get away - shaolinenglish

Travel and Tourism
IELTS Preparatory Course
Fujian Normal University
• NEXT WEEK: No class
• 2nd presentation on Travel
• See presentation schedule for assigned
time to give speech
• Remaining time will be used for free
speaking activities
Talking about Places Review
1. Pick a well known city in China. Write it down.
Do not show your classmates
2. Write a list of words describing the food,
weather and places to visit in this city.
3. Stand up, find a partner and share the
description of your city.
4. Your partner must guess the city in three tries.
You have 1 minute to discuss.
5. Change partners after 1 minute.
IELTS Spoken Test Part 3
• Then the examiner will say. “We’ve been talking
about (topic in part 2) and I’d like to ask you one
or two more general questions related to this.
Let’s consider, first of all, ….
• Then there will be some abstract questions
about the same topic as was discussed in part
• The questions will not be about your life. They
will be about society, culture, government and
other difficult topics.
Part 3 sample questions
• Topic: Buildings
• Buildings and cities
• What are some different types of buildings in the
city where you live?
• How have buildings in cities changed in China?
• Are buildings today more or less harmful to the
environment than buildings in the past? Why?
Part 3 sample questions
• Topic: Buildings
• Buildings and aesthetics
• What makes a building more or less attractive?
• Which is more important about a building: it’s
appearance or its usefulness? Why?
• What types of buildings do you consider most
attractive? (eg. Apartment buildings, government
buildings, museums)
Part 3 sample questions
• Topic: Buildings
• Buildings and the environment
• How do buildings affect the environment?
• How can people improve their home or apartment
to make it more environmentally friendly?
• What types of building codes should the
government develop to make buildings more
environmentally friendly?
IELTS Part 3 Speaking Test
Meet Lester Chin….
Part 3 Tourism
Pronunciation Practice: Th, S and Z
soft th
hard th__
1. Think both thankful and truthful thoughts on
the third month.
2. Mothers and brothers breathe through their
mouth and seethe through their teeth.
“e” and “i” Pronunciation
Long vowels
fēēt  “bi-zi” 鼻子
bīke  “bai-se” 白色
Short vowels
pĕn  no pinyin equal
 no pinyin equal
Tongue Twister
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
A peck of pickled peppers, Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Then where are the peck of pickled peppers that
Peter Piper picked?
Tourist Trail
Homework Review:
Where in the world would you like to visit?
Share in pairs.
Activity: Teacher will name a country.
Next player must name a famous site in this
country and then name another country.
Next student must name a famous site in this next
country and then name another country.
Phrasal Verbs
1. To go on holiday especially because you need a rest is to
a. get over
b. go off
c. get away
2. To show your ticket and get your seat at the airport is to
a. check out
b. check off
c. check in
3. When the aircraft leaves the ground it
a. takes off
b. takes over
c. takes in
Phrasal Verbs
1. To go on holiday especially because you need a rest is to
c. get away
“After January exams, I can’t wait to get away somewhere
for Spring Festival”
2. To show your ticket, give your baggage to be loaded and get
your seat at the airport is to
c. check in
“You need to check in at Gate 4 to catch the flight to Xian”
3. When the aircraft leaves the ground it
a. takes off
“The plane takes off at 1:50pm from Gate 15”
Phrasal Verbs
4. To start on a journey is to
a. set in
b. set by
c. set off
5. The time a train, bus or plane arrives is when it
a. gets away
b. gets in
c. gets over
6. To stay somewhere for length of time when you are on a
long journey is to
a. stop by
b. stop over
c. stop on
Phrasal Verbs
4. To start on a journey is to
c. set off
“ I will set off on the Asian part of the tour next weekend”
5. The time a train, bus or plane arrives is when it
b. gets in
“Tell me what time his train gets in so I can pick him up”
6. To stay somewhere for length of time when you are on a
long journey is to
b. stop over
“On the way to Thailand, we have a 4 day stop over in
Guided Tours
You are a group of tour guides. You need to plan an itinerary
for a group of foreign guests. They are coming to your city for
3 days. From the following list, select 8 places that the
delegation should go and see. Put your choices in order of
importance and explain why to the class.
A hospital
A TV studio
A karaoke bar
A museum
A botanical garden
A temple
A sports stadium
An airport
A poor housing area
A hot spring (温泉)
A high school
An art gallery
A university
A farm
A tea house
A bank
An orphanage
A government office
A power station
An ancient site
A department store
A conservation area
A hotel
A mountain
Next Major Speech
Date: November 6
Topic: Travel- Describe your latest interesting trip.
Duration: 1-2 minute speech
In your speech, please include the following:
• When and where did you go?
• Whom did you go with?
• What things did you do?
Also, please include information about 1 of the following:
• How common is long-distance travel in China?
• How do you think long distance travel will change in the future?
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling alone
versus in a group?
• What are the effects of tourism on small minority people
• How can tourists be sensitive when visiting minority areas?