An Array-Based Algorithm for Simultaneous Multidimensional

An Array-Based Algorithm for
Simultaneous Multidimensional
Y. Zhao, P. Deshpande, J. Naughton
• Previous papers showed the usefulness of
the CUBE operator. There are several
algorithms for computing the CUBE in
Relational OLAP systems.
• This paper proposes an algorithm for
computing the CUBE in Multidimensional
OLAP systems.
In ROLAP systems, 3 main ideas for
efficiently computing the CUBE
1. Group related tuples together (using
sorting or hashing)
2. Use grouping performed on subaggregates to speed computation
3. Compute an aggregate from another
aggregate rather than the base table
• Cannot transfer algorithms from ROLAP to
MOLAP, because of the nature of the data
• In ROLAP, data is stored in tuples that can
be sorted and reordered by value
• In MOLAP, data cannot be rearranged,
because the position of the data determines
the attribute values
Multidimensional Array Storage
Data is stored in large, sparse arrays, which
leads to certain problems:
1. The array may be too big for memory
2. Many of the cells may be empty and the
array will be too sparse
Chunking Arrays
Why chunk?
• A simple row major layout (partitioning by
dimension) will favor certain dimensions
over others.
What is chunking?
• A method for dividing a n-dimensional
array into smaller n-dimensional chunks and
storing each chunk as one object on disk
Dimension B
Dimension A
Array Compression
• Chunk-offset compression: for each valid
entry, we store (offsetInChunk, data) where
offsetInChunk is the offset from the start of
the chunk.
• Compression is done on dense arrays
(defined as arrays more than 40% filled
with data)
Naïve Array Cubing Algorithm
Similar to ROLAP, each
aggregation is
computed from its
parent in the lattice.
Each chunk is
aggregated completely
and then written to
disk before moving on
the next chunk.
Illustrative example
Example for BC:
Start with BC
face on 1 and
dimension A
to aggregate.
Problems with Naïve approach
• Each sub aggregate is calculated
• E.g. this algorithm will compute AB from
ABC, then rescan ABC to calculate AC,
then rescan ABC to calculate BC
• We need a method to simultaneously
compute all children of a parent in a single
pass over the parent
Single-Pass Multi-Way Array
Cubing Algorithm
• The order of scanning is vitally important in
determining how much memory is needed to
compute the aggregates.
• A dimension order O = (Dj1, Dj2, … Djn) defines
the order in which dimensions are scanned.
• |Di| = size of dimension i
• |Ci| = size of the chunk for dimension i
• |Ci| << |Di| in general
Example of Multi-way Array
Concrete Example
• |Ci| = 4, |Di| = 16
• For BC group-bys, we
need 1 chunk (4x4)
• For AC, we need 4
chunks (16x4)
• For AB, we need to
keep track of whole
slice of the AB plane,
so (16x16)
How much memory?
A formula for the minimum amount of
memory can be generalized.
Define p = size of the largest common prefix
between the current group-by and its parent
 |Di| x
 |Ci|
Example calculation
O = {A B C D}, |Ci| =10,
|Di| ={100, 200, 300, 400}
For the ABD group-by, the max common
prefix is AB. Therefore the minimum
amount of memory necessary is:
|DA| x |DB| x |CD| = 100 x 200 x 10
More Memory Notes
• In simple terms, every element q in the common
prefix contributes |Dq| while every other element r
not in the prefix contributes |Cr|
• Since |Ci| << |Di|, to minimize the memory usage,
we should minimize the max common prefix and
reorder the dimension order so that the largest
dimensions appear in the fewest prefixes
Minimum Memory
Spanning Trees
Why is the
cost of
Minimum Memory
Spanning Trees (cont.)
• Using the formula for calculating the
minimum amount of memory, we can build
a MMST, s.t. the total memory requirement
is minimum for a given dimension order.
• For different dimension orders, the MMSTs
may be very different with very different
memory requirements
Effects of Dimension Order
More Effects of Dimension Order
• The early elements in O (particularly the first one)
appear in the most prefixes and therefore,
contribute their dimension sizes to the memory
• The last element in O can never appear in any
prefix. Therefore, the total memory requirement
for computing the CUBE is independent of the
size of the last dimension.
Optimal Dimension Order
• Based on the previous two ideas, the
optimal ordering for dimension is to sort
them on increasing dimension size.
• The total memory requirement will be
minimized and will be independent of the
size of the largest dimension.
Graphs And Results
MOLAP wins
MOLAP for ROLAP system
The last chart demonstrates one of the
unexpected results from this paper.
• We can use the MOLAP algorithm with
ROLAP systems by:
1. Scan the table and load into an array.
2. Compute the CUBE on the array.
3. Convert results into tables.
MOLAP for ROLAP (cont.)
• The results show that even with the
additional cost of conversion between data
structures, the MOLAP algorithm runs
faster than directly computing the CUBE on
the ROLAP tables and it scales much better.
• In this scheme, the multi-array is used as a
query evaluation data structure rather than a
persistent storage structure.
• The multidimensional array of MOLAP should be
chunked and compressed.
• The Single-Pass Multi-Way Array method is a
simultaneous algorithm that allows the CUBE to
be calculated with a single pass over the data.
• By minimizing the overlap in prefixes and sorting
dimensions in order of increasing size, we can
build a MMST that gives a plan for computing the
More Summary
• On MOLAP systems, the CUBE is
calculated much faster than on ROLAP
• The most surprising (and useful) result is
that the MOLAP algorithm is so much faster
that it can be used on ROLAP systems as an
intermediate step in computing the CUBE.
Caching Multidimensional
Queries Using Chunks
P. Deshpande, K. Ramasamy,
A. Shukla, J. Naughton
• Caching is very important in OLAP
systems, since the queries are complex and
they are required to respond quickly.
• Previous work in caching dealt with tablelevel caching and query-level caching.
• This paper will propose another level of
granularity using chunks.
Chunk-based caching
• Benefits:
1. Frequently accessed
chunks will stay in the
2. A new query need not
be “contained” within
a cached query to
benefit from the cache
More on Chunking
• More benefits:
3. Closure property of chunks: we can
aggregate chunks on one level to obtain
chunks at different levels of aggregation.
4. Less redundant storage leads to a better hit
ratio of the cache.
Chunking the
Multi-dimensional Space
• To divide the space into chunks, distinct
values along each dimension have to be
divided into ranges.
• Hierarchical locality in OLAP queries
suggests that ordering by the hierarchy level
is the best option.
Ordering on Dimensions
Chunk Ranges
• Uniform chunk ranges do not work so well
with hierarchical data.
Hierarchical Chunk Ranges
Caching Query Results
When a new query is issued, chunks
needed to answer the query are
• The list of chunks in broken into 2 parts:
1) Relevant chunks from the cache
2) Missing chunks that have to be computed
from the backend
Chunked File Organization
• The cost of a chunk miss can be reduced by
organizing data in chunks at the backend.
• One possible method is to use multidimensional arrays, but these require
changing the data structures a great deal and
may result in the loss of relational access to
Chunk Indexing
• A chunk index is created so that given a
chunk number, it is possible to access all
tuples in that chunk.
• The chunked file will have two interfaces:
the relational interface for SQL statement,
and chunk-based interface for direct access
to chunks.
Query Processing
How to determine whether a cached chunk
can be used to answer a query
1) Level of aggregation – cached chunks at
the same level are used.
2) Condition Clause – selection on non
group-by predicates must match exactly.
Implementation of Chunked Files
1) Add a new chunked file type to the
backend database.
2) Add a level of abstraction
1) Add a new attribute of chunk number
2) Sort based on chunk number
3) Create chunk index with a B-tree on the
chunk number
Replacement Schemes
• LRU is not viable, because chunks at
different levels have different costs.
• Benefit of a chunk is measured by fraction
of base table it represents
• Use benefits of chunks as weights when
determining which chunk to replace in the
Cost Saving Ratio
• Defined as the percentage of the total cost
of the queries saved due to hits in the cache.
• Better than a normal hit ratio, since chunks
at different levels have different benefits.
• Chunk-based caching allows fine granularity and
queries to be partially answered from the cache.
• A chunked file organization can reduce the cost of
a chunk miss with minimal cost in
• Performance depends heavily on choosing the
right chunk range and a good replacement policy