a file

Java Files and JavaStreams
 Data stored in variables and arrays is temporary
it’s lost when a local variable goes out of scope or when
the program terminates.
 For long-term retention of data, even after the
programs that create the data terminate, computers
use files.
 You use files every day for tasks such as writing a
document or creating a spreadsheet.
 Computers store files on secondary storage devices,
including hard disks, flash drives, DVDs and more.
 Data maintained in files is persistent data
it exists beyond the duration of program execution.
Data can be stored in text files and binary
We can retrieve information about files and
directories using classes Paths and Files and
interfaces Path and DirectoryStream (all from
package java.nio.file)
Consider the mechanisms for writing data to and
reading data from files.
Read and Write Object with Files
Working with text files allows you to quickly
and easily start manipulating files.
It’s difficult to read data from text files back
into object form.
Java (and many other object oriented
lang.)provides ways to write objects to and
read objects from files
They are known as object serialization and
Files and Streams
 Java views each file as a sequential stream of bytes
Java’s view of a file of n bytes
 Every operating system provides a mechanism to
determine the end of a file such as
 an end-of-file marker or
a count of the total bytes in the file
that’s recorded in a system-maintained administrative data
Files and Streams
A Java program processing a stream of bytes
simply receives an indication from the operating
system when it reaches the end of the stream
The program does not need to know how the
underlying platform represents files or streams.
in some cases, the end-of-file indication occurs as an
 in others, the indication is a return value from a
method invoked on a stream-processing object.
Java’s NIO APIs also include classes and interfaces
implement so-called channel-based architecture for
high-performance I/O.
Byte-Based and Character-Based Streams
File streams can be used to input and output data as bytes
or characters.
 Byte-based streams output and input data in its binary
a char is two bytes, an int is four bytes, a double is eight
bytes, etc.
 Character-based streams output and input data as a
sequence of characters in which every character is two
the number of bytes for a given value depends on the
number of characters in that value.
 For example, the value 2000000000 requires 20 bytes (10 characters
at two bytes per character) but the value 7 requires only two bytes (1
character at two bytes per character).
Byte-Based and Character-Based Streams
 Files created using byte-based streams are referred to as
binary files
Binary files are read by programs that understand the file’s
specific content and its ordering
 Files created using character-based streams are referred
to as text files.
Text files can be read by text editors
 A numeric value in a binary file can be used in
 The character 5 is simply a character that can be used in
a string of text, as in "Sarah Miller is 15 years old".
Standard Input, Standard Output and
Standard Error Streams
A Java program opens a file by creating an object
and associating a stream of bytes or characters
with it.
The object’s constructor interacts with the
operating system to open the file.
Java can also associate streams with different
When a Java program begins executing, it creates
three stream objects that are associated with
System.in, System.out and System.err.
Standard Input, Standard Output and
Standard Error Streams
 The System.in (standard input stream) object normally
enables a program to input bytes from the keyboard.
 Object System.out (the standard output stream object)
normally enables a program to output character data to the
 Object System.err (the standard error stream object)
normally enables a program to output character-based
error messages to the screen.
 Each stream can be redirected.
 For System.in, this capability enables the program to read bytes
from a different source.
 For System.out and System.err, it enables the output to be
sent to a different location, such as a file on disk.
 Class System provides methods setIn, setOut and setErr to
redirected the standard input, output and error streams.
The java.io and java.nio Packages
Java programs perform stream-based processing
with classes and interfaces from package java.io
and the subpackages of java.nio
Java’s New I/O APIs that were first introduced in
Java SE 6
There are also other packages throughout the
Java APIs containing classes and interfaces based
on those in the java.io and java.nio packages.
Character-based input and output
Character-based input and output can be
performed with classes Scanner and
Scanner also can read data from a file.
Class Formatter enables formatted data to be
output to any text-based stream in a manner
similar to method System.out.printf.
Using NIO Classes and Interfaces to
Get File and Directory Information
Interfaces Path and DirectoryStream and
classes Paths and Files (all from package
java.nio.file) are useful for retrieving
information about files and directories on disk:
 Path interface—Objects of classes that implement
this interface represent the location of a file or
Path objects do not open files or provide any fileprocessing capabilities.
Paths class—Provides static methods used to get a
Path object representing a file or directory location.
Using NIO Classes and Interfaces to Get
File and Directory Information
Files class:Provides static methods for common file
and directory manipulations
such as copying files
creating and deleting files and directories
getting information about files and directories
 reading the contents of files
getting objects that allow you to manipulate the
contents of files and directories
DirectoryStream interface: Objects of classes that
implement this interface enable a program to
iterate through the contents of a directory.
Creating Path Objects
We use class static method get of class Paths to
convert a String representing a file’s or directory’s
location into a Path object.
We can then use the methods of interface Path and
class Files to determine information about the
specified file or directory.
For complete lists of their methods
Absolute vs.Relative Paths
 A file or directory’s path specifies its location on disk.
 The path includes some or all of the directories leading
to the file or directory.
 An absolute path contains all directories, starting with
the root directory, that lead to a specific file or directory.
Every file or directory on a particular disk drive has the same
root directory in its path.
 A relative path is “relative” to another directory
Relative path is defined as path related to the present
working directory
 If the file is in the same location as you are in you can just write it’s
file name – extension included.
A path relative to the directory in which the application
began executing.
 Relative URLs are more convenient because they are shorter and
often more portable
<a href="foobar.html"> The real world </a>
Getting Path Objects from URIs
 An overloaded version of Files static method get uses a URI
object to locate the file or directory.
 A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a more general form of
the Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) that are used to locate
 the URL http://www.deitel.com/
is the URL for the Deitel & Associates website.
 URIs for locating files vary across operating systems.
On Windows platforms, the URI
identifies the file data.txt stored in the root directory of the C:
On UNIX/Linux platforms, the URI file:/home/student/data.txt
identifies the file data.txt stored in the home directory of the
user student.
Example: Getting File and Directory
The following program prompts the user
i)to enter a file or directory name
ii)uses classes Paths, Path, Files and
DirectoryStream to output information about
that file or directory.
Example: Getting File and Directory
// File class used to obtain file and directory
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class FileAndDirectoryInfo {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
/*The program begins by prompting the user for a file or directory
// create Path object based on user input
System.out.println("Enter file or directory name:"
Path path =Paths.get(input.nextLine());
/* inputs the filename or directory name and passes it to Paths static method get,
which converts the String to a Path*/
/output: Enter file or directory name: c:\examples\8May
if (Files.exists(path))
// if path exists, output info about it
/* invokes Files static method exists, which receives a Path and determines
whether it exists (either as a file or as a directory) on disk.
// display file (or directory) information
System.out.printf("%n%s exists%n", path.getFileName()) ;
/*Path method getFileName) gets the String name of the file or
directory without any location information*/
//output: 8May exists
System.out.printf("%s a directory%n", Files.isDirectory(path) ?
"Is" : "Is not");
/* Files static method isDirectory receives a Path and returns a
boolean indicating whether that Path represents a directory on disk */
//output: Is a directory
System.out.printf("%s an absolute path%n", path.isAbsolute() ?
"Is" : "Is not");
/* Path method isAbsolute returns a boolean indicating whether
that Path represents an absolute path to a file or directory.
//output:Is an absolute path
System.out.printf("Last modified: %s%n",
/*Files static method getLastModifiedTime (receives a Path
and returns a FileTime (package java.nio.file.attribute)
indicating when the file was last modified.
The program outputs the FileTime’s default String
//output:Last modified: 2015-05-08T19:50:00.838256Z
/*Files static method size receives a Path and returns a long
representing the number of bytes in the file or directory.
For directories, the value returned is platform specific.*/
//output:Size: 4096
System.out.printf("Path: %s%n", path);
/*Path method toString (called implicitly at this line)
returns a String representing the Path.*/
//output: Path: c:\examples\8May
System.out.printf("Absolute path: %s%n",
/*Path method toAbsolutePath converts the Path on
which it’s called to an absolute path*/
/output:Absolute path: c:\examples\8May
if (Files.isDirectory(path)) // output directory listing
{ System.out.printf("%nDirectory contents:%n");
// object for iterating through a directory's contents
DirectoryStream <Path> directoryStream
/*If the Path represents a directory , we use Files static method
newDirectoryStream to get a DirectoryStream<Path> containing
Path objects for the directory’s contents*/
for (Path p : directoryStream)
/*display the String representation of each Path in the
DirectoryStream<Path>. Note that DirectoryStream is a
generic type like ArrayList */
} }
//output:Directory contents: C:\examples\8May\bir
else // not file or directory, output error message
System.out.printf("%s does not exist%n", path);
/*If the name does not exist, a message is displayed
containing the Path’s String representation followed
by “does not exist.” */
} // end main
} // end class FileAndDirectoryInfo
Output of an Another Run of the
Enter file or directory name:
FileAndDirectoryInfo.java exists
Is not a directory
Is an absolute path
Last modified: 2015-05-08T19:59:01.848255Z
Size: 2952
Path: C:\examples\8May\bir\FileAndDirectoryInfo.java
Absolute path:
Separator Characters
A separator character is used to separate
directories and files in a path.
On a Windows computer, the separator character
is a backslash (\).
On a Linux or Mac OS X system, it’s a forward
slash (/).
Java processes both characters identically in a path
For example, if we were to use the path
c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11\demo/jfc
Sequential-Access Text Files
We create and manipulate sequential-access
files in which records are stored in order by
the record-key field.
We begin with text files, enabling the reader
to quickly create and edit human-readable
We discuss creating, writing data to, reading
data from and updating sequential-access text
Creating a Sequential-Access Text File
Java imposes no structure on a file
Notions such as records do not exist as part of the
Java language.
Therefore, you must structure files to meet
the requirements of your applications.
In the following example, we see how to
impose a keyed record structure on a file.
Example of keyed record structure on a file
The program creates a simple sequentialaccess file
It might be used in an accounts receivable system
to keep track of the amounts owed to a company
by its credit clients.
 For each client, the program obtains from the
user an account number and the client’s name
and balance
i.e., the amount the client owes the company for
goods and services received
 Each client’s data constitutes a “record” for
that client.
Example of keyed record structure on a file
This application uses the account number as the
record key
the file’s records will be created and maintained in accountnumber order.
 The program assumes that the user enters the records
in account-number order
In a comprehensive accounts receivable system (based
on sequential-access files), a sorting capability would
be provided so that the user could enter the records in
any order
The records would then be sorted and written to the
// Writing data to a sequential text file with class
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.lang.SecurityException;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.FormatterClosedException;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class CreateTextFile
/*Class CreateTextFile uses a Formatter to output
formatted Strings, using the same formatting capabilities
as method System.out.printf. */
private static Formatter output;
/* Formatter object can output to various locations, such
as to a command window or to a file*/
// outputs text to a file
public static void main(String[] args)
// open file clients.txt
public static void openFile() {
/*The Formatter object is instantiated in method openFile
try { output = new Formatter("clients.txt"); // open the file
/*The constructor takes one argument—a String containing the name of the
file, including its path. This is RELATIVE PATH */
/*If a path is not specified, as is the case here, the JVM assumes that the file
is in the directory from which the program was executed*/
/*If the file does not exist, it will be created.
If an existing file is opened, its contents are truncated—all the data in the file
is discarded*/
} catch (SecurityException securityException) {
System.err.println("Write permission denied. Terminating.");
System.exit(1); // terminate the program
catch (FileNotFoundException fileNotFoundException) {
System.err.println("Error opening file. Terminating.");
System.exit(1); // terminate the program
/*If no exception occurs, the file is open for writing and the resulting
Formatter object can be used to write data to the file.*/
The Usage of Exceptions
 The first catch lines handle the SecurityException
 it occurs if the user does not have permission to write data to
the file
 The second cach lines handle the FileNotFoundException,
it occurs if the file does not exist and a new file cannot be
This exception may also occur if there’s an error opening the
 In both exception handlers we call static method
System.exit and pass the value 1.
 This method terminates the application.
An argument of 0 to method exit indicates successful program
The Usage of Exceptions
 A nonzero value, such as 1 in this example, normally
indicates that an error has occurred.
 This value is passed to the command window that executed
the program.
 The argument is useful if the program is executed from a
batch file on Windows systems or a shell script on
UNIX/Linux/Mac OS X systems.
 Batch files and shell scripts offer a convenient way of
executing several programs in sequence.
 When the first program ends, the next program begins
 It’s possible to use the argument to method exit in a batch
file or shell script to determine whether other programs
should execute.
/*Method addRecords ( prompts the user to enter the
various fields for each record or the end-of-file key
sequence when data entry is complete .*/
public static void addRecords() {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
//the following line prompt the user for input
System.out.printf("%s%n%s%n? ",
"Enter account number, first name, last name and balance.",
"Enter end-of-file indicator to end input.");
while (input.hasNext()) {
// loop until end-of-file indicator
/*uses Scanner method hasNext to determine whether the end-of-file
key combination has been entered.
The loop executes until hasNext encounters end-of-file.*/
// output new record to file; assumes valid input
output.format("%d %s %s %.2f%n",
input.nextInt(), input.next(), input.next(),
/*use a Scanner to read data from the user,
then output the data as a record using the Formatter
The record’s information is output using method format,
which can perform identical formatting to the
System.out.printf */
The method format
Method format outputs a formatted String to the
output destination of the Formatter object—the
file clients.txt.
The format string "%d %s %s %.2f%n" indicates
the current record will be stored as an integer (the
account number) followed by a String (the first name),
another String (the last name) and a floating-point
value (the balance).
Each piece of information is separated from the
next by a space, and the double value (the
balance) is output with two digits to the right of
the decimal point (as indicated by the .2 in %.2f).
catch (FormatterClosedException formatterClosedException)
System.err.println("Error writing to file. Terminating.");
/*Each Scanner input method throws a NoSuchElementException if the
data is in the wrong format (e.g., a String when an int is expected)
or if there’s no more data to input.*/
catch (NoSuchElementException elementException)
System.err.println("Invalid input. Please try again.");
input.nextLine(); // discard input so user can try again
/* When the following lines execute, if the Formatter object is closed, a
FormatterClosedException will be thrown
*/This exception is handled in last two lines of close file method (right
System.out.print("? ");
} // end while
} // end method addRecords
/*method closeFile, which closes the Formatter
and the underlying output file.
closes the object by simply calling method
public static void closeFile()
if (output != null)
} } // end class CreateTextFile
System.out.print("? ");
What does it do?
System.out.print("? ");
code line is run after every invocation process of
the method format; in other words after each
execution of the
output.format(…,…,….,……) line.
Since the specification of the method format
(last declaration is %n) , ? is seen at the
beginning of each output data.
Question: Is the first ? is written from the printf
function that is written after Scanner object?
Writing data to a sequential text file with
class Formatter
Enter account number, first name, last name and
Enter end-of-file indicator to end input.
? 100 Bob Blue 24.98
? 200 Steve Green -345.67
? 300 Pam White 0.00
? 400 Sam Red -42.16
? 500 Sue Yellow 224.62
? ^Z (end-of file key combination in Windows)
The key combinations for entering end-of-file for
various computer systems
The sample data for this application
The user enters information for five accounts,
then enters end-of-file to signal that data
entry is complete.
 The sample output does not show how the
data records actually appear in the file.
Reading Data from a Sequential-Access
Text File
The next example shows how to read data
sequentially from a text file.
We demonstrate how class Scanner can be
used to input data from a file rather than the
The next application reads records from the
file "clients.txt" created by the previous
application and displays the record contents.
a Scanner will be used to retrieve input from
the file
Reading a text file &
Displaying each record
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.IllegalStateException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ReadTextFile
private static Scanner input;
public static void main(String[] args)
{ openFile();
closeFile(); }
// open file clients.txt
public static void openFile()
input = new Scanner(Paths.get("clients.txt"));
catch (IOException ioException) {
System.err.println("Error opening file. Terminating.");
//read record from file
public static void readRecords()
System.out.printf("%-10s%-12s%-12s%10s%n", "Account", "First Name",
"Last Name", "Balance");
while (input.hasNext()) // while there is more to read
// display record contents
input.nextInt(), input.next(), input.next(), input.nextDouble());
catch (NoSuchElementException elementException)
{ System.err.println("File improperly formed. Terminating.");
catch (IllegalStateException stateException)
System.err.println("Error reading from file. Terminating.");
} // end method readRecords
// close file and terminate application
public static void closeFile()
if (input != null)
} // end class ReadTextFile
Sequential File Reading Using a Scanner
First Name Last Name Balance
Explanation Step by Step
Method openFile opens the file for reading
by instantiating a Scanner object
We pass a Path object to the constructor
 it specifies that the Scanner object will read from the
file "clients.txt" located in the directory from which the
application executes. (relative path)
If the file cannot be found, an IOException occurs.
Explanation Step by Step
Method readRecords reads and displays records
from the file.
Headers are displayed for the columns in the
application’s output.
Data is read and displayed from the file until the endof-file marker is reached until the method hasNext
will return false
Scanner methods nextInt, next and nextDouble are
used to input an int (the account number), two
Strings (the first and last names) and a double value
(the balance).
Each record is one line of data in the file.
Explanation Step by Step
 If the information in the file is not properly formed ,a
NoSuchElementException occurs when the record is
 If the Scanner was closed before the data was input, an
IllegalStateException occurs
 The account number, first name and last name are left
justified, as the format string while the balance is
right justified and output with two digits of precision.
 Each iteration of the loop inputs one line of text from
the text file
it represents one record.
 We define method closeFile, which closes the Scanner.
Explanation Step by Step
When the data was output to disk, certain
information was lost, such as the type of each
For instance, if the value "3" is read from a
file, there’s no way to tell whether it came
from an int, a String or a double.
We have only data, not type information, on a