Julie M. Anthony - the Website for Ms. Anthony's Science Classes at

Julie M. Anthony_____________________________________________________________________
432 Delmar Avenue, Akron, Ohio 44310; Phone: 330.903.8358; Email: julesanthony01@hotmail.com
I seek to gain employment as a 7-12th grade Life Science teacher while pursuing completion of
Master of Science Degree in Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Akron using Alternative
Licensure through the Ohio Department of Education. I have come back to further my education as
a Graduate Student to become an educator after spending more than a decade in Emergency
Medical Services, most recently as a Paramedic.
The University of Akron
Pursuing the completion of a M.S. in Education and Curricular Studies
Akron, Ohio
Aug 2010-present
I will have completed the necessary requirements to seek Alternative Licensure through the State of
Ohio Department of Education once Praxis is taken and passed for PLT and Content Area
knowledge. I am scheduled to the take the Praxis 2 for Content-Area Biology Exam (test #0235) on
04-28-2012, and PLT on 06-09-2012. Pending satisfactory results of these two Praxis
examinations, I will be able to receive Alternative Licensure to begin teaching for the start of the
2012-2013 school year.
Summa/St. Thomas Hospital Paramedic Education
Paramedic Certification- Ohio Department of Public Safety
Akron, Ohio
Jan 2004-present
I received National Registry certification, and Certification from the State of Ohio-Department of
Public Safety for successful completion of an accredited Paramedic Education program.
 Current Paramedic Certification with the State of Ohio- Department of Public Safety
Stark State College of Technology
EMT-Basic and 240-Hour Firefighter Training
Canton, Ohio
May 2002-Dec 2002
I performed vigorous training to become a full-time certified firefighter in the State of Ohio.
Coursework completed in satisfactory fashion to obtain certifications listed below:
 Ohio Certification via Ohio Department of Public Safety as an EMT-Basic
 NREMT-Basic Certification
 Full-Time (240) Firefighter Certification
The University of Akron
B.S. Biology
Akron, Ohio
Aug 1998-May 2002
I used the Post Secondary Enrollment Option Program to take college courses prior to my high
school graduation.
 Worked on campus at the Organic Chemistry Chemical Storeroom and at Audio Visual Services
 Worked at WZIP-FM as an on-air personality, and was awarded as an “Outstanding Announcer”
in 2002
Mogadore High School
High School Diploma Awarded
Mogadore High School
Aug. 1996- June 2000
I began taking full-time coursework at The University of Akron using the Post-Secondary
Enrollment Option Program as a junior.
Awarded Omnova Scholarship
Awarded Oelschlager Leadership Scholarship
Awarded Mogadore Lion's Club Scholarship
Awarded Scholarship from the University of Akron
Class President during my Sophomore and Junior years at MHS
Professional Experience_____________________________________________________________________________
To date, I have completed four semesters as a Graduate Student at the University of Akron on a
Part-Time basis. During this time, I have had field experience with three area schools. Here is an
idea of the role I served while keeping the name of the school anonymous.
 Course: “Psychology of Instruction for Teaching and Learning”
I completed 50 hours of field experience with a 2nd grade class of a local Elementary School
where all students receive free breakfast and lunch. School has an approximate enrollment
of 200 students for grades K-5. My role was in part to observe behavior and learning to
compare to findings of leading developmental theorists including but not limited to
Vygotsky and Piaget. I also led science lessons where students classified animals, helped
with one-on-one reading activities, and also assisted with math skills in between other tasks
as time permitted.
 Course: “Advanced Instructional Techniques”: 50 hours divided between 2 high schools
High School #1: I completed 25 hours of observation and instruction at a local high
school where all students receive free breakfast and lunch, with an approximate
enrollment of 800+ students per day. I created, designed and led a lesson for a
Forensics class about Shoe Impressions. I also taught an Earth Science lesson for a
different group of students based on their textbook for plate tectonics, volcanoes and
tsunami’s. I did research and made a power-point presentation with animations to
show shifting of plates, formation of volcanoes and mountain ranges, etc.
High School #2: I completed 25 hours of field experience at a local Catholic High School
with an approximate enrollment of 300 students, most coming from middle and upper
middle class socioeconomic homes. I led a lab exercise for DNA extraction from wheat
germ with this group which was a success. I also created and led an exercise where
students created a model of DNA in small groups that depicted transcription and
translation. The final lesson was in the form of a Web-Quest (that I located and cleared
with the teacher in advance) about DNA and protein synthesis.
 I have been an Assistant Paramedic Instructor for Summa Health System/Paramedic
Education since 2006. This is an adult education setting where I am responsible for all
instruction and testing related to the Anatomy and Physiology portion of the education
experience those seeking Paramedic Certification, I also teach hands-on skill labs including
IV insertion, cardiology, patient assessment, obgyn, pediatrics etc.
 Served as a judge for the Akron Public School District’s Annual Science Fair in January, 2011
where I judged Middle and High School exhibits with a teacher/friend from the Akron
Public School District.
Software/System Skills_________________________________________________________________
Please visit my professional website at: www.anthonysscienceclassroom.weebly.com.
 I am able to create and use Power-Point and Windows 7 Operating System.
 Very proficient with variety of advanced search techniques including Google and Google Docs.
 Proficient with Jing, a program that is used to easily create screen capture images, movies, and
podcasts to aid in learning, create tutorials, etc. Also proficient with Skype.
 I encourage the use of technology to research, compile data, and to analyze and synthesize
acquired data to form opinions and integrate these skills into instruction of science.
 I have excellent public speaking skills from my experience as an on-air personality for a radio
station during college.
 My classroom goals for instruction are teacher guided yet student-centered to provide the best
experience possible to learn, experience, and apply science to the everyday lives of each student.
Work History__________________________________________________________________________________________________
Collection Specialist 2
American Red Cross- Northern Ohio Region
Cleveland, Ohio
Oct. 2004-present
Full-Time employee for the American Red Cross- Northern Ohio Region-Blood Services Department
where I perform health history screenings, and draw blood and platelet products from volunteer
donors for transfusion purposes to be used to treat patients in need of life-saving blood products. I
am responsible for collecting blood products in the safest manner possible by strictly adhering to
American Red Cross and FDA regulations.
Assistant Instructor
Summa Health Systems-Paramedic Education
Akron, Ohio
Jan. 2006-present
Primary Instructor of Anatomy & Physiology and Medical Terminology to adult learners in the
Paramedic Education program run by Summa Health System. Also teach hand-on skills including
cardiology, patient assessment, patient handling, IV insertion, medication administration and
ob/gyn emergencies amongst other topics. I hold the following certifications:
CPR Certified through the American Heart Association
ITLS (International Trauma Life Support) Certified
ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) Certified
PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) Certified
Summa Health System-Emergency Department
Akron, Ohio
May 2007-Mar 2010
I was a full-time employee in the Emergency Department at Summa Health System- Akron City
Hospital Campus. Responsible for taking accurate radio reports from incoming ambulances,
performing direct patient care and triage.
 Worked for the American Red Cross 3-4 shifts/month during this time.
References have been included for your convenience.