CORE SKILLS ACADEMY ASSIGNMENT—Fall 2014 Assignment Includes: 4 questions based on PowerPoint "Basics of Conflict Management" Scenario/Question-conflict management Essay-conflict management Read and study the Power Point "Basics of Conflict Management". Read the following Rules for Submission carefully before sending your work to Carol and Adrienne! 1. Participants will have a professional e-mail address that reflects their names. EXAMPLE: 2. Participants send completed assignments directly to Carol, Core Skills Instructor at ( AND Adrienne, College Advisor at 3. Subject line on email containing assignment will read as follows: EXAMPLE. Your_Name_ConflictMgmnt_Scenarios_Essay 4. All assignments must be contained in one e-mail only. 5. All assignments will be attached using Microsoft Word 2010, 2007 or compatible format. 6. All essays must be double-spaced. 7. Incomplete assignments will not be accepted and will be returned to participant. It is your responsibility to hand-in completed assignment before due date. 8. Participants must use spelling and grammar check. Assignments with excessive errors will not be accepted. 9. No paper assignments will be accepted. 10. Any submitted assignment that does not adhere to the above procedures will be returned ungraded, and must be resubmitted before deadline with appropriate changes in order to attend CCRI classes. ALL ASSIGNMENTS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2014. THIS IS A MANDATORY PREREQUISITE FOR SPRING 2015 ENROLLMENT! CORE SKILLS ACADEMY PART I: QUESTIONS Answer the following questions based on what you read in the PowerPoint presentation. 1. What does the following phrase mean to you? "Good teams always go through a 'form, storm, norm and perform' period.” 2. Give one reason why conflict is needed in a workplace. 3. Give one example of when conflict is a problem at work. 4. What strategies can you use to de-escalate a conflict? (Name at least 3) Don’t forget to answer the Essay questions on the following page. CORE SKILLS ACADEMY PART II: SCENARIO Answer the questions following these two scenarios and write your answer to the essay question below. Be sure to check grammar and spelling and use complete sentences. Scenario-Conflict Resolution 1. Alexa has worked as a receptionist in a medical office for five years and has always received good feedback during her yearly reviews. If any improvements were needed in her performance she worked hard to achieve the standard expected by management. A year ago another receptionist, Anita, was hired to help with the increasingly busy patient load. Last week Anita received a promotion to office manager, and now she is Alexa's immediate supervisor. Alexa is shocked and furious that she did not receive this promotion. How should Alexa handle this situation? Refer to the PowerPoint (esp. De-escalation techniques) CORE SKILLS ACADEMY PART 3: ESSAY Essay-Conflict Resolution Describe a conflict either you have had or someone you know has had at work and how it was resolved. Based on the techniques presented in the PowerPoint presentation, do you think different strategies should have been used to resolve this situation? If yes which one(s) and why? If not, Why not?