Nomination of Minqi Li for Junior Research Award

Nomination of Minqi Li for Junior Research Award 2010
Superior Research Award Committee (Junior Category)
College of Social and Behavioral Science
Monday, January 18, 2010
Dear Colleagues:
When I was an undergraduate, the Vietnam War was raging and I became an economics major
in order to try to understand this conflict. My instinct was that economics must have something to do
with the war. So studying economics would help me understand a war in which my older brother was a
marine in Khe San, my father was a Corp of Engineers officer digging wells across the country and my
younger brother was a navy officer on duty off the coast. However, the more courses I took, the less I
was able to connect economic theory or economic research with either the Vietnam conflict or wars in
general. I would constantly pepper my economics professors at Pomona College with questions about
how does any of this connect with the real world, the war or the various assassinations that were taking
place or the domestic turmoil that was rife in society and even on the pastoral campuses of the
Claremont Colleges? I remember well one of my favorite professors admonishing me in class after one
of my puzzled questions saying: "Mr. Philips, economists don't ask the big questions!"
This frustrated me greatly. My solution was to go to graduate school at Stanford thinking the
problem was that I had not gone deeply enough into the economics discipline and that further study
would begin to reveal how arcane economic theory shed insight into crises such as the Vietnam War. To
some extent, my instincts were correct. Graduate training at Stanford did provide me with many tools
needed to dissect social problems into their component causes and ramifications.
But I also found a very disturbing tendency for many economists to be attracted to tight little
mathematically tractable, logical problems of doubtful relevance to issues that I thought economists
should be tackling. Also many economists and would-be economists had very little involvement with
social movements, policy disputes or even people. I was amazed at the introverted mathematical sorts
that seemed to be rising to the top of the profession and were guiding research into increasingly
complex, opaque and seemingly irrelevant minutia.
Some critics of this move towards ever increasing mathematical formalism focusing on minor or
remote economic issues labeled the tendency "autistic economics".1 Others sought a revival of
Keynesian economics which dominated the profession into the 1960s but was eclipsed by formalistic
neoclassical economics thereafter.2 Still others sought perspective by returning to Marx and a political
economy approach to economic analysis.3 But none of these alternatives nor the Austrian School nor
See the Wikipedia entry for post-autistic economics for a brief on this perspective:
See the Wikipedia entry for post-Keynesian economics for a brief on this perspective:
The Marxian economics tradition is outlined in Wikipedia here:
Peter Philips, Professor and Chair, Economics Department
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Nomination of Minqi Li for Junior Research Award 2010
experimental economics gained much traction against mainstream rigorous yet seemingly irrelevant
neoclassical economics.4
The durability of neoclassical economics which I have viewed over my professional life has
amazed me. In order to incorporate conflict into economic models, neoclassical economics embraced
game theory developed by John Nash of popular fame from the movie "A Beautiful Mind."5 I cannot
imagine an individual less qualified to provide insight on how human societies fight than John Nash. The
most telling weakness being that game theory has zero historical content in it reflecting not only Nash's
zero understanding of the historical nature of society but also the inability of mathematicized economics
to incorporate real sequential historical time into its models. Nevertheless, Nash won the Nobel Prize in
Myron Scholes and Robert Merton also won the Nobel Prize in economics for their work on the
Black Scholes model that purports to establish the present value of financial derivatives. This model and
its offspring are famously opaque, but they were sold to the outside world as a practical benefit of the
new mathematicized ahistorical economics. This eventually led to a greatly expanded hedge fund
industry of which Long Term Capital Management was a leading entity. Scholes and Merton were
principles in this company. And the absolute inability of these models to anticipate historically unusual
but hardly unprecedented swings in asset prices that led to the financial crisis of 1998 which but for a
(then) massive bailout by its creditors organized by the Federal Reserve, would have led to a meltdown
of the financial system.6 George Santayana famously said that "Those who cannot remember the past
are condemned to repeat it." This has been variously paraphrased as:
Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
Those who do not remember their past are condemned to repeat their mistakes.
Those who do not read history are doomed to repeat it.
Those who fail to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors are destined to repeat them.7
All of these cautions apply in full force to most American economic research done over the last 40 years.
This is no more apparent than in the case of Scholes, Merton, Long Term Capital Management,
formalism in economics and financial crises.
Of course, we now know that the 1998 bailout of a mere $3.75 billion was child's play compared
to the bailout we have just undergone. Also, as is now well known, the financial crisis of the spring and
fall of 2007 with its fallout spreading onto today and into the near future caught mainstream economics
completely by surprise. Government responded by reverting to the supposedly discredited Keynesian
economic policies with many of the economists involved in the implementation of these discredited
policies undergoing battlefield conversions.8
The more famous quote of course is those
See Richard Posner "How I Became a Keynesian," The New Republic, September 23, 2009 for one such famous
conversion from orthodoxy to apostasy. Former Harvard
President and current Secretary of the Treasury Larry Summers is another example.
Peter Philips, Professor and Chair, Economics Department
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Nomination of Minqi Li for Junior Research Award 2010
But established mainstream neoclassical economists are many of them resistant to any such
abandonment of orthodoxy.9 Nonetheless, historical, political and economic crises eventually have a
way of transforming economic thinking. But because most economic thinking is done by established
economists entrenched in academic institution with corresponding influence over professional
organizations, change will come slowly and to a significant extent change will come only from younger
economists willing to buck the old guard and think anew.
This is why in the twilight of my own professional career it is my delight to propose and support
the recognition of the work of a young economist on our own faculty whose work on China and the
globalized economy from a Marxian political economy perspective is just the sort of big thinking and
innovative analysis that economics needs to get out of the cul-de-sac it has wondered into over the last
forty years. I am not saying I agree with all or even most of what Professor Li has to say: rather I am
saying he should be listened to; his arguments should be critically considered and his efforts should be
Professor Li experienced his own battlefield conversion. In the late 1980s, he was a young and
promising student at what is now called the Guanghua Economic Management School associated with
Peking/Beijing University. This is perhaps the leading neoliberal economics think tank in China staffed
by Chinese economists trained at the major Ivy League economics departments in the West.10 However,
he got caught up in the liberal student unrest associated with Tiananmen Square and eventually spent
two years as a political prisoner. Li states in the preface to his most recent book:
There were two advantages about the prison life. First, for the first time in my life I had the
opportunity to live with people from various unprivileged social layers. This experience was of
immeasurable value. Secondly, in prison one had ample time to do reading, a privilege I have
not been able to enjoy again since then. I read Marx’s three volumes of Capital three times,
many other classical writings of Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Mao, Baran and Sweezy’s Monopoly
Capital, Arghiri Immanuel’s Unequal Exchange, G.A. Cohen’s Karl Marx’s Theory of History, and
Bertrand Russell’s A History of Western Philosophy.
Political prisoners throughout history have had time to read but book selection is typically
limited. Historical irony helps account for Professor Li's early education combining the neoliberal
economics of the Guanghua Economic Management School with the books available in prison in a
country emerging from a socialist past. This background gives Li an advantage compared to most young
economists in the United States: his training has truly been broad and his personal experiences have
truly forced him to think about society when he thinks about economics. Most young economists in the
United States today have neither advantage and our discipline suffers correspondingly.
In my opinion, Li's advantages show fruit in his new book, The Rise of China and the Demise of
the Capitalist World-Economy. London: Pluto Press (November 2008).11 The heart of Professor Li's
current book and much of his recent opus is the juxtaposition of two central facts about the world
economy: the entrance of China into the world capitalist system and the increasingly apparent fact that
See John Cassidy, Letter from Chicago, "After the Blowup," The New Yorker, January 11, 2010, p. 28.
This book is published in the United States by Monthly Review Press and has been translated into Turkish:
Yukselen Cin ve Kapitalist Dunya Ekonomisinin Cokusu, translated by Aytul Kantarci and Ercument Ozkaya. Istanbul:
Epos Yayinlari (2009).
Peter Philips, Professor and Chair, Economics Department
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Nomination of Minqi Li for Junior Research Award 2010
there are real and approaching limits to economic growth, resource exploitation, labor availability and
environmental degradation.12 In the preface to his current book, The Rise of China and the Demise of
the Capitalist World-Economy (2009), Li states:
This book is unlike many of the books on China today. It is not one that will discuss how China’s
dramatic economic growth and growing geopolitical influence will constitute economic, military,
and cultural threat to the west. Nor is it one that will discuss how China will rise to become the
world’s next hegemon, what strategy China should adopt for this purpose, or what economic
and political model China should follow to be a “responsible” player in the world politics.
However, the book will discuss the underlying world-historical processes, which have led to the
current world-historical context upon which both perceptions (the perception of China as a
threat to the west and the perception of China as a benign rising world power) [have
Capitalism (or the capitalist world-economy) is a social system based on the production for
profit and the endless accumulation of capital. The operation and the expansion of the existing
world-system thus depend on a set of historical conditions that help to secure low
environmental cost, low wage cost, and low taxation cost….
China was one of the last large areas that was incorporated into the capitalist world-economy
and did not actively participate in the system-wide division of labor until very recently. China
therefore has functioned as a strategic reserve for the capitalist world-economy and the
mobilization of this large strategic reserve in fact signals the impending terminal crisis of the
existing world-system.
But Li argues that bringing the last major outlier into the world capitalist system is merely
prelude to an ecological crisis associated with taxing to the limit the planet's ability to absorb pollutants
and find resources along with an economic crisis associated with increasing pressure on profits as the
last major world reserve of labor is exhausted.
The devil is in the details of any such broad-based thesis such as this. And looking down the
road as far as Professor Li does, it takes something of an act of faith to believe that capitalism cannot
wiggle out of this dilemma one way or another.13 But neither details nor faith are the point here. The
point is: economics as a social science desperately needs new, big ideas.14 It needs ideas rooted in
history, and it needs ideas rooted in politics, policy, relevance and action. It is bracing and exciting to
have a young economist on our faculty who is willing and able to take up these challenges.
Traditionally, economists have assumed that there are no limits to economic growth reasoning that scarcity
drives up prices which induces innovations that eliminate said scarcities. This idea has been challenged since the
publication of Limits to Growth (1972) and among the available counter-traditions in economics this notion goes
back to Thomas Robert Malthus in An Essay on the Principle of Population (1798). Nonetheless, most mainstream
economists adhere to a faith in technological progress remedying the tension between rapid economic growth and
finite resources.
Indeed, one might well argue that capitalism has an almost inexhaustible ability to adjust to the predicaments it
finds itself in while people may have a Job-like willingness to accept declining circumstances. So let the debate
begin: Malthus and Marx on one side and Dr. Pangloss and much of the current economic establishment on the
Even if in their bigness critics and innovative thinkers must borrow heavily from the past.
Peter Philips, Professor and Chair, Economics Department
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Nomination of Minqi Li for Junior Research Award 2010
A quick perusal of Professor Li's curriculum vita easily shows that Professor Li's current book is a
culmination of much previous work:
"The End of the End of History: the Structural Crisis of Capitalism and the Fate of
Humanity,” Science and Society (contribution to the special issue on “Marxism and
Crisis in 21st Century Capitalism”, forthcoming).
"One Hundred Million Jobs for the Chinese Workers!: Why China’s Current Model of
Development Is Unsustainable and How A Progressive Economic Program Can Help the
Chinese Workers, the Chinese Economy, and China’s Environment," Review of Radical
Political Economics (forthcoming) (with Chiara Piovani15).
"Capitalism, Climate Change, and the Transition to Sustainability: Alternative Scenarios
for the US, China, and the World,” Development and Change, special Forum issue, 40:6
(December 2009).
"Climate Change, Limits to Growth, and the Imperative for Socialism," Monthly Review,
60:3 (July-August 2008), pp. 51-67.
"An Age of Transition: The United States, China, Peak Oil, and the Demise of
Neoliberalism," Monthly Review, 59:11 (April 2008), pp. 20-34.
"Peak Oil, the Rise of China and India, and the Global Energy Crisis," Journal of
Contemporary Asia, 37:4 (November 2007), pp. 449-471.
"The Rise of China and the Demise of the Capitalist World-Economy: Exploring the
Historical Possibilities in the 21st Century," Science & Society, 69:3 (2005), pp. 420-448.
The foregoing peer reviewed articles extracted from his vita clearly show that Professor Li does
things the right way: exposing his research piece by piece to criticism prior to bringing it together
holistically in book form to tease out its overarching implications. Because I subscribe to Monthly
Review, I read these two piece when they came out (I was on sabbatical at UCLA at the time). Here is
my email to Professor Li at the time:
Hi Minqi,
I was surprised and delighted to get my issue of Monthly Review in the mail only to find your
name on the cover and "China Peak Oil and Neoliberalism's Demise" inside! And to share
honors with Samir Amin!16 What an honor! Congratulations!
Piovani is a graduate student in our Department.
Samir Amin is one of the world's leading scholars of capitalism and the global economy from a world system
Peter Philips, Professor and Chair, Economics Department
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Nomination of Minqi Li for Junior Research Award 2010
Obviously, this is not a detailed critique of the article. But it does reflect in an unvarnished fashion my
contemporaneous admiration for this piece of his work that was partially the basis of his new book.
I append to his letter a listing of the citations for Professor Li's previous work taken from Google
Scholar. There are no citations for his new book but then it is a new book. There are 10 citations for
"The Rise of China and the Demise of the Capitalist World-Economy: Exploring the Historical Possibilities
in the 21st Century," Science & Society, (2005) which is suggestive of the reception the book will
receive. More generally, Google Scholar finds 68 non-self-citations for Professor Li' s work.
The College and the Superior Research Award Committee will have to do its own investigation of
the worth of Professor Li's scholarship. Big ideas are necessarily controversial and needing of critical
assessment. However, in my view, it is a no brainer that Professor Li should be considered for such an
award. He is just precisely the sort of young intellectual who will help economics get out of the
doldrums in which it is mired and back on to the track of challenging ideas and provocative relevance
which since the Wealth of Nations has been its traditional place in academic and public discourse. A
discipline that can claim Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, Karl Marx, Thorsten Veblen, and John Maynard
Keynes should open its arms, embrace and encourage young scholars such as Minqi Li who take on the
task of asking the big questions I thirsted for as an undergraduate. For that reason, I am more than
pleased to nominate Professor Li for the College's junior research award.
Peter Philips, Professor and Chair, Economics Department
Peter Philips, Professor and Chair, Economics Department
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Nomination of Minqi Li for Junior Research Award 2010
Minqi Li-Citations
(up to January 2010, including Chinese citations for 李民骐)
The following are from (66 Total Citations, self citations are excluded):
Article: The rise of China and the demise of the capitalist world-economy: exploring the
historical possibilities of the 21st Century
Cited by 10 - Related articles - All 4 versions
1. Unequal exchange without a labor theory of prices: On the need for a global …
R Baiman - Review of radical political economics, 2006 -
DOI: 10.1177/0486613405283316 2006; 38; 71 Review of Radical Political Economics Ron
Baiman Solidarity Trading Regime ... Unequal Exchange Without a Labor Theory of Prices: On
the Need for a Global Marshall Plan and a ... 10.1177/0486613405283316 Review of ...
2. Social Structures of Accumulation Theory: The State of the Art [PDF]
T McDonough - Review of Radical Political Economics, 2008 -
This article summarizes developments within the SSA perspective since the publication of Social
Structures of Accumulation: The Political Economy of Growth and Crisis in 1994. The article
overviews the literature produced since 1994, defining the main lines of research, starting ...
3. [HTML] A alta recente dos preços das commodities [HTML]
DM Prates - Revista de Economia Política, 2007 - SciELO Brasil
Em 2002, os preços de diversas commodities elevaram-se a partir dos patamares historicamente
baixos atingidos em 2001. Contudo, naquele ano, ainda não se vislumbrava a emergência de
um período de alta consistente dos preços. Por um lado, o último período dessa natureza ...
4. 组织公正和交易型领导对组织承诺的影响方式研究
Peter Philips, Professor and Chair, Economics Department
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Nomination of Minqi Li for Junior Research Award 2010
李秀娟, 魏峰 - 南开管理评论, 2007 -
首页; 期刊导航; 知识社区; 学者空间; 学术机构; 专题导读; 充值中心; 论文翻译. 登录 注册
维普资讯 中文期刊·专业文章. 维普专业检索Google学术. 财经 >> 南开管理评论 >>
2007年10卷5期 >> 摘要. 组织公正和交易型领导对组织承诺的影响方式研究. 评论推荐.
5. [PDF] Understanding China's Transformations: The Dialectical Nexus between …
L Xing -
Introduction After China was united in 221 BC under the first emperor, Emperor Qin, his
to the external threat along the northern borders was to build a long wall of “civilizational
division” – the Great Wall - along its northern borders in order to keep the “barbarians” ...
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6. China challenges global capitalism
V Vivoda - Australian Journal of International Affairs, 2009 -
This paper establishes a novel understanding of the nature and implications of China's rise. By
borrowing Robert Gilpin's concept of sub-optimisation, it is argued that China is the most
player in a non-Western subgroup's suboptimisation strategy, which undermines the ...
7. [PDF] Ecology & the Accumulation of Capital [PDF]
JW Moore -
“We have mixed our labour with the earth, our forces with its forces too deeply to be able to
back and separate either out,” Raymond Williams first argued in 1971 (1980: 83). In an
extraor- dinary essay, Williams directs his critique towards those “singular abstractions” – ...
8. [BOOK] What Is Chinese About Chinese Business? Implications for US Responses … [PDF]
C Pan -
There has been a commonly held belief, especially in the United States, that Chinese business
is distinctively Chinese. Understanding its Chineseness in unitary, monolithic and national
terms, this assumption has both underpinned a zero-sum perspective on US-China ...
9. [CITATION] Ny handelspartner, gammalt handelsmönster?
N Ivarsson, K Milton
Peter Philips, Professor and Chair, Economics Department
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Nomination of Minqi Li for Junior Research Award 2010
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Administração, Universidade Federal da Bahia, como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau
de Doutor em Administração. ... Orientador: Prof. Dr. Nelson de Oliveira Santos
Article: After Neoliberalism: Empire, Social Democracy, or Socialism?
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11. Argentina: no lesson learned
C Iriart, H Waitzkin - International Journal of Health Services, 2006 - Baywood
This article examines the political, ideological, social, and economic processes by which the
Argentinean economy was transformed, the structural consequences, and the policies responsible
for dismantling the welfare state. The health care system reform during the 1990s was an ...
12. Social Structures of Accumulation Theory: The State of the Art [PDF]
T McDonough - Review of Radical Political Economics, 2008 -
This article summarizes developments within the SSA perspective since the publication of Social
Structures of Accumulation: The Political Economy of Growth and Crisis in 1994. The article
overviews the literature produced since 1994, defining the main lines of research, starting ...
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E Byrne - Philosophy against empire, 2006 -
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G Murray - Relations Industrielles, 2005 -
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Peter Philips, Professor and Chair, Economics Department
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Nomination of Minqi Li for Junior Research Award 2010
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H Uluorta - 2008 -
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2009 19 Tectonic Shifts and Systemic Faultlines: A Global Perspective to Understand
the 2008- 2009 World Economic Crisis Bülent GÖKAY* ...
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L Minqi - MONTHLY REVIEW-NEW YORK-, 1996 - Monthly Review Press
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J Marangos - 2004 -
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Peter Philips, Professor and Chair, Economics Department
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Nomination of Minqi Li for Junior Research Award 2010
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Peter Philips, Professor and Chair, Economics Department
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Nomination of Minqi Li for Junior Research Award 2010
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Peter Philips, Professor and Chair, Economics Department
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Nomination of Minqi Li for Junior Research Award 2010
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АЮ Апокин -
В статье рассматриваются основные концепции, используемые для характеристики
составляющей глобальных дисбалансов. Дается критический анализ ряда основных идей
и гипотез, выделяемых исследователями по данной проблеме.
Peter Philips, Professor and Chair, Economics Department
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Nomination of Minqi Li for Junior Research Award 2010
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Peter Philips, Professor and Chair, Economics Department
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Nomination of Minqi Li for Junior Research Award 2010 [PDF]
JB Foster, B Clark, R York -
Page 1. Ecology The Moment of Truth—An Introduction John Bellamy Foster, Brett Clark, and
Richard York It is impossible to exaggerate the environmental problem facing humanity in the
twenty-first century. Nearly fifteen years ago one of us observed: “We have only four ...
36. Organising for power: solidarities and transformation [PDF]
J Goodman - Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: An …, 2009 -
Political and social movements are both empowering and power-seeking: they seek both to
civil society and overwhelm state institutions. As organisations they mobilize collective
power, generating solidarities and transforming social structures. As such, political ...
37. [HTML] John Bellamy Foster, Brett Clark, and Richard York [HTML]
JB Foster -
Materialism versus Creationism from Antiquity to the Present (Monthly Review Press, 2008),
this has reignited a 2,500-year debate between materialism and creationism, science and
design. The argument from design (the attempt to discern evidence of design in nature, ...
38. [PDF] Crise ambiental ea Ciência Econômica [PDF]
ES Barreto -
O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar e analisar criticamente algumas das mais importantes
teóricas dentro da economia que se propõem a abordar a questão ambiental. Nesta época,
na qual a interação destrutiva entre humanidade e natureza se manifesta em escala e ...
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Article: [CITATION] A Dialogue on the Future of China
W Chaohua, W Dan, L Minqi - New Left Review, 1999 -
New Left Review I/235, May-June 1999. Wang Chaohua, Wang Dan and Li Minqi.
A Dialogue on the Future of China. How do you think the June 4th movement of 1989
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39. [BOOK] Alternative economic models of transition
Peter Philips, Professor and Chair, Economics Department
Page 15
Nomination of Minqi Li for Junior Research Award 2010
J Marangos - 2004 -
This book is dedicated to my family: My parents, Spiros and Georgia; My brothers, Christos and
Vangelis and my sister, Alexandra; My wife, Eleni and daughter, Jorgia-Ariana; My in-laws,
and Vasiliki Petrousis. ... Alternative Economic Models ofTransition JOHN MARANGOS ...
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J Marangos - International Journal of Social Economics, 2006 -
Design/methodology/approach – The applicability of the Chinese process as an alternative for
transition economies involves an analysis of the necessary reforms regarding price
liberalisation-stabilisation; privatisation; institutions; monetary policy and the financial ...
41. [BOOK] Alternative political economy models of transition
J Marangos - 2008 -
Copyright © 2008 by Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick, New Jersey. All rights reserved
under International and Pan-American Copyright Conven- tions. No part of this book may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, ...
42. [BOOK] Democratic development in East Asia
B Shelley - 2005 -
Democratic Development in East Asia POLITICS IN ASIA \ S ( ... Democratic Development in
East Asia Democratic Development in East Asia explores an important but neglected topic in
the literature on democratization in East Asia: the international dimension of ...
Article: Aggregate Demand, Productivity, and “Disguised Unemployment” in the Chinese …
M Li - World Development, 2004 - Elsevier
Many economists argue that the Chinese state and collectively owned enterprises are
inefficient and better economic performance requires large-scale layoff of the state and the
sector workers. This paper argues that the productivity of state and collectively owned ...
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43. Rise of China and the global overaccumulation crisis
HF Hung - Review of International Political Economy, 2008 -
ABSTRACT This paper assesses the sources of potential instability of China's political economy
by expositing the limits of the post-Mao regime of capital accu- mulation in historical and
perspectives. It argues that the new spatial and socio-political orders under this regime, ...
44. [PDF] Training Module
Peter Philips, Professor and Chair, Economics Department
Page 16
Nomination of Minqi Li for Junior Research Award 2010 [PDF]
This module describes the current state of know ledge w ith respect to pro-poor grow th financial
policies.1 These policies are presented as alternatives to w hat, we argue, are the failed financial
policies inspired by orthodox economics. O rthodox financial policies, also know n as 'W ...
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Article: Peak oil, the rise of China and India, and the global energy crisis
M Li - Journal of Contemporary Asia, 2007 -
A BSTRACT Should current trends continue, China and India are widely expected to play
roles in the world economy in the twenty-first century. However, the economic rise of China and
India coincides with the decline of fossil fuels. There is growing consensus that the ...
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J Bernens, W Febish -
Abstract - In the twenty-first century, scientists have been looking for more efficient and more
powerful ways to produce energy. With most of the world currently powered by nonrenewable
resources, developing an efficient and powerful renewable energy source is a very ...
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... | Ayuda. An Age of Transition: The United States, China, Peak Oil, and the Demise of
Autores: Minqi Li; Localización: Monthly review, ISSN 0027-0520, Vol. 59, Nº. 11, 2008 ,
Peter Philips, Professor and Chair, Economics Department
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Nomination of Minqi Li for Junior Research Award 2010
20-34. © 2001-2009 Universidad de La Rioja · Todos los derechos reservados. ...
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JB Foster -
In referring in my title here to “A Failed System” I do not of course mean that capitalism as a
is in any sense at an end. Rather I mean by “failed system” a global economic and social order
that increasingly exhibits a fatal contradiction between reality and reason—to the point, in ...
50. Breeding Influenza: The Political Virology of Offshore Farming
RG Wallace - Antipode, 2009 -
Abstract: The geographic extent, xenospecificity, and clinical course of influenza A (H5N1), the
bird flu strain, suggest the virus is an excellent candidate for a pandemic infection. Much
has been paid to the virus's virology, pathogenesis and spread. In contrast, little effort has ...
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SD Fassbinder - Green Theory & Praxis: The Journal of …, 2009 -
Capitalism has been a globally triumphant economic system since the dissolution of the Soviet
Union at the end of 1991, if not earlier. Historians date capitalism back to at least 1688, when
the Glorious Revolution in England ushered in a regime where business interests were in ...
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M Li - Political Economy Research Group Working Paper, 2008 -
... Growth from Now to 2050 Minqi Li December 2008 WORKINGPAPER SERIES Number
189 ...
Prospect of Energy Supply and Economic Growth from Now to 2050 Dr. Minqi Li, Assistant
Professor Department of Economics, University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT 84112 ...
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V Bosetti, C Carraro, M Tavoni - Energy Economics, 2009 - Elsevier
This paper builds on the assumption that OECD countries are (or will soon be) taking actions
to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. These actions, however, will not be sufficient to
global warming, unless developing countries also get involved in the cooperative effort to ...
Peter Philips, Professor and Chair, Economics Department
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Nomination of Minqi Li for Junior Research Award 2010
V Bosetti, M Tavoni, FEE Mattei, CC Carraro -
The opinions expressed in this paper do not necessarily reflect the position of Fondazione Eni
Enrico Mattei Corso Magenta, 63, 20123 Milano (I), web site:, e-mail: ... The 2008 WITCH Model: New Model Features and Baseline
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Article: [CITATION] After Economic Liberalism: Empire, Social Democracy, or Socialism?
M Li - Monthly Review, 2004
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54. Who is afraid of TH Marshall? Or, what are the limits of the liberal vision of rights?
G Murray - Societies Without Borders, 2007 -
Abstract The liberal construction of the citizen is a man (sic) empowered with reciprocal rights
to the nation state, which will maintain his dignity by providing work and welfare if he can prove
need. The challenge for the new century is to find out whether we still can live in a finely ...
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Transition from State Socialism ... East Asia History, Politics, Sociology, Culture Shoko-Ken A
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L Minqi - Review of Radical Political Economics, 2004
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Peter Philips, Professor and Chair, Economics Department
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Nomination of Minqi Li for Junior Research Award 2010 [PDF]
POLICE ORGANIZATION Todd Wuestewald University of Oklahoma Page 2. Abstract This
undertakes an assessment of participative management in a medium ...
58. 马克思对资本主义民主的批判及其对中国发展战略的启示
施韦卡特戴维, 向红 - 教学与研究, 2005 -
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2005年10期 >>
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Article: Workers' Participation in Management and Firm Performance: Evidence from Large …
M Li - Review of Radical Political Economics, 2004 -
... Review of Radical Political Economics DOI: 10.1177/0486613404267716 2004; 36; 358
of Radical Political Economics Minqi Li Chinese Industrial Enterprises Workers' Participation
in Management and Firm Performance: Evidence from Large and Medium-Sized ...
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SS Tzafrir - Journal of Managerial Psychology, 2006 -
Design/methodology/approach – The data for this study are taken from two cross-sectional
surveys. The firms included in this research were selected from a sample of organizations from
the public and private sectors based on firms that were included in Dun's Guide, Israel ...
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China's enterprise reform has resulted in large-scale layoff of workers from state and collective
... If the government undertakes active aggregate demand policy, the performance of state and
... Since late 1970s China has been undertaking market-oriented economic reform. ...
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60. Bargaining power and foreign direct investment in China: Can 1.3 billion … [PDF]
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Foreign direct investment (FDI) has become a much desired commodity by nations, regions and
Peter Philips, Professor and Chair, Economics Department
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Nomination of Minqi Li for Junior Research Award 2010
cities throughout the world. Indeed, governments bid for FDI because it is commonly thought
to be an important engine of economic growth, job creation, and technological upgrading. ...
Article: Capitalism, Climate Change and the Transition to Sustainability: Alternative …
M Li - Development and Change, 2009 -
1 was a political prisoner in China from 1990 to 1992. He received a PhD in economics from
the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2002. He taught political science at York
University, Toronto, Canada from 2003 to 2006 and since 2006 has been teaching ...
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61. Capitalism and Climate Change: Can the Invisible Hand Adjust the Natural …
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It is also possible that your web browser is not configured or not able to display style sheets.
In this case, although the visual presentation will be degraded, the site should continue to be
functional. We recommend using the latest version of Microsoft or Mozilla web browser to ...
Dissertation: Three essays on China's state owned enterprises: Towards an alternative to …
M Li - Electronic Doctoral Dissertations for UMass …, 2002 -
A common theme in the analysis of the contemporary Chinese economy is that the Chinese state
owned enterprises fail to operate efficiently because of ambiguous property rights, soft budget
constraints, and government intervention. These authors advocate an economic reform ...
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The US economy faces enormous questions and challenges as it attempts to recover from the
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2000年6期 >> 摘要. 美国新经济的体制基础. 评论推荐. 下载全文. 宁光杰. ...
64. “经济网络” 与经济转型趋势
Peter Philips, Professor and Chair, Economics Department
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1870-1973. 评论推荐. 暂无全文. 李民骐[1] 朱安东[2]. [1]加拿大约克大学政治学系
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Peter Philips, Professor and Chair, Economics Department
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