruit, cookie dough and FFA nuts selling month. All the FFA members are selling fruit, cookie dough and FFA nuts throughout the month of Oct. The sell sheets are due Thursday,

Nov. 1 st , and the fruit will be in the second week in

December. You can order fruit online by going to the Buffalo Gap website and following the directions on the front page.

Also, the FFA is growing poinsettias that will be sold around Christmas time. More information on that fundraiser will appear in the next newsletter.

Preparing for Winter Sports

Winter Sports start on Monday, Nov. 5 th .

Freshman Class Candle Sale

The Freshman Class is holding a candle sale through the end of the month of October. If you are interesed in purchasing a candle for $12, please see a freshman to order.

BGHS Band Places in Local


All athletes wishing to tryout must have a current physical on file, dated May 1 st

or later to be valid for the 2012-2013 school year.

Each athlete must also have a signed concussion sheet and out-of-season waiver form turned in as well. Physicals and forms may be picked up in the Front Office. If there are questions, please email or call Michelle Beery.

Homecoming Wrap-Up

A big congratulations goes out to BGHS

Varsity Football Team for their Homecoming win over the Page County Panthers.

Congratulations also go out to members of the Homecoming Court.

Freshmen Representatives: Seth Peters and Eve

Redifer; Sophomore Representatives: Evan

Simmons and Ginny Sayre;

Junior Representatives: Liam Benbow and

Maryanna Turnage; Senior Representatives: Dustin

Feaganes, Cody McLain, Briana Via, and Haleigh martin; and Homecoming King and Queen: Darold

Shrewsbury and Eden Smith.

Congratulations to the Bison Marching Band on being WHSV's Band of the Week. Band members appeared on the station’s weekly "Endzone" TV segment after the home win against Stonewall


The band competed the next day at the Blast in the Draft Marching Band competition earning: 1st place drum major; 2nd place drumline; 3rd place colorguard; and 3rd place overall awards.

The band also traveled to Harrisonburg to compete in the Shenadoah Valley Marching

Invitational where it received 3rd place. The band will compete at the Lynchburg Classic on Oct. 13th and at JMU's Parade of Champions on Oct. 20th.

A thank you to all of our choral students, parents, and Bison Music Boosters for all of their help hosting the 2012 All County Honors Choir on Oct.

1st. Gap hosted 143 talented singers from the other county music programs under the direction of Dr. Jo-

Anne vander Vat-Chromy from James Madison

University. The event was a great success!

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School Information

2012-2013 Yearbooks

Order your 2013 yearbook now! Order online at jostensyearbooks.com or in Room 1. Our cover this year will feature the hand print of one of our students. We will draw a name from the students who have ordered their yearbook before

Wednesday, Nov. 14 th

, and the winner’s handprint will be featured on our cover.

Help the yearbook staff keep the price the same all year by being a page sponsor for only

$20. This is a great way for family members and businesses to help support the Golden Bison

Yearbook Staff. We only have a few remaining pages needing sponsors. Contact Mrs. Cleveland at tcleveland@augusta.k12.va.us

to sign up for your page.

We still have a few 2012 “Damaged

Corner” 50 th

Anniversary Books left for $50.

Contact Mrs. Cleveland at 337-6021 or email tcleveland@augusta.k12.va.us

to get one. 1962-

2012 alumni are on the cover.

From the Counselors’ Desks


The PSAT will be offered at BGHS on

Wednesday, Oct. 17 th

. Taking the PSAT gives practice for the SAT, may qualify juniors for the

National Merit Scholarship Program and provides detailed feedback that will indicate areas of academic strength and weakness. Any student planning to apply to the Shenandoah Valley

Governor’s School next year must take the PSAT as a requirement of the application process.

Students who have registered for the test need to arrive to school on time (no exceptions) and bring two Number 2 pencils. They will miss all of first and second block classes that day.


All college-bound seniors should have taken the SAT or ACT at least once by this time.

If students would like to improve their scores, they need to take the test for the second time as soon as possible. Students can pick up registration and practice information for these tests in the Career


Upcoming SAT/ACT Dates:

SAT- The deadline for the Nov. 3 rd

test has already passed; however, you can still register with a late fee by Oct. 19 th

. For the December 1 st test, Nov. 1 st

is the regular deadline. The late fee deadline is Nov. 16 th .

ACT- The deadline for the December 8 th test is Nov. 2 nd

. The late fee deadline is Nov. 3 rd


16 th


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The library has been a very busy place since the start of the new school year!

Many of the English and composition classes have been coming to the library to find resources for their persuasive research projects. They have been using books as well as databases and other electronic sources to locate information to support their positions. Some of the classes have been using the Easy Bib website to learn about and apply the new MLA7 citation rules. The students will demonstrate their knowledge of these research and writing skills when they take the English SOL end-of-course tests in eleventh grade.

Ninth-grade students currently enrolled in

English have been coming to the library bi-weekly for information literacy lessons. They should now be experts on the Dewey Decimal System, the online catalog, and the parts of a book. On Oct.

19 th

, Claire Covington from the Augusta County

Library in Fishersville will conduct a session on the resources and events the county libraries have available to teens. She will also present public library cards to students who are currently without them.

These are just two examples of the activity happening in the library. Others include: students in Mrs. Click’s classes checking out historical fiction, academic team members meeting for practice, and college admissions counselors speaking to juniors and seniors about their institutions of higher learning.

Please encourage your students to contribute to the activity by using the library regularly to meet their information and pleasure reading needs!

CLUBs & SCHOOL Organizations

Seeds for Trees

Coach Harmon’s science classes, with the ecology group leading, have been collecting seeds

(acorns, walnuts, etc.) for the Virginia Department of Forestry. The VDOF has sent out a call for collections to answer the increased demand for tree seedlings. The seeds will be planted this fall in beds at the Crimora nursery. Some of the seedlings planted in our CREP project two years ago may have been collected by our students. More trees mean a better planet.

FFA Report

The FFA Parliamentary Procedure Team traveled to the National Eastern FFA contest held at the Big E in Springfield, Mass. The team placed third overall. Team members were Katie Waldron,

Abigail Cromer, Tyler Eagle, Zach Jacobs,

Brandon Acord, and one other student.

The state winning livestock team is busy practicing for the National FFA Livestock Judging contest this fall in Indianapolis, Indiana. Team members include Carrie Cromer, Tom Cromer,

Dylan Downs, Cole Kaufman, and Coffman


Did You Know?

October is recognized as

National Book Month.

November is National Diabetes Month.

Hayley Fix Is Representing!

Hayley Fix, the Vice President of

Membership for the Virginia Association of

FCCLA, has been representing both our local chapter and state organization well throughout the county. On Sept. 12 th , she led the Pledge of

Allegiance to the Augusta County Board of

Supervisors along with Le Anne Simmons and

Amy Rhodes. This trio also led the Pledge of

Allegiance for the School Board members on Oct.

4 th

. Aside from this honor, Hayley gave a short presentation to the School Board members about her past experiences in FCCLA and how they will impact her future. She thanked them for allowing

Augusta County to be one of the most active counties in Virginia in regards to FCCLA involvement. In honor of all past FCCLA members and all future ones to come, she complimented the School Board for their support and all Augusta County FACS teachers for their efforts to inspire students to reach the “Ultimate


Experience” in FCCLA.

School Website

Most school news and information is available on the BGHS website. To access this site, go to www.augusta.k12.va.us/bghs

The Bison Backpack Project

As a way of developing school unity and humility, we have decided to start a school service project. We have adopted a “sister” school in El

Salvador. This small school, El Centro Escolar La

Gaviota, serves 20 – 25 children in grades K through 2. Our first project will be to provide backpacks filled with school supplies for each student. Several of our clubs, teams, and classes have chosen to “adopt a student” for this project.

We are excited about the opportunity to give back!

Please contact Mrs. Schuhmann if you have questions or would like to get involved!

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Drama to Compete in

District Festival

Buffalo Gap High School Drama will be competing in the District Theatre Festival at

Wilson Memorial High School on Oct. 22 nd . The

Festival will begin at 5:00pm and include the

Shenandoah Valley high schools' acting troupes performing one-act plays.

This year, we will be performing an original play "The Bond," written by Mrs. Brady,

Maryanna Turnage, and Camilla Wilkerson.

Camilla Wilkerson is directing the play, staring

Conor Clark, Ryan Wallace, Barney Lee, Charles

Jones, Ayiana Watts, and Katilyn Shull.

Admittance is free, so come out to Wilson and support BGHS Drama!

Fine Arts Field Trip Location

The Fine Arts Department's Spring Trip will be to New York this year! Please see Mrs.

Herr, Mr. Philp, or Mrs. Brady if you are interested in going!

Calendar of Events

October 12

Varsity Football —East Rockingham:


October 13 th

Cheerleading —Bison Invitational:


October 16 th

Volleyball —East Rockingham: Home/5:30

October 17 th

Cross Country —Riverheads/Page Co.:


JV Football —Wilson Memorial: Home/6:00

October 18 th


October 19

Varsity Football —Wilson Memorial:


October 20 th

FCCLA Community Indoor Yard Sale

October 22 th th nd


—Wilson Memorial: Home/5:30

Senior Make-up Orders with Jostens

October 23 rd

SOL Writing Test

Parent/Teacher Conferences —6:00-


Picture Makeup for


Progress Reports Distributed

Volleyball —Riverheads: Away/5:30

October 24 th

SOL Writing Test

Cross Country —District Championship


JV Football —Riverheads: Away/6:00

October 27 th

Cheerleading —Cheer District @RHS/1:00.

October 29 th

Volleyball —District Tournament: TBA/TBA

October 31 st

Cross Country —Regional

Championship@Panorama Farms/TBA

JV Football —Stuarts Draft: Home/6:00

Volleyball —District Tournament: TBA/TBA


November 1 st

Volleyball —District Tournament: TBA/TBA

November 2 nd

Varsity Football —Stuarts Draft: Away/7:00

November 3 rd

Cheerleading —Regionals @East


November 5 th

Winter Sports Tryouts Begin

November 6 th

No School for Student —Election Day

November 10 th

Cross Country —State Championship


November 15 th

End of 2 nd Six Weeks

November 16 th

Senior Make-up Orders with Jostens

Other Important Dates

October 25 th

Volleyball —Stuarts Draft: Away/5:30

October 26 th

No School for Students —Parent/Teacher


Varsity Football —Riverheads: Home/7:00

November 21 st – 23 rd

No School —Thanksgiving Break

November 29 th

Talent Show During Bison Block

November 30 th

Report Cards Distributed


Augusta County Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. The following persons have been designated to handle inquires regarding the non-discrimination policies.

Title IX Coordinator

Eric W. Bond, Ed. D.

Assistant Superintendent for Personnel

6 John Lewis Road

Fishersville, VA 22939

(540) 245-5107

Section 504 Coordinator

George Earhart

Assistant Superintendent for Administration

6 John Lewis Road

Fishersville, VA 22939

(540) 245-5108

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