The concept of professional psychology, ethics and etiquette

Psychology and ethics of commerce
The concept of professional psychology, ethics and etiquette
What is psychology? There are several definitions
of the term "science of the laws of development and
functioning of the psyche as a special form of life",
"science of the laws, and the development of forms of
human mental activity." Psyche - this particular character,
of persons temper.
Commercial psychology - is a professional
psychology, which means the psychic activity of man in a
commercial environment. The success of the merchant
depends not only on its general training, but also on the
commercial knowledge of psychology.
Commercial psychology for the merchant - is the ability
to take into account the psychology of the buyer at all stages
of the trade service: take into account the motives, reasons
and goals that guide consumers when buying goods:
individual, gender, age, national or other features of the
demand; psychological characteristics of the impact of
commercial advertising; psychology of fashion as a factor
affecting the supply and demand. Commercial psychology
involves the ability to make a favorable impression on the
partner, supplier, buyer, and so on.
The concept of psychology are closely adjacent with the
concepts of ethics and etiquette.
Ethics - the philosophical study of the moral value of
human behavior and of the rules and principles that ought to
govern it; moral philosophy. Professional ethics - a system of
moral value of human behavior in any professional
environment (group).
Etiquette - a word of French origin (étiquette), is a
code of behavior that delineates expectations for social
behavior according to contemporary conventional norms
within a society, social class, or group. Distinguish following
types of etiquettes:
1) Ordinary (modern);
2) diplomatic;
3) the court;
4) the military;
5) business (professional).
Modern etiquette inherited customs and traditions
of almost all the nations of antiquity to the present day.
The people of each country contribute to etiquette their
amendments and additions due to the country's social
system, the specifics of its historical development, national
traditions and customs.
Personal and professional requirements
for commercial employee
Commercial activity is the basis of the trading business and
a merchant, hence - a key figure in the trade process. Most
valuable as a professional skill of a merchant is the ability to enter
into fair and mutually beneficial transaction. This quality depends
on the personal and professional characteristics of the merchant.
In terms of professional requirements merchant must have
sufficient depth and breadth of specialized knowledge and skills in
the areas:
• purchase and sale of goods, including foreign trade operations;
• marketing;
• Management and Law;
• accounting;
• financing and taxation.
A century ago, the trading business was treated as an activity
that does not require in-depth study and research. Now this
interpretation of a merchant is primitive and absurd. Scope of
knowledge in the commerce is much broader than in any other field.
Merchant needs to know as much as the doctor, lawyer or architect.
Knowledge of commerce is literally inexhaustible and covers a variety
of subjects. To this we must add the regular innovation in the
production of goods, trade, advertising and management. Often you
can hear such a judgment: 'Give a man a small shop - and he will
learn to trade. Will he learn? Hardly.
Business owners must know not only the basics, but the specifics
and technical, financial and marketing policy.
From the standpoint of the personal requirements a merchant
must possess characteristics such as:
● willingness to take risks and take responsibility for it. But
the risk needs to be skillfully. Risk - not reckless acting but rigorous
calculation. Ability to take risks associated with the ability to
anticipate and foresee all possible options;
● honesty, reliability, fidelity to the given word – in general all the
requirements, without those impossible existence of a modern
● high spiritual and physical qualities. Must be willing and ability to
carry out hard physical activity, work 12-14 hours a day, and
consider it perfectly normal;
Professional requirements and qualifications should include:
● Ambition not only for the enrichment, either to serve for own
● Initiative in search of additional tasks, resourcefulness,
● friendly to people, courtesy;
● leadership;
● responsibility;
● organizational skills;
● determination, speed and accuracy;
● perseverance and purposefulness.
Civilized merchant:
● convinced in usefulness of their work, not only for themselves
but also for others, for society and the state;
● based on the fact that the people around him, willing and able to
work, strive to realize themselves with him;
● believe in commerce, regards it as an attractive art;
● recognizes the need for competition, but understands the need for
● respects himself as a person, and any person as himself;
● respects any property, state power, social movements, social order,
● trusts himself, but also to others, respects the professionalism
and competence;
● appreciates education, science and technology, computer science,
culture, respects the environment;
● strive for innovation;
● is a humanist.
Forming yourself as a merchant, you must be polite, considerate,
sensitive, friendly and fully manage your emotions; should form the
image of a merchant, which guaranteeing success.
Any merchant must possess the skills of professional conduct,
following the etiquette of a business person, which includes:
● rules for the introduction and acquaintance;
● rules of business conversations;
● rules of business correspondence and telephone conversations;
● requirements for appearance, manners, business suit;
● requirements for good speech and holding conversation;
● knowledge of business protocol and proceeding, and so on.
Rules of introducing and acquaintance.
It is necessary to greet his companion first, preferably referring
to him by name and patronymic (should not be abused only name, and
even in a shortened version – it will be imitation of an American style).
In our country traditionally accepted respectfully call people by name
and patronymic. The names can only be addressed to young people, if
they do not mind it. Can be called by name, but with the mandatory
addition of the word "sir" or "companion" (do not try to artificially
elevate the appeal "sir" to the detriment of "companion" - it would
show the cultural backwardness of the speaker).
In practice, business cards is widespread. They allow you to
avoid confusion in reference to person. Handing someone a business
card, you indicate the desire in the future to support the business and
personal contacts. Cards are made mainly in white or pastel colored
paper, where the hard copy should be printed last name, first name, job
title, company address, phone number. If a merchant on business visits
in organization or officials meetings, before they start a business
conversation initially greet his companion first, referring to his name
and patronymic, in "YOU", then introduce himself, his position, and then
the purpose of his visit. Shaking hands and giving a business card.
Requirements for appearance, manners, business suits.
Business owners must always be neat, poorly tied tie
or dirty shoes - evidence undemanding to yourself or
indifference to others, absent-minded and unorganized. You
should not wear bright colors or too colorful patterns (in the
United States only once a week - on Friday - are allowed to
wear jeans, shirts, instead of suits). Men are recommended
costumes quiet tones and classic styles, one-color shirts,
carefully chosen ties. Women advisable to wear classic suits,
blouses, not to use any jewelry (badges, chains, rings, and so
on) Avoid fashionable clothes, do not dress in men's style,
hairstyle and shoes should always be in perfect order.
Official reception requires certain clothes, as specified in the
invitation: men - suit coat; women - evening dress. Need to
look for own gait: walk with dignity should be firmly, straight,
not waddle, do not bend.
Requirements for speech
Literacy, logic, emotional coloring of speech is a
prerequisite for any business contact. Pay attention to the use
of words, their pronunciation, accentuation. Get rid of wordparasites "so to speak", “well then", "you know."
Avoid arrogant and categorical tone.
In general, as pointed out by Dale Carnegie, the ability to speak
- in the shortest way to success (it takes a man to the top of
public life, gives him a sense of self-confidence and raises
above the crowd).
Business negotiations and deals
Most of the working time of a merchant is related for
business negotiations and business correspondence in relation to a
variety of commercial transactions. International and domestic
experience has accumulated a lot of different recommendations in
this area, the most common of which are the following. If you're
looking quickly close the deal from the beginning to the partner
demonstrate your own willingness to cooperate. And here comes
into effect your ability to negotiate. Old fast offhand, they usually
do not give a positive result, because in this case affects the
unpreparedness of one or both sides. Before you start negotiating,
whether it is a personal meeting or talks on the phone, just think
about what to say, just imagine how many response options at the
beginning of the conversation, and be configured for a positive
response. Calling and introduce yourself, try to get the attention of
a potential customer (partner) from the first words. For example:
"We would like to enter into a contract with you to sell our
products. We believe that YOUR trading company is solid. "
Try to be in the conversation as brief as possible in
conjunction with clarity and courtesy. If necessary, ask the exact
location and time of the new meeting. Need to think and to
create an atmosphere conducive to making deals. Select the
comfortable room (table, chairs, no phone), and no one should
interfered your conversation. Scheme negotiations can take the
following: greeting, presentation and introduction to the nature
of the business transaction (purchase or sale of a particular
commodity, mechandise the conclusion of a single transaction
or a long-term contract, and so on) Proposed during the
negotiations (an hour or two a day, and so on ), dialogue (the
agreement on how to resolve disputes if they arise), end of
conversation. Remember: it is easier to negotiate with in the
head or on paper, the various options. First of all, determine
whether your partner has a need for your product, as well as the
right to buy them (license and so on) And the ability to pay for it.
Intentional deception
Partner approves something obviously untrue (for
example, the origin of perfume France, but in essence - is
Poland. Now in a market a lot of fakes, "Klima" for example.
These perfumes instead of 40 only has 20 flavor components).
But what to do if you express doubt, demonstrate clearly hurt
and even an insult? At the beginning of the negotiations
should be emphasized that you separate all human problems
(in this case the offense) from business (qualitative condition
of the goods) and want to check out all the factual statements
of partner (it is appropriate that in the shop dealer has no
doubt in your honesty, but does not give your purchase, while
you did not paid).