NotByUser1 - Microsoft Research

R: “So Jan 16th, 2004, that article”
L: “Yeah, that would be the starting point”
R: “Yeah just to see what she’s talking about”
L reads the article they’ve been given by the experimenter aloud while they wait to
get instructions to start.
(Experimenter tells them to start)
They both open their search widgets.
R: “ok, so we want Jan 16th”
L: “You do Jan 16th, I’ll do ‘intoxicated’
They each do their respective searches. L searches using the keyword “intoxicated”,
R uses the keyword “jan 16, 2004”
L looks at her search results and realizes she didn’t spell right so she does another
R looks at results from her search and closes it and does the search using keywords
“january 16, 2004”.
R says “Let me try spelling it out”. She does her search using “January” instead of
“Jan” and she looks at returned results. She says “Ok, so no articles. I’m not looking
at the articles right.”
L looks at search results from “intoxicated” and says “ok, 1 of 1, so that’s good”
R: “that’s good, I got nothing.”
R continues searching “Ok, so let’s try this. There’s no diagonals, so I wonder if I
should not put in the day. So how about just January 2004?”
She does the search using keywords “Jan-2004”
While R is talking, L pulls out the article “intoxicated driver makes unexpected
deposit” from her search results and maximizes it.
L: “So I have the article, do you just want me to read it to you?”
R: “No you can turn it around. Wait, why don’t we both read it?”
L: “Yeah” She turns the article around so it’s sideways and they change their
positions so they can both read it together. They both quietly read the article at the
same time.
They both pick up their notepads and start writing notes as they are reading.
R: “I’m just wondering if this reporter has any other stories.”
L: “Oh yeah, something about flowers.”
R: “Flowers.” (she repeats the word as she continues to read).
R continues to read and notes “Ellie Olmsen” and “flowers – scent” on her notepad.
L: “So we don’t know the guy’s name right?”
R: “No”
R continues to read “Flowers will bring victory to our shining futures”
R: “police say ‘no comment’. I wonder if they’re in on it?”
L is reading the article.
R finishes reading the article and then picks up the ‘advertisements’ handout.
R: “Let’s see. So these are all orchards that have blossoming trees right? And exotic
Parazuelan fruits”
L is listening to her and also looking at the advertisements handout that R is holding
in the center so both can look at it.
R says something about Parazuelan fruit, exotic fruit. L laughs.
R: “So then apples, general fruit, and Parazuelan fruit.”
R asks L: “Asparagus plants don’t flower do they?”
L laughs: “I have no idea. No they don’t”
L points out that the Kaz farms are growing apples.
R looks at map and says “So he’s probably… in the city of Alderwood is where the
bank is, right?”
L: “Right”
R: “So there’s Prado, Rodriguez...(she is pointing to places on the map while L looks
on)…I’m just looking at what’s in proximity to a bank. You know, cause he couldn’t
have driven too far if he was that out of it without crashing before he hit that…”
L: “ Right”. She is looking at the advertisements. She tries to talk but R interrupts and
keeps talking.
R (points to map): “So all of these he had access to.”
L and R try to map the farms (from the advertisement handout) onto the map.
L (points to advertisement handout): “This one has FFE on the end but I don’t see
anything”. She is looking at the “Fresh fruit farms advertisement” on the handout.
R: “FFE farms?”
L: “This is route 23 but Rodriguez is also on Route 23”
R: “Well that’s sort of a mystery. Well we’ll just assume that they’re somewhere
around here, for the moment, until we find out (pointing to certain part of the map).
L (points to map): “Cherries got to be somewhere around there.”
R: “Cause this is where all the fruit is (gesturing)”
They go back to the article they were reading and L says “Flowers will bring victory to
our shining futures…Flowers, I can still smell the flowers, but not too much, no no,
then I die”
L: “That’s interesting”
R: “So our friend here (points to handout) was suspicious that the flowers were a
part of a plot.”
L takes the handout and starts reading it, “’The incident still doesn’t sit right with
me, despite initial reports no drugs were found in the man’s blood’. So by ‘ drugs’, is
it just drugs or is it drugs and alcohol?”
R: “Well I’m thinking there wasn’t any drug or alcohol.”
L: “Right, I thought you were saying the opposite.”
L reads the part about the cult and ‘recent goings on’
R says “see this is interesting”
L: “So maybe we should backtrack and see what happened like a week before.”
R: “Well actually, the recent going on, would that be since this event in 2004? So it
would be after?”
L: “Let’s see, it could be either.”
They go back to the Surface and put the document they’d found (“Intoxicated
driver”) in one corner of the table. R closes previous search and says “maybe we
could search …well flowers would give us a lot I would think. “
R does a search using the keyword “flowers” and says “1 of 9, actually not as much
as you would think. Oh hey, there is one that is flowers and intoxicated (she is talking
about the overlap between search terms that is shown for each document in
Cambiera search results), but it’s probably the same document”
Experimenter interrupts and says “Let me give you a hint or a tip that I forgot to tell
you earlier. The way this does searches is that whatever is the string is you type in,
that’s what it looks for. So if you type ‘flower’ it will find ‘flowers’, but if you type in
‘flowers’ it won’t find articles which are just ‘flower’.
L wants to start a new search. She asks R “So how did you format the dates that
came out?”
R: “All I did was look for, yeah that wasn’t working well. I never got it. I tried Jan, I
tried January, I tried 2004, I tried January 2004, I tried Jan 16 2004 cause there’s no
commas or diagonals so it can’t be all numeric.”
L does a new search using the keyword “2004” while R goes back to scanning her
search results.
R is talking mostly to herself “Hey wait, let’s see what this one is. ‘Obituaries’.” She
reads the document called Obituaries.
L is looking at search results “1 out of 230”
R asks her how to open the article from the search results but figures it out herself.
She reads the article she has maximized while L looks through her search results
R selects some articles from search results and scans and then closes them. For one
she says “ok this is really old”
L does a new search using the keyword “flower” and looks at the results “Ok, so I
have three from 2004. They have ‘flower’ and ‘intoxicated’”
R: “well good.” She continues looking at the results from her own search. She is
scrolling one article now.
R: “I’m trying to see if there is a suspicious obituary. Must have been really old”
L pulls out document from search results. “Here is something. ‘Teens suspect
unusual activity…’ break-ins, silo.”
R: “Oooh, nice” She continues reading her document and pulling out more results
from her search.
L scans her document and asks R “Do you want to read this?”
R: “Does it look interesting?”
L: “Yeah it does.”
R: “Ok”. She closes her search results.
L turns the document to sideways positioning so that both of them can read it
R: “So this was, you did a search for flowers?”
L: “Flowers intoxicated and 2004” (Not clear if she used all those keywords or this
article is common to those keywords)
They both read article quietly
R: “Deserted missile silo.” They pull up the map and find it on the map. “Right there”
They go back to reading the article.
R: “Ramirez (looks at advertisement handout). Oh this was Rodriguez.”
They find Groves Weapons Annex on the map after reading about it in the article.
They are trying to figure out the difference between the silo and the annex.
They finish reading the article and use the map simultaneously to make sense of the
silo and annex
R: “There’s a lot of directions here. I wonder if these guys…”
L: “Look up all these people?”
R: “Yeah, we can certainly look up Prado. We could look up…”
L takes her notepad and writes the names of the two boys “James Grimes” and “Jose
R repeats the name of George Prado.
L writes George Prado in her notes.
R: “It would also suggest that if the only thing they found was a broken bottle of the
stash, the mystery flower-smelling lethal stash, the stash has been moved. It’s not
there anymore. Moved or done something with it.”
L: “Trucks are out there in the middle of the night.”
R: “Burnt. I wonder if we could also search for anything like ‘burns’ or ‘skin’”
L (nods): “ Burns, burns + flowers ?” (She notes “burns + flowers” in her notes)
R: “Yeah” (laughs)
L: “Ok, cool. And what about doing trucks and missile silo?” (She notes “trucks +
missile silo” in her notes
R: “Yeah. Just doing missile silo could be interesting.”
L: “I think we should also look up this guy” (points)
R: “Fernandez? Yeah. I wonder if all these interesting articles are by Ellie Olmsen (the
writer of the first article about the intoxicated driver). I wonder if all of them are.”
L: “Yeah.”
R: “Maybe we should just use this to go on Youtube and see if we can find that
They laugh.
R minimizes the teens article they have been reading and moves it to the side. There
are two articles on the side now.
L: “So we need to make a diagram or social network of who is involved. So we should
also look up this guy.” (she maximizes the intoxicated driver article)
R: “Yeah but didn’t give his name, did it?”
L: “That’s right.” (She puts that article to the side again).
R opens the article and says “no it said intoxicated driver”
They both agree.
L: “Ok, so we have to do a social network or diagram, hypothesis of what’s going on,
and suggestions.”
L puts her notepad between them at the side of the table so they can both see the
list of things she has noted.
L: “So you want to take James and I’ll take Jose”
R: “Sure I’ll just go in order”
R starts a new search using keywords “James Grimes”
L looks through results of an older search (for “flower”). They both mumble as they
R pulls out a document from her results. “This might be the same one. Is this 9/14?
Yeah. This is the same one” (she points to the teens article to the side).
She closes the article she has just found and closes the search results. She checks off
Grimes’ name on the notepad.
R: “So which one are you doing?”
L : “I’ll do Jose”
L closes previous search results from ‘flower’ and R closes the search results for
‘James Grimes’
L and R both do their own searches simultaneously.
L searches using the “Jose Ramirez” and R searches using the keywords “George
R: “Ah 4 on George Prado.”
L: “One on Ramirez.”
R reads an article from search results “E coli cases suspected”
R: “e-coli, oh”
L looks at the one article returned and realizes it’s the same (teens article)
L closes search results and starts a new search using keyword “burn”
R reads her article and says “Aha, that’s what I wondered”
L: “What?”
R (points to the map): “Well all of this is produce and here you’ve got meat. And so
here’s what we’ve got here.”
R turns the document “E-coli cases suspected” sideways so L can read it too.
R: “So George was accused of having e-coli tainted apples, he was handing out at a
Cinco de Mayo thing and then he said ‘with all the recent beef problems in
Alderwood, I think an investigation…’”
L: “What date was that, 5/6?”
R: “Yeah, 04. So the kids were at 9, September (she refers to the teens article). So
let’s see what all the beef things are.”
L tries to read the article with her. She says “Cause a Prado actually owns the beef
R: “Ok so that’s good, that answers our question.”
R keeps reading aloud while L listens and then says “Boynton Laboratories”. She
finds it on the map. “This one right here.”
R continues to read aloud and stresses on “Bovine illness”
L (excited): “There we go!”
L listens to R, does not do anything new on her own. They finish reading.
R: “So this is interesting.”
L: “This is interesting.”
(Note: I think since they’re friends, they are being extra nice, polite, and nonaggressive/pushy towards each other when it comes to collaboration. Husband-wife
pair from ByUser5 was less formal towards one another because of their different
relationship. So the relationship pair members have seems to affect their
communication with each other.)
R: “Beef problems, so that has to be 2004, before May. So maybe we should look at
beef problems?”
L notes ‘beef problems’ in her notepad.
R also makes some notes in her notepad.
L asks “and e-coli?”
R: “I don’t know about the e-coli. I want to go back and look some more at
the…cause now was this…did they determine if this was e-coli? (she scrolls the article
while L looks). So we just know that it was diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Did they
say here that it was e-coli?”
L (reads article): “So the farmers are saying it wasn’t.”
R: “Well they’re also saying that they were fresh, clean apples. So they’re saying it
wasn’t the apples, period.”
L: “Right”
R: “So I wouldn’t bother to look up the e-coli.”
L: “Right” (she cancels off ‘e-coli’ from her notepad).
L reads her notepad. “So beef problems. I have ‘burn’ here” (points to previous
search results from using the keyword ‘burn’)
R: “There’s something there?” (she’s still writing on her notepad)
R points to the open document “do you want to keep this one open?”
L: “We can close that one.”
L points to an article “Port incident” in her search results. “This one might be
R minimizes the article and moves it to the side of the table where they have other
articles minimized and piled.
L maximizes article. “Ok this is something from the port.” She places document
sideways so both can read.
R: “Parazuela, he is delivering Parazuelan fruits. Or seeds or something.”
They both read and emphasize on ‘apples’ and ‘burns and respiratory illnesses’.
R goes back to writing on her notepad. L continues to read the article.
R: “Apples, so we know that…does it say where those apples were from? I mean
whose farm“
L: “No, just Washington State. Ok, now this is interesting (reads from article)
‘possible connections between the captain and a revolutionary group who are
known as shining futures. Ok so we have to look at shining future.”
L takes her notepad and writes ‘shining future’.
R: “Aha, I see. (R reads the article now) Now why would the captain fail to take
action after two previous failures?...(reads for a while). The stinking fingers of
L: “We should also check this Parazuela.”
R: “ok, and also shining future.”
L writes in her notepad ‘Parazuela’ and ‘Arturo Rojas’
R also writes in her notepad.
R looks at the minimized documents on the side of the table and says “It would nice
if we could shrink these and stack stuff up.”
L and R pile the minimized documents (4) all on one corner (on L’s side)
L looks at the search results open from her previous search and says “ok, let me
finish going through these. What are you going to look at now?”
R (looking at search results from her previous search) “I’m looking for George Prado
here. And it says 2 have been read of the 4. (she pulls one document out from
results). Ah, Groves Annex chemical agent spill. (She maximizes it and scans).
Lewisite chemical agent. (she now looks at the map and points to the Groves Annex
site). Oh so this is a chemical weapon thing.”
L reads a document of her own in the meantime.
R: “This Groves Annex has got chemical weapons.”
L (looks up): “Ok”
R (looks at document and map): “So we know another thing, George Prado has a
brother named Pedro Prado and Pedro works as a security guard at the weapon’s
They both read their own articles.
R writes on her notepad. L scans through results.
R is talking aloud as she writes on her notepad “lewisite chemical agent”
L (pulls out a document “lewisite fact sheet”): “Ok, that’s interesting. Lewisite fact
R: “Oh nice, where did you find that?”
L: “Under ‘burn’.” (she found it in the search results from ‘burn’)
R minimizes the document she was reading and adds it to the pile they had formed.
R leans over to look at the article L is reading. “That’s an obituary”
L closes it but R shouts “Hey wait, wait!”
L: “You know what, I pulled out the wrong one.”
R: “Was that Pedro? Well we want that one. It was an obituary of Pedro, well it said
Prado in it so I was wondering.”
L pulls out that article again from her results and maximizes it. They both read it. R
finds that it does not have Prado in it, so they close it.
L: “Alright, so lewisite fact sheet” (she maximizes the document and places it
sideways. They read it together. )
R reads aloud and points out that the lewisite causes burn-like symptoms. Also has
“odor like Geraniums”.
They read aloud together.
R: “So if you think about it, the kids at the silo probably got the liquid version. The
people at the fair, the Cinco de Mayo festival, whether it was beef or apples, in
theory it could have been. The question of course is how it would come in contact
with the beef or the apples.”
L: “Yes”
They go back to reading the article.
L: “Doesn’t seem like there’s anything….why would the guy in the first accident in
Jan, why did he seem intoxicated?”
R (reads symptoms of lewisite): “Low blood pressure? Doesn’t that affect your
mental faculties?”
L: “probably, sounds good.”
L: “And his eyes were irritated and stuff, that could be why he ran into it.”
R: “Oh good thinking.”
L: “We could just assume that he was intoxicating because of what happened, not
necessarily how he was acting.”
R: “And if he got it on his clothing, it was still permeating his air space, so to speak.
R and L continue to read document.”
R: “Yeah he could have gotten it in his eyes.”
R: “So interesting. ‘Providing support of medical care in the hospital.’ I wonder if
there is anything under hospital. I’m just thinking of other search terms. Also, this
‘low lying’ thing, they mentioned it a couple of times, so it makes me wonder if some
of these areas are lower-lying (points to map)or if some of these crops or even beef
is more likely to be grown in lower-lying areas. Or the port, of course the port was
just that they dropped the cases.”
L agrees with her. She writes lewisite on her notepad.
They minimize the document and move it to the pile. They go back to looking
through the search results of their previous searches
(Note: Interesting that it doesn’t occur to them to do new searches much at all. They
keep pulling out documents from their old search results)
They both pull out documents and read their respective documents
R: “I don’t know if this is related to anything but Kaz farms is talking about how he
has a large, long-term, low oxygen cooler that keeps apples fresh for a longer period
of time.”
They each read their own articles.
R: “Well this is July 19th so this is summer 04. They’ve had a lot of rain in the summer
and it increases wet leaves on the ground. I was just wondering if the rain or wetter
ground would have any impact.”
R goes back to writing in her notepad. Then she closes her search results and does a
new search for ‘shining future’.
L continues to look through her search results.
R: “So we’ve got 4 articles for shining future and we’ve only looked at 2.”
L does another search and looks at search results
R is reading the article “Shining Futures leader Armando Catalano killed”
R: “So Shining Futures rebel leader, this is July 4, Armando Catalano was killed on
Tues (she continues to read the article aloud). Wonder if Catalano is related to
Prado. Or Prado is interested in being the next rebel leader or something.”
L has closed all her search results and is listening to R.
They turn the article sideways to read it together.
R (shouts): “Ah, what did I say? Ramon Prado.”
L (looks at her notes): “How is he related? You know we should look up both George
and Ramon Prado” (makes a note in her notepad)
R: “Well, George, his brother Pedro is a security guard at the Annex. And what was
the captain’s name?”
L: “It didn’t say”
R notes down Ramon’s name in her notepad.
R: “Now probably Ramon is like Smith or something.”
They continue reading document.
R notes Catalano’s name.
R reaches to close the article and asks L “Do you want to keep this”
L: “Maybe start another pile over there (points to opposite corner of the table from
the first pile) for the read-it-but-probably-don’t-need-it.”
R puts that article in a corner to start a new pile.
R pulls out another article from her search results. They place it sideways and read it
R reads about “Francisco Dorado” and notes in her notepad.
They scan the document and close it.
R tells L the other results were intoxicated driver and port incident. She closes the
search widget.
They both do new searches. L searches for ‘missile silo’ and R searches for ‘beef’
They both pull out documents from search results and read.
L is reading the article “Missile silo story”
L: “This is interesting; there is a missile silo story by a high school kid. It was printed
01/26/09. It explains a layout of the silo”
R: “You mean it was printed today?”
L: “Oh yeah, that’s weird cause it was a story from Alderwood high school
newspaper 2002.”
R comes over to her side to see what the problem is.
Experimenter tells them that they’re running into a bug with some of the data.
L passes document to R. “Here, why don’t you take it and look at it. I scanned it, and
I don’t think there is anything. Maybe put it over there (points to second pile) so that
if we find something we can cross-reference it.”
R reads the article.
L searches for ‘trucks’ and looks through her search results.
R: “So they aren’t talking about the guys who did the video?”
L: “No”
They are both reading different articles now.
L closes all her results and crosses off “trucks + missile silo” from her notes.
R reads the article L had passed to her.
R: “It’s interesting that somebody had been here before these guys cause they’ve
broken the welding, the door welds.”
L starts a new search using the keyword “Parazuela”
Experimenter interrupts to ask what they’ve figured out so far.
L: “We’ve figured out that there is possibly a connection between George Prado and
a South American terrorist organization called Shining Future which is referenced by
the intoxicated driver.”
R: “The toxin is probably lewisite because of the characteristics it has. The original
source of it was likely the chemical weapons portion of the Groves Weapon’s Annex
and I’m thinking there is probably some link between George Prado’s brother Pedro
who is a security agent there, he could have been a source of access to it. It’s hard to
say if it would just be Prado as far as the farmers go, if Prado is the only one in on it
or there are others in on it. And he’s probably shipping his treated stuff out through
connections at the port.”
L: “Right, and with his apples, although right now it seems like it only is Prado, we
haven’t found anything which, at least I haven’t found anything.”
R: “Yeah, though Kaz talks about his long-term low oxygen cooler where potentially
he could store stuff, but we don’t know if it’s anything beyond Prado at this point.
And whether the beef is involved, we don’t know”
L: “We’re checking about the beef”
R: “Does that sort of answer your question”
Experimenter: “So what’s with the lewisite?”
R: “The lewisite is the chemical agent that is the toxin.”
L: “Yeah, we suspect that the guy that crashed into the bank was not “intoxicated”
but more suffering the effects of the toxin.”
R: “Cause it smells like Geraniums, it burns, it creates respiratory problems.”
Experimenter: “And your guess about where it came from and how he got exposed
to it?”
R: “I don’t know how he got exposed to it.” (L and R discuss that the original article
doesn’t say who the guy is)
R: “My suspicion is that the lewisite originally came from the chemical weapons
plant at the Groves Weapons Annex, they have a chemical weapons plant. What the
path was between its original location at the chemical plant and the intoxicated
driver, we don’t know yet.”
L: “And backing that up is the activity of these kids being arrested for the video that
was posted on Youtube. But that was at the missile silo. We’re trying to figure out
how that plays in.”
R: “Cause the missile silo had at one time stored some of this chemical, because the
kids found just one broken bottle. I’m hypothesizing that there was other chemical
there and it was moved.”
L: “Or, if Prado’s doing it, the weapons silo is right by his land (pointing to map) so he
could be bringing it from the weapons silo to the land”
R: “And something tipped him off so he moved it. And I’m still wondering if Prado is
the next designated leader for Shining Future.”
L and R resume task.
R: “So thinking about those potential connections, how can we check some of these
L: “Have we searched just ‘Prado’?”
R: “yeah I did that originally. I’m going to try Pedro Prado to see if there is anything
about him, we don’t even know if he died from this thing, he was seriously ill. Not
that that makes a difference necessarily.”
R does a search for ‘Pedro Prado’, finds 0 hits and closes.
L does a search for ‘Parazuela’
R: “Well the thing is the lewisite in low-lying areas, I don’t know if that’s of any
relevance at all.”
R: “We haven’t looked up Boynton labs, are they doing anything here?”
L: “They are the ones who do the testing.”
L is looking through search results from Parazuela.
R: “How about try Kazuhiri and see if he is in on this stuff?”
She does a search for “Kazuhiri”.
Both look through search results of their own searches. R doesn’t find anything so
she closes her search
R: “I wonder if there is any more chemical spills. You had looked up the Groves
Weapons Annex, right?”
L: “That was what I was starting to do, have you done that.”
R: “No but I will, as soon as I’m done here.”
R does a search for “Groves Weapons Annex”
L is still going through her search results. She pulls out documents and then closes
them after scanning them quickly.
L pulls out a document and reads “Gary Locke Declares Parazuela/Argentina Trade
Mission Huge Success”
R: “That’s interesting”
R continues looking through her search results.
L reads her article.
R: “Myspace is where they posted the video.”
Each reads their own documents.
L asks R how to do a search on a word within the document, R tells her.
R closes her search results saying “nothing new there”. She does another search
L: “So did you do Groves Weapons Annex?”
R: “Yes I did, nothing.”
L looks at her notepad and does a search but closes it.
R: “Well what do we want to know, what do we not know.” (Stares at map)
L and R both sit back and pick up their notepads
R: “So we know that apples are part of the story because it’s possibly the Cinco de
Mayo festival.”
L: “They’re possibly a carrier, a way of distributing the toxin. As if they are trying to
make people sick”
R: “Right. Also the port incident was the apples. So we suspect the apples are the
L: “Also George Prado, what was his brother’s name?”
R: “Pedro”
L: “Yes, and he worked at the annex.”
R: “Yes, he was a security guard, so he would have access.”
L: “And Ramon Prado is involved with Shining light.”
R: “Right, Shining Future”
L: “silo somehow works in here.”
R (now holds up her notes and walks her through the network diagram she’s made)
“So we suspect lewisite is the toxin and it goes through one of more steps, one of
more transit events in order to get to apples. So it’s what happens in here, we don’t
know. If it gets out through the guards, and it gets out in the liquid form, which is it’s
most common form, it might have been stored in the silo or not. And then it’s going
to be, how is it applied? Is it gassed or sprayed or something dipped in it?”
L: “That I’m not too worried about. But the silo I think does work in there
somewhere cause there was atleast one bottle that was found at the silo and there
is reports of the trucks going back and forth. These teenage kids think there is
something going on up there, it’s not just a party or something cause they wouldn’t
be telling the adults.” (They laugh)
R: “So they cited, was that the first article there?”
L looks through the article pile in the corner to pull out the teens article. They place
it sideways and both read it.
R: “So they said that ….” (she reads a part aloud and then L reads aloud)
R: “So you’ve got to wonder, is anyone else in on this?”
L: “Yeah.” (reads aloud “trucks are out there in the middle of the night”)
L and R both write in their notes.
R: “So we know that George atleast is engaged and the kids told the police and…”
L: “teachers and adults in general”
Both are writing in their notes
R: “Well we saw that thing about the leak, there was a leak of lewisite. Trying to
think if there is anybody who would be interested in a cover up.”
L: “there was leak of the lewisite?”
They both find the article about this in the pile and open it up.
R reads that a spill occurred and it was in June. She decides to create a timeline in
her notes
R (while drawing a timeline): “So we know that June 10, 04 there was a spill of
L: “And Pedro Prado was admitted, so he had to be close enough to get it on him.
Because the lewisite factsheet said usually it’s in a liquid form.”
R: “Ok, and when was the actual intoxicated guy? And when were the teens?
L: That was January. January was the intoxicated”
R: “16th?”
L: “Yeah, 16th was the intoxicated guy.”
R: “Ok, and then when was the teens video?”
L finds that it was 9/14
L: “And port incident was in March. E-coli was in May, that was 05/06. So here we
go, timeline looks like this.” (She starts dragging the article thumbnails into a
timeline on the table surface, arranging them by date)
R : “So when was the guy killed, the leader of the Shining Futures? She finds the
article and notes the date in her timeline.”
L: “I’m trying to put these in order.”
R writes her timeline on paper while L organizes documents into a timeline on the
R: “What was 9/14?”
L: “That was the teens video”
R takes the timeline she has drawn on paper and holds it up for L to see while she
walks her through it.
R: “So in January we had the intoxicated driver. So this is a guy who was obviously
exposed to the stuff outside the weapon’s annex because that’s too far for him to
get to the city of Alderwood (points to map) and they would have known it he was
part of the thing.”
L: “How long does it take to show effects though?”
R: “It seems like it’s pretty immediate. Isn’t it immediate?”
L pulls the lewisite document and reads it. R points out that it says “on contact”
R: “Ok, he had some exposure to toxins outside of the weapon’s annex (points to
map). So he was exposed somewhere not in here. And who knows where it was, but
we’re assuming that if the bank’s in the city he was probably not that far. And then
in March was…”
L: “The port incident”
R: “Aha, in March was the port incident (she writes in her timeline) so apples were
being shipped. And then May…”
L: “Was the e-coli with the apples.”
R: “So apples are somewhere in here obviously.”
L: “But you know the port incident could have been apples from the previous year
R: Well these could have been cold storage apples.”
L (laughs): “You just want to involve Kaz”
L finds that article and looks it up. “Oh yes, you’re right, it didn’t say whose apples
they were. But aren’t apples a winter fruit though?”
R: “No, they ripen in the fall so they store them in the winter.”
L: “Ok”
R: “Ok, so it’s going to Parazuela.”
L: “So that’s where Parazuela comes in the first time. Well no, Parazuela comes in
here (points to article about the intoxicated driver) because of the shining futures
R: “The intoxicated driver?”
L: “Yeah, remember he said…(she pulls out the article and opens it). He’s talking
about flowers ‘Flowers will bring victory for our shining futures’”
R: “So this guy was a shining futures member.”
L: “Possibly”
R: “Or he overheard somebody say that”
L reads “’I can still smell the flowers but not too much, no, no, then I die’ So that’s
why we know it was lewisite because too much would kill somebody if their blood
pressure drops too much.”
R: “Right, and nothing else toxic about flowers has come up in any articles. It may
have been we didn’t look for the right stuff, I don’t know. So we know that flowers
from 2003’s harvest were treated in some way because the port incident was
shipping flowers…”
L (corrects her): “Apples”
R: “Apples. Then the apples were handed out at the Cinco he Mayo thing.”
L maximizes an article and starts reading it
R: “And then in June there was a lewisite spill. I wonder if that was something that
Pedro inadvertently instigated because he was trying to..I don’t know how the spill
happened. And then on July 13th was when the Shining Futures leader Catalano was
killed. And in Sep was when the teens are talking about trucks coming and going. So I
wonder if the activity had ramped up.”
While R was reading out her timeline, L did a new search using the keyword “toxic”
and is pulling out articles from the search results to read.
R: “So what do we know here? I mean it would be nice to know if there were any
other missing chemicals, you know instances of reported missing chemicals, how
might apples be treated with this stuff, if there is any particular equipment of
something we can look for. George talked about new business ventures in one of the
articles, in one of the articles talking about the farmers’ market kind of things and
interviewed the farmers. And George was talking about business ventures but he
didn’t say anything.”
Experimenter tells them to stop.
Note: Participants are two women, referred to as R (right side participant) and L (left side participant)
according to how they appear seated in the video.