MGMT5_CH09_INST - Cal State LA

Designing Adaptive
© 2012 Cengage Learning
1. describe the departmentalization approach to
organizational structure
2. explain organizational authority
3. discuss the different methods for job design
4. explain the methods that companies are using
to redesign internal organizational processes
(i.e., intraorganizational processes)
5. describe the methods that companies are using
to redesign external organizational processes
(i.e., interorganizational processes).
© 2012 Cengage Learning
Structure and Process
• Organizational structure
– the vertical and horizontal configuration of
departments, authority, and jobs within a company
• Organizational process
– the collection of activities that transform inputs into
outputs that customers value
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Sony Corporation’s
Organizational Chart
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Process View of
Microsoft’s Organization
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Designing Organizational
1. describe the departmentalization approach
to organizational structure
2. explain organizational authority
3. discuss the different methods for job design
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• Functional
• Product
• Customer
• Geographic
• Matrix
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• Advantages
– allows work done by highly qualified specialists
– lowers costs by reducing duplication
– makes communication and coordination easier
• Disadvantages
– cross-department coordination can be difficult
– may lead to slower decision making
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Product Departmentalization
• Advantages
– allows people to specialize in one area of expertise
– makes it easier to assess performance
– makes decision making faster
• Disadvantages
– duplication
– coordination across different product departments
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Product Departmentalization:
United Technologies
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Customer Departmentalization
• Advantages
– focuses organization on customer needs
– allows companies to specialize products and services
to customer needs
• Disadvantages
– duplication of resources
– workers might please customers but hurt business
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Customer Departmentalization:
Swisscomm AG
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Geographic Departmentalization
• Advantages
– helps companies respond to different markets
– reduces costs by locating unique resources closer to
• Disadvantages
– duplication of resources
– difficult to coordinate departments
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Departmentalization: AB
InBev Company
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Matrix Departmentalization
• Advantages
– allows companies to efficiently manage large,
complex tasks
– gives much more diverse set of expertise and
• Disadvantages
– requires a high level of duplication
– confusion and conflict between project bosses
– requires much more management skill
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Matrix Departmentalization:
Procter & Gamble
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Chain of Command
• Chain of command
– the vertical line of authority that clarifies who reports
to whom throughout the organization
• Unity of command
– workers should report to just one boss
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• Line authority
• Staff authority
• Line function
• Staff function
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Delegation: Responsibility,
Authority, and Accountability
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Degree of Centralization
• Centralization of authority
• Decentralization
• Standardization
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Advantages of Decentralization
• Develops employee capabilities
• Faster decision making
• More satisfied employees and customers
• Better employee performance
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Job Specialization
• Job comprises a smaller part of a larger task
• Easy to learn
• Low variety
• High repetition
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Job Rotation, Enlargement,
• Rotation
• Enlargement
• Enrichment
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Job Characteristics Model
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Internal Motivation
• Experience work as meaningful
• Experience responsibility for work outcomes
• Knowledge of results
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Core Job Characteristics
• Skill variety
• Task identity
• Task significance
• Autonomy
• Feedback
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To Increase Internal Motivation
• Combine tasks
• Natural work units
• Establish client relationships
• Vertical loading
• Open feedback channels
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Designing Organizational
4. explain the methods that companies are
using to redesign internal organizational
processes (i.e., intraorganizational processes)
5. describe the methods that companies are
using to redesign external organizational
processes (i.e., interorganizational processes)
© 2012 Cengage Learning
Intraorganizational Processes
The collection of activities that take place within an
organization to transform inputs into outputs that
customers value.
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“the fundamental rethinking and radical
redesign of business processes to
achieve dramatic improvements in
critical, contemporary measures of
performance, such as cost, quality,
service and speed.”
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Reengineering and Task
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• Empowering workers
• Empowerment
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Interorganizational Processes
A collection of activities that occur among
companies to transform inputs into outputs that
customers value.
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Modular Organizations
© 2012 Cengage Learning
Modular Organizations
• Advantages
– reduced costs
• Disadvantages
– loss of control
– noncore activities that are outsourced may become
source of advantage
– suppliers to whom work is outsourced can become
© 2012 Cengage Learning
Virtual Organizations
© 2012 Cengage Learning
Virtual Organizations
• Advantages
– shared costs
– fast and flexible
• Disadvantages
– difficult to control quality of work done by
– requires tremendous managerial skills
© 2012 Cengage Learning
<click screenshot for video>
How would you describe the
workplace atmosphere in this
scene? Would you say it
demonstrates behavioral
informality or formality?
2. Do you think the scene shows
line authority or staff
authority between these two
3. What kind of feedback is Alan
Smith getting from Senator
Hawkins? Is it primarily
positive or negative?
© 2012 Cengage Learning
Modern Shed
<click screenshot for video>
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Describe how Modern Shed
functions as a modular
What are the advantages and
disadvantages of Modern Shed’s
organizational structure?