The world`s most popular drink is water. You probably knew that

Sound Scripting
The world’s most popular drink is water. You probably knew that already. After all, it’s a basic
requirement of life on Earth. But did you know that the world’s second most popular drink is Coke?
And that the human race drinks six hundred million Cokes a day? Now, let’s put that into some kind
of perspective. It means that every week of every year people drink enough Coke to fill the World
Trade Center. In fact, if all the Coca-Cola ever consumed was poured over Niagara Falls instead of
water it would take nearly two days to run dry. There’s almost nowhere on the planet, from Miami to
Malawi, where Coke isn’t instantly recognized. The brand name alone is worth thirty billion dollars.
And that’s what makes Coca-Cola a global market phenomenon.
Task 1
The ability to chunk your speech in a presentation may seem complicated at first, but it will quickly
become quite natural. With practice, you will be amazed at how much clearer and more fluent you
sound. A good way of getting into the habit of chunking is to write out parts of your presentation as
you would present them and then read them aloud.
1. Decide where you would pause for best effect.
2. Press ENTER for each pause. Remember, longer chunks sound more fluent; shorter chunks,
more emphatic.
3. Then compare your version with a classmate’s.
Task 2
After knowing where to pause, knowing which words to stress is the most important skill you need
when presenting to an audience.
1. Change all the stressed words into bold.
2. Also make the heavily stressed words into CAPITALS (especially at the end of each chunk and
for contrast).
3. Compare your version with a classmate’s.
EAP2 7-S1
Source: Presenting in English