starter activity Try to recall the key factors which led to the formation of the first professional police forces. Use the picture prompts to help. How are they linked? Which factor was most important in the early C19th and which in the later pC19th? starter activity Government involvement Inadequacies of old policing Popular protest Urban growth Try to recall the key factors which led to the formation of the first professional police forces. Use the picture prompts to help. How are they linked? Which factor was most important in the early C19th and which in the later pC19th? Key words: Black Maria How did policing develop between in the nineteenth century? Learning objectives TBAT explain key events & factors in the development of policing in the C19th To assess public attitudes towards policing Your task Watch the clip from ‘The History of the British Police Force’ (2006) In pairs, answer the questions on the sheet provided and share answers at the end Which factor had the greatest influence on the development of policing? Your task For homework you read & took notes on ‘Old’ v ‘New’ policing. Sort the cards into two piles, one for each category. Are there any common themes or concerns in each category? ‘Reviewing the Blue Devils, alias the Raw Lobsters, alias the Bludgeon Men. Explain the meaning behind this cartoon. How useful is this 1833, cartoon for studying popular attitudes towards policing at the time? Your task Study the sources from I Dawson, ‘Crime & Punishment through Time’ (Murray, 1999). Identify & explain which cartoons are hostile Identify & explain which cartoons are supportive ‘The reputation of the police steadily improved over the nineteenth century’ How far do you agree or disagree with this statement? Homework In small groups research the development of policing during the twentieth century: Turn of century (1900-WWI) Interwar Years (1918-39) Post-war era (1940s & 50s) Into the modern era (1960s) Areas to research Training & recruitment Changes to structure & organisation Impact of technology Public attitudes Useful sources Present your work using ppt – 5 slides max, 20 words per slide max & 1 A4 handout for everyone in the class Extension task Read C.Emsley, ‘The Great British Bobby’, (Quercus, 2009), Ch 6-9, pp.144-257 Finish watching the ‘History of the British Police Force’ Key words: Black Maria How did policing develop between in the nineteenth century? Learning objectives Plenary TBAT explain key events & factors in the development of policing in the C19th To assess public attitudes towards policing