Teacher Name: Lauren DiBarba Unit: Personal Fitness: Cardiovascular Endurance & Weight Training Grade Level: 11-12 Average # of Students Per Class: 24 Length of Class: 40 minutes Number of Lessons: 5 Skill Theme(s) in Unit: ● ● ● ● ● Aerobic Capacity Body Composition Flexibility Muscular Endurance Muscular Strength Goals of Unit: Psychomotor: 1. The student will be able to demonstrate proper flexibility techniques by consistently participating in yoga lessons. 2. The student will be able to demonstrate correct weight lifting technique to increase muscular strength and endurance. 3. The students will be able to achieve target heart rate by participating in different aerobic exercises for at least 20 minutes. Cognitive: 1. The student will be able to evidence knowledge of overload and specificity principles by completing a fitness log for all components of fitness. 2. The students will evidence knowledge of the FITT principle by completing a fitness log documenting frequency, intensity, type and time. 3. The student will be able to create a healthy meal plan appropriate for age, gender, weight, and activity frequency by completing a daily food log for three days. Affective: 1. The student will be able appreciate their personal fitness level by reflecting on the progress of their fitness log in a reflection journal. 2. The student will be able to respect all equipment in fitness facilities by cleaning up the area before moving onto the next station. 3. The student will be able to appreciate the progress of their fitness levels by using S.M.A.R.T. goal setting. Standards: National: ○ Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. ○ Standard 2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. ○ Standard 4: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. ○ Standard 5: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings. PA: ○ 10.4.12.A.: Evaluate and engage in an individualized physical activity plan that supports achievement of personal fitness and activity goals and promotes life-long participation. ○ 10.4.12.B.: Analyze the effects of regular participation in a self-selected program of moderate to vigorous physical activities. • social • physiological • psychological ○ 10.4.12.D.: Evaluate factors that affect physical activity and exercise preferences of adults. • personal challenge • physical benefits • finances • motivation • access to activity • self-improvement o 10.4.12.E.: Analyze the interrelationships among regular participation in physical activity, motor skill improvement and the selection and engagement in lifetime physical activities. o 10.4.12.F.: Assess and use strategies for enhancing adult group interaction in physical activities. • shared responsibility • open communication • goal setting o 10.5.12.A.: Apply knowledge of movement skills, skill-related fitness and movement concepts to identify and evaluate physical activities that promote personal lifelong participation. o 10.5.12.D.: Incorporate and synthesize knowledge of exercise principles, training principles and health and skill-related fitness components to create a fitness program for personal use. Overall Unit Information: The personal fitness unit plan has been created to teach students about all the different aspects of fitness. It will expose them to different types of activities that they can use to achieve their fitness goals. At the end of the unit, students should have a better understanding of fitness and their own personal level of fitness. Students will also have experienced many different types of fitness activities that they can use to in their own lifelong fitness plan. Below are the facilities, equipment, technology, and safety to ensure proper execution of this unit. Facilities I will use: ● Weight Room ● Gymnasium ● Indoor/Outdoor Track Equipment I have available: ● Variety of free weights ● Variety of weight machines ● Variety of cardio machines (air bikes, ellipticals, treadmills) ● Heart Rate Monitors (1 per student) ● Pedometers (1 per student) ● Stopwatches (1 per student) ● Yoga Mats (1 per student) ● Stereo System (1) ● Jump Ropes (1 per student) Technology and/or other Media I will use: ● Heart Rate Monitors ● Pedometers ● Screen Projector ● PowerPoint ● Computer Important Safety Concerns/Rules: 1. Use weight machines appropriately. If a student does not feel comfortable with a machine, they should ask the teacher to demonstrate proper use of the machine. 2. Students will utilize spotters when using free weights to ensure safety. 3. Students must place weights on the ground in between sets. Do not drop them! 4. Students must clean up their station and return all equipment to its proper place before moving onto the next station. 5. At the end of class, all students must assist in cleaning up all equipment. 6. Students should always start a lightweight and go up, rather than starting at a large weight. This will decrease the likelihood of injury. 7. Remove all jewelry and loose clothing and tie up long hair to prevent getting caught in machines. 8. When using cardio machines the student must make sure it is set at an appropriate speed for them. 9. If students are feeling dizzy from exercising they must let the teacher know immediately. 10. Students will not do exercises that cause them pain whether it is when weight lifting, on the cardio machine, or performing yoga poses. Block Plan: Lesson Plan 1 of 5 Activities: In Gym: Introduction to Fitness Unit Lesson - Body Composition (Lecture) - Calculate BMI (Worksheet) - Goal Setting Goals for Unit (Lecture/Worksh eet) - Fitness Logs (Lecture about Project) - Daily Food Logs (Lecture about Project) Lesson Plan 2 of 5 Activities: In Gym: Aerobic Capacity - Heart Rate Monitor Introduction (All students put one on.) - IA: Jump Ropes - Activity #1: Mini Fitness Class - Activity #2: Soccer - Activity #3: Handball - Cool Down: Basic Stretching * Students will rotate through all three activities.* Lesson Plan 3 of 5 Activities: In Gym: Aerobic Capacity/Flexibi lity - Heart Rate Monitor Introduction (All students put one on.) - IA: Cardio Machines - Activity #1: Fitness Class - Activity #2: Yoga *The first half of the class the students will participate in a fitness class and the second half the students will participate in yoga. Lesson Plan 4 of 5 Activities: In Weight Room/Gym: Muscular Strength & Endurance/Flexi bility - Heart Rate Monitor Introduction (All students put one on.) - IA: Cardio Machines - Activity: Weight Room: Rotate through 9 different stations - 3 on arms, 3 on legs, 3 on core - Cool Down: Yoga Lesson Plan 5 of 5 Activities: In Weight Room/Gym: Aerobic Capacity and Muscular Strength & Endurance/Flexi bility - Heart Rate Monitor Introduction (All students put one on.) - IA/Activity #1: Cardio Machines (20 mins in target heart rate zone) - Activity #2: Weight Room (5 stations) - Cool Down: Yoga Objectives: P: The student will be able to calculate BMI by using their measured height and weight. Objectives: P: The student will be able to achieve their target heart rate for 20 minutes by participating in all three activity stations. Objectives: P: The student will be able to show proper stretching technique by participating in the yoga portion of class. Objectives: P: The student will be able to demonstrate proper lifting technique for all leg, arm and core stations by performing Objectives: P: The student will be able to reach their target heart rate zone before using proper technique on chosen lifting stations. C: The student will evidence knowledge of proper nutrition by completing a daily food log appropriate for age, gender, activity level and weight. A: The student will appreciate their individual energy balance by completing a food log and setting fitness goals. Assessment Completed Fitness Introduction Packet by turning in BMI Calculation and Goal Setting Worksheet C: The student will understand how to calculate their heart rate manually after instant activity, all activities and cool down by completing the heart rate worksheet. A. The student will use honesty and respect when reporting their target heart rate time to the teacher. Assessment Complete Heart Rate worksheet Report target heart rate time to teacher - must be at least 20 minutes recorded on HR monitors. C. The student will understand the importance of cool down by measuring their heart rate before and after yoga. correct lifting form. C: The student will understand the concept of repetitions and sets by completing A: The student fitness lifting log will keep an open and partner mind during yoga assessment sheet. lesson by participating in A: The student all yoga poses. will respect all lifting equipment by placing in their proper place when finished. Assessment Complete Heart Rate worksheet before and after yoga. Write reflection after yoga portion of class. Discuss change in mood or energy. Also discuss likes and dislikes of yoga. Assessment Complete fitness log with repetitions and sets of each lifting station. Complete partner assessment paper to check proper form and technique. Assessment: Psychomotor: - Partner Assessment Checklist (proper lifting technique) - Target heart rate zone (at least 20 minutes) Cognitive: - Fitness log - Nutrition log C: The student will evidence knowledge of all fitness components by completing their fitness log and reflection journal. A: The student will appreciate their fitness progress by analyzing their fitness log and reflecting on their progress throughout the unit. Assessment Report target heart rate zone to teacher - at least 20 minutes. Complete all fitness logs and reflection journal entries for assessment by teacher. - Goal setting worksheet - BMI calculation - Heart rate worksheet Affective: - Reflection journal - Yoga reflection - Goal setting worksheet Reflection: This unit plan was created as a unit that I would teach if I had the opportunity to teach the entire personal fitness unit in a week. After my personal fitness unit experience at the high school, even though it is a four and a half week unit, I feel as though they get absolutely nothing out of it. I only worked with this class about four times before it was time to switch units. I was so upset about how the unit was done that I thought of new ways to fix it. There is no reason why students should be riding air bikes for forty minutes every cardio day and be left on their own to lift in the weight room. This is not safe and the students are not learning the importance of personal fitness. In this one week unit plan that I created it exposes them to more things than the students have ever seen. I believe a personal fitness unit more like this would keep the students engaged and interested. This type of unit plan would also expose them to all different types of personal fitness and give them an idea of how different types of personal fitness can be utilized. After creating and looking back over the unit I believe this unit does a good job of aligning all unit goals, lesson content, and lesson objectives. The unit progression flows and builds off of previous lessons. All of the psychomotor, cognitive, and affective unit goals were met during this unit. Each goal was either met by one or more lessons. For the majority of the time these goals were the main focus of the lesson and for other lessons they were addressed. They aligned nicely and there were assessments to match the unit goals. This would allow me to have hard evidence to see if the students would have met the unit objectives. For every lesson there were both formal and informal assessments. By using both types of assessment it would make sure that students were achieving all the goals that were set for them. This unit would also be very successful because it incorporates nutrition into it as well. The students have to keep fitness and food logs which would allow them to track their physical activity level and food intake. By having them create a goal sheet they have something to work towards throughout the unit and beyond. This is setting them up for wanting to be physical activity outside of physical education as well. By incorporating these skills there is co-curricular learning taking place between health and physical education! Since I did not actually teach these lessons these are just thoughts of how I would create a unit; I do not have any specific changes that I would make. The only changes I could see making at this time would be including some sort of cardio fitness circuit to get the students off the machines and doing something different. Since I did this in one class and they really enjoyed it and liked the challenge. This would expose them to even more aerobic activities as well as incorporate all other aspects of fitness as well. Since the unit could be up to four and a half weeks the students could continue to spend time in both the weight room and doing cardio. This way the students would not be getting bored of just one thing and every day they would come to class and be learning something different about personal fitness. Not only would the students be learning about personal fitness, but they would be getting in shape as well. If the forty minutes was utilized appropriately every day the student would be getting an actual workout in during physical education. After all in physical education we want our students to be as physically active as possible and a well-planned personal fitness gives the opportunity for just that. Overall, I think this would a unique unit and worth giving a try. After implementing a unit like this I would have a better idea of what else would need to be changed. I believe that getting student feedback about units, especially a unit like personal fitness, will help teachers create a much stronger and more engaging unit. Instead of students dreading having to work out they will be more motivated to because they will have learned unique ways to that are much more appealing to them.