Supplementary Information Multiplexed Separations for Biomarker Discovery in Metabolomics: Elucidating Adaptive Responses to Exercise Training Naomi L. Kuehnbaum,1 Jenna B. Gillen,2 Aleshia Kormendi,1 Karen P. Lam, 1 Alicia DiBattista, 1 Martin J. Gibala2 and Philip Britz-McKibbin1* 1 Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, McMaster University, Hamilton, L8S 4M1, Canada 2 Department of Kinesiology, McMaster University, Hamilton, L8S 4K1, Canada * Author correspondence: e-mail:; FAX: 1-905-520-9140 Supplemental Information: Supplementary Methods and Materials; Table S1; Table S2; Fig. S1; Fig. S2; Fig. S3 SUPPLEMENTAL METHODS AND MATERIALS S1. Chemicals and Reagents. Ammonium acetate, acetic acid, formic acid, Cl-Tyr, L-carnitine (C0), O-acetyl-Lcarnitine (C2) and hypoxanthine (HyX) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA), whereas glutathionyl-L-cysteine mixed disulfide (GSH-Cys-SS) was obtained from Toronto Research Chemicals (Toronto, ON, Canada). 10 mM stock solutions of metabolite standards were prepared in water and stored at 4°C. HPLC-grade acetonitrile (Honeywell, Muskegon, MI, USA) and methanol (Caledon, Georgetown, ON, Canada) were used for preparation of background electrolyte (BGE) and sheath liquid respectively. Ammonium acetate was prepared as a 400 mM stock in water and was adjusted to pH 5.0 using acetic acid. All aqueous buffers and stock solutions were prepared with deionized water purified using a Thermo Scientific Barnstead EasyPure II LF ultrapure water system (Cole Parmer, Vernon Hills, IL, USA). S2. Study Participants. Nine overweight/obese but otherwise healthy women (age: 21-45 yr, BMI: 25-36 kg m-2) participated in a 6-week supervised exercise training intervention at McMaster University. The subjects represent a subset of a group of 16 individuals who took part in a study that evaluated the impact of pre-exercise nutritional state on adaptations to HIIT [Gillen et al. Obesity 2013, 21: 2249–2255]. Blood samples at all time intervals were acquired from only 9 of the 16 subjects from the original trial with exercise responsiveness being the primary focus of the present investigation. All subjects were compared against themselves in a repeated measures/cross-over study design in which pre-exercise nutrition was standardized for a given subject when performing ergometer cycling trials at the same absolute workload. Subjects were classified as “sedentary” based on self-reporting of physical activity ≤ 2 sessions/week of exercise with a duration ≤ 30 min. A placebo-controlled arm was not performed in this work due to a large body of evidence demonstrating the efficacy of HIIT to generate moderate improvements in baseline cardiorespiratory fitness for sedentary/non-athletic subjects [Weston et al. Sports Med. 2014, 44: 1005-1017]. Subjects were instructed to maintain a regular diet and lifestyle under “free-living” conditions throughout the intervention period. S3. Plasma Collection and Sample Workup. Venous blood samples were collected via an indwelling catheter inserted in a forearm vein. Vacutainers (6 mL) with EDTA (10.8 mg) as anticoagulant were used for collection. Samples were collected prior to onset of exercise (i.e., baseline, 0 min) immediately after HIIT (i.e., post-exercise, 20 min), and 20 min after HIIT while at rest (i.e., recovery, 40 min). Blood samples were placed on ice and subsequently centrifuged at 2,500 g at +4°C for 5 min to fractionate plasma from erythrocytes. Fractionated plasma was aliquoted and frozen at -80°C until later processing and analysis. Frozen plasma aliquots were thawed on ice, then vortexed for 30 s to mix. Plasma was diluted 4-fold to a final concentration of 200 mM NH4Ac (adjusted to pH 5 with HAc) with 25 μM 3chloro-L-tyrosine (Cl-Tyr) as internal standard and vortexed for 30 s. Plasma proteins were removed using a 3 kDa MWCO Nanosep centrifugal device (Pall Life Sciences, Washington, NY, USA) at 13,000 g for 15 min. A 20 µL aliquot of the plasma filtrate sample was subsequently used for analysis by MSI-CE-MS under positive ion mode conditions. Table S1. A 6-week HIIT intervention for improving cardiorespiratory fitness and body composition of a cohort of overweight/obese women. Despite between-subject differences in exercise responsiveness, an overall improvement in aerobic endurance capacity outcomes was measured relative to baseline (in brackets) that also contributed to a modest decrease in body fat. Age BMI Fat VO2 max Workload Av. Heart Rate Subject 2 (yrs) (kg/m ) (%) (mL/kg/min) max (W) (bpm) S1 24 25.5 33.8 (+0.2) 39.3 (-0.90) 248 (+18) 164 (-8.8) S2 23 27.8 32.0 (-0.6) 37.5 (0.0) 257 (+32) 158 (-4.1) S3 23 25.7 31.7 (-0.6) 26.8 (+9.2) 266 (+20) 169 (-8.1) S4 41 27.8 40.1 (-0.3) 29.3 (+3.1) 205 (+41) 150 (-9.0) S5 23 27.4 47.1 (-1.8) 29.8 (+11) 173 (+54) 182 (-20) S6 33 25.6 35.1 (-1.8) 33.9 (+4.8) 228 (+17) 174 (-19) S7 41 36.1 50.1 (-1.2) 19.4 (+3.0) 190 (+40) 156 (-12) S8 21 25.1 37.1 (-0.4) 30.4 (+7.6) 194 (+12) 174 (-6.5) S9 23 30.0 50.5 (-2.4) 24.1 (+5.3) 170 (+30) 170 (-10) Median 23 27.4 37.1 (-0.6) 29.8 (+4.8) 205 (+30) 169 (-9) Table S2. Summary of 41 unique plasma metabolites after dilution trend filtering of a pooled plasma sample when using MSI-CE-MS, which were consistently detected (average CV is 11% for 9 QCs) in all individual subjects across all time intervals irrespective of training/feeding status. Each metabolite is annotated by its characteristic m/z:RMT as a paired variable, whereas identification was confirmed by spiking plasma samples with authentic chemical standards. Annotated Ion Precision (QCs) Molecular Formula Plasma Metabolite m/z:RMT CV% (n=9) 76.0393:0.691 C2 H5 N O2 Glycine (Gly) 6.6 90.0550:0.743 C3 H7 N O2 Alanine (Ala) 7.6 104.0706:0.789 C4 H9 N O2 -7.6 106.0499:0.836 C3 H7 N O3 Serine (Ser) 4.2 114.0662:0.585 C4 H7 N3 O Creatinine (Cretn) 8.4 116.0706:0.864 C5 H9 N O2 Proline (Pro) 8.9 118.0863:0.818 C5 H11 N O2 Valine (Val) 20 118.0863:0.954 C5 H11 N O2 Betaine (Bet) 13 119.0161:0.970 C4 H6 O2 S -9.6 120.0655:0.868 C4 H9 N O3 Threonine (Thr) 20 132.0768:0.723 C4 H9 N3 O2 Creatine (Cret) 8.9 132.1019:0.832 C6 H13 N O2 Isoleucine (Ile) 7.2 132.1019:0.843 C6 H13 N O2 Leucine (Leu) 3.7 133.0608:0.882 C4 H8 N2 O3 Asparagine (Asn) 4.9 133.0972:0.567 C5 H12 N2 O2 Ornithine (Orn) 5.9 134.0448:0.980 C4 H7 N O4 Aspartic acid (Asp) 7.5 134.0448:1.343 C4 H7 N O4 -33 137.0457:1.133 C5 H4 N4 O Hypoxanthine (HyX) 8.0 144.1019:0.970 C7 H13 N O2 -19 147.0764:0.905 C5 H10 N2 O3 Glutamine (Gln) 8.4 147.1128:0.562 C6 H14 N2 O2 Lysine (Lys) 8.5 148.0604:0.920 C5 H9 N O4 Glutamic acid (Glu) 6.6 150.0583:0.889 C5 H11 N O2 S Methionine (Met) 4.7 156.0768:0.606 C6 H9 N3 O2 Histidine (His) 6.7 162.1125:0.691 C7 H15 N O3 Carnitine (C0) 18 166.0863:0.918 C9 H11 N O2 Phenylalanine (Phe) 7.3 170.0924:0.618 C7 H11 N3 O2 Methylhistidine (MeHis) 7.4 173.0921:0.745 C7 H12 N2 O3 -13 175.1190:0.579 C6 H14 N4 O2 Arginine (Arg) 4.9 176.1030:0.930 C6 H13 N3 O3 Citrulline (Cit) 6.0 182.0812:0.951 C9 H11 N O3 Tyrosine (Tyr) 2.7 192.1594:0.764 C9 H21 N O3 -9.7 204.1230:0.735 C9 H17 N O4 Acetylcarnitine (C2) 15 205.0972:0.917 C11 H12 N2 O2 Tryptophan (Trp) 5.9 209.0921:0.872 C10 H12 N2 O3 Kynurenine (Kyn) 6.9 218.1387:0.756 C10 H19 N O4 Propionylcarnitine (C3) 31 241.0311:0.935 C6 H12 N2 O4 S2 Cystine (Cys-SS) 4.9 276.1199:1.122 C10 H17 N3 O6 -10 286.2013:0.840 C15 H27 N O4 -30 298.0526:0.788 C18 H15 N3 O5 S2 CysGly-Cys-SS (mixed disulfide) 9.5 427.0952:0.997 C13 H22 N4 O8 S2 GSH-Cys-SS (mixed disulfide) 41 (b) HCA/Heat Map: Data Overview (a) PCA: 2D Scores Plot (c)!PCA:!2D!Scores!Plot! Trained# QC# Naïve## !Each!run!has!QC!to!assess!overall!system!dri5 ! CV!=!11%!(n=9,!41!metabolites)! Figure S1. (a) PCA 2D scores plot highlighting the good reproducibility of MSI-CE-MS based on tight clustering of 9 QCs relative to large biological variability in plasma metabolome derived from female subjects in their naïve and trained states. (b) 2D heat map with hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) providing a data overview of the dynamic plasma metabotype for each subject based on their training status and exercise time course during standardized HIIT trials. (b) PLS-DA: 2D Scores Plot (a) Volcano Plot: Paired t-Test * FC > 1.5; p < 0.01 C0 * 95% CI ellipses, R2 = 0.9968; Q2 = 0.2272 GSH-Cys-SS Trained C8:1 Normalized Responses Naive C0, p = 8.25 E-5 GSH-Cys-SS, p = 5.50 E-4 C8:1, p = 3.42 E-3 * log10 transformed+ auto-scaled data N T VIP Ranking N N T T (c) ROC Curves C0, AUC = 0.951; p = 2.92 E-4 His/C0, AUC = 0.981; p = 2.81 E-5 C0 NT C8:1 C2 Bet Cret Cretn GSH-Cys-SS Thr CysGly-Cys-SS Cys-SS Figure S2. Complementary statistical methods for classification of plasma metabolites associated with adaptive responses to HIIT for subjects while at rest (0 min/baseline), including (a) paired student’s t-test that takes advantage of the cross-over design, (b) PLS-DA with variable importance in projection (VIP) ranking of metabolites and (c) receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves derived from single and ratiometric plasma metabolites associated with training status. All methods confirm that plasma L-carnitine (C0) levels are upregulated in trained subjects after a 6 week HIIT intervention. (b) PLS-DA: 2D Scores Plot (a) Volcano Plot: Paired t-Test C2 * FC > 1.5; p < 0.01 * 95% CI ellipses, R2 = 0.9999; , Q2 = 0.2797 Trained HyX Normalized Responses Naive C2, p = 6.00 E-4 HyX, p = 5.94 E-3 * log10 transformed+ auto-scaled data N N T VIP Ranking T C2 (c) ROC Curves C2, AUC = 0.901; p = 3.25 E-3 HyX/C2, AUC = 0.975; p = 4.50 E-5 NT HyX Bet Cretn C0 Cys-SS C8:1 Cret His Figure S3. Complementary statistical methods for classification of plasma metabolites associated adaptive training responses to HIIT for subjects after strenuous exercise (20 min/post-exercise), including (a) paired student’s t-test that takes advantage of the cross-over design, (b) PLS-DA with variable importance in projection (VIP) ranking of metabolites and (c) receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves derived from single and ratiometric plasma metabolites associated with training status. All methods confirm that plasma hypoxanthine (HyX) and O-acetyl-L-carnitine (C2) levels are significantly attenuated and upregulated after HIIT, respectively.