SOCIAL ELEMENTS OF POLICING BY: RICHARD MARTIN, NICK STEFF, COMMUNITY POLICING OVERVIEW • Regarded as one of the most important/significant trends in history of American Police • Evolves Constantly • Changes as the needs of society change • Methods change and evolve as policing does ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS 1. Partnerships 2. Problem Solving 3. Organizational Change PARTNERSHIPS • Central to modern day policing due to the fact that they recognize a basic truth… law enforcement can’t do it alone. • Describes the “indispensable” relationship between the police and the community. • Directed toward improving the quality of life. PROBLEM SOLVING • Seeks to reduce problems problem’s by addressing their underlying causes. • The core issues ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE • Partnerships and problem solving will not occur spontaneously within our agencies, the presence of organizational change is key. • High ranking police are more supportive with community policing than patrol officers and investigators. 4 DIMENSIONS OF COMMUNITY POLICING 1. Philosophical Dimension- Citizen input, a broadened function, and personalized service. (“For the people, by the people”) 2. Strategic Dimension- Puts philosophy into action. Reoriented operations, geographical focus, and prevention emphasis. 3. Tactical Dimension- Translates the philosophical and strategic dimensions into concrete programs and practices. (Positive interactions, partnerships, problem solving) 4. Organizational Dimensions- More info in chapter 5. MAGUIRE & MASTROFSKI (2000) • Examined the dimensionality of the community policing movement and found that the number of dimensions underlying the community policing movement varied significantly according to the source of data. SKOLNICK & BAYLEY (1998) • 4 recurring elements of community policing found internationally. 1. Community based crime prevention 2. Patrol Activities 3. Increased Police accountability 4. Decentralization of command BAYLEY (1994) • 4 Dimensions 1. Consultations 2. Adaptation 3. Mobilization 4. Problem-Solving BRATTON (1996) • Defined Community Policing as the 3 “ps” 1. Partnership 2. Problem Solving 3. Prevention ROHE, ADAMS, ARCURY, MEMORY, & KLOPVIC (96) • Differences between Community Policing and normal police work. 1. Shared responsibility 2. Prevention 3. Increased descretion RUTH & JOHNSON (1997) • Operationalized community 1. Problem Solving 2. Community Partnership 3. Preventative Interventions 4. Organizational Change