Respiratory Disorders: Pleural and Thoracic Injury I. Disorders of the Pleura A. Pleural Effusion Definition: a collection of excess fluid in the pleural space. 3/24/2016 1 3/24/2016 2 3/24/2016 Pleural effusion Chest x-ray of a pleural effusion. The arrow A shows fluid layering in the right pleural cavity. The B arrow shows the normal width of the lung in the cavity 3 Etiology of Pleural Effusions: 3/24/2016 Congestive Heart Failure Liver Disease Renal Disease Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis Pneumonia TB Lung Cancer Trauma 4 What would you think is happening in this client? 3/24/2016 5 Answer: 3/24/2016 Massive left sided pleural effusion in a patient presenting with lung cancer. 6 Pathophysiology of Pleural Effusion capillary pressure or plasma proteins Formation of excess fluid= Transudate 3/24/2016 capillary permeability= Exudate Accumulation of pus in the pleural space=Empyema 7 Transudate Non-inflammatory Trans means movement of fluid due to changes in pressure gradients What do you remember about oncotic pressure and serum albumin levels??? What is hydrostatic pressure? 3/24/2016 vs Exudate Inflammatory in nature Exudate means there is a release of fluid. Exudative pleural effusion are due to changes in capillary permeability. The capillaries are inflammed and are not as selective and allow fluid to leak into the pleural space. 8 Let’s try to classify Transudative or Exudative Pleural Effusion…. Etiology of Pleural Effusions: 3/24/2016 Congestive Heart Failure Liver Disease Renal Disease Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis Pneumonia TB Lung Cancer Trauma ARDS 9 Clinical Manifestations of Pleural Effusion 3/24/2016 Dyspnea Pleurisy Decreased breath sounds Decreased chest wall movement 10 Diagnostic Tests Pleural Effusion 3/24/2016 CXR CT scan ABG’s/O2 Saturation 11 3/24/2016 12 Therapeutic Interventions 3/24/2016 Thoracentesis-needle aspiration of fluid in pleural space. Usually 1200-1500ml /time. Antibiotics if due to infectious process. Chest tube to drain fluid/air. Pleurodesis-instillation of chemical agent (doxycycline) into pleural space to create inflammatory response (scar tissue) to adhese the visceral and parietal pleura. Treat underlying condition that is causing the effusion. 13 Nursing Diagnosis #1 Ineffective breathing pattern related to decreased lung expansion of left lung secondary to accumulation of fluid in the pleural space, pain and discomfort of breathing deeply secondary to inflammation and irritation of pleural space, and poor positioning in bed secondary to inability to reposition self without assistance. Nursing Diagnosis #2 Impaired gas exchange related to ineffective capillary – alveolar gas exchange secondary to presence of atelectasis in lower left lung and respiratory fatigue caused by presence of pleural effusion in left lung compromising ability to inspire deeply and causing pain. PleurX® Pleural Catheter System B. Spontaneous Pneumothorax Definition-accumulation of air in the pleural space Pathophysiology Rupture of bleb on the lung surface allows air into the pleural space • Primary pneumothorax- affects previously healthy individuals • Secondary pneumothorax-affects individuals with preexisting lung disease – Which diseases can you think of??? 3/24/2016 18 Clinical Manifestations of Spontaneous Pnemo 3/24/2016 Abrupt onset Pleuritic chest pain SOB, dyspnea respiratory rate, tachycardia Unequal chest excursion Decreased breath sounds on affected side 19 C. Traumatic Pneumothorax Definition/Pathophysiology: Accumulation of air into pleural space due to blunt or penetrating trauma of chest wall/lungs. Types of Traumatic Pneumothorax • Closed Pneumo • Open Pneumo • Iatrogenic Pneumo 3/24/2016 20 Closed Pneumothorax No opening from external chest. Open Pneumothorax Opening from external chest wall into pleura. Iatrogenic Pneumothorax Puncture or laceration of visceral pleura during medical tx Occurs in crashes, falls, MVAs, CPR, fractured ribs that penetrate the pleura. Occurs in stabbings, gunshot wounds, impalement injury. Occurs in central line placement, thoracentesis, lung biopsy, bronchoscopy, & mechanical ventilation 3/24/2016 21 I’m just asking…. The client has a spontaneous pneumothorax….which type of pneumothorax is this: A- Iatrogenic B- Open C- Closed D- Gee… I dunno 3/24/2016 22 Clinical Manifestations of Pneumothorax 3/24/2016 Dyspnea Pleuritic Pain RR, pulse respiratory excursion Absent breath sounds on affected side 23 D. Tension Pneumothorax Definition: air/blood/fluid rapidly enters pleural space and unable to escape Lung collapses Emergency situation! 3/24/2016 24 Tension Pneumothorax Is this a right sided or left sided tension pnemothorax? 3/24/2016 25 Pathophysiology of Tension Pnemothorax Compression of lung to other side Compresses against trachea, heart, aorta, esophagus 3/24/2016 Increase in Intrapleural pressure Ventilation and Cardiac Output greatly compromised 26 Clinical Manifestations/Complications of Tension Pneumo Severe Dyspnea Tracheal Deviation Decreased Cardiac Output Distended Neck Veins RR, pulse, blood pressure Shock 3/24/2016 27 Therapeutic Interventions for Pneumothorax 3/24/2016 High Fowlers position O2 as ordered Rest to decrease O2 demand Chest tube insertion Pleurodesis Surgery: Thoracotomy to remove blebs, partial excision of parietal pleura done using VATS (video assisted thorascopic surgery) 28 II. Trauma of the Chest/Lung Chest injury is the leading cause of death from trauma May involve chest wall, lungs, heart, great vessels, esophagus Life threatening chest injuries include: Airway obstruction Tension pneumo, open pneumo, massive hemothorax Flail chest with pulmonary contusion 3/24/2016 29 Pathophysiology of Thoracic Injury Acceleration-Deceleration Injury Rapid change in velocity 3/24/2016 Body stops suddenly Chest cavity organs/tissues move forward 30 A. Rib Fracture 3/24/2016 Simple rib fracture in an at risk client may lead to pneumonia, atelectasis, respiratory failure Displaced rib fractures can result in pnemo/hemothorax, intrathoracic vessel tears, liver or spleen injury 31 Clinical Manifestations of Rib Fractures 3/24/2016 Pain on inspiration/coughing Voluntary splinting Rapid, shallow respirations Decreased breath sounds Crepitus on palpation Signs/symptoms of pneumo/hemothorax 32 B. Flail Chest 3/24/2016 Etiology/Pathophysiology Occurs when 2+ consecutive ribs are fractured in multiple places Segment of chest wall becomes “freefloating” or flail Flail segment of chest wall is sucked in during inspiration and moves outward with expiration 33 The client presents in the ED: 3/24/2016 Chest trauma client What did you note in this client? What would you do 1st? 2nd? 34 Clinical Manifestations of Flail Chest 3/24/2016 Dyspnea Pain especially on inspiration Palpable crepitus Decreased breath sounds Unequal Chest expansion 35 What assessment finding is present??? 3/24/2016 36 Flail Chest 3/24/2016 Right lung affected 37 Therapeutic Interventions Flail Chest 3/24/2016 O2 as ordered Elevate HOB Intercostal nerve block or epidural analgesia to decrease pain Suction as ordered Splint affected area Preferred treatment= Intubation and positive pressure ventilation 38 3/24/2016 Internal/External fixation of ribs in Flail Chest 39 Judet Plates for Fractured Ribs/Flail Chest 3/24/2016 40 Sanchez Plates for Fractured Ribs/Flail Chest 3/24/2016 41 C. Pulmonary Contusion Etiology/Pathophysiology Left 3/24/2016 Pulmonary contusion 42 Abrupt Chest Compression then Rapid Decompression Intra-alveolar Hemorrhage Interstitial/bronchial Edema surfactant production leads to decreased lung compliance Pulmonary vascular resistance blood flow 3/24/2016 Airway obstruction, Atelectasis, Impaired O2/CO2 exchange 43 Clinical Manifestations of Pulmonary Contusion 3/24/2016 SOB Restlessness, Anxiety Chest Pain Copius Sputum (blood tinged) RR, Pulse, Dyspnea, Cyanosis 44 Therapeutic Interventions Pulmonary Contusion 3/24/2016 Intubation/Mechanical Ventilation Bronchoscopy to remove secretions, cellular debris Fluids, Volume expanders to treat shock Pulmonary Artery pressure monitoring 45