2 Popular EC Products PC4 Schering Postinor-2 Gedeon Richter Progestin-alone EC has Better Effectiveness Pregnancy rates (per episode) Levonorgestrel (LNG) 1.1% Yuzpe (Combined Formulation) 3.2% Progestin (LNg)-Alone EC has Fewer Side Effects Vomiting Nausea LNg 5.6% 23.1% Yuzpe 18.8% 50.5% Source: WHO 1998 The Necklace Standard Days Method Efficacy of SDM Pregnancy rate over 13 cycles Correct use (w/abstinence) 4.4 Correct use (abstinence + other method) 5.6 Correct + non-compliance 11.9 • “Generally regarded as safe (GRAS)” reclassify as active pharmaceutical ingredient • Inexpensive, widely available, stable at several temperatures • Sulphated polymer – high molecular weight, negatively charged – may block binding of pathogens to target cells Carraguard - PC-515 (1) • Population Council’s lead microbicide • Derived from seaweed (carrageenan) • Carrageenans used widely in food, pharmaceuticals & cosmetics as excipient Microbicides in clinical trials Sept. 2002 10 8 6 4 2002 2 0 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase2/3 Phase 3 When will we actually see a microbicide product for use in programs? Not for at least several years. Female Condom Plastic sheath with ring at both ends Outer ring Inner ring Grasping female condom for insertion Reality and Reddy Female Condoms Auto-Disable (AD) Syringes • • • • • Automatic inactivation after single use Difficult / impossible to re-use Slightly more expensive Successful experience in immunization Starting to be shipped by USAID for DepoProvera What country in ANE/E&E has already had Depo shipped with AD Syringes? Jordan! What ANE/E&E countires are Scheduled for AD Syringes in 2002-3? • Afganistan, Bangldesh, Jordan, Nepal, Philippines, Egypt, WB Gaza • Albania, Romania CBD Workers…. A. Can provide condoms B. Can provide condoms and pills C. Can provide condoms, pills and injectables D. Can provide condoms, pills and injectables but certain quality components (e.g. side effect counseling, clean needle) key N-9 Spermicides.. A. Very effective for preventing pregnancy and HIV. B. Very effective for preventing pregnancy but not HIV. C. Effective against HIV but not pregnancy. D. Mediocre against pregnancy and not effective against HIV. Non-Menstruating FP Clients A. Are only a small part of potential FP users. B. Should be told to go away and return when they are menstruating C. Should be given condoms and told to return when they are menstruating. D. Can be given hormonal methods if pregnancy is ruled out e.g. by the “Pregnancy Checklist.” Syndromic Management of STIs A. Not a sound approach to SITs B. Not a sound approach for cervical STI’s in women such as gonorrhea and chlamydia, but effective for urethritis, and often for genital ulcers. May be sensible approach to vaginitis C. Good for all STI syndromes D. A good approach for social marketing antibiotics for urethritis. According to WHO, how many pill packs should be given at initial visits? A. 1 Pack B. 3 Packs C. 6 Packs D. Up to 13 Packs (1 year) E. As many as client wants IUDs A. Can be safely provided to nulliparous women with proper screening B. Require a follow-up only at about one month unless the client has problems C. May be appropriate for HIV+ women D. Do not increase the risk of infertility in wellscreened clients. Nonfatal Venous Thromboembolism May be More Common with Third Generation Pills Rate (per 100,000 women/years) Situation 5 - 11 No COC COC with Desogestrel or Gestodene (3rd generation) 30 COC with Norethisterone or Levonorgestrel 15 Pregnant and postpartum women 60 Source: Vessey MP. BJOG 1997; 104:516. Types of Monthly Combined Injectables Cyclofem (Cyclo-Provera): Mesigyna (Norigynon): 25 mg DMPA 5 mg estradiol cypionate 50 mg NET-EN 5 mg estradiol valerate Comparative Characteristics of DMPA and NET-EN DMPA Effectiveness Bleeding Needle/pain Reinjection window Duration Cost NET-EN (no significant difference) More amenorrhea Smaller/less 2 - 4 weeks early or late More irregular Larger/more 1 - 2 weeks early or late 3 months 2 months Less expensive More expensive 4 mm (1/8 in) 54 mm (2 inches) EC:The Sooner the Better WHO Pooled Data (Yuzpe and LNg) 5.0% 4.1% 4.0% p<.01 3.0% 2.6% Pregnancy Rate 2.0% 1.0% 3.1% 1.5% 1.8% 0.5% 0.0% 0-12 13-24 25-36 37-48 49-60 61-72 Source: Piaggio, von Hertzen, Grimes and Van Look 1999 Actual Return of Menses Compared with Expected Return 70% 60% 50% 40% WHO Pop Council 30% 20% 10% 0% <-3 -3 to +3 +4 to +7 >+7 Source: WHO 1998; Ellertson et al. 2001