Class 3: Community Interventions Management Lesotho

Class 3: Community Interventions
Management Lesotho
F R I D A Y 1 6 TH J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 5
Today’s Class
 Defining Community Development
 Sustainable Development
 Practicing Listening Skills
 How to build trust in a group
 Using the technology for this course
 Importance of principles, process, procedures in
Community Work
Thinking about “A Good Community”
 Activity 1 facilitated by Dominic
 Other types of activity for your work
 Build
a home, build a community
 Me and my community
 Collage – good community, bad
The Scottish Community Development Centre
 Community is about
Purpose: People want to live in healthy communities. These are communities in
which they:
 feel able to be who they are
 have positive prospects for their future
 experience respect and equal and fair treatment
Focus: To achieve this people want to be in a community that:
 creates wealth and gives everyone access to its benefits
 cares for all its members, when they need it, throughout their life span
 provides an environment that is safe and attractive
 enables people to express and celebrate their creativity and diverse cultures
 enables everyone to participate in decisions that affect their lives
Thinking about “Development”
 Activity 2: Dominic to Facilitate
 Other types of activities for your group
 “What do you understand by Good Development”
 Development and the Three Circles
 Development Possibilities
Simple Definition of Development
 Development is about people
 Development is about people making choices
 Development is about people making choices based
on values
 Development is about people making choices based
on values about the quality of life
Colm Regan
80:20: Development in an Unequal World
Sustainable Development
 Definition of “Sustainable Development” in The
Bundtland Report: “Our Common Future”
 In 1987 the United Nations World Commission on
Environment and Development (WCED) produced a
report called “Our Common Future”.
 The definition of “sustainable development” in this
report is well known, widely used and often cited:
 "Development that meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs."
Millenium Development Goals
 To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
 To achieve universal primary education
 To promote gender equality and empower women
 To reduce child mortality
 To improve maternal health
 To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
 To ensure environmental sustainability
 To develop a global partnership for development
Community Development
 The Community Workers Cooperative understands
community work/community development to be
 “A developmental activity composed of both a task
and a process. The task is the achievement of social
change linked to equality and social justice, and the
process is the application of the principles of
participation, empowerment and collective decision
making in a structured and coordinated way”
CWC core concerns and principles of
community work
 Redistribution – to sustain the drive to eliminate
poverty and social exclusion
 Recognition – a recognition and a value for diversity
and the full participation of minorities to ensure an
equal and accessible society
Core Principles
 Collective action –Empowerment –Social Justice –
Equality & Anti-Discrimination – Participation –
Community Development
Direct intervention
 Based on social analysis
 Based on central planning
 Led by facilitators
 Led by experts
 Participation of target groups
 Consultation of target groups,
in design, delivery and
Focused on problem solving
Developmental process
Empowerment approach
Ongoing reflection/action
principally at delivery and
evaluation stages
 Focused on managing the
 Directive process
 ‘Need to know’ approach
 Periodic amendment
 (ADM, 2002: 39)
Skills Development
Listening Skills: Life Stories
Other Listening Activities
 Listening for facts and feelings
 Ears Only Listening
 Trying to get in
 Listening Sentences
 Understanding Instructions
Listening Skills
 Listening skills are the ways to help you listen
something more effectively
One of the best ways to persuade others is with your
ears - by listening to them
Listening is not just about being quiet while someone
else is speaking.
Listening is the process of receiving, constructing
meaning from, and responding to spoken and/or
nonverbal messages
Listening is an active process.
Stages of Listening Process
 Hearing
 Focusing on message.
 Comprehending & Interpreting
 Analyzing and Evaluating
 Responding
 Remembering
Take a look at this slide share about listening
Key Skills: Building Trust
Trust building exercises: Freire
 River of Life
 Past – Present – Future
 Tree of Life
 Potato Exercise
 Building Unity Across Age, Ethnicity, Sex, Class,
Sexual Orientation etc
Assignment 1
 Please go to my website
 Register as a member
 Join the Lesotho Class
 Join the Lesotho Forum
 In the Forum I would like you to
Introduce yourself
Write what you hope to gain from this course
Write about three points which interested you in the reading in your
hand-out and how anything you learned in this reading or in today’s
course can help you in your work
During the week be aware of how you are listening to people you
work with. Write a paragraph about what you learned by just
becoming aware of yourself as a listener.
 Community Worker’s Cooperative (Ireland)
 Lalage Bown What Do We Mean By Development
 Palit, NG
23984964 on listening skills
 Prendiville, Patricia Developing Facilitation Skills: A Handbook for
Group Facilitators, 2004
 Scottish Community Development Centre
 All classes draw on Training for Transformation Methodology