Marketing/Entrepreneurship Lessons for the Week 10/26 – 10/30 Week #10 Mon. 10/26: Bell work 1. Print Slide #13 EOU + NOTES (200 pts) *I get your Fixed Costs this way too! 2. Comments on the Dress Rehearsal last Friday 3. Look @ Slide #25 Start Up Funds (top only), see examples, begin work Homework: 1.) Slide #25 Start Up Funds (*NO ROI or ROS yet) DUE: Wed. 10/28 e-mailed BEFORE class Tues. 10/27: Bell work *Mrs. Nguyen conducts a survey 1. Slide #25 Start Up Funds—what is sweat equity? Let’s look at *Written Business Plan 3.7 to help us with Emergency Fund and Cash Reserve 2. Continue work on and finish Slide #25 Start Up Funds (*EXCEPT ROI & ROS) Homework: 1.) Slide #25 Start Up Funds (*NO ROI or ROS yet) DUE: e-mailed BEFORE class Wed. 10/28 Wed. 10/28: Bell work 1. Discussion of Slide #25 Start Up Costs, what might your notes sound like? 2. Introduction to Marketing—be able to define, 5 P’s of Marketing (NOTES) 3. Ch. 8 Marketing Mix/Promotions pgs. 211-232—5 Questions (website) Homework: 1.) Ch. 8 Mktg. Ques. (5) DUE: e-mailed Thurs. 10/29 *Together we will delete all instruction slides. This renumbers EVERYTHING and from now on pay close attention to slide numbers! **switch Mission Stmt/Social Impact (now #6) & Description of Product/Svs (now #5) Thurs. 10/29 Bell work 1. Short lecture/notes on Ch. 8 Marketing Mix/Promotions 2. Survey Results—brief comments on its usefulness for your business 3. Continue/finish Ch. 8 Marketing Questions (5) & e-mail today, Thurs. 10/29 Homework: 1.) Ch. 8 Mktg. Ques. (5) DUE: e-mailed sometime today, Thurs. 10/29 Bell work *you will present Slides 1,2,7,13,15 next Wed. 11/4 1. Market Research Survey Project @ website explained, begin work—clean copy of 10 ques. Survey due first on Mon. 11/2, begin work on your 10 Question Survey today (format is important), copies on your own & distribute Homework: 1.) Market Research Survey Project (500 pts) DUE: Survey Mon. 11/2, Project Fri. 11/6 Fri. 10/30: 2.) Present Slides 1,2,7,13,15 DUE: e-mailed Tues. 11/3, presented Wed. 11/4