integrated management in watershed district of aceh besar

Integrated River Basin Management Krueng Jreu
pattern Community participation in improving the security and Sustainable Economy
Rimueng Aceh Organization
Jl.Banda Aceh-Medan Km.25 Indrapuri Aceh Besar. hp:+6281 9197 6444.
Opening new land is a common practice in Indonesia will be able to affect the condition of watersheds and
valleys of this sungai.Praktek occur in areas of Aceh, a province with a vast forest in Indonesia, Up to result in
degradation of forests and plants which eventually resulted in flooding .
The Indonesian government has tried to improve watershed conditions in Aceh by applying a program
reforestation and revegetation, however hinga currently only few programs are running because the
government's main concern so far devoted to natural resource and coastal conditions.
There are two negative factors that contribute in this regard and should be mentioned, namely: the prolonged
conflict in the past that made the community's economy in the private sector at that time became paralyzed
because the only people who work in government agencies are free to work. and tsunami disaster which forced
the government to prioritize investments aimed at the development in Aceh.
The government's reconstruction effort after the tsunami in 2004 was to accelerate the exploitation of timber
reserves in the basin and mountain areas. In 2009 the Governor of Aceh announced a moratorium on logging to
reduce forest felling more according to information submitted by the Regent of Aceh Besar no less than
31000ha in Aceh Besar forests damaged by illegal logging.
The results of our survey on illegal logging and its cessation on the communities in Aceh Besar to produce a
few things, namely:
On the social and economic life of society:
-Increase in unemployment (job loss cutting wood).
-Poverty increased (lack of water discharge in irrigation rice farming communities affect rice yields).
-Due to lack of supply of irrigation water in rice fields has led to disputes between farmers for the water fight,
hinga the police have to do maintenance on the rice fields during the growing season (occurring in wetland
-Emergence of social envy in the economic life of both ordinary citizens and community, due to loss of
livelihood, in other words very vulnerable to the dispute / divisions, which may cause loss of life).
The impact of illegal logging on the ecological environment and infrastructure of irrigation rice farming:
-Accretion sediment on the bottom of the river and irrigation channels, (damage to irrigation infrastructure).
Riverside-occurrence of scour which will affect housing and infrastructure.
-Frequent flooding during the rainy season and droughts during the dry season.
Post-tsunami reconstruction has also triggered the sand and gravel mining an uncontrollable use of heavy
equipment on the watershed in Aceh and ultimately changed the morphology of damage to public facilities
infrastructure such as bridges, erosion protection, and erosion on the community garden.
Aceh regency government in this regard Regents has given notice to sand mining using heavy equipment to the
mounting board ban on the watershed Aceh to prevent further damage.
For now there have been droughts in the community wells that occurred in 8 villages in Aceh district Indonesia,
See and feel the problems that occur this may cause a new disaster on the lives of all existing and future
"Rimueng Aceh" (a local NGO in Indonesia) on 2009 take action initiatives for forest restoration efforts in
watersheds which is a rain water catchment area (DAS) for irrigated rice fields of society, namely: (1). through
extension activities to provide an understanding of rural communities about the importance of environmental
sustainability, (2.) activity type cacao plant nurseries, farmers groups Villagers Joint grot blang (3) activities
tree planting amounted to points, the location of logged-over and location of greening the government had
failed to do caused the forest fire.
Plant Breeding Events cacao with the community who are members of farmer groups in the village Indrapuri
Replanting activities on degraded land with the community, but the forest restoration effort is running slow due
to limited means of transportation such as trucks to transport seeds and plants are not available path to the hills
Rimueng aceh has made efforts to build roads for the whole area can be affordable for replanting in degraded
Table of Content…………………………………………………………………………………..4
Integrated Rehabilitation Map………………………………….…………………………………6
Objectife and Goal…………………………………………….………………………………….7
Curent situation…………………………………………………………………………………..8
A number of recommendations given to interventions in the future…………………………….10
Implementation Activities...……………………………………………………………..……….11
Instituonal Structure RIMUENG ACEH…………………………………………………………
Recommendations Government of Aceh Besar district…………………………………………10
Project types are given in appendix A……………………………………………………………
Increasing poverty is the impact of the Conflict of the Past The prolonged In the Aceh Darussalalam. because of
the demands and aspiration of people of Aceh in Natural Resource Management, Economics and other
authorities was not accommodated by the government at that time.
Tsunami waves that struck the Aceh Darussalam 26Desember December 2004 in addition to cost the lives of
hundreds of thousands of human lives lost / died also had Devastated Causes Majority of the Mainland in the
Coastal Zone of Aceh, the damage and destruction of property, Resettlement, facilities and infrastructure of
government, education, houses of worship , and other public infrastructure.
Watershed management Krueng Jreu By integrated is a holistic approach in managing natural resources that aim
to improve the lives of communities in managing natural resources sustainably. Forestry department has
launched a new policy framework makes it possible to develop non-timber and environmental services business
based in forest concessions, licenses granted for restoration ecology, kosensi logged.
The recovery policy allows full integration of biological diversity conservation objectives into forest
management is innovative because it emphasizes conservation goals by requiring logging stopped production
and management prioritizes rehabilitation of natural ecosystems structure and function of the previous function
on the site.
Post-tsunami reconstruction projects have resulted in ± 18.435 ha of forest area in the watershed Krueng jreue
were damaged by illegal logging, this information we get from the surfey and direct recognition of the people
involved illegal wood, and before it is necessary to create a new disaster prevention and intensive recovery by
reason of it to achieve maximum results for this effort is expected the participation and assistance from smua
parties to facilitate the rehabilitation project of this jrue Krueng river forest.
Watershed is a hydro-geological unit which includes the area within a place of water delivery, Krueng jreu
watershed is the headwaters of the sebahagian of its water flows into irrigated rice fields and the rest is again
flowing into Krueng Aceh river flow downstream toward the town of Banda Aceh , forest rehabilitation Krueng
jreu watershed is in addition to improvement of life of rural farmers is also an effort to prevent flooding to the
city of Banda Aceh.
Krueng Jreu Indrapuri located in the district with a population of as much as ± 18 000 people and is the region
with the largest poverty rate in the district of Aceh Besar, Sebahagian of the population here to meet the needs
of life depend on natural resources that is by doing the logging, sand mining and working as farmers' fields, but
since the umumkannya laranggan illegal logging and sand mining using heavy equipment, creating
unemployment in the district of Indrapuri increases, watershed management program Krueng jreu will bring
new hope for economic improvement of society in the district of Indrapuri.
REHABILITATION AREA ± 18,435ha in Indrapuri District
Description Deforestation in% of the total acreage
Not Critical
Potential Critical
Moderately Critical
Very critical
Source: Ministry of forestry 2005.
The purpose of watershed rehabilitation program (Das) is the Integrated Community Helping to develop his
vision of what they want to watershed located in their area, for example in the next 10 years, and look for
strategies to achieve that vision. This program only provides the resources needed to implement critical
strategies that have been triggered by a trigger factor and institutional strengthening is required to fulfill that
The purpose of integrated watershed rehabilitation is an approach that involves the appropriate technology and
social strategies to maximize the development of land, forests, water and resources Institutional aims to meet
community needs on an ongoing basis. In other words watershed management aims for the public to enjoy the
natural resources that are healthier and more productive By Maintaining continuity so that prosperity and peace
in the lives of people stayed up until Kegenerasi in the Future. At the present time the population should not
longer be considered only beneficiary, but actively participated from the planning, budgeting and
implementation of activities in the field.
It is important in program management / integrated watershed rehabilitation is the presence of financing and
profit distribution proportionally among parties - the parties involved in implementing watershed management,
the desired goals and objectives clearly stated in
The general objective of integrated watershed management are:
(1). The implementation of coordination, integration, harmony in the planning, execution, control, monitoring
and evaluation of watershed.
(2). Controlled reciprocal relationship of natural resources and environment watershed by human activities to
the preservation of the environment and social welfare functions.
Watershed management objectives to be achieved is basically:
(1). Creation of watershed hydrological conditions are optimal.
(2). Increased productivity of land which was followed by improvement of community welfare.
(3). Orderly and institutional development in the implementation of watershed management and soil
(4). Increased awareness and sustain community participation in implementing sustainable watershed
(5). The realization of sustainable development and peace, environmentally sound and equitable.
Therefore, formulation and program management activities are aimed at the achievement goals and targets will
be adjusted to the problems faced by considering the paradigm shift in watershed management, and sosekbud
biophysical characteristics of watersheds, rules and regulations as well as basic principles of watershed
The current situation in the watershed Krueng jreu showed that almost all sub Das Krueng jreu now it's been
critical, even some of the flow had dried on the headwaters of Krueng jreu.
The impact of the shrinking of the water discharge is also seen in the irrigation dam, so the effect on the water
to the rice fields supplay society, according to the confession of one of the farmers, they have to work all night
to drain the water in order to enter kesawah his property, and disputes often arise among farmers because water
fight .
People living around the river no longer be able to use river water for bathing, because the flow of water that
has been very little, mossy, and can cause irritation and itching itching of the skin, even at the community wells
have dried up wells, it is disclosed residents of several villages in the district of Indrapuri.
The occurrence of erosion on river banks due to the impact of various activities have been very harmful to the
continuity and sustainability of river ecosystems surrounding infrastructure, the following will be described in
more systematically about some activities that are considered as the cause of the degradation process of water
resources in river basins Krueng jreu.
1. Ilegallogging.
In general it can be said of forest vegetation along the river flow has been very critical jreu Krueng, natural
forests are found in upstream areas generally have been damaged, due to illegal logging, this activity has
caused damage to the functioning of forest catchment rainfall (chatcmen area) which results in the high
fluctuation of water discharge and it ranged 95%, whereas under normal conditions of water discharge of a
watershed area ranges from 20-25%, with water conditions such as these will give a very bad impact, will
frequent occurrence of floods.
2.Burning Of Land.
Burning of land become a serious problem because it causes a lot of the government's reforestation program
to fail.
There are two reasons people set fire to land, the first reason related to "Shifting cultivation" or the habit of
shifting cultivation, which clears the secondary forest and bush to bush then burnt and made in the field, this
is common in the watershed Krueng jreu.
The second reason related to hunting activities, ie land that is generally composed of grass and shrub
vegetation burning bush in the dry season in the hope that the young grass will grow grass at the beginning
of the rainy season, this is done by people hunting animals for the coming memangcing deer, making it easier
for them to chase.
3.Sand Mining.
Post-tsunami, the activities of dredging sand from the rivers grow like mushrooms in the rainy season, these
activities are generally carried out by conventional and can be found in the watershed Krueng Aceh up to
the watershed Krueng jreu, Sebahagian using heavy equipment, even this activity is still performed in areas
that already have board ban on sand mining activities.
This activity has a very negative impact on the sustainability of vital public facilities infrastructure such as
bridges and so forth, also at the community wells have become dry.
The accumulation of all these damages is the reduction in quality and quantity of river water and the high
sendimentasi, due to lack of public awareness and other relevant parties about the importance of watershed
Krueng jreu as a source of life.
Campange or extension activities will be undertaken Rimueng aceh is to sensitize the public that an
integrated rehabilitation is to improve the local economy around the river Krueng jreu.
A number of recommendations given to interventions in the future:
1. Seeking political support. The politicians are making decisions that affect the allocation of
funds and the making of wisdom and law.
2. Multi-sector approach. By improving coordination with the Department of Government
(Forestry, Agriculture, Water Resources) and the Irrigation Department will be able to
identify all the problems of integration of watersheds and requests for intervention.
3. Extending the integration of an integrated long-term project. Reforestation, revegetation
and land conservation projects.
4. Agro-forestry. This depends on the area and cultural background of local communities,
crops such as betel nuts, cacao / chocolate, coconut, rubber and oil palm will be able to
produce revenue is economically and chocolate is a very well-known plant species. The
above plants can be managed by the mothers and chocolate for the current price is very good.
5. Mengitegrasi watershed. By involving all stakeholders will give the best effect on soil
conservation / water and living standards.
6. The law of land use for land neglected. This law made by the community will promote the
return of land, neglected to sow seed crops (annual crops).
An inventory was prepared for an integrated rehabilitation program on watershed Krueng
jreu relevant to the program undertaken.
In order to ensure the preservation of the watershed Krueng jreu, the conduct of this program follows the
basic principles of hydrology. In a watershed ecological system, consisting of primary input components of
rainfall, while the output component consists of flow rate and charge sendimen, including nutrients and
pollutants in it. DAS consists. DAS consists of the components of vegetation, soil, topography, water / river,
and humans serve as the processor.
Rehabilitation of Water Catchment Management Region (catchment area).
The form of utilization and conservation of natural resources in the catchment area (DTA) preferred to
increase the productivity of land in meeting the needs of goods and services for the community and at the
same time maintaining the sustainability of watershed ecosystems. The activity was conducted through land
use (spatial arrangement), in accordance with its allocation of land use (suitability of land, forest and land
rehabilitation that has been damaged, the application of soil conservation techniques, construction of
structures to control the destructive force of water, erosion and landslides). Also conducted monitoring
activities catchment conditions and evaluate the implementation of watershed management plans.
Water Resources Management.
1. Water Quantity Management (Water Supply)
a. Water Resources Development
Preparing the master plan of water resources development including water balance, which involves various
relevant agencies and to implement the construction of irrigation infrastructure (in accordance with the
assignment given) in order to optimize the utilization of water resources.
b. Drought Prediction
Monitoring and processing of hydrological data, make predictions possibility of drought (perhaps using
telemetry facilities and the help of computer simulations that are associated with national and international
c. Drought Response
Actively with the Department / Agencies involved in the PBA do Satkorlak-reduction efforts in times of
drought are not avoidable.
d. Water Use Permitting
Provide technical recommendations on the issuance of permits optimization of water use by taking into
account the benefits of the resources available.
e. Water Allocation
Develop the concept of the operation pattern of reservoir / water allocation for water allocation optimization.
f. Water Distribution
Controlling the distribution of water with offices / agencies associated with telemetry assistance to carry out
an assessment of water allocation.
Water Quality Management
a. Water Quality Control Plan
Joint Department / Related Agencies prepare master plans and medium term work program and annual
water pollution control and water quality improvement.
b. Water Quality Monitoring and Control
Under the master plan, conduct water quality monitoring and control involving the various relevant agencies.
Monitoring is conducted periodically (both river water quality and wastewater effluent dominant) and carry
out laboratory testing and evaluation of the test results. Recommendations given to the Local Government
(Governor and Bapedalda) in water pollution control efforts, enforcement of rules and improving river water
c. Provision of Maintenance Debit River
Based on the pattern of reservoir operation and / or field conditions, can provide a number of discharge
maintenance of the river after the Council approved the allocation of DAS Province.
d. Increased Carrying Capacity River
Implementation of increasing the carrying capacity of rivers by implementing control efforts at instream
(flushing, discharge provision of maintenance, increased assimilation ability of the river) and actively
participate in control activities in the off-stream (on the sources of pollution) through legal instruments or
economic instruments in addition to carrying out extension activities to increase the social control of society.
e. Together with other agencies / departments related to organizing coordinated the preparation and
implementation of pollution control programs and industrial and agricultural waste.
2.Maintenance of Irrigation Infrastructure
a. Preventive Maintenance
Perform routine maintenance, periodic and minor repairs to prevent damage to irrigation infrastructure that
is more severe.
b. Corrective Maintenance
Perform major repairs, rehabilitation and reaktifikasi in order to restore or enhance the function of irrigation
c. Emergency Maintenance
Make temporary repairs to be done immediately because the condition of urgent / emergency (because of its
flood damage etc.).
d. Observation Instrument Safety of Dams
Conduct dam safety observation instrument (phreatic line, pore pressure and deodorized) and analyze the
results of these observations to determine an impairment (settlement), seepage (seepage) or other physical
changes to the dam.
3.Flood Control
a. Flood Monitoring and Prediction
Monitoring and processing of hydrological data, making predictions of climate, weather and flooding by
using telemetry facilities and the help of computer simulations that are associated with national and
international databases.
b. Settings (distribution) and Flood Mitigation
Prepare guidelines applicable flood alert as a SOP (Standard Operation Procedure) flood control adopted by
all relevant agencies.
Flood control reservoir operation is done through the settings to accommodate the flood discharge, and
arrangements to distribute the water gate open so that floods can be reduced / avoided from disaster due to
c. Flood Mitigation
Participate actively with the Department / Agencies involved in the PBA do Satkorlak-reduction efforts
during the floods that can not be avoided.
d. Flood Damage Repairs
Together with related departments to do repairs for damage caused by floods are inevitable.
4.River Environmental Management
a. Planning Appropriation of Land Border Rivers Region
Joint departments / agencies arrange border delimitation and demarcation regional land use plan for the river
in accordance with the Regional Spatial Plan detailed in the framework of the observation function of a river.
b. Land Use Control Border River
Controlling and regulating land use in riverine areas with offices / agencies.
c. Conserving water biota
Effort to improve river conditions conducive to the growth of water biota.
d. The development of tourism, sports, and water transport
Developing the use of rivers and reservoirs for purposes of tourism, sports, working with relevant parties.
5.Community Empowerment
a. Program strengthening communities through the development of rural economy, thus increasing farmers'
b. Conservation of agricultural development programs, so it can function the production and preservation of
land and water resources.
c. Extension and transfer of technology to support agricultural conservation programs and increasing
awareness of society to participate in watershed management efforts.
d. Development of various forms of incentive (stimulus) either directly or indirectly incentives, in the form
of technical assistance, loans, which could spur increased agricultural production and soil and water
conservation efforts.
e. Efforts to develop independence and strengthen the bargaining position of the bottom layer of society, so
as to expand community empowerment and economic development of the people.
f. Monitoring and evaluation of socio-economic development of society, and the level of awareness in the
community participate in watershed management.
Eksekutife Director:
Hendy Jasril
Manager finance &
H.T.Panlima Suboh.Se
Manager of Research&
Deny Ferdiansyah.Ama
Institutional Strengthening
Ayah Pakeh.
Council Of Public Relations:
Zulfikar Nahdi
Technical Advisory Board & Control Program:
Mr. Hendy Jasril (Indrapuri Makmur Company)
Supported by
Department of Forestry and Plantations Aceh Besar District
Natural Resource Conservation Center in Aceh Province
Department of Forestry Aceh Province
Partners are expected to support of funding for this integrated rehabilitation program that will
bring new hope in improve the livelihoods the surrounding community.
road. T. Bakhtiar Commander Polem, Telphone (+62651) 92024, Fax(+62651)92044
: 522.1 / 317
:: Rekommendations
City Jantho, 17 Maret 2010
Dear :
Chairman of the Organization of Aceh Rimueng
In connection with your letter Number: Special, March 15, 2010 Recommendations
regarding the Request for permission, Explained In This Together Here:
1. Our party is very supportive of your program to carry out forest rehabilitation in the
Watershed Jreu Krueng Aceh Besar district, the extent not contrary to applicable
2. To avoid the occurrence of overlapping Rehabilitation Program on Regions, before
carrying out your activities have been coordinated with our party.
3. In order for the smooth operation of your Coordinate with various parties to get the
necessary support.
Similarly, for understandable for your cooperation pronounced Thank You.
1. BUPATI Aceh Besar.
2. DPRK Aceh Besar.
Project types are given in
Project name
Conservation of the watershed pattern of company participation in the
district of Aceh.
Name Of The Project
- District Government of Aceh.
- Rimueng Aceh Organization (Local NGO)
- Farmers Group Community (10 Villages)
Other function(s) of the project
- District Government: Policy and Facilitator
developer in the project
- Rimueng Aceh : Planning, Coordination, and supervisors
- Farmers Group Company: Implementation
Type of the project
Greenhouse gases targeted CO2
Type Activity
Decrease in CO2
Field of the activities
Reforestation and Enhancing Socio-Economic
local community
Location of the project
watershed district Aceh, which is ±25.5 kilometers from the city of Banda
Aceh and ±20 kilometers from the town of Aceh Besar district, is a sub das
upstream Krueng Aceh with the worst deforestation in Aceh Besar district.
Project Schedule:
Project Start
Time required for legal aspects
The time needed for development
Project life time
Expected first year of the CER delivery
Current status or phase of the project
The position of the Host Country to the Kyoto
Finance Total project costs estimate
Development costs
Other costs
Installed costs
Total project costs
Sources of the Finance identified
5 Months
7,5 years
10 years
Community Economic Development Implementations to
Program and Support funding
Signed and have demonstrated obvious sincerity towards
Local NGO (RAO) :
Rp 450.000.000;
Other Partner Support
Expected price of the CERs in case of
A period until 2016 (end of the first budget period)
Period of 10 years
23.964.200 Tons (assuming 1 hectare = 130 tons CO2 x 18.435 Hectares X 10 Years) X $ 5 =
$$ 119.827.500;
Technical summary of the project.
The main activities are rehabilitation projects Regional Forest River catchment area of 17,435 ha Watershed and
forestry on public land 1000 ha with crops. To reduce leakage, during the project will be "law enforcement" is
more than usually (emphasis on the prevention of repression). To ensure the economic community at the project
site, it falls in line with planting activities also will be increased economic activity in the form of agricultural
activities, fisheries and animal husbandry. The project is run by a group of farmers in the community who
coordinate and Supervised by non-governmental Society Rimueng Aceh by the government as advisory
techniques, and Policy Makers in operation it is also possible participation of other donors for funding and
project development. Before the project started, the first effort that has been done now is to resolve conflicts,
both internally and with the nature of the parties directly and indirectly influence of watershed management
Krueng jreu.
Expected environment benefits.
Expected environment benefits Estimated of Greenhouse Gasses Abated/CO2 sequestered (in tones ofCO2 –
Equivalents)10.000 Ton Co2
HLG Management Baseline scenario with forest rehabilitation
The occurrence of increasingly uncontrolled illegal logging
Drought and flood as well as her declining soil productivity
Disturbance of habitats of flora and fauna, local Socio-Economic Community.
Specific global and local environmental benefits.
Drought and flood And her productivity declined Land
Disturbance of habitats of flora and fauna and local Socio-Economic Society
Reduced smoke pollution
Local benefits
Create jobs, increase income communities, reduced conflict, environmental conditions, the better.
Create better micro-climate
Global benefits
Improved habitat for flora and fauna
Lack of smoke pollution.
Social and economic aspects
social and economic effects can be attributed to the project and which would not have occurred in a comparable
situation without that project.
The presence of success and increased business from farmer groups and increasing security in society, and can
automatically increase the level of welfare of local communities.
The possible direct effects (o.n., employment creation, capital required foreign exchange effects )
The addition of income generating community and the addition of new jobs(a promising alternative
employment) and There enrichment system / ecosystem of flora and fauna
The possible other effects are For example:
- training / education associated with the introduction of new processes, technologies and
products and/or
- the effects of a project on other industries
The existence of trainings in the fields of agriculture, livestock, fisheries and home industries and Other types of
training that can support programs are comprehensive and holistic.
Environmental Strategy / Priorities of the host country
The existence of local institutions that have capacity to do the bargaining position good.
Nomor : 107 AB / GUBERNUR 1. 10/2012
Menimbang : a. bahwa Sumber Daya Alam merupakan Anugerah Allah Yang Maha Kuasa dan
mempunyai Kedudukan serta peranan penting bagi kehidupan, oleh sebab itu perlu di
Kelola dan di manfaatkan secara Adil dan Berkelanjutan;
b. bahwa Sumber Daya Alam sebagai komponen lingkungan hidup yang perlu dijaga
kelestarian fungsinya sehingga tetap mampu menunjang pembangunan yang
berkelanjutan dan berwawasan lingkungan;
c. bahwa berdasarkan Qanun Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Nomor 20 dan 21,
telah di Sertivikasi oleh Direktoriat Jendral Perlindungan Hutan dan Konservasi Alam
nomor:KT.31/BKSDA ACEH-/KONS/2008 Terhadap kegiatan Daerah pada areal
Hutan Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam atas nama “Organisasi Rimueng Aceh”
(Yayasan Teuku Panglima Cut Ladang Rimba) kabupaten Aceh Besar, ProvinsiAceh;
d. bahwa berdasarkan surat Pemerintah Kabupaten Aceh Besar nomor : 520/1.22.2010
Kecamatan Indrapuri, telah dilakukan evaluasi di lapangan oleh Tim yang terdiri dari
unsur Dinas Kehutanan dan Perkebunan Unit Pelaksana Teknis terkait(BPDAS dan
BPKH)Yang membidangi bidang kehutanan di Pemerintah Provinsi Aceh dan
Kabupaten Aceh Besar;
e. bahwa berdasarkan surat Dinas Kehutanan dan Perkebunan Nomor: S.522.I/317.2010
tanggal 17 Maret 2010 setelah dilakukan telaahan dan perhitungan luas terhadap
Areal Kerja Hutan konservasi di Kabupaten Aceh Besar,berdasarkan peta penunjukan
Kawasan Hutan Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam seluas + 18.435 hektar, Terdiri
dari Hutan Lindung (HL) seluas + 17.286 hektar dan Hutan Produksi tetap (HP) seluas
+1.149 hektar;
f. bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimana dimaksud di atas, perlu menetapkan
Keputusan Gubernur Aceh tentang Penetapan Areal Pengelolaan Hutan Konservasi
seluas : 18.435 hektar di Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Provinsi Aceh;
1. Undang-undang Nomor :24 Tahun 1956 tentang Pembentukan Daerah Otonom
Provinsi ACEH dan Perubahan Peraturan Pembentukan Provinsi
Sumatra Utara (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun
1956 Nomor 64 Tambahan Lembaran Negara 1103);
2. Undang-undang Nomor :11 Tahun 1974 tentang Pengairan (Lembaran Negara Republik
Indonesia Tahun 1974 Nomor 65, Tambahan Lembaran Negara
Nomor 3186);
3. Undang-undang Nomor : 5 Tahun 1990 tentang Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam Hayati dan
Ekosistemnya (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1990
Nomor 49, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Nomor 3419);
4. Undang-undang Nomor : 12 Tahun 1992 tentang system Budidaya Tanaman (Lembaran
Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1992 Nomor 46, Tambahan
Lembaran Negara Nomor 3478);
5. Undang-undang Nomor :5 Tahun 1994 tentang Pengesahan United Nations Convention on
Biological Diversity (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun
1994 Nomor 41);
6. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor : 7 Tahun 1999 tentang Pengawetan Jenis Tumbuhan dan Satwa
(Lembaran Negara Repoblik Indonesia Tahun 1999 Nomor 14,
Tambahan Lembaran Negara Nomor 3803);
7. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor : 8 Tahun 1999 Tentang Pemanfaatan jenis Tumbuhan dan
Satwa Liar (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1999
Nomor 15, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Nomor 3802);
1 Rekomendasi Ijin Pengusahaan Hutan Konservasi Nomor 522.1/317-2010 tanggal 17Maret
2010 atas nama Yayasan “Teuku Panglima Cut Ladang Rimba” Kabupaten Aceh Besar;
2 Surat Yayasan Teuku Panglima Cut Ladang Rimba tanggal 27 Desember 2011 perihal
Pemulihan Izin Areal Kerja AK-HK, Kabupaten Aceh Besar;
3 Berita Acara Hasil Evaluasi Pengelolaan Hutan Konservasi atas Ijin sementara Yayasan
Teuku Panglima Cut Ladang Rimba, Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Provinsi Aceh Nomor
4/YTPLR131-2011 tanggal 31Januari 2011;
4 Surat Direktoriat Jenderal Perlindungan Hutan dan Konservasi Alam Nomor
KT31/BKSDAACEH-1/KONS/2008 tanggal 20 November 2008 perihal Sertifikasi dan
Rekomendasi Areal Kerja Konservasi dan Hutan Desa;
:Kawasan Hutan seluas: 18.435 (delapan belas ribu empat ratus tiga puluh lima)
Hektar yang terdiri dari Hutan Produksi Tetap (HP) seluas +1.149 hektar dan Hutan
Lindung seluas + 17.286 hektar di Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Provinsi Aceh di tetapkan
Sebagai Areal Kerja Hutan Konservasi Kabupaten Aceh Besar.
:Areal kerja Hutan Konservasi Kemasyarakatan sebagaimana dimaksud Amar KESATU
Adalah Sebagaimana Terlukis pada Peta lampiran eputusan ini.
:Areal kerja Hutan Konservasi sebagaimana dimaksud pada Amar KEDUA, digunakan
Sebagai Dasar pemberian Izin Usaha Pemanfaatan Hutan Konservasi (IUPHK) oleh
Gubernur Aceh, dengan memperhatikan kesiapan kelembagaan kelompok kerja calon
Penerima Izin.
:IUPHHBK-HK diterbitkan untuk kegiatan pemanfaatan Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu dan
Jasa Lingkungan.
:Pemanfaatan hasil Hutan kayu pada Areal Kerja Hutan Konservasi dilakukan oleh
Pemegang AKHK pada kawasan Hutan Produksi setelah mendapat IUPHHK-HK dari
Gubernur Aceh.
:Untuk mendapatkan IUPHHK-HK wajib menyampaikan Rencana Umum Hutan
Konservasi dan Rencana Pemanfaatan Hasil Hutan Kayu yang disahkan oleh instansi
Pemerintah kabupaten yang membidangi kehutanan kepada Gubernur Aceh.
:Pemerintah Kabupaten berkewajiban mempersiapkan kelembagaan kelompok
Masyarakat dengan memfasilitasi peningkatan kapasitas kelembagaan
Masyarakat calon penerima IUPHK.
KEDELAPAN :Keputusan ini mulai berlaku sejak tanggal ditetapkan.
Salinan sesuai dengan aslinya
Kepala Biro Hukum dan Organisasi,
Ditetapkan di : Banda Aceh Pada tanggal : 10 Januari 2012
SalinanKeputusanini disampaikan KepadaYth. :
1. Bupati Aceh Besar;
2. Kepala Pusat Pengendalian Pembangunan Kehutanan Regional I;
3. Kepala Dinas Kehutanandan Perkebunan Provinsi Aceh;
4. Kepala Dinas Kehutanan dan Perkebunan Kabupaten Aceh Besar.
Bagian Kesatu
Pasal 1
Dalam keputusan ini yang dimaksud dengan:
1. Hutan Kemasyarakatan adalah hutan negara dengan sistem pengelolaan hutan yang bertujuan untuk
memberdayakan masyarakat setempat tanpa mengganggu fungsi pokoknya.
2. Pemanfaatan Hutan adalah bentuk kegiatan untuk memperoleh manfaat optimal dari hutan untuk
kesejahteraan seluruh masyarakat dalam pemanfaatan kawasan, pemanfaatan jasa lingkungan,
pemanfaatan hasil hutan kayu, pemanfaatan hasil hutan bukan kayu, pemungutan hasil hutan kayu, dan
pemungutan hasil hutan bukan kayu.
3. Wilayah Pengelolaan Hutan Kemasyarakatan adalah kawasan hutan yang ditetapkan oleh Menteri untuk
kegiatan hutan kemasyarakatan.
4. Lokasi Hutan Kemasyarakatan adalah bagian dari wilayah pengelolaan hutan kemasyarakatan yang
dikelola oleh masyarakat setempat sebagai hutan kemasyarakatan berdasarkan izin yang diberikan oleh
5. Izin Kegiatan Hutan Kemasyarakatan adalah izin yang diberikan oleh Bupati/Walikota kepada
masyarakat setempat untuk melakukan pengelolaan hutan kemasyarakatan.
6. Fasilitasi adalah penyelenggaraan pemberdayaan masyarakat setempat dalam pengelolaan hutan
kemasyarakatan dengan cara pendampingan, pelatihan, penyuluhan, bantuan teknik, bantuan
permodalan, dan atau bantuan informasi sehingga masyarakat dapat melakukan kegiatan secara mandiri
dalam mengembangkan kelembagaan, sumber daya manusia, jaringan mitra kerja, permodalan, dan atau
pemasaran hasil.
7. Masyarakat Setempat adalah kesatuan sosial yang terdiri dari warga negara Republik Indonesia yang
tinggal di dalam dan atau sekitar hutan, yang membentuk komunitas, yang didasarkan pada kesamaan
mata pencaharian yang berkaitan dengan hutan, kesejarahan, keterikatan tempat tinggal, serta
pengaturan tata tertib kehidupan bersama.
8. Forum Pemerhati Kehutanan adalah mitra Pemerintah dan pemerintah daerah untuk meningkatkan
peranserta masyarakat dalam pengurusan hutan dan berfungsi merumuskan serta mengelola persepsi,
aspirasi, dan inovasi masyarakat sebagai masukan bagi pemerintah dan pemerintah daerah dalam rangka
perumusan kebijaksanaan, yang terdiri dari organisasi profesi kehutanan, tokoh-tokoh masyarakat,
pemerhati kehutanan, serta forum hutan kemasyarakatan.
Bagian Kedua
Azas, Tujuan dan Ruang Lingkup
Pasal 2
Hutan kemasyarakatan diselenggarakan dengan berazaskan kelestarian fungsi hutan dari aspek ekosistem,
kesejahteraan masyarakat yang berkelanjutan, pengelolaan sumber daya alam yang demokratis, keadilan sosial,
akuntabilitas publik, serta kepastian hukum.
Pasal 3
Penyelenggaraan hutan kemasyarakatan bertujuan untuk memberdayakan masyarakat setempat dalam
pengelolaan hutan, dengan tetap menjaga kelestarian fungsi hutan dan lingkungan hidup dalam rangka
meningkatkan kesejahteraannya.
Pasal 4
(1) Ruang lingkup penyelenggaraan hutan kemasyarakatan meliputi pengaturan tugas dan fungsi serta tanggung
jawab pemerintah, pemerintah daerah, dan masyarakat dalam aspek-aspek penetapan wilayah pengelolaan,
penyiapan masyarakat, perizinan, pengelolaan, dan pengendalian.
(2) Aspek-aspek penyelenggaraan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dilaksanakan sebagai satu kesatuan
mulai dari penetapan wilayah pengelolaan, penyiapan masyarakat, perizinan, pengelolaan, sampai dengan
Pasal 5
(1) Penetapan wilayah pengelolaan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 4 merupakan upaya untuk menetapkan
wilayah pengelolaan hutan kemasyarakatan yang layak menurut pertimbangan ketergantungan masyarakat
setempat pada kawasan hutan di sekitarnya.
(2) Kawasan hutan yang dapat ditetapkan sebagai wilayah pengelolaan hutan kemasyarakatan adalah kawasan
hutan lindung dan kawasan hutan produksi yang tidak dibebani izin lain di bidang kehutanan.
Pasal 6
Wilayah pengelolaan hutan kemasyarakatan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 5 adalah kawasan hutan yang:
1. Menjadi sumber penghidupan masyarakat setempat, dan
2. Memiliki potensi untuk dikelola oleh masyarakat setempat.
Pasal 7
(1) Penetapan wilayah pengelolaan hutan kemasyarakatan dilakukan melalui kegiatan inventarisasi dan
identifikasi oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota.
(2) Kegiatan inventarisasi dan identifikasi sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) meliputi aspek-aspek:
1. Sumber daya hutan terutama potensi kayu, potensi hasil hutan bukan kayu, potensi wisata, potensi jasa
lingkungan, keadaan penggunaan lahan, potensi lahan.
2. Sosial ekonomi masyarakat setampat terutama mata pencaharian/sumber pendapatan, sejarah masyarakat,
tingkat kesejahteraan, kepemilikan lahan
(3) Ketentuan lebih lanjut tentang inventarisasi dan identifikasi wilayah cadangan pengelolaan hutan
kemasyarakatan diatur tersendiri dengan Keputusan Menteri.
Ditetapkan di : JAKARTA
Pada tanggal : 12 Pebruari 2001
Salinan Keputusan ini
Disampaikan kepada Yth. :
Para Gubernur di seluruh Indonesia
Para Bupati/Walikota di seluruh Indonesia
Para Pejabat Eselon I lingkup Departemen Kehutanan di Jakarta
Para Kepala Kantor Wilayah lingkup Departemen Kehutanan di seluruh Indonesia
Para Kepala Dinas Kehutanan Propinsi di seluruh Indonesia
Para Kepala Dinas PKT/Kehutanan Kabupaten di seluruh Indonesia
Para Kepala Balai/Unit RLKT di seluruh Indonesia