World Café Film Series
Focus on India
This series of documentary and dramatic films on cultural diversity is brought to you by the
Diversity Office and the Centre for Learning and Teaching, with the support of the Library. This series has a special focus on India. Below are the film descriptions, some notes on classroom application and where to find the film. If you think a film series event should be shown at your campus, or if you would like a facilitator to visit your classroom with a film screeing, contact the
Diversity Office at
“1-800 India: Importing a White Collar Economy” (Wide Angle - 56 minutes)
This documentary film on India's changing economy looks at the impact of outsourcing and how a rising new class of young professionals (particularly women) is changing Indian society.
Suggested classroom use:
useful for class discussion, you can also show the first 26 minutes to stimulate discussion about culture, women’s changing social roles and the impacts of the outsourcing we are all so familiar with in the telemarketing industry.
Location: Films on demand, online link from the portal under Services/Libraries
For more information about Films on Demand, contact Trish Feeney at
“Different Yet the Same: A Look into Canadian Cultures Today" by Catholic Community
Services of York Region (DVD - 90 minutes, composed of nine 10 minute vignettes)
This video documentary series hosted by Bill Cameron explores the diversity of Canada’s multicultural mosaic through immigrant eyes. Segments include: Chinese, Chilean, Iranian,
Jamaican, Indian, Lebanese, Filipino, Polish and Somali immigrants
Suggested classroom use:
play the 10 minute segment on India, which looks at several individuals and families and how they live their Indian culture in Toronto. Explore questions of how immigrants live between two cultures, the discrimination experienced by immigrants in the workforce or how culture is preserved in families.
Location: Brealey library
“Earth” by Deepa Mehta (DVD - 1 hour and 56 minutes)
This historical drama by a world renowned Canadian filmmaker is a moving and controversial film about the turbulent period of partition in the late 1940’s when India and Pakistan were formed as we know them today. It helps us understand the complexity of modern day India, a people of great religious diversity.
Suggested classroom use:
use segments such as the restaurant scene in the first half, when friends of different faiths start to show signs of conflict, to stimulate discussion on religion and politics
use the opening scene, when Leni Baby smashes a plate and asks her mother if India can be broken, or the dinner scene between 3 couples to explore colonial history and the role of the British
Location: Diversity Office
“Immigration” Canada AM/CTV (DVD – 20 minutes)
This program looks at the struggles of new immigrants, the issue of foreign-trained professionals and undocumented workers.
Suggested classroom use:
this short video is an excellent media tool for addressing social inequities and settlement issues for new Canadians
Location: Brealey library visual media catelog
Slide show on the 2011 faculty exchange to India
Three Fleming faculty members went to Mumbai, India in July 2011 as part of an exchange organized through the Canada India Education Council and the slide show chronicles their experiences.
Suggested classroom use:
invite Fleming faculty to present their slide show at your team meeting or class exploring travel or business in India
Location: Contact CLT (
) or the Diversity Office
) for the power point on a memory stick.
"Voices of Diversity" by University of Western Ontario, Caucus on Women’s Issues 2008 (DVD
- 55 minutes)
This video explores inclusion at a Canadian university, and different segments include the voices of students on many diversity topics: disabilities, LGBT, Aboriginal and international student experiences, women’s campus safety, etc. There are 11 easy-to-use chapters and the DVD is accompanied by a diversity training manual made available to Fleming College through Colleges
Integrating Immigrants To Employment (CIITE).
Suggested classroom use:
play the 12 minute segment including the 3 chapters ‘Opening’, ‘Changing cultures’ and
‘Multiculturalism’. It opens with a general overview on diversity and then explores the specific experiences of international students. Use it to stimulate discussion on how students can support their integration at Fleming, equity issues, human rights, etc.
Location: Diversity Office
For more information about any of these films, contact Debbie at
or call ext. 1179