Monohybrid Crosses


Chapter 9


Section 1 Vocabulary Pretest

1. Genetics

2. Heredity

3. Trait

4. Pollination

5. Self-pollination

6. Cross-pollination


7. True-breeding

8. P generation

9. F1 generation

10. F2 generation

11. Dominant

12. Recessive

13. Law of Segregation

14. Law of Independent Assortment

15. Molecular Genetics

16. Allele

* Genetics is the ____________ of how traits are passed from parents to offspring

*________________ is the actual passing of traits from parents to offspring.

(Thus, _______________ is the study of _________________).

*A ______________ is a genetically determined variant of a characteristic.

Ex: ___________________

*___________________________ is known as the father of modern genetics

1. _______________________________________ born is 1822

2. Experimented with ___________________________________

3. Presented the first paper on genetic research titled, _____________________


4. Chose pea plants because: a. They can ________________________ producing pure plants b. Mendel could easily ____________________________, allowing him to

select parent plants. c. Easy to grow ______________________ of plants, making experiments

statistically valid. d. Many _____________________ could be studied e. Mendel studied 7 characteristics and 14 observable traits

Mendel’s Experiments

*In all his experiments, he started with



Produced by allowing plants to

______________________ for several generations so that

they are _________________________

2. Called them the ________________________ (parent generation)

3. Then he _____________________ to get the ____________________ (1 st filial)

4. These were allowed to ______________________ to produce the

___________________ (second filial)

*Mendel obtained true-breeding plants for all

_________________________. In all of his

experiments, patterns began to emerge:


Only ________________________ appeared in the F1 generation


The second trait _______________ in the F2 generation


The ratio was _________________


**See chart on page 176

*Mendel concluded that the traits were controlled by _________________________________

*We now call these factors “_______________”

*Alleles can be either __________________________________________

1. ____________________________ can hide alleles for other traits. Use

_________________ to represent them

2. ___________________________ can be hidden. Use ____________________

to represent them

*All traits seen in the F1 generation were _________________________

*All traits that __________________ in the F2 generations were ________________

Mendel’s Laws

*___________________________________--states that a pair of alleles is separated

during the formation of gametes

*___________________________________--factors for __________________________

are not necessarily connected. Therefore, they _____________________________

during the formation of gametes.

Section 2 Vocabulary Pretest

1. Genotype

2. Phenotype

3. Homozygous

4. Heterozygous

5. Probability

6. Monohybrid Cross

7. Punnett Square

8. Genotypic Ratio

9. Phenotypic Ration

10. Dihybrid Cross

11. Test cross

12. Complete Dominance

13. Incomplete Dominance

14. Codominance

Phenotype and Genotype

*___________________--an organism’s appearance

Ex: Phenotype for flower color: Purple or White

*__________________--an organism’s genetic make-up

Ex: Genotype for Purple Flowers: ________________

Genotype for White Flowers: ________

Homozygous and Heterozygous


Ex: Homozygous white = __________

Homozygous purple = __________

*Heterozygous-- ________________________________________________________

Ex: Heterozygous purple = _________


*Probability is the likelihood that a __________________________________

*Probability is calculated by the following equation:

*Ex: Mendel grew 705 purple plants and 224 white plants. What is the probability that a

tall plant will appear in a similar cross?

Monohybrid Crosses

*Monohybrid Crosses—only _________ characteristic is tracked

*A tool used to predict the outcome of different types of monohybrid crosses is called a

_________________________ (Named for ________________________)

Ex: TT x tt (Pure tall plants x Pure short plants)

Ex: Tt x Tt (Hybrid tall x Hybrid tall)

*A testcross is performed when you are not sure if an organisms showing a dominant

trait is _________________________________ for the trait.

**To find out, it is crossed with a _______________________________.

If even one _________________________________, then the unknown was


Incomplete Dominance

*Incomplete Dominance occurs when offspring have a phenotype that is

_____________________ that of the two parents. Ex: Red X White = Pink

*Punnett Squares for incomplete dominance are the same, except that the

______________________ individuals will have a ___________________________

Ex: Pink Flower x Pink Flower


*Codominance occurs when both alleles in a pair are expressed but ________________

*_____________________ is an example

1. Three alleles (_______________) are involved in determining blood type.

However, you still only inherit two ( ___________________________)


A and B are both _______________: O is _____________________


Type ____________ has one genotype: _______ (both alleles are expressed and blood cells will have both A and B antigens on them)


Type ____________ has two possible genotypes: ________________


Type ____________ has two possible genotypes: ________________


Type ____________ has only one genotype: _________

Dihybrid Crosses

*Dihybrid Cross—shows ___________________________________.

*Example: RrYy x RrYy (heterozygous round and yellow seeds)

R = round r = wrinkled Y = yellow y = green

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