
Early Pregnancy Signs
Tender breasts
Darkening areolas
Urinary frequency
Smell sensitivity
Rising temperature
Missed period
Home Pregnancy Test
 Measure levels of hCG—a placenta-produced
hormone of pregnancy in urine
The Blood Test
 Measure levels of hCG in the blood
The Medical Exam
 Looks for enlargement of the uterus and color
changes in the uterus and cervix
Weeks 1-4
There’s no baby in sight—or inside
It’s hard to pinpoint the precise moment
when sperm meets egg
Still no baby yet
Body is preparing for ovulation
Lining of your uterus is thickening and
ovarian follicles are maturing until one
becomes the dominant one
Congrats!! Conception has occurred!!
The baby has turned into a microscopic ball
of cells, around 1/5th the size of the period at
the end of a sentence (.) (called a blastocyst)
The blastocyst begins its journey from your
fallopian tube to your uterus
Implantation time
Embryo has reached your uterus and is
snuggling into the uterine lining where it
connects to you until delivery
Cells split ( ½ becomes the child, ½ becomes
the placenta)
Amniotic sac is forming
Endoderm—digestive system, liver, and lungs
Mesoderm—heart, sex organs, bones, kidneys,
Ectoderm—nervous system, skin, hair, and eyes
 Spotting
 Mood swings
 Breast changes
 Irritability
 Bloating, flatulence
 Irrationality
 Fatigue, lack of energy
 Weepiness
 Sleepiness
 Anxiousness
 Frequent urination
 Nausea
 Smell sensitivity
 Excess saliva
Confirmation of Pregnancy
Complete Medical History
Complete Physical Examination
Battery of Tests
 Blood Test
 Urinalysis (screen for glucose, protein, WBC,
blood, bacteria)
 Test for STD’s
 Pap Smear
Approximately 5 to 8 Weeks
Fast growing embryo
Heart is taking shape & the circulatory
system is soon to be operational
Heart is already beginning to beat
Neural tube is open but will become closed by
the end of next week
Crown to rump measurements are around
1/4th an inch (no bigger than a nail head)
Jaws, cheeks, chin, ear canals are developing
Eye dots and nose bud is forming
Kidneys, lungs, liver is forming
Heart is beating 80 times per minute
10,000 x bigger than at conception—about
the size of a blueberry
Mouth and tongue are forming
Arm and leg buds
Kidneys are beginning to function
Measures ½ inch—size of a raspberry
Lips, nose, eyelids, legs, and back are all
taking shape
Heart is beating at 150 times per minute
Begins making spontaneous movements
 Lack of energy
 Nausea
 Excess saliva
 Constipation
 Heartburn
 Food aversions and
 Headaches
 dizziness
Emotional ups and downs
Mood swings
Misgivings, fear, joy,
Sense of unreality about
the pregnancy
Weight and Blood Pressure
Urine Sample
Hands and Feet Check
Symptom Check
Heartburn and Indigestion
Food Aversions and Cravings
Visible Veins
Spider Veins
Varicose Veins
Achy, Swollen Pelvis
Dry Skin/Eczema
Based on BMI
If BMI is:
 18.5-26: gain 25-35 pounds
 26-29: gain standard pregnancy weight
 Higher than 29: gain only 15 to 20 pounds
 Less than 18.5: gain 28 to 40 pounds
7 ½ pounds
1 ½ pounds
Amniotic fluid
2 pounds
Uterine enlargement
2 pounds
Breast tissue
2 pounds
Blood volume
4 pounds
Material Fluids
4 pounds
Fat Stores
7 pounds
Total Average= 30 pounds overall
Approximately Weeks 9 to 13
No longer an embryo—now a
Approximately 1 inch
Muscles are starting to form,
which allows arms and legs to
Heartbeat is audible
1 ½ inches long
Bones and cartilage is forming
Indentations on the legs are
becoming knees and ankles
Baby teeth are forming
Stomach is producing
digestive juices, kidneys are
producing urine
If it’s a boy, the testes are
producing testosterone
2 inches long
Torso is lengthening, hair follicles are
 Nail beds are beginning to develop
 Ovaries are developing
 Fetus has distinct human
 Hands and feet in front of the body
 Ears in the final shape
 Open nasal passages
 Tongue and palate in the mouth
 Visible nipples
Weighs ½ an ounce and measures 2 ½
 Baby’s body is hard at work developing
 Most systems are fully formed
 Digestive system is practicing
contraction movements (baby will be
able to eat)
 Bone marrow is making white blood
cells (to fight infections)
 Pituitary gland is producing hormones
(so reproduction can occur one day)
 1st trimester is coming to an
Fetus is about 3 inches long
Intestines are not starting
their trek to their permanent
position in the baby’s
Vocal cords are developing
 Frequent urination
 Nausea
 Excess saliva
 Constipation
 Heartburn
 Food cravings
 Increasing appetite
 Breast changes
 Visible veins
 Rounding of belly
Mood swings
Sense of calm
Weight and Blood Pressure
Urine, for sugar and protein
Fetal heartbeat
Size of uterus (by external palpation—feeling
from outside)
Height of fundus (top of uterus)
Hands and feet for swelling, legs for varicose
Questions or problems
Can be heard for certain by the 14th week
Baby’s heartbeat will be around 110-160
beats per minute during early pregnancy
120-160 beats per minute by midpregnancy
Approximately 14 to 17 Weeks
Size of a clenched fist
Sprouts some body
hair—lanugo (used to
keep the baby warm)
Your little one may have
learned to suck his
thumb by this point!
Measures 4 ½ inches…
size of an orange
Ears are positioned
Can wiggle fingers, toes,
and suck the thumb
Can breathe, suck, and
Kicking, flexing, and
moving occurs
Weight of 3-5 ounces
Length of 4-5 inches
Baby begins to
straighten out—back
muscles are stronger
 Eyebrows and eyelashes
are present
 Becoming sensitive to
touch (will squirm when
you poke your belly )
Body fat is forming
Sucking and
swallowing increases
Heart rate is regulated
by the brain and is
about 140-150 beats
per minute
Same as Before…. Except:
 End to or decrease in nausea and vomiting
 Nasal congestion
 Swelling of ankles and feet
 Fetal movement near the end of the month
 Scatterbrained, forgetful
Weight and blood pressure
Urine check
Fetal heartbeat
Size of uterus, by external palpation
Height of fundus
Hands and feet for swelling
Symptoms you’re experiencing
Questions or problems
Dental Problems
 Breathlessness
 Nasal Stuffiness/Nosebleeds
 Snoring
 Allergies
 Vaginal Discharge
 Elevated Blood Pressure
 Sugar in the Urine
 Anemia
 Fetal Movement
 Body Image
 Forgetfulness
Approximately 18 to 22 Weeks
5 ½ inches long... 5
Yawning and
Unique fingerprints on
6 inches long
Size of a large mango
Vernix caseosa—greasy
white protective substance
(resembles cheese)—now
covers your baby’s skin
protecting it from amniotic
fluid (coating sheds closer
to delivery)
Size of a small
cantaloupe… about 10
Gender is visible by
Ovaries are holding 7
million eggs
Still plenty of room in the
Room to feel movements
The baby will be
getting a taste of
whatever is on your
Neurons are
connected between
the brain and muscles
Movements are more
1 pound and nearly 8 inches
Developing senses
Begins to grab
Can perceive light and dark
Can hear your voice,
partner’s voice, heart
beating, blood circulating,
gastric gurgles, dog barking,
sirens, loud tv
Tastes everything you eat
 More energy
 Fetal movement
 Achiness in the lower abdomen and along the sides
 Backache
 Hearty appetite
 Leg cramps
 Swelling of ankles and feet
 Skin color changes on abdomen and/or face
 Protruding navel
 Faster pulse
Heating Up
Abdominal Aches
Foot Growth
Fast Growing Nails/Hair
Vision Problems
Weeks 23-27
Baby begins to gain fat
Skin is see thru
Weekly gain is now
about 6 ounces
 Face is almost fully
 Complete set of
eyelashes and
Capillaries are filling
with blood
 Vocal cords are
 Nostrils are opening up
Weighs a full 2 lbs
Eyes beginning to
 Baby is now able to see
Has more taste buds
than he/she will at
birth and will react to
foods you eat
Swelling of ankles and feet and hands/face
Leg cramps
Stretch marks
Itchy abdomen
Skin pigmentation changes
Fetal Heartbeat
Weight and blood pressure
Trouble Sleeping
Protruding Navel
Baby Kicking
Itchy Belly
Weeks 28-31
Baby begins blinking
Kicking, jabs, and movements increase
Fat increases
Brain is growing and beginning to wrinkle
Begins to shed lanugo
Begins to sleep longer---begin to see patterns
to awake and sleeping times
Shortness of Breath
Scattered Braxton Hicks Contractions
Excitement and apprehension
Strange and vivid dreams
Blood test for anemia
Glucose screening test
Weeks 32-35
Swallowing and breathing practicing occurs
Skin is no longer see through
Amniotic fluid is maxed out
Antibodies are being passed from you to your
Fingernails are at the tips of the fingers
Brain cells are developing
Baby’s head is still soft
Most babies in a head’s down position
Group B Strep Test