Social Studies • Map Skills - Brainpop • graphy/mapskills/ Latitude and Longitude practice • atlong2/ Fly swatter with maps • nl.pdf (blank US map) • mes.htm (game) Map Vocabulary • apvocab.cfm • GPS - Brainpop • portation/globalpositioningsystem/ Objectives • 5.3.spi.1. locate continents and significant bodies of water • 5.3.spi.4. locate a major United States city using latitude and longitude. • 5.3.spi.6. locate the 50 states using a map with each state outlined. Review • What do we use latitude and longitude for? • Why is it important to know how to locate places on a map? • - tests • - travel • - others? Which lines are latitude? Longitude? What is the colored state? What are the other directions? Group activity • 3 stations/6 groups • #1. Map with latitude and longitude (matching) • #2. Using directions & recognizing physical features. (answer questions) • #3. Organize states and rivers (place answers on a map/show what you know) Draw conclusions • What did people use before the GPS was invented? • How would you feel about not having the convenience of a gps or smart phone? • HW – Direction Detection • Before you leave…. Ticket out the door! When you leave hand it to me as you line up. • Think about how these activities are relevant to you….. • #1-3) Write 3 sentences about what you learned today and how you will use it in the future. • #4-5) Answer these questions • 4. What direction is in between North and East? A) NW B) NS C)NE D)SE • 5. What is the postal abbreviation for Florida? A)FA B)FL C)FO D)FR Social Studies TN Standard (Essential Learning Targeted): 5.3.spi.1. locate continents and significant bodies of water (i.e., the Great Lakes, Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific oceans, Columbia, Missouri, Colorado, Rio Grande, Ohio, Tennessee, St. Lawrence and Mississippi rivers). 5.3.spi.4. locate a major United States city using latitude and longitude. 5.3.spi.6. locate the 50 states using a map with each state outlined. GLE(s) 5.3.01 Understand how to use maps, globes, and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies to acquire, process and report information from a spatial perspective. a. Locate the major physical features and cities of the United States on a map or globe. b. Understand the latitude, longitude, the global grid and time zones of the sites within the United States and Tennessee. 5.3.03 Demonstrate how to identify and locate major physical and political features on globes and maps. Wednesday • 5.3.spi.1. locate continents and significant bodies of water (i.e., the Great Lakes, Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific oceans, Columbia, Missouri, Colorado, Rio Grande, Ohio, Tennessee, St. Lawrence and Mississippi rivers). Write #1 – 7 and name the rivers Rivers (answers) • 5.3.spi.6. locate the 50 states using a map with each state outlined. Time zones • GLE: Understand the latitude, longitude, the global grid and time zones of the sites within the United States and Tennessee. usstates/timezone.htm United States Time Zone Map Hawaii Time Saturday 9/10/2011 10:13 am HST Alaska Time Saturday 9/10/2011 12:13 pm AKDT Pacific Time Saturday 9/10/2011 1:13 pm PDT Mountain Time Saturday 9/10/2011 2:13 pm MDT Central Time Saturday 9/10/2011 3:13 pm CDT Eastern Time Saturday 9/10/2011 4:13 pm EDT Around the world • Friday • 5.3.spi.1. locate continents and significant bodies of water (i.e., the Great Lakes, Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific oceans, Columbia, Missouri, Colorado, Rio Grande, Ohio, Tennessee, St. Lawrence and Mississippi rivers). # 1-7 Write the name of each continent. What are the lines going across (east to west)? What are the lines going north to south? • • • Label continents computer quiz nents/1.html interactive game _Continents.htm Test Next Thursday • Start studying now • TN and US Geography Test • What do you have you can use to study?