Ver. 7 October 2014 World programme for the census of agriculture 2020 VOLUME 2 - Operational aspects Outline 1 Ver. 7 October 2014 CONTENTS FOREWORD INTRODUCTION Steps in developing the agriculture census CHAPTER 1. LEGAL FRAMEWORK Introduction Main features of census legislation Juridical basis of agricultural census legislation Authority for the promulgation and execution of legislation Scope of census legislation Contact with the respondent and obligatory collaboration Confidentiality of information and penalties Limitations on the use of raw data collected under census legislation CHAPTER 2. CENSUS GOVERNANCE Ensuring political support for conducting an agriculture census Advocacy Composition of the census steering committee Main responsibilities and functions of the steering committee Establishment of sub-committees and working groups Establishment of provincial committees Consultations with stakeholders and data users Other boards/committees CHAPTER 3. CENSUS OFFICE, WORK PLAN, BUDGET AND EXPENDITURE CONTROL Establishment of the census office Information flows Work plan Financial outline Preparation of the budget Review of the work plan, the budget and frequency of updating CHAPTER 4. CENSUS STAFF Introduction Census coordinator Members of the census office Field staff Enumerators Supervisors Organizational aspects CHAPTER 5. CARTOGRAPHIC PREPARATION Introduction Purpose of maps Exploration of existing map resources inventory Types of maps used 2 Ver. 7 October 2014 Timing of cartographic preparation Computer-assisted cartography CHAPTER 6. THE CENSUS METHODOLOGY AND DESIGN (cross reference to other publications existing and planned) Objectives of agricultural censuses and surveys The census approach: Traditional approach Modular approach Sampling approach Use of administrative records to replace the data collection The census for master sample frame construction Other uses of sampling techniques Complete enumeration censuses versus censuses carried out on a sample basis Advantages of carrying out a census on the basis of complete enumeration Disadvantages of carrying out a census on the basis of complete enumeration Factors for consideration in choosing between a complete or a sample census Main types of sample designs for agricultural censuses List sample designs Data collection procedures for list sample designs Area sample designs and Multiple frame sample designs (cross reference to other publications existing and planned) Choice of sample design CHAPTER 7. PREPARATION OF THE FRAMES (cross-reference to other publications existing and planned) Definition of frame Practical approaches of frames The frame used for the core module in the modular approach The frame used in the traditional approach The frame of a census conducted by sample enumeration Preparation of the frames for list sample designs Preparation of the frames for area sample designs and for multiple frame sample designs Construction of the frame using the population and housing census Construction of the frame using registers and lists (household and non-HH sector) Use of geo-referenced coordinates CHAPTER 8. TABULATION PLAN Introduction Evaluation of users’ requirements Processing considerations Priority and additional tables Cross-tabulations Limitations due to sampling Presentation of the tabulation plan CHAPTER 9. CENSUS QUESTIONNAIRE Development of the census questionnaire (household and non-HH sector) Traditional approach Modular approach Census questionnaire working group and user-producer consultations Use of questionnaires developed in other countries 3 Ver. 7 October 2014 Tabulation plan Processing considerations (CAPI and CASI) Pre-testing of census questionnaires CHAPTER 10. CENSUS PUBLICITY Organization of publicity campaign Types of media Timing, duration and frequency of campaign Other possible action to obtain support and cooperation of holders Examples of media CHAPTER 11. INSTRUCTION MANUALS Purpose of the instruction manuals Timely preparation of manuals Authors of the instruction manuals Presentation of the instruction manuals Format of the instruction manuals Contents of the instruction manuals Manual for the enumerator Manual for the supervisor Training of enumerators Intensity of supervision Authority of the supervisors How to solve the difficulties of the enumerators Manual for the provincial coordinators CHAPTER 12. TRAINING PROGRAMME Introduction Organisation and logistics of the training programme Training manuals Training of trainers Training in the use of advanced technologies Duration and content of supervisor training courses Duration and content of enumerator training courses Use of training aids CHAPTER 13. PRE-TEST SURVEYS AND PILOT CENSUSES Introduction Pre-test surveys The pilot census Purposes of pre-test surveys and pilot censuses Concepts and definitions Estimating resource requirements Frame Questionnaire Training of enumerators and supervisors Methods of data collection Sampling design and sample size Data processing CHAPTER 14. ORGANIZATION OF FIELD WORK Organigram Provincial offices and their work 4 Ver. 7 October 2014 Census field staff General organization of field staff Supervisory work and staff Enumeration work and staff General suggestions for preparing the interview CHAPTER 15. CENSUS ENUMERATION Introduction Time reference Duration and period of enumeration Control of census operations and time schedule Methods of enumeration (include advanced technologies) Some tips on interviewing Special problems of census enumeration Supervision of field work Procedure for collecting and forwarding completed questionnaires (include electronic data flow) CHAPTER 16. QUALITY CHECKS AND POST-ENUMERATION SURVEYS Introduction Sources of non-sampling errors Checking census data and tables against other data Supervision and post-enumeration check Purpose of the post-enumeration survey Design of the post-enumeration survey Method of data collection in the post-enumeration survey Presentation of errors detected in the post-enumeration survey CHAPTER 17. DATA PROCESSING Prior experiences Hardware Software Testing computer programmes Purpose of checking, editing and coding data Data processing activities Monitoring and control of questionnaires Checking (manual editing) and coding Data entry and verification Data entry alternatives (scanning, data capture in the field - CAPI, regional centres for data capture, CASI) Computer editing and coding Imputation Calculation of sampling errors and other analysis Storage and security Database for micro-data Database for macro-data Publication Table-oriented outputs Time-series and indicators outputs Graphing and mapping outputs Metadata 5 Ver. 7 October 2014 CHAPTER 18. DISSEMINATION PROGRAMME Introduction Informing the users The publication plan (hard copy, soft copy, internet, CDs) Preliminary results (report) Final report Atlas Technical report Report on quality checks and post-enumeration surveys Public use database and web based dissemination of the results Publication of printed tables and reports Dissemination on computer media Online dissemination Privacy and confidentiality Acceptance of results Dissemination of micro-data Definition of micro-data Core principles for disseminating census micro-data Micro-data anonymisation Protocols for dissemination of census micro-data Dissemination of census micro-data in practice CHAPTER 19. ANALYTICAL CONSIDERATIONS Introduction Interpretation Comparisons with other data sources: Reconciling the census data with other data sources Thematic analysis Dissemination seminars and training of the users of census data Using census data to improve estimates of agricultural GDP Using census data as a benchmark for production figures Using census data for breakdown of survey data into small areas Cross-cutting and emerging issues Statistics on gender Statistics on poverty Statistics on the environment Development indicators ANNEXES Boxes with examples based on countries’ experiences Examples of questionnaires for essential items, for core items, for intra-household management module and other modules. GLOSSARY OF TERMS REFERNCES 6