Parts of Speech Study Guide: Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives

Parts of Speech Study Guide
Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives and Adverbs
A. Definitions/Examples
-a person place, thing or idea
proper noun
-a specific person, place, thing or idea
common noun
-any person, place, thing or idea
-a word that describes a noun
-a word that describes a verb, adjective or
6. Action Verb: a word that shows physical or mental action
7. Helping Verb: a verb used alone or in a verb phrase
8. State of Being Verb: showing that something exists
-Macy’s, city, horse, Newark….
-Toyota, Westwood Jr. Sr. High
School, Justice…..
-car, school, store…..
-Alexis went to the super sale at
the very crowded mall.
-Zachary realized it was too hot
in the room and opened the
windows very quickly.
Ex. sing, answer, think….
Ex. will, have, was….
Ex. is, am, be, seems….
B. Nouns: Circle the nouns and place a “C” above the common nouns and a “P” above the proper nouns.
1. The country of Bolivia is smaller than the state of Kansas.
2. The city of Tunis is the capital of Tunisia in northern Africa.
3. Matt has memorized two poems by Emily Dickinson.
C. Verbs: Circle all the verbs below (action, linking and helping).
1. Luke has watched the movie Scooby Doo fifteen times.
2. Juliette will be singing at the concert tonight.
3. Casey has been practicing his lines for the play while studying for three tests.
D. Use the following words as a noun and a verb in the same sentence.
Ex. I couldn’t believe that no one wanted to dance (verb) when we were at the Junior High dance (noun).
1. call:______________________________________________________________
2. burn:_____________________________________________________________
E. Adjectives: Circle all of the descriptive adjectives below (not including a, an, the)
1. The steaming blueberry pie was set on the neatly set table.
2. The rain dashed against the windows with a dreary sound.
3. Every child in the United States knows about the famous ride of Paul Revere.
F. Adverbs: Circle the adverbs in the sentences below.
1. Those trees were severely damaged in the fire.
2. I spoke too harshly to my friends.
3. The airplane started moving slowly but quickly gained speed.