Chapter 3 - Texas A&M University

Organizational Behavior
Spring 2014
Dr. Jody Fry
318J Founders Hall
254-519-5725 - Please keep course-related communication inside
Blackboard and use TAMUCT email only when Blackboard is not
Web site:
Office Secretary:
Mrs. Jennifer Perez 254-501-5437
Office Hours:
TTh 2:00-5:00 PM; By Appointment
Online Office Hours MW: 8:30 – 10:30 AM
Mode of instruction and course access:
This course utilizes the Texas A&M University Central Texas Blackboard course
platform. Reading assigned material from the text is a major part of this course.
Synthesizing the major concepts presented in the course into an original essay to be
submitted will also be an important course component
For a general overall guide to Blackboard the following link will help:
Student-instructor interaction: I am accessible mainly through email, which I check
several times a day during the week and usually at least once a day on weekends. I will
get back to you within 24 hours during the week and within 36 hours during the
weekend. I can also be reached by phone other than my scheduled office hours by
calling Charlotte Wesley, our office secretary (519-5725), who will put me in touch with
you. We can also schedule a call if you send an email with your phone number and
request that I call you back.
UNILERT: Emergency Warning System for Texas A&M University – Central Texas.
UNILERT is an emergency notification service that gives Texas A&M University-Central
Texas the ability to communicate health and safety emergency information quickly via
email and text message. By enrolling in UNILERT, university officials can quickly pass
on safety-related information, regardless of your location. Please enroll today at
Course Overview and Description:
The purpose of this course is to demonstrate the importance of organizational behavior
to your own personal and organizational life. You are or probably will be an employee of
an organization—and in all likelihood of several organizations—during your career. You
may eventually become a team leader, a manager, or an executive. Studying
organizational behavior will help you attain the knowledge and competencies needed to
perform effectively in all of these roles. These will help you diagnose, understand,
explain, and act on what is happening around you in your job.
Course Objectives: At the conclusion of the course the student will be able to:
Apply different concepts related to organizational behavior and human
Define the purpose and nature of the field of organizational behavior.
Differentiate between various types of behavior modification theories and
Distinguish the specific steps managers can take to motivate employees.
Explain the factor/characteristics of high-performance teams.
Analyze different concepts related to leadership and decision making.
Implement different concepts related to managing conflict, stress, and
Student Learning Outcomes by Text Chapter are given in Appendix A
Required Reading and Textbook(s):
Hellriegel, D. & Slocum, S. (2011),
Organizational Behavior, South-Western, Cengage Learning.
To purchase the hardcopy with WebTutor:
ISBN13: 978-1-133-02589-4
To Purchase eTextbook with WebTutor:
ISBN-13 9781111258078
If you did not buy a book that includes WebTutor, you will be
required to purchase an Access Key in order to authenticate
their first access to the Publisher Resources in Blackboard. You
should be prompted to buy your code when you first try to
access Publisher Resources.
You can also purchase an access key at:
A student of this institution is not under any obligation to
purchase a textbook from a university-affiliated bookstore. The
same textbook may also be available from an independent
retailer, including an online retailer.
American Psychological Association. (2009).
Publication Manual of American Psychological .
Association (6th ed.). Washington, D.C
Specifications for Written Assignments:
All written work will be completed using a computer. All work (unless noted
otherwise) will be submitted on 8-1/2 inch by 11 inch white bond paper as
follows: margins [top, bottom, left and right] will be one (1) inch, double-spaced,
Times New Roman font, 12 pitch, and the color black will be used for all wording.
Items submitted are expected to be of collegiate quality, language and depth.
Professional level writing and communication are critical skills in the business
world. This standard should be displayed in all assignments for this class. For
written assignments, all work should be proofread, free of grammatical errors,
include proper citations and be in accordance with American Psychological
Association (APA) standards. For information on APA standards and correct
citation formats consult the APA Publication Manual, and/or link to the following
For Internet citations:
A sample paper using APA style guidelines can be reviewed at:
1. Chapter Exams (20 Percent): There will be four examinations during the
semester. The exams are non-cumulative, and will include only materials
covered in the assigned chapters for that exam. Exams will be open-book and
open-notes. You only get one shot at each exam. Make-ups are only for those
people who missed the exam with legitimate and documentable excuses (not
being prepared is not a legitimate excuse for not taking an exam during its
regularly scheduled time).
Reviewing the Chapter PowerPoint presentations, and using the Publisher
Supplemental Materials and self quizzes are good ways to prepare for each
For help in how to prepare for objective exams see:
Most exams will be available over a 72 hour period online (e.g., Friday 8:00 AM –
Sunday, 11:59 PM); availability will be shown in the Exam link. Exams will be
timed and once started, must be completed at that time. There will be no makeups for missed exams unless there is a documented medical emergency.
2. Individual Case Exams (35 percent) - There will be two open-book, opennotes case examinations. Both exams will require you to analyze a textbook case
or an article from a business periodical (e.g., Business Week, Fortune, Forbes,
etc.). This exam requires a case analysis that follows the Case Analysis
Outline (see Appendix B).
The first exam will count 10% and will be broken into two parts worth 5%
each. The first part will cover sections 1 & 2 of the case Analysis outline. This is to
give you specific feedback that will help you better apply course concepts models
in the second part, which will cover the rest of the outline (sections 3-6).
The second exam counts 25% toward your final grade and requires you to
apply the Case Analysis Outline in its entirety.
Students are responsible for all material covered in the course up to the time of the
You will turn in your exam as an attachment through the Exams link on the Course
Menu. Please include a title page. Be sure and only include your name on the title
page, not in the body of your exam.
You must organize your exam using headings and subheadings that reflect
the Case Analysis Outline. It’s not a good idea to make me hunt for your
answers. Use this format – Course Identification and Term_ Individual Case
Exam #(1 or2)_Your Last Name.
Discussion Forums:
Introductory Biography Statement (0 Percent): Submit a MS-Word document
covering a short bio of yourself with a pic. I would expect to see in your bio
information relating to your major, current student status, interests and any other
info you deem relevant. Submit this assignment through the Discussions
link by the beginning of the second week of class.
Course Q&A, and Case Analysis Out line Discussion Forums: I have also set
up discussion boards for (1) a Q&A forum for questions concerning this course in
general and (2) a forum for questions concerning the Case Analysis Outline,
given in Appendix B.
Written Assignments:
Each student will complete the following assignments:
1. Team Process Assignment (0 Points): This assignment requires you as a
team to examine the process of how you will work together – one of the primary
areas of focus in the study of organizational behavior. Follow the outline given
in the Team Handbook that is provided as an attachment with this
assignment, which will also give its due date:
I. Who are we?
II. What do we want to accomplish?
III. How do we organize to meet our goals?
IV. How will we operate?
V. How do we continuously learn and improve?
I will keep returning this submission to you until I am satisfied with the analysis of
your team’s process.
Failure to get my approval on this assignment will result in a five point deduction
on the final grade of all team members.
You will turn in your Team Process Assignment as an attachment through
the assignments link on the Course Menu, which will also include its due
date. Use this format – Course Identification and Term_Team Process
Asignment_Your Team Name.
3. Team Textbook Case Presentations (10 Percent) – There will be one case
from the text you will prepare as a team. See the Assignments course link for
when your team’s case presentation is due. Use the Case Analysis Outline in
Appendix B as a guide for your presentation. The presentation submission
should be a Power Point Presentation with notes. Your notes should provide
enough detail to demonstrate that it follows the Case Analysis Outline.
You will turn in your Case Presentation as an attachment through the
assignments link on the Course Menu, which will also include its due date.
Use this format –Course Identification and Term_ Team Text Presentation
(name of case)_Your Team Name.
4. Management Competency Journal (10 Percent): Each chapter in the text
has self-assessment exercises. In this course you are required to compose a
journal in which you record what you have learned from completing each of the
assigned exercises. The Management Competency Journal is where you should
demonstrate that you have mastered and can apply course concepts. It is not
enough to just list your answers.
For “Case Studies,” read the case and then answer the questions at the end of
the case be sure and apply the relevant course concepts as appropriate. Be sure
and also include the Case Questions in bold along with your answers.
For “Exercises” be sure that you discuss what you have learned about you.
You are not required to duplicate or copy each exercise, just read and comply
with the instructions for that particular exercise. Be sure and give your score for
each exercise as part of your discussion.
A well thought out and complete response to each case/self-assessment applies
concepts from the text to fully support your analysis. Expected length for
responses is 1-2 complete paragraphs per question.
The assigned exercises and self assessments that will comprise your
Management Competency Journal are:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 6
Chapter 10
Chapter 13
Self-Assessment Inventory
What is Your Decision?
What Is Your Emotional IQ. Discuss each dimension relative
to your own experience. You do not need to answer the two
questions at the end of the exercise.
Perception Process
Analyze Your Organization’s Design
Assess your Organization’s Culture
Are You Ready For Change (Pps. 522-523)
What Do You Want From Your Job?
Personal Power Inventory
Conflict handling Styles
Submit your Management Competency Journal in one doc or docx file as
an attachment through the assignments link on the Course Menu. See your
course Calendar for the due date. Use this format – Class Identification and
Term_MCJ_Your Last Name. DO NOT email any individual assignments to me
unless specifically instructed to do so.
No late submissions are allowed for this assignment unless arrangements
are made before the due date.
5. Final Team Project (15 Percent) - The final exam will consist of a group
case presentation and written analysis of a real organization. During the
semester you will pick an organization and research it as a case study. This can
be an organization where you are employed or a FORTUNE 500 company. The
project is divided into two phases:
A. Final Team Project Proposal: Submit a 1-2 page proposal for my
approval. It should follow as much as possible at this stage the Case
Analysis Outline. In particular try to formulate an initial management
question. Submit your proposal through the assignments link, which
will also give its due date. Failure to get my approval on this
assignment will result in a five point deduction on the final grade of
all team members.
B. The analysis of the company, the format of the report and its grading
will follow that of the Case Analysis Outline in Appendix B.
Since you are analyzing an organization of your choice instead of a
company in an article I have provided. It is incumbent on you to write up
enough detail on the organization so that I can follow the application of
course concepts/models to the case situation. A general rule of thumb is
that the case situation write up should comprise about 50% of your
The paper should be 15-20 double-spaced pages (exclusive of cover
page, table of contents, references and attachments), APA style, 1 inch
margins, 12 pitch, times new roman font. Use at least ten references
with citations. Also make sure that every citation in your references
should be cited in the body of your paper.
Multiple citations from the same web site only count as one citation
toward the ten reference requirement.
Be sure and take advantage of the library link in the course menu. This will
be an important source of references and background material for your
Final Group Case Project.
Submit your Final Team Project through the assignments link, which
will also give its due date. Use this format – Course
Identification_Final Case Project (name of company)_Your Team
No late submission will be accepted for this project unless
arrangements are made before the due date.
C. Team Member and Individual Performance: Team collaboration is
permitted ONLY for the team assignments. All other work in the course
must be your individual work. I expect each team member to fully
participate on team projects. All team members will receive the same
grade for the team Research Projects. However, I reserve the right to
make exceptions to that practice as circumstances such as performance
imbalance or communication issues warrant. I also reserve the right to
administer peer evaluations at any time for your projects and to consider
these in the allocation of grades among team members. I strongly urge
you to discuss your mutual expectations with your team members.
If at any time, you believe that a team member is not living up to
his/her commitments, you have the right to remove them from your
group. To remove a team member:
1. First, meet as a team and discuss the issue with the offending
team member. Document your meeting in writing and send it to me
via email.
2. If the situation fails to improve, document the team member’s
lack of participation and performance.
3. Notify me in writing of the situation.
4. If I decide to remove the team member after consulting with the
offended team members and the offending team member, the
terminated member will be responsible for completing an
independent Final Case Project on their own.
6. Individual Analysis of Team: Team Assessment and Plan For Change
(10 Percent) - This assignment challenges you to analyze the factors that
influenced your team’s effectiveness and to offer suggestions for how your team
could be more effective, given you had the time to implement your
You will conduct an individual analysis of your team using your scores
from the Team Assessment Inventory given in chapter 12 (pp. 379-380).
The written assignment itself should be 5-7 pages (double-spaced). Be sure and
summarize the scores and interpret them for each of the seven sections of the
inventory (I-VII). Feel free to draw on any individual items within a section to
illustrate the major points you make. Then use this analysis to support your
answers to the two questions at the end of the exercise on page 380.
As part of your analysis please provide assessment of each team member
contributions though the peer evaluation form attached to this assignment.
Late Submissions:
Unless otherwise stated, late submission of written work, presentations, etc. will
result in a grade reduction of 10% for each day it is late (maximum of 30 %). No
submissions will be accepted beyond 3 Days from the due date unless
arrangements are made before the due date.
Grading Criteria Rubric and Conversion:
Grades will be calculated as follows:
90 %
Introductory Biography Statement
Chapter Exams
Individual Case Exam 1 Part 1
Individual Case Exam 1 Part 2
Individual Case Exam 2
Team Process Assignment
Final Team Project Proposal
Team Text Case Presentation
Management Competency Journal
Final Group Case Project
Individual Analysis of Team
100 %
Pts & % of
Final Grade
10 %
100 %
NOTE #1: Extra Credit: There is no extra credit in this course.
NOTE #2: Requests for Incomplete Grades: Incompletes will only be given in
emergency or other extreme circumstances and then only if a significant
percentage of the course has been satisfactorily completed. Any request for an
incomplete grade in this course must be approved by the professor prior to the
last week of classes. Where possible, requests should be submitted in written
form and must include an address and/or telephone number where you may be
contacted throughout the following semester. Texas A&M University Central
Texas uses the grade of ‘K’ on transcripts and grade reports to identify
incomplete grades.
NOTE#3: Questions concerning one’s grade on a particular task (e.g., test, case)
should be resolved within one week after receiving the graded material. There
will be no reviewing of previously graded material at the end of the semester.
Note#4 - Peer Evaluation: All students must fill out one or more peer
evaluation forms. I use this as a mechanism to determine an individual’s
contribution to the group’s effort. If you rate a group member significantly higher
or lower than the other group members, you must write down the specifics of the
situation and justify your rating.
a. Course Standards: Professional level writing and communication are critical
skills in the business world. This standard should be displayed in all
assignments for this class. All communications, both to the Professor and
student colleagues should be kept professional, including Discussion Board
postings and email correspondence. For written assignments, all work should be
proofread, free of grammatical errors, include proper citations and be in
accordance with American Psychological Association (APA) standards, including
one inch margins and 12 pitch Times New Roman font. For information on APA
standards and correct citation formats consult the APA Publication Manual,
and/or link to the following sources:
For Internet citations –
A sample paper using APA style guidelines can be reviewed at:
b. Tutoring: Tutoring is available to all TAMUCT students, both on-campus and
online. Subjects tutored include Accounting, Finance, Statistics, Mathematics,
and Writing (APA). Tutors are available at the Tutoring Center in Founder's Hall,
Room 204, and also in the Library in the North Building.
Visit and click "Tutoring Support" for tutor
schedules and contact info. If you have questions or if you're interested in
becoming a tutor, contact Academic Support Programs at 254-519-5830 or by
10 is an online tutoring platform that enables TAMU-CT students to login and receive FREE online tutoring and writing support. This tool provides
tutoring in Mathematics, Writing, Career Writing, Chemistry, Physics, Biology,
Spanish, Calculus, and Statistics. Chat live with a tutor 24/7 for any subject on
your computer. To access, click on
Library Services: Information literacy focuses on research skills which
prepare individuals to live and work in an information-centered society. Library
research skills are another critical tool in the business world, and will be required
for this class in conjunction with Management Portfolio Project. Librarians will
work with students in the development of critical reasoning, ethical use of
information, and the appropriate use of secondary research techniques. Help
may include, yet is not limited to: exploration of information resources such as
library collections and services, identification of subject databases and scholarly
journals, and execution of effective search strategies. Library Resources are
outlined and accessed at:
The TAMUCT librarians are available to assist distance learning students doing
research via email and chat sessions; consult the library link provided here or
the library link on the course home page to access these services.
APPROXIMATE COURSE SCHEDULE (See the course Weekly Calendar in
Blackboard for Official assignment and test dates)
Chap 1
Chap 2
Check Blackboard
Calendar to Confirm
Due Date of Scheduled
Learning about Organizational
Individual and Organizational
MCJ = Management
Competency Journal
MCJ: Self-Assessment
Intro Bio Due
Review Posted Material
on Case Analysis
MCJ: What is Your
MCJ: Your Emotional IQ
Chapter 3
Understanding Individual
Chapter 4
Perceptions and Attributions
Chapter 15
Organizational Design
Chapter 16
Cultivating Organizational
MCJ: Assess Your Org’s
Managing Organizational
Case Exam 1- Part 2
MCJ: Are You Ready
For Change?
Chapter 17
Chapter 6
Motivating Employees
MCJ: Perception
Case Exam 1- Part 1
Exam 1 Ch1-4
MCJ: Analyze Your
Org’s Design
Team Process
Assignment due
MCJ: What Do You
Want From Your Job
Final Team Case
Project Proposal Due
Exam 2 Ch 15-17,6
Chapter 7
Motivation: Goal Setting and
Reward Programs
Chapter 10
Leadership: Foundations
Leadership Effectiveness: New
Chapter 12
Developing and Leading Teams
Case Analysis Exam 2
Chapter 13
Managing Conflict and
Negotiating Effectively
MCJ: Conflict Handling
Chapter 8
Workplace Stress and
Exam 4 Ch 12, 13, 8
Team Textbook Case
Exam 3 Ch , 7,10,11
Chapter 11
MCJ: Personal Power
Competency Journal
Individual Analysis of
Final Team Project &
Peer Evaluations Due
Blackboard Tutorial and Competency: Blackboard Tutorial and
Competency: This course will use the new TAMU-CT Blackboard Learn
learning management system for class communications, content distribution,
and assessments. See the Blackboard login page for instructions.
For this course, you will need reliable and frequent access to a computer and to
the Internet. You will also need a headset with a microphone or speakers and a
microphone to be able to listen to online resources and conduct other activities
in the course. If you do not have frequent and reliable access to a computer with
Internet connection, please consider dropping this course or contact me (your
email and phone number) to discuss your situation.
Blackboard supports the most common operating systems:
PC: Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 2000,
Mac: Mac OS 10.6 “Snow Leopard®”, Mac OS 10.5 “Leopard®”, Mac OS
10.4 “Tiger®”
b. Check browser and computer compatibility by following the “Browser Check” link
on the TAMU-CT Blackboard logon page. ( This
is a CRITICAL step as these settings are important for when you take an exam
or submit an assignment. Issues with technology or your personal computer are
not allowable reasons for missing a deadline, be sure you have the correct
computer configurations and have a back-up computer available.
Upon logging on to Blackboard Learn, you will see a link to Blackboard Student
Orientation under My Courses tab. Click on that link and study the materials in
this orientation course. The new Blackboard is a brand-new interface and you
will have to come up to speed with it really quickly. This orientation course will
help you get there. There is also a link to Blackboard Help from inside the
course on the left-hand menu bar. The first week of the course includes
activities and assignments that will help you get up to speed with navigation,
sending and receiving messages and discussion posts, and submitting an
assignment. Your ability to function within the Blackboard system will facilitate
your success in this course.
Technology issues are not an excuse for missing a course requirement – make
sure your computer is configured correctly and address issues well in advance
of deadlines.
c. Technology Issues & Troubleshooting: For technological or computer issues,
students should contact the TAMU-CT Blackboard Support Services 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week:
TAMUCT Support Resources
24/7 Phone Support
(254)-519-5466 or (979)-845-8300
24/7 Online Chat Support
Available on the Help Desk Central Website (
Additional support materials are also available on the "How to Use Blackboard"
For issues related to course content and requirements, contact your instructor.
Academic Integrity
Texas A&M University - Central Texas expects all students to maintain high standards
of personal and scholarly conduct. Students found responsible of academic dishonesty
are subject to disciplinary action. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to,
cheating on an examination or other academic work, plagiarism, collusion, and the
abuse of resource materials. The faculty member is responsible for initiating action for
each case of academic dishonesty and report the incident to the Associate Director of
Student Conduct. More information can be found at
Disability Support Services
If you have or believe you have a disability and wish to self-identify, you can do so by
providing documentation to the Disability Support Coordinator. Students are
encouraged to seek information about accommodations to help assure success in their
courses. Please contact Vanessa Snyder at (254) 501-5836 or visit Founder's Hall 114.
Additional information can be found at
Tutoring is available to all TAMUCT students, both on-campus and online. Subjects
tutored include Accounting, Finance, Statistics, Mathematics, and Writing (APA). Tutors
are available at the Tutoring Center in Founder's Hall, Room 204, and also in the Library
in the North Building. Visit and click "Tutoring
Support" for tutor schedules and contact info. If you have questions, need to schedule a
tutoring session, or if you're interested in becoming a tutor, contact Academic Support
Programs at 254-501-5830 or by emailing
Chat live with a tutor 24/7 for almost any subject on your computer! is an
online tutoring platform that enables TAMU-CT students to log-in and receive FREE
online tutoring and writing support. This tool provides tutoring in Mathematics, Writing,
Career Writing, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Spanish, Calculus, and Statistics. To
access, click on
Drop Policy: If you discover that you need to drop this class, you must go to the
Records Office and ask for the necessary paperwork. Professors cannot drop
students; this is always the responsibility of the student. Be sure to keep up with
Registrar’s Office deadlines for withdrawing from this course, should your progress fall
significantly behind. The record’s office will give a deadline for which the form must be
returned, completed, and signed. Once you return the signed form to the records office
and wait 24 hours, you must go into Duck Trax and confirm that you are no longer
enrolled. If you are still enrolled, FOLLOW-UP with the records office immediately.
Should you miss the deadline or fail to follow the procedure, you will receive an F in the
course. Incompletes will be given in this class ONLY if a significant portion of the
course has been completed and there is a documented medical or family emergency
warranting the incomplete.
Appendix A
Mgmt 501 Student Learning Outcomes by Text Chapter
Student Learning Outcomes: On completing the learning activities for each chapter
students will be able to do the following:
Chapter1: Learning about Organizational Behavior
 State the core differences between leadership and management.
 Outline the framework for learning about organizational behavior.
 Describe the ethics competency and its contribution to effective performance.
 Describe the self competency and its contribution to effective performance.
 Describe the diversity competency and its contribution to effective performance.
 Describe the across cultures competency and its contribution to effective
 Describe the communication competency and its contribution to effective
 Describe the teams competency and its contribution to effective performance.
 Describe the change competency and its contribution to effective performance.
Chapter 2: Individual and Organizational Ethics
 Describe the stages of moral and ethical development.
 Explain and apply the core concepts for making ethical decisions by individuals
and organizations.
 Describe some ethical-based initiatives for fostering diversity in organizations.
 Explain the nature of stakeholder responsibility and its ethical basis.
Chapter 3: Understanding Individual Differences
 Explain the basic sources of personality formation.
 Identify a set of personality characteristics that affect performance.
 Describe the attitudes that affect performance.
 Explain how emotions impact employees’ performance.
Chapter 4: Perceptions and Attributions
 Describe the major elements in the perceptual process.
 Identify the main factors that influence what individuals perceive.
 Identify the factors that determine how one person perceives another.
 Describe the primary errors in perception that people make.
 Explain how attributions influence behavior.
Chapter5: Learning Concepts to Improve Performance
 Explain the role of classical and operant conditioning in fostering learning.
 Describe the contingencies of reinforcement that influence behavior.
 Explain how positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment and
extinction affect an individual’s performance.
 Describe how social learning theory can be used by individuals to improve their
Chapter 6: Motivating Employees
 Explain the basic motivational process.
 Describe two basic human needs approaches to motivation.
 Explain how to design motivating jobs.
 Describe how expectations can lead to high performance.
 Explain how treating individuals fairly influences their motivation to work.
Chapter 7: Motivation: Goal Setting and Reward Programs
 Explain how goal setting affects performance.
 State the effects of goal setting on an individual’s behavior.
 Describe reward programs for improving performance.
Chapter 8: Workplace Stress and Aggression
 Explain the concept of and influences on creating stress.
 Identify the primary sources of work-related stressors.
 State the potential impacts of severe stress on health, performance, and job
 Describe how individual differences influence reactions to stressful situations.
 Apply individual and leader insights to the management of workplace stress.
 Explain four major types of workplace aggression.
Chapter 9: Interpersonal Communication in Organizations
 Describe the core elements of interpersonal communication.
 Explain the factors that foster ethical communications. behavior Diagnose
 Diagnose nonverbal communication behaviors.
 Understand the importance of cultural and nonverbal barriers to communication.
 Discuss the role of communication networks.
Chapter 10: Leadership: Foundations
 Describe the role of power and political behavior in the leadership process.
 Describe three legacy models of leadership: traits, Theory X/Theory Y, and
 Explain and apply the Situational Leadership® Model.
 Explain and apply the Vroom–Jago leadership model.
Chapter 11: Leadership Effectiveness: New Perspectives
 Explain the characteristics of transactional leadership.
 Describe the core elements of leader-member exchange.
 Discuss the attributes of authentic leadership.
 Explain the essentials of the transformational leadership model.
 Explain the core features of the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior
Chapter 12: Developing and Leading Teams
State the basic features of groups and teams.
Explain the stages of team development.
Describe the attributes of common types of work-related teams.
Describe the core influences on team effectiveness.
Explain five of the potential dysfunctions of teams.
Chapter 13: Managing Conflict and Negotiating Effectively
 Describe the primary conflict levels in organizations.
 Explain the common interpersonal conflict-handling styles.
 Discuss the core stages, strategies, and influences in negotiations.
 State the unique aspects of across-cultures negotiations.
Chapter 14: Managerial Decision Making
 Explain certainty, risk, and uncertainty and how these influence decision making.
 Explain the core concepts of bounded rationality and how knowledge
management helps leaders to reduce it.
 Discuss and apply the elements of evidence-based management.
 Describe the attributes of political decision making.
 Explain the blocks, stages, and several methods of creative decision making.
Chapter 15: Organizational Design
 Explain the environmental and strategic factors that affect the design of
 State the two basic fundamentals of organizing.
 Describe the major concepts of vertical organizational design.
 Describe four types of horizontal organizational design.
Chapter 16: Cultivating Organizational Culture
 Explain how an organization’s culture is formed, sustained, and changed.
 Describe four types of organizational culture.
 Discuss how organizational culture can influence ethical behaviors of managers
and employees.
 Explain why fostering cultural diversity is important.
 Describe the process of organizational socialization and its effect on culture.
Chapter 17: Managing Organizational Change
 Identify key pressures for change. Discuss the nature of planned organizational
 Identify common reasons for individual and organizational resistance to change.
 Identify two key elements in organizational diagnosis.
 Describe three methods for promoting change.
Appendix B
Organizational Behavior
Management 501
Case Analysis Outline
Develop a complete and thorough case analysis, considering the following analysis
outline. You must place appropriate headings that mirror this outline before each section
of your analysis. Develop your analysis with full explanation, illustration, and supporting
concepts/theories you have learned through your course study. Demonstrate that you
know the language of organizational behavior. Use heading and subheadings that
mirror the outline format.
For the Final Team Case Project you must write up enough detail about the
organization so that you can adequately support your analysis. This should be
approximately half of your case, although these specifics may be offered in various
parts of your analysis.
See the exam link for the Exam Case Analysis Outline
Situation Analysis (25%): Describe briefly in summary form the management
situation reflected in the case. This is not a restating of the case details or
history. Instead, it captures the essence of the management situation and leads
to the development of the issue(s) statement to follow. Be sure and include a:
A. Vision/Purpose/Mission/Values Statement – Identify any issues related to:
1. The organization not having a stated set of Vision/Purpose/ Mission/
2. The organization not living up to its stated set of Vision/Purpose/
B. Stakeholder analysis:
1. Identify key stakeholders
2. Identify expectations for each stakeholder.
3. Identify key issues related to unmet stakeholder expectations.
C. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis
Identify any issues related to your SWOT analysis. These usually have to
do with weaknesses and threats
Issue(s) Statement & Management Question (10%):
A. List and briefly summarize the key issues you identified in your Situation
B. Close this section with a single, concise but comprehensive underlying
management question that must be answered to address the key issues
from A. .
Organizational Behavior Analysis (35%): Apply in-depth 3-4 course
concepts/models. This means that you should identify a model/concept (e.g., the
Big Five Personality Factors from chapter 5) and use it to analyze/describe
what’s going on in the case relative to the key issues and the management
question to be addressed. If the case differs from what the model suggests or
recommends, this provides evidence that the model can be useful in addressing
the key issues and answering the management question.
Identification and Evaluation of Alternatives (15%): Base on the
Organizational behavior Analysis, identify three or more specific, mutually
exclusive options/alternatives that should be evaluated to address the issues and
the underlying problem. Label each with a brief key word name that identifies the
alternative, i.e., Reorganize the Division. Then develop and fully discuss the pro’s
and con’s, and related implications of each alternative.
Recommended Alternative(5%): Base on the Organizational Behavior Analysis,
identify three or more specific, mutually exclusive options/alternatives that should
be evaluated to address the issues and the underlying problem. Label each with
a brief key word name that identifies the alternative, i.e., Reorganize the Division.
Then develop and fully discuss the pro’s and con’s, and related implications of
each alternative.
Implementation and Conclusion (10%): Describe and discuss the strategic and
operational issues related to implementing the recommended alternative. Present
a plan for with a timeline for implementing it. Include a course concept/model to
follow along with a timeline for implementing it.