Document1 Filcom Sports Club Basketball Competition Rules and Regulations Updated on 26 November 2014 Page 1 of 30 Document1 Document History Date Author Version Change Reference 11 Jul 2009 Dennis Benedictos 1.0 Draft and first version creation 24 Jan 2010 2 Feb 2010 13 Feb 2010 6 July 2010 Dennis Benedictos Dennis Benedictos Dennis Benedictos Dennis Benedictos 2.0 2.1 2.3 3.0 14 July 2010 8 Jan 2011 29 Jan 2011 5 Feb 2011 9 Feb 2011 1 Mar 2011 22 June 2011 Dennis Benedictos Dennis Benedictos Dennis Benedictos Dennis Benedictos Dennis Benedictos Dennis Benedictos Dennis Benedictos 3.1 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5.0 13 July 2011 2 Dec 2011 12 Dec 2011 18 Jan 2012 2 Feb 2012 Dennis Benedictos Damien Burns Damien Burns Damien Burns Damien Burns 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 18 June 2012 3 July 2012 Damien Burns Rob Lara/Damien Burns 6.5 6.6 18 July 2012 Damien Burns 6.7 24 July 2012 Damien Burns 6.8 8 Feb 2013 Dennis Benedictos 6.9 29 Apr 2013 22 Jul 2013 Damien Burns Damien Burns 6.10 7.0 19 Mar 2014 20 Mar 2014 26 Nov 2014 Todd Gregory Todd Gregory Dennis Benedictos 9.0 9.1 9.2 Review and updated for 2010 season Minor changes and updates Minor changes and updates Review and updated for 2010 summer season Minor changes and updates Review and updated for 2011 season Minor changes and updates Minor changes and updates Minor changes and updates Minor changes and updates Updates in preparation for new 2011 season Release for 2011 season Draft updates for 2012 season Updated and ready for review Updated after Filcom committee review Updated rule for Premier players in division one Update timeout rule Updated forfeit rules and added section 10 for player exemptions Updated section 9 so it is clearer to teams can manage premier players Changed structure and added content around competition and eligibility Minor changes, removed 2nd overtime for regular season Updated duty requirements to five persons Updated rules for one division, player eligibility Updates and changes Updated rules for player eligibility Amended organizational structure, rego fees, competition structure and bank details. Added clarification on team lineup and fill ins. Changed FISBL name to D-League. Page 2 of 30 Document1 1. Purpose...................................................................................................................................................... 4 2. Organisational Structure ......................................................................................................................... 4 3. Filcom Sports Basketball Organising Committee meetings ............................................................... 5 4. Team Captains Meetings ........................................................................................................................ 6 5. Eligibility ................................................................................................................................................... 6 6. Registration fees ....................................................................................................................................... 7 7. Competition Structure ............................................................................................................................. 8 8. Game schedules ....................................................................................................................................... 8 9. The Playing Venue ................................................................................................................................... 9 10. Player registration .................................................................................................................................. 9 11. Team line-up ......................................................................................................................................... 10 12. Trades .................................................................................................................................................... 11 13. Free Agent ............................................................................................................................................. 11 14. Fill In ...................................................................................................................................................... 11 15. Playing in more than one competition .............................................................................................. 12 16. Exemptions from divisional playing restrictions ............................................................................ 13 17. Uniforms standard and other accessories ........................................................................................ 13 18. Awards .................................................................................................................................................. 14 19. Game and Duty responsibilities ........................................................................................................ 15 20. Competition Points .............................................................................................................................. 16 21. Game Forfeit ......................................................................................................................................... 16 22. Duty Forfeit........................................................................................................................................... 17 23. Length of the game .............................................................................................................................. 18 24. Regular round procedures .................................................................................................................. 18 25. Teams with equal standings at the end of the regular round ........................................................ 19 26. Playoff & Grand Final game procedures .......................................................................................... 19 27. Overtime Procedure ............................................................................................................................ 19 28. Injuries ................................................................................................................................................... 20 29. Eligibility for the Playoff and Grand Final games ........................................................................... 20 30. Fouls and Suspensions ........................................................................................................................ 21 32. Protests .................................................................................................................................................. 23 33. Season’s End ......................................................................................................................................... 25 Appendix 1: Code of Conduct ..................................................................................................................... 27 Appendix 1: Playoff Structure for 8 teams ................................................................................................. 29 Enquiries ......................................................................................................................................................... 30 Page 3 of 30 Document1 1. Purpose 1.1. Filcom Sports Club is an organisation of Filipinos and Australians which utilizes sports and other activities to promote camaraderie, fitness, and unity among multicultural communities. Every member is encouraged to be physically active, sustain a healthy well-being, and promote fellowship by being involved in various sports programs and tournaments. 1.2. Through the years, players continue to foster new friendships, always maintaining a fun sporting environment for all ages, races, and height! One of the strengths of the club is the willingness and dedication of experienced players to teach beginners and give them pointers. Filcom’s history traces its roots back to when a group of regular golfers held monthly games, eventually attracting other sports enthusiasts to join. The inclusion of basketball and bowling tournaments enticed more members to be part of teams that were established. 1.3. Current active membership is at 400 and this number continues to grow, as the addition of badminton further expands the scope of sports programs offered by the club. More members are expected to join, as plans remain on the drawing board for the entry of other sports like tennis, cycling, chess and table tennis and volleyball. 2. Organisational Structure 2.1. Filcom Basketball will be organised and managed by the Filcom Basketball Committee. 2.2. The Filcom Basketball Committee is composed of the following key members: Filcom Basketball Committee Chair – Dennis Benedictos Open League Coordinator – Dennis Benedictos D-League Coordinator – Ryan Nebre Referees Coordinator – Clinton Roy Financial Coordinator – Robert Lara Page 4 of 30 Document1 2.3. Game Statistics Coordinator – Rob Newman Games Coordinator – Jess Denning Communications Coordinator – Todd Gregory Logistics Coordinator – Clinton Roy The Filcom Sports Basketball Organising Committee relies on assistance from other volunteers to assist with roles that include, court manager, duty manager and invited referees. 2.4. The Filcom Sports Basketball Organising Committee is responsible for the efficient operation of the competition including scheduling, checking uniforms, collecting money, referee and iPad/Statistics training and assisting your team with any questions you may have. 2.5. The Filcom Basketball Team Captains under the direction and support of the Filcom Basketball Organising Committee is responsible for assisting with regular running of the games. Eg: Timings of games, referee provision and game equipment allocation, including duty provision (score sheet, score board and iPad operator provision). 2.6. The Filcom Sports Basketball Organising Committee and the Team Captains are there to help and assist teams to successfully run the Competition. We expect that all players will show them courtesy and abuse will not be tolerated in any circumstances. 2.7. The official rulebook of the Filcom Basketball is FIBA rules with the additions, amendments and exceptions outlined in this document. For particular circumstances, the Filcom Committee will decide on matters and advise team captains and individual players accordingly. 2.8. For items that are not covered by this rulebook and are outside the immediate domain of basketball, guidance will be through Common Law and Corporations Law as applicable within Australia. 3. Filcom Sports Basketball Organising Committee meetings Page 5 of 30 Document1 3.1. The Filcomsports Basketball Organising Committee meets on a monthly basis (or when required) to ensure a smooth running of the competition and issues are dealt with promptly. 3.2. We encourage team captains and other players to attend these meetings to help in decision makings and help spread the load of completing any tasks. 4. Team Captains Meetings 4.1. The Team Captains are scheduled to meet at the beginning, middle and end of the Filcom season and at the end of the regular season before the start of the playoffs. The Committee may schedule mandatory Team Captains meetings as required and will give Team Captains ample notice to attend. 4.2. Team Captains meetings are mandatory to ensure that all teams informed of any changes to the competition and provide constructive feedback to the Filcom Basketball competition. 4.3. If a Team Captain is unable to attend the meeting, the Captain must organise a team representative to attend on his behalf. 4.4. Failure to attend the Team Captains meeting will incur one (1) competition point penalty. 4.5. Attendance to these meetings will be recorded. This information will be taken into consideration when teams submit protests, complaints or feedback to the Filcom Committee. 4.6. All meeting dates will be provided after acceptance of team registrations. 4.7. Filcom Basketball Committee reserves the right to hold additional captain meetings during the course of the season or playoffs which will be mandatory for captains to attend. 5. Eligibility 5.1. Filcom Basketball is a men’s basketball league and is by invitation only. All registered player/s and team/s agree to abide by the rules and regulations outlined in this document and instructions issued by the Filcom Basketball Committee. Filcom reserves the right to refuse inclusion of any player or team. Page 6 of 30 Document1 Full disclosure is required in player and team registration. A player or team may also lose eligibility based on our acceptance criteria for each new season. Exclusion can also be for a given game or number of games or period of time, e.g. suspension, unfinancial status. 5.2. There is no age requirement for Filcom. In accordance with state laws any participants under the age of 18 may be required to provide written permission from their parent(s) or guardian(s) before he/she is allowed to play or participate in Filcom sanctioned activities. Participants must be physically and medically fit to participate in sporting activities with no pre-existing medical conditions/issues. Full disclosure is required in player and team registration. 6. Registration fees 6.1. Team Registration form along with a deposit (as indicated on the registration form) must be submitted before the season begins and by the date specified by the Filcom Sports basketball committee. 6.2. Fees must be paid in full by Round 10 or as indicated on the form. Teams that are un-financial will be considered as having forfeited (-1 deduction in competition points) their scheduled game and any other round thereafter until the team has fully paid its obligation. Teams must pay the minimum registration fee as indicated on the form when opting for the installment plan otherwise the Committee has the discretion to disallow the team from participating in the competition. Teams affected under this ruling will be considered as having forfeited their scheduled game. 6.3. Teams are only allowed two forfeitures due to being un-financial before they will be considered suspended from the competition. Players in the lineup will not be able to participate in the Filcom competition including playing for other divisions within the competition. 6.4. Filcom is not responsible for players who have paid season fees to team captains. Team captains are expected to manage team finances. 6.5. An exception to rule 6.3 will be in the event a player has paid individual fees directly into Filcom bank accounts and can prove this. The player can apply for Page 7 of 30 Document1 exemption to be eligible to play for a new team if the player was previously registered with a team that has defaulted on season fees and subsequently was suspended from the competition. 6.6. Payment can be made via direct deposit to Filcom Sports Club bank account. Bank: Commonwealth Bank Account Name: TBA 6.7. BSB: TBA Account: TBA Comment: < your name or team name > Players who are registered to play in Filcom must abide by the Filcom Basketball Rules and any incidents requiring disciplinary action will be managed in accordance with Filcom Basketball Disciplinary By-Laws. 7. Competition Structure 7.1. Filcom Basketball consists of two separate Social divisions, a Filcom Open League and Filcom Development League Social Basketball (D-League). 7.2. Filcom Open League is a social competition for all ages. The focus of the Filcom Open League is to be entertaining and competitive for all whilst remaining at a social level. 7.3. Filcom Development League (D-League) is open to under 20 and over 35 players. This competition is to encourage senior players to mentor junior players in learning the game of basketball including setting an example for how to behave for future competitions. 7.3.1. Filcom D-League includes additional competition rules. This document is provided separately from this document. 8. Game schedules 8.1. A copy of the Game Schedules/Fixtures will be provided to each team captain prior to commencement of the competition. Page 8 of 30 Document1 8.2. A copy of the Game Schedules/Fixtures will be published online at the Filcom Sports website, before the commencement of the competition. 8.3. Please note that it is the player’s responsibility to find out their team Schedule. 8.4. All teams can expect to get an even spread of game between the time slots over the season. 8.5. Game times are as follows however Filcom Sports Basketball committee can schedule games from any division in any of the time slots available between 1:00pm to 6:00pm: 8.6. Filcom Sports Club Basketball Committee reserves the right to change scheduled times or cancel games where necessary. All effort will be made to inform team captains, Court Managers and referees of any changes. 9. The Playing Venue 9.1. Preferred venue: Bldg 13, Basketball and Netball Stadium, Australian Institute of Sports, Leverrier St, Bruce ACT 2617 9.2. Alternative venue: Canberra Grammar School: 40 Monaro Crescent, Red Hill ACT 2603 9.3. Alternative venue: Southern Cross Basketball Stadium, 22 Cowlishaw St, Tuggeranong 9.4. Fourth alternative venue: Woden Basketball Courts, Irving St, Philip 9.5. Filcom Sports Club reserves the right to host Filcom Basketball games at an alternative venue other than what has been specified above. 10. Player registration 10.1. All players must be registered before they take the court in their first game. 10.2. If the Competition has commenced, new players must apply to the Filcom committee two business day before the game is due to be played. The details required are below: Page 9 of 30 Document1 Full name Date of Birth Email address At least one phone number e.g. mobile number Current highest division outside of Filcom Player Declaration 10.3. A team that fields unregistered players will forfeit their game and one competition point will be deducted as a disqualification. 10.4. The Court Manager decides if a forfeit has occurred. The Court Manager’s decision is final. 11. Team line-up 11.1. Each team can nominate a minimum of seven (7) and a maximum of twelve (12) players in the lineup. 11.2. During the Regular rounds, a team can field ten (10) players to play in any one game. 11.3. The minimum number of players on court without incurring a forfeit is four (4) 11.4. New players can be added in the lineup by Game Day of Round fifteen (15). 11.5. After Round fifteen (15), if a team does not have the minimum requirement of seven (7) players, the Committee may allow a team to make changes in their lineup by replacing players who become unavailable to play, with new players. 11.5.1. The number of players in the lineup will be limited to eight (8) after Round fifteen (15). 11.5.2. Replacement players can be new players who are currently not registered with Filcom Sports Club Basketball. 11.6. A formal request to the Committee for approval to replace players in a team must be made two business days prior to the next scheduled game. 11.7. All players in the lineup must play a minimum of seven (7) games in the Regular rounds to be eligible to play in the Playoffs and Grand-Final rounds. 11.8. A registered player can arrive at any time and be eligible to play during regular Page 10 of 30 Document1 time but not during Over Time. 12. Trades 12.1. Teams may trade players up to round fifteen (15). 12.2. A trade must involve two teams and at least one player must be traded from either team. 12.3. Trading players requires both teams involved in the trade to have consent from all players in the lineup. 12.4. Once a trade has been negotiated by two teams a formal request needs to be submitted to the Filcom Committee for trade review two days prior to the next scheduled game. 12.5. The Filcom Committee has the right to reject or approve any trades. 13. Free Agent 13.1. A Free Agent is a player who has informed the Filcom Basketball Committee of his interest to join the competition but is not currently in any team lineup. 13.2. Details of the Free Agent will be included in the Free Agent List. 13.3. A Free Agent List will be made available to all Team Captains which includes the free agents’ names, height and game position. 13.4. Any team interested to contact a Free Agent may request for their contact details from the Filcom Basketball Committee. 13.5. The Team Captain must submit a formal request to the Filcom Basketball Committee two business days prior to the scheduled game requesting a free agent be added to the team line up. 13.6. Player details of the free agent must be included in the Team Registration form. 14. Fill In 14.1. A Fill In is a player that can be temporarily included in a team lineup when a team can only field four players during a game. Page 11 of 30 Document1 14.2. A Fill In can only be included in a team during the Regular rounds. A Fill In is not allowed in the Playoffs. 14.3. A team must have the minimum requirement of four players during a game before a team can be allowed to have Fill Ins. 14.4. A team can bring a maximum of one (1) fill In to field a total of five (5) players. 14.5. If a 5th registered player turns up after the Fill in has already played, the Fill in is no longer allowed to continue playing. 14.6. A Fill In must be a new player who is not currently registered in Filcom Sports Club Basketball or an existing player from a lower division who has not already filled in for another team in the division. 14.7. After a player has played a minimum of seven (7) games in a season, he must be officially registered to continue playing in that season’s competition. 14.8. A Fill In who is not a registered player in Filcom can only fill in when a request has been sent through to the Filcom Sports Committee two business days prior to scheduled game. This is to allow the committee time to check the player’s background for suspensions and eligibility against elite player rules. 14.9. No fill in can register once the game has commenced. 14.10. If a Fill In player from a lower division has played the maximum of seven (7) games at the higher division and the player wishes to remain in the higher division - the player can apply to be officially registered in the higher division and will be removed/deregistered from the lower division. 14.11. Once a player has been promoted to a higher division they are no longer eligible to play in a lower division. 14.12. It is encouraged that players be promoted up from lower divisions when seeking fill in players. Players are not permitted to fill in for teams that are currently lower than the division the fill in player is currently registered. 15. Playing in more than one competition 15.1. Players who are registered to play CPL Division one, or ACT Basketball Premier Division one/two or higher are not eligible to participate in Filcom. This rule is to ensure the competition remains at a social level. Page 12 of 30 Document1 15.2. An eligible Filcom player who registers to play CPL Division one, or ACT Basketball Premier Division one/two or higher during the Filcom season will no longer be eligible to participate in Filcom. 15.3. An eligible Filcom player who fills-in for CPL Division one, or ACT Basketball Premier Division one/two or higher during the Filcom season will no longer be eligible to participate in Filcom. 15.4. For a player to be considered unregistered from any division that imposes playing restrictions, the player must remain unregistered from that division for a year before the restrictions can be removed. 15.5. Filcom teams are permitted to include a maximum of two players who are registered players in ACT Basketball Division A. 15.6. Filcom teams are not permitted to have a third player register in ACT Basketball Division A during the Filcom season. 16. Exemptions from divisional playing restrictions 16.1. If a player deregisters from all the divisions that impose playing restrictions, the player can apply to the Filcom Committee for an exemption. The application is required to provide details of why the player feels they should be exempt. Note: The committee will take the player’s ability and circumstances (prior injury) into consideration when making a decision on exemption requests. 16.2. No player will be granted exemptions to play in more than one division on a permanent basis. This rule is to reduce the risk of player injuries. 17. Uniforms standard and other accessories 17.1. Players of a team must be in matching uniforms consisting of same coloured tops with unique numbers. 17.2. Teams have up to Round seven (7) to comply with the Uniforms standard outlined below. 17.3. Players out of uniform will incur four (4) game points for the first player out of uniform and two (2) game points per player out of uniform there after. 17.4. Slight colour and design variations in shorts are permitted. Page 13 of 30 Document1 17.5. Shorts with pockets are NOT permitted, as they are regarded as dangerous. 17.6. Numbers must be clear. Taped/chalked numbers are not allowed. 17.7. The numbers that are allowed are: 00-99. 17.8. T-shirts worn under uniforms are permitted. It can be the same colour as the uniform’s dominant colour. 17.9. Appropriate non-marking covered footwear must be worn. 17.10. All players must remove objects such as watches/jewelry as these are deemed dangerous to other players. A facial jewelry, wedding band or a medic alert bracelet may be worn, but must be appropriately taped. 17.11. Nails must be cut. 17.12. One player in the team may be allowed to have no number on the uniform. 17.13. If a team fields players with non-matching uniforms where the referee feels he is unable to differentiate between teams, the referee has the option to disallow a game to continue or disallow the offending player from participating in the game. 18. Awards 18.1. Filcom regular season award categories are: Most Valuable Player – (Based on duty MVP votes) Most Improved Player – (Committee voted award) Best New Player – (Committee voted award) Best and Fairest – (Committee voted award) 18.2. Filcom playoff award categories are: Grand Finals Most Valuable Player – (Based on MVP votes accumulated during the Filcom Grand Finals) 18.3. Each referee and duty member gets one MVP vote. A total of four MVP votes should be allocated on score sheet at the end of a game. 18.4. When duty members and referees are allocating MVP votes, they should consider spirit of fair play and good sportsmanship in conjunction with on court Page 14 of 30 Document1 performance when making their MVP selection. 19. Game and Duty responsibilities 19.1. Team captains are responsible for ensuring the score sheet is completed, with details of all players before the start of the game. 19.2. If a player’s name and number is not on the score sheet before the start of the second half then the player is not allowed to participate in the game. 19.3. Each team will be rostered for duty during the season on a game before or after your game. 19.4. If your team is scheduled for duty, you must provide a minimum of five players as Duty players. Their roles are: One scoreboard operator One scoresheet personnel iPad Operator Games Narrator (optional) this can be the scoresheet personnel two referees (if no qualified or trainee referees are available) 19.5. Team captains will be contacted by the referee coordinator and advised if they are to provide referees for the duty game. The referee coordinator will attempt to give team captains as much notice as possible. 19.6. If referees are provided by Filcom Sports Club Basketball, an equal number of duty players are permitted to leave. 19.7. Failure to fulfill team duty requirements will result in a deduction of one (1) competition point. 19.8. Duty forfeit: When a duty team arrives after the first quarter of the game for their duty, a penalty of one (1) competition point will be incurred. 19.9. If a duty forfeit has been incurred. The duty team is still required to assist in duty responsibilities for the duration of the game. 19.10. If a team forfeits their duty a second time without reasonable excuse they will be put on report to the Filcom Basketball Committee. Page 15 of 30 Document1 19.11. When a team supplies only two (2) players and their duty disrupts the running of the game, a penalty of one (1) competition point will be incurred. 19.12. Team captains are responsible to assign team members for bench scoring duties and referee duties when no official referees are available. 19.13. All effort will be made by the Filcom Sports Basketball Committee to roster referees on each game. 19.14. Players who are part of the duty team and are required to referee will be paid $10 if they are not currently trained as a referee. 19.15. Players who referee a minimum of five games as a duty referee will be encouraged to undertake referee training. Where possible Filcom Sports Committee will fund the referee training course. When a player has completed referee training course level 0 they will received a $5 dollar pay increase to $15 per game. 19.16. Badged referees are paid $20 per game. 19.17. iPad Operators will be remunerated according to budget allocated in the season. 20. 21. Competition Points Win = 3 Points Draw = 2 Points Loss = 1 Point Forfeit = -1 Point Bye = 0 Points Game Forfeit 21.1. Teams are able to start a game with a minimum of four (4) players with no penalty incurred. 21.2. Teams with less than four (4) players who are unable to start the game at the advertised time will be penalised with one point per minute or part thereof to a maximum of ten (10) minutes after the scheduled start time. Page 16 of 30 Document1 21.3. The game is then declared a forfeit if the team cannot field four (4) players after ten (10) minutes have elapsed. The final score will read 20-0 for the winning team. 21.4. The team who forfeited a game will be penalised with one (1) competition point 21.5. The opposing team will be declared winner of the game and will gain three (3) competition points. 21.6. If a team forfeits their game a second time without reasonable excuse they will be disqualified from the competition immediately. 21.7. Example of reasonable excuse would be informing us that there is a death in the family or a calamity. Unable to attend a game due to traffic is not a reasonable excuse. 21.8. The team which has forfeited will be required to pay $70 as penalty. $50 will be paid to the opposing team as payment for the ‘lost’ game which they have already paid through their registration and the $20 represents the administration fee and will be retained by Filcom. The penalty may be waived at the discretion of the Committee (i.e. if the forfeit was due to extenuating circumstances – see 20.7). 21.9. Where a game cannot be completed for any reason the following formula will be used to determine the result of the game. If at the time of the game was stopped there was: A 20+ point margin - the result will stand at the score line when the game was abandoned, at any point of the game. A margin of less than 20 points before half time - the game will be abandoned and the game will be classed as a draw A margin of 15+ points between half and three-quarter time - the result stands at the score line when the game was abandoned. A margin of less than 15 points between half and three-quarter time the game will be abandoned and the game will be classed as a draw If the game is stopped after three-quarter time, the result stands at the score line when the game was stopped. 22. Duty Forfeit Page 17 of 30 Document1 22.1. Please see Game and Duty responsibilities. 23. Length of the game 23.1. A warm up time of five (5) minutes is allocated for each team before the commencement of the game. Example if the game is due to start at 3:00pm then the teams will be allowed to take the court for a warm up at 2:55pm. 23.2. Games comprise of four, ten-minute quarters with a one (1) minute break at the end of the 1st and 3rd Quarters and a three-minute break at half-time. 23.3. During the game each team can call one time out per quarter. 23.4. Unused time out in the first quarter is carried over to the 2nd quarter. 23.5. Unused time out in the third quarter is carried over to the 4th quarter. 23.6. When a timeout is called the game clock will stop for the duration of the timeout. 23.7. When the ball is in play a time-out can only be called by the player in possession of the ball. There is no need to wait for a dead ball to call a time out. 23.8. In the event of a dead ball situation, any player on the court can call a timeout. 23.9. The last two (2) minutes of the 4th Quarter is fully timed. 23.10. If the game is running very late, the Court Manager can exercise his right to keep the time running. 23.11. If there is a blow out of 20pts, the Court Manager or referee can exercise his right to keep the time running. 23.12. All games must finish before the scheduled start time of the next game. 24. Regular round procedures 24.1. All teams are scheduled to play each team in a round robin. 24.2. The round robin schedule repeats until the final game of the regular round has been reached. 24.3. 1st Overtime (OT1): In the event of a draw in the Regular games, teams will go Page 18 of 30 Document1 to extra time consisting of three (3) minutes where the final minute is fully timed. 24.4. A jump ball will be issued and the team that finishes the extra time with the most points wins. 24.5. Remaining time outs in the 2nd half is carried over to the OT1. 24.6. Draw: In the event that the scores are still tied at the end of OT1, the game will be called a draw. Both teams will be awarded two (2) competition points each. 25. Teams with equal standings at the end of the regular round 25.1. In the event where two teams are tied in their competition points and win/loss record, rankings will be decided based on their For-and-Against percentage points. 25.2. The team with the highest number of For-and-Against percentage points gains a higher ranking. 25.3. The For-and-Against percentage points will be based on all games during the Regular round. 25.4. In the event the teams are still tied. The team with the higher overall pointsper-game average gains a higher ranking (rounded to three decimal points). 26. Playoff & Grand Final game procedures 26.1. See Appendix 2 for the Playoff Structure. 26.2. Winner of the Final will be awarded the Champions trophies (10 players only). 26.3. The Champions’ team name will be engraved on the perpetual trophy. 26.4. A player listed in their team’s registered lineup is eligible to play in the Final. 26.5. Players must have played four games in the Regular Rounds to be eligible to play in the Playoffs and Grand Final. 27. Overtime Procedure 27.1. 1st Overtime (OT1): In the event of a draw in the Playoff games, teams will go Page 19 of 30 Document1 to extra time consisting of three (3) minutes where the final minute is fully timed. 27.2. A jump ball will be issued and the team that finishes the extra time with the most points wins. 27.3. 2nd Overtime (OT2): In the event that scores are still tied at the end of the extra time, the game will reset for another two minutes, where the final minute is fully timed. 27.4. A jump ball will be issued and the team that finishes the extra time with the most points wins. 27.5. 3rd Overtime (OT3): In the event that scores are still tied at the end of OT2, the game will reset for another 2 Minute Overtime (OT3), where the final minute is fully timed. The first team to score and breaks the deadlock is the winner. 27.6. Remaining time outs in the 2nd half is carried over to the Overtime period/s. 28. Injuries 28.1. When a player is injured while playing in the Competition, the incident must be reported and make the injury known to the Court Manager. 28.2. An Incident Report (located in the back of the score sheet) must be filled in when the injury occurred, signed by the Court Manager in-charge and will be handed in to the Filcom Basketball Committee. 28.3. If insurance is to be lodged, an Insurance Claim Form must be lodged with the Filcom Basketball Committee within 30 days of when the incident occurred. 28.4. The Insurance Claim Form will be provided by the Filcom Basketball Committee. 29. Eligibility for the Playoff and Grand Final games 29.1. Players must be registered and listed in their respective official team lineup of twelve (12). 29.2. Players must have played seven (7) games (with their respective team) during the Regular rounds of the competition. Page 20 of 30 Document1 29.3. Ten (10) players in the official team lineup of twelve (12) are allowed to play in each game of the Filcom season. 30. Fouls and Suspensions 30.1. Technical fouls can be issued to any player or coach for any breaches of the player Code of Conduct or Filcom Sports Basketball Rules. These include but are not limited to, swearing, gesturing, arguing with an official or opponent, or bringing the game of basketball into disrepute. 30.2. A player or coach who receives two technical fouls during the course of a game will be automatically ejected from the game and required to leave the facility. 30.3. A player or coach who has been ejected from a Filcom Basketball game as a result of two technical fouls will receive an automatic one game suspension for the following game. 30.4. Technical fouls will be included a player’s total personal fouls. Example is if a player received four (4) personal fouls and one (1) technical foul they are disqualified from the game. 30.5. Unsportsmanlike Foul - Type 1 and Type 2. Also referred to as flagrant foul. This is considered far more risky than technical fouls: Unsportsmanlike foul (UF) type 1 and a technical foul = automatic disqualification from the game. UF Type 2 is an automatic disqualification and result in the player getting ejected from the immediate vicinity. Any UF Type 2 is automatically under review. Any UF may at the discretion of FILCOM is subject to a review. 30.6. Disqualification Foul (DF) - is more severe than UF Type 2, e.g. get off the bench to join a fight, malicious premeditated intentional foul. A DF is automatically under review. If this involves a non-player, a bench technical foul is utilized instead. Page 21 of 30 Document1 30.7. Bench Tech Fouls are different – three (3) of these will result in an automatic default of the game (different from forfeit). Again, automatically subject to review. Bench fouls don't count as personal fouls, all others do. 30.8. If a player is disqualified from a game due to a UF Type 2 foul or DF the following will apply: 1st disqualification = 1 game suspension 2nd disqualification = 3 game suspension 3rd disqualification = suspension for remaining season and the following. The Filcom Committee may also impose a ban for life. 30.9. If a player is disqualified from the game due to a combination of personal fouls and UF1 the following will apply: 3rd disqualification = 1 game suspension 5th disqualification = 3 game suspension 6th disqualification = suspension for remaining season and the following. The Filcom Committee may also impose a ban for life. 30.10. The suspension as per 29.8 is first applied, suspensions under 29.9 is the next consideration. If it does not fall under 29.8 or 29.9, the Filcom Sports Committee will specify what suspensions will be applied. 30.11. If a player receives three (3) technical fouls during the course of the season and playoffs, the following will apply: 3rd technical foul = 1 game suspension 4th technical foul = 1 game suspension 5th technical foul = 1 game suspension 6th technical foul = suspension for the remainder of the season. The FILCOM Committee may also impose a ban for life. 31. Any player who receives two (2) technical fouls in the game will be ejected from that game and required to leave the premises. The FILCOM Committee will Page 22 of 30 Document1 also impose an automatic one (1) game suspension for the following game. 31.1. Any player who receives a technical or UF2 foul in the Filcom designated AllStar games will receive an automatic suspension of three (3) games. 31.2. Any team who has a player under suspension is not permitted the use of fill-in players or free agents for the game/s that their player is being suspended. Only registered team players are permitted to play at the discretion of the FILCOM Committee. 32. Protests 32.1. Steps in a protest. The notification of the intent to protest can only be made by the coach, manager, or team captain. The protesting team should immediately notify the Court Manager. Make sure the official scorekeeper records: (a) protest time (b) game situation which includes scores, team fouls, timeouts, and who had possession. A team loses the right to lodge a protest if they have failed to lodge one within 24 hours from the time of the scheduled game to which the protest is about. 32.2. File an official, typewritten or emailed protest with the Filcom Committee via Page 23 of 30 Document1 Filcom Sports Club PO Box 24 Belconnen ACT 2616 Or Email to: 32.3. The protest will be reviewed and a decision made as soon as possible. The protest fee is $200 (two hundred dollars) made payable to the Filcom as the time the protest is lodged. Payment can be made in person to one of the Filcom Committee members, a receipt will be issued to you. The Filcom prefers payment via bank deposit, details are as follows: Bank: Commonwealth Bank Account Name: TBA BSB: TBA Account: TBA Comment: < your name > 32.4. The Filcom Committee will request that all parties involved (opposing team, referees & court managers) provide their input on the situation before a decision is arrived at by the Filcom Sports Basketball Committee. 32.5. All parties involved will be notified in writing of the decision made. 32.6. The protest fee will be returned only if the protest is upheld. 32.7. Protest shall not be received or considered if they are based solely on a decision involving the accuracy of judgment on the part of an official. 32.8. Complaints about a referee will not be entertained. If a team has a problem with a referee the team captain may request the court manager/referee coordinator to watch the remainder of the game. 32.9. Protest that shall be received and considered concern matters of the following type: Misinterpretation of a playing rule. Page 24 of 30 Document1 Failure of an official to apply the correct rule to a given situation. Failure to impose the correct penalty for a given violation. 32.10. The decision made on a protested game must result in one of the following: The protest is found invalid and the game score stands as played. When a protest is allowed for misinterpretation of a playing rule, the game might be replayed from the point at which the incorrect decision was made. 32.11. If the protest is about the accuracy of the scoreboard and the score sheet, and a decision could not be reached; the score on the score sheet will stand. 33. Season’s End 33.1. At the conclusion of each Filcom Basketball Season, teams will be invited back for the upcoming season at the discretion of the Filcom Committee. 33.2. A team may not be invited back to Filcom Competition as a result of but not limited to any or all the following: o Breaches of the Filcom Code of Conduct. o Being un-financial at the conclusion of the season, or any time during the season. o The resignation of your team captain and/or vice captain. o Changes to more than 50% of your line-up in comparison to the previous season. o Excessive Technical Fouls during the season. o Late payment of fees during the season. o Poor standard of bench duty during the season. o Players whom have served suspensions from the Filcom or other basketball competitions for 'serious' or 'violent' infractions. o At the full discretion of the Filcom in keeping with the values of the Page 25 of 30 Document1 league. Page 26 of 30 Document1 Appendix 1: Code of Conduct This is an agreement between the players, guests, supporters and the league. It is a condition to abide by this Agreement to participate in the Filcom Basketball Competition. The code requires that you: • abide by the rules of the sport (see rules and regulations for more details); • follow directions given by FILCOM officials, this includes referees, table officials, etc; • demonstrate the principle of mutual respect; and • exercise good sportsmanship. Designated FILCOM officials (Court Manager, Division Coordinators, Referees and Referee Manager) are authorised to require a person to leave the premises if that person breaches the code through: • verbal or physical abuse of other participants • harassment or discrimination of individuals or groups • constant or aggressive questioning of decisions • ridicule, baiting or uttering audible obscenities • engaging in behavior which fails to display mutual respect Further action is not precluded where a person is asked to leave the premises or if bullying, harassment or threat continues. Designated FILCOM officials are authorised to refuse a player from participating in a game, e.g. alcohol consumption, visible medical condition, etc. This is in line with protecting the league, its players, its patrons and in line with our Public Liability and Player Injury Insurance. Players are responsible for ensuring they are aware of the conditions attached to the Public Liability and Player Injury Insurance. e.g. product disclosure. FILCOM recognises that disagreements and disputes may occur. It is also part of competitive sport that from time to time, things get heated up. You are expected to Page 27 of 30 Document1 address issues in a polite and calm manner using the protocols identified in the FILCOM Rules and Regulations or in a manner considered civil and appropriate. Page 28 of 30 Document1 Appendix 1: Playoff Structure for 8 teams 1st Round Semi Finals Finals Team Rank 1 Team Rank 8 1st Round Winner 1st Round Winner Team Rank 4 Team Rank 5 Semi Finals Winner Semi Finals Winner Team Rank 2 Team Rank 7 1st Round Winner 1st Round Winner Team Rank 3 Team Rank 6 Each round is one game only with the losing team eliminated and the winner progressing to the final round until one team is crowned Filcom Basketball Champions. Page 29 of 30 Document1 Enquiries For enquiries about the Basketball Rules and Regulations please contact the Filcomsports Club Basketball Coordinators below: Dennis Benedictos : 0408 936 931 | Ryan Nebre : 0424 664 727 | Todd Gregory: 0438 659 860 | Clinton Roy: 0438 659 860 | Filcom Sports Club PO Box 24 Belconnen, ACT 2616 Page 30 of 30