From Tableau Tribe To Tableau Nation…
Evangelizing Tableau
Michael Martin
Managing Partner, dataSense Market Research
B r i n gi n g K n o w l edge T o M a r k et
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Evangelizing Tableau… Speaker Background
Consulting | Project Management in Europe, USA, Canada
Retail | Consumer Packaged Goods
Market Research
Entertainment Industry
Commercial Property Development | Management
Governmental Organizations
Data Modeling | DB Development
Data Warehousing | Data Mining | Neural Networks
Application Development
Tableau user since v. 1.0
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Evangelizing Tableau…
Job Roles?
Manufacturing | Operations | Logistics
Marketing | Sales | Analysis
Project Management
Management Responsibility For >=1 Roles Above
Identified Tableau Evangelist?
Tableau Solutions in use?
Currently implementing a Tableau Solution?
Currently planning a Tableau Solution?
Current Tableau Adoption?
Single Users in one or more locations?
Groups of Users in one or more locations?
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Evangelizing Tableau… Starting With An Idea
You recognize a business imperative | challenge | dilemma.
You “see a Tableau Solution” (visionary or incremental) whose operational
outputs could get the organization to a better place, if they were acted on.
Your Solution may provide visibility to data never seen before, show
previously seen data in a new light, or enable the integration of data from
diverse sources.
You find a way to prototype and validate the critical Reporting / Analysis
“Solution Scenarios” – driven by the Tableau UI.
You believe that if the organization “gets it”, a phase one implementation is
possible – via “building”, “buying” – or a combination of the two.
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Evangelizing Tableau…How The Idea Works
Be Your Implementation Big Or Small:
Relevant | Focused Problem Statement
including what this problem costs the business
The Solution Is Well Explained
Tableau Re-Frames the “Buy vs Build” Question!
which processes | workflows change, which stay the same
how will solution outputs | workflows help people address
the business problem?
Well organized and realistic Project / Risk Management Plan
(consider “Buy” vs “Build”) that reflects realities of your business
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Evangelizing Tableau… The Idea Goes Public
Other candidate Projects are jockeying for support. Your Project needs a
home within your organization and a line item in a budget. Your priorities
are to find both.
You identify one or more potential Project Champions to lobby. You expect
savvy prospective Champions to stress test the business logic of your
Solution, and its viability for implementation.
You make it your duty to inform prospective Champion(s) of risk in your
Solution and promise to mitigate those risks. You “keep things simple” as
much as possible. Champions are rarely technical nor are they altruists.
The moment a Champion secures support your Solution, it is no longer
yours. Your Solution morphs into a Project identified with the Champion.
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Evangelizing Tableau… Help Make It Happen
Stay close to your Champion & the project
All projects need management - can you help?
“Profile based” / “need to know” situation updates
Stay close to users / leverage your Tableau skills
Help with refining analysis / reporting Requirements
When (not if) Requirements change…..
Analysis / report template creation
Plan / Manage Tableau Training
Stay close to IT / Operations
Solution stress testing
Ensure stability / interoperability
Help with Project documentation
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Evangelizing Tableau Involves Many Disciplines
Business Knowledge – Creative Thinking – Communications
Skills - able to “Meet People Where They’re At”.
Tableau Expertise – ability to leverage the Tableau UI to deliver
Metrics that encourage people to act upon them!
Project | Process Management – keeping the big picture in mind
while managing details to completion. Remaining aware of what
the different constituencies expect the project to deliver and
Technical | Infrastructure Management Skills – an appreciation
of and knowledge of what it takes to serve and manage big data
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Evangelizing Tableau …
Some Print Resources
“Seven Methods for Transforming Corporate Data Into Business Intelligence” Roger Stein (Prentice – Hall)
“Data Quality – The Accuracy Dimension” by Jack Olsen (Morgan Kaufmann)
“Software Project Survival Guide” by Steve McConnell (Microsoft Press)
“Business Modeling & Data Mining” Dorian Pyle (Morgan Kaufmann)
“Data Preparation For Data Mining” Dorian Pyle (Morgan Kaufmann)
“Writing Effective Use Cases” Alistair Cockburn (Addison Wesley)
“Data Mining & Statistical Analysis Using SQL” Robert Trueblood (Apress)
“The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit” by Ralph Kimball (Wiley)
“Mastering Data Warehouse Aggregates” by Christopher Adamson (Wiley)
“Data Mining with SQL Server 2008” Jamie McLennan (Wiley)
“Data Mining” by Ian H. Witten (Morgan Kaufmann)
“Show Me the Numbers” by Stephen Few (Analytics Press)
“Information Dashboard Design” by Stephen Few (O’Reilly)
“Spreadsheet Modeling & Decision Analysis 5e” by Cliff T. Ragsdale (Thomson)
“Modeling For Learning Organizations” John D.W. Morecroft (Productivity Press)
The “Big 4” books by Edward Tufte (Graphics Press)
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