Appendix 1 Guideline of the Extension Taxonomy for Banking To speed up the implementation of Chinese Accounting Standards (CASs) XBRL Taxonomy, improve comparability of financial reports in XBRL format, based on CAS taxonomy guideline, we extended CAS taxonomy to banking sector taxonomy (banking taxonomy). We will revise, amend and perfecting banking taxonomy according to the changes of CAS taxonomy and Chinese Accounting Standards. Banking taxonomy will apply to commercial banks and policy banks that use Chinese Accounting Standards and XBRL taxonomy to prepare their financial statements. This guideline is the instructional document to help users with basic knowledge about XBRL, XBRL CAS taxonomy, XBRL banking extension taxonomy architecture and contents to create their own entity’s taxonomy, prepare and submit financial statements in XBRL format in accordance with Chinese Accounting Standards, CAS XBRL taxonomy, and banking extension taxonomy. 1. The Position of Banking Extension Taxonomy Banking extension taxonomy is an extension of CAS XBRL taxonomy. It considers specific needs of banking sector, the relationship between banking extension taxonomy and CAS taxonomy, other industry-specific extension taxonomies in the future, regulatory extension taxonomy and the implementing entity’s own extended taxonomy. 1.1 Relationship with CAS Taxonomy CAS taxonomy represents Chinese Accounting Standards (CASs), XBRL technical specification and serial national standards. It is the basis for entities to prepare their XBRL financial statements. Industryspecific taxonomies are extensions of CAS taxonomy. For the financial reporting concepts and structure defined by CAS taxonomy, banking extension taxonomy does not redefine these elements or extended link roles (ELRs). Instead, banking extension taxonomy will cite them directly. As of the specific needs banking sector has and there is no coverage in CAS taxonomy, banking extension taxonomy defines a batch of new elements and ELRs to make them available to banks. For those elements or ELRs that not defined in banking extension taxonomy, implementing entity has to define them for their own. 1.2 Relationship with Regulatory Extension Taxonomy Regulatory extension taxonomy is the basis to prepare regulatory reports in XBRL format. It is defined and maintained by relevant regulatory authorities. For example, banking regulatory reports XBRL extended taxonomy is maintained by regulators of banks. Banking extension taxonomy and banking regulatory reports XBRL extension taxonomy are the extension of CAS taxonomy. The prior extension is based on the common characteristics of bank financial reports; the later one is based on regulatory requirements of bank regulatory reports. They both need to cite from CAS taxonomy. As bank regulatory reports and financial reports have some common concepts, regulatory extension taxonomy will need to cite the elements and extended link roles from banking extension taxonomy. 1.3 Relationship with other industry-specific extension taxonomies CAS taxonomy, banking extension taxonomy, and other industry-specific extension taxonomies (will be released in the future) all serve for financial reporting purpose. When entities adopt XBRL format, they can have some options fitting their specific requirements of their industry so the level of difficulty of implementation of XBRL report will be reduced. The special elements and extended link roles for different industries are complementary for CAS taxonomy. Meanwhile, all industry-specific extension taxonomies do not repeat the existing elements and extended link roles defined in CAS taxonomy. Instead, they use absolute paths to cite existing elements and extended link roles when needed. Implementing entities can use special industry entry point files to choose how to introduce CAS taxonomy and industryspecific extension taxonomy. As the implementation of all the other industry-specific extension taxonomies in China, CAS taxonomy will include full entry point files and cross industry entry point files. For entities operating in multi sectors, they can choose which taxonomy to use for their financial reports according to their realistic needs. 1.4 Architecture design To rationalize the relationship between CAS taxonomy, industry extension taxonomy and relevant regulatory taxonomy, we have adopted a relative flexible architecture. That is, CAS taxonomy, industry extension taxonomy and relevant regulatory taxonomy are integrated together, but they are not tied directly. Thus, we can amend CAS taxonomy, industry extension taxonomy and regulatory taxonomy separately. Under this model, the relationship between banking extension taxonomy and CAS taxonomy is shown as figure 1: CAS taxonomy CAS 1 CAS taxonomy core model file CAS2 CAS1-ELR1 CAS1-ELR2 … CAS2-ELR1 CAS2-ELR2 … CAS taxonomy entry point file …. CASX-ELR1 CASX-ELR2 … General purpose taxonomy elements CAS_element1 CAS_element2 ….. CAS x Absolute path absolute path Full entry point file Banking extension taxonomy BNK-ELR1 Banking extension taxonomy model file BNK-ELR2 Banking extension taxonomy entry point file BNK-ELR3 Bank elements BNK_Element1 BNK_Element2 ….. Figure 1 Relationship between banking extension taxonomy and CAS taxonomy Relationship between Industry-specific below (figure 2): taxonomies is explained as CAS taxonomy CAS taxonomy core model file CASX-ELR1 CASX-ELR2 … CAS X CAS taxonomy en point file ….. Absolute p Absolute path Industry extension 1 Core model file Ext1-ELR1 Ext1-ELR2 Ext1-ELR3 … Extension 1 entry point file ….. Industry extension 2 Core model file Ext2-ELR1 Ext2-ELR2 Ext2-ELR3 … Extension 2 entry point file ExtN-ELR1 ExtN-ELR2 ExtN-ELR3 … Extension N entry point file ….. …. Industry extension N Core model file ….. Figure 2, Relationship between industry-specific taxonomies The following figure 3 shows the relationship between Regulatory extension taxonomy and financial reporting taxonomy made of industry-specific extension taxonomy and CAS taxonomy: General purpose taxonomy core model CASX-ELR1 CASX-ELR2 … CAS X CA po ….. Absolute path Absolute path Industry extension 1 Core model file Ext1-ELR1 Ext1-ELR2 Ext1-ELR3 … Exte poi ….. regulatory extension Core model file Reg1-ELR1 Reg1-ELR2 Reg1-ELR3 … ….. Figure 3, relationship between regulatory extension taxonomy and industry-specific extension taxonomies 2. Architecture of Banking Extension Taxonomy Banking extension taxonomy is the extension of CAS taxonomy, so they have similar architectures. Banking extension taxonomy cites contents from CAS taxonomy. Together they report bank balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, statement of changes Regu poin in equity (shareholders), notes to financial statements and other components of financial reports. Banking extension taxonomy has the same logical design as CAS taxonomy. It set up similar modular as in CAS taxonomy, using XBRL to report bank financial reports and disclose required information. In physical design, banking extension taxonomy keeps the same pace as CAS taxonomy to organize folders and files. For implementing entities and XBRL users, banking extension taxonomy is kind of a special detailed guideline folder under CAS taxonomy umbrella. 2.1 Logical Design of Banking Extension Taxonomy According to the architecture discussed earlier, elements and extended link roles in banking extension taxonomy are designed as below: 2.11 Elements Banking extension taxonomy elements are defined according to Chinese Accounting Standards (CASs), XBRL Technical Specification Part 1 - Basic (GB/T25500.12010), XBRL Technical Specification Part 2 - Dimension (GB/T25500.22010), XBRL Technical Specification Part 3 - Formula (GB/T25500.32010), XBRL Technical Specification Part 4 –Version (GB/T25500.42010),CAS taxonomy elements definition, and common business characteristics of banks. The current version of banking extension taxonomy has 2031 elements, of which 1203 are cited from CAS taxonomy, and the rest 828 are newly defined extended elements. According to the above logical design, banking extension taxonomy folders have independent schemas to store newly defined elements of banking extension taxonomy. Meanwhile, banking extension taxonomy uses absolute path to cite CAS taxonomy core schemas. As a result, banking extension taxonomy and CAS taxonomy must be used together. Banking extension taxonomy has the same rules for element type, element attributes, major virtual elements and major element tagging rules. The current version of banking extension taxonomy uses elements and substitution groups shown as the following table 1: Statistics for elements and substitution groups Elements and Substitution groups Quantity Dimension Item Type 24 Item 771 Hypercube Item Type 33 Total 828 Statistics for elements data type Data type Quantity Example Monetary Item Type 401 Interest income from Deposits with banks and other financial institutions String Item Type 192 Information about exchange gain (loss) Domain Item Type 172 Corporate customers [member] Escaped Item Type 48 Disclosures of liquidity risk management policies and procedure Percent Item Type 10 Capital adequacy ratio Shares Item Type 5 Number of new shares issued Total 828 foreign 2.12 Extended Link Roles Banking extension taxonomy uses absolute paths to cite extended link roles from CAS taxonomy. These cited extended link roles are defined by CAS taxonomy. They have same features with bank financial reports components. Banking extension taxonomy doesn’t include these common extended link roles, instead, it points directly to the corresponding absolute path where the extended link roles are located in the namespace. The extended link roles reflecting special needs of bank business are located at banking extension taxonomy folders. Users can cite from banking extension taxonomy namespace by using absolute paths. Although some elements have same meaning with the elements in CAS taxonomy and they can be cited from CAS taxonomy, however, there are some differences on the naming convention. For example, “Voting Power Owned By Parent of Investee Entity” is called “Voting share owned by investee bank” in bank financial reports. When banking extension taxonomy cites these kinds of elements, it need to redefine Chinese and English tag for these elements. Banking extension taxonomy incorporates same modeling rules as CAS taxonomy for extended link roles. The definitions of universal resource identifier (URI) of extended link roles follow the relevant definition model in CAS taxonomy. Meanwhile, they reflect the special needs of banking extension taxonomy, the definition method is:{code1}/{code2}. The first part is as same as what defined in CAS taxonomy. It shows that banking extension taxonomy is an extension of CAS taxonomy. ‘bnk’ is the abbreviation of bank. 2012-11-30 is banking extension taxonomy date, code 1 use the 6 digital codes used in disclosure link base of CAS taxonomy. If there are no related disclosure link roles in CAS taxonomy, code 1 will use 6 digital codes defined in banking extension taxonomy extended link roles. The format is X90XXX. The first digital number follows the definition method of CAS taxonomy: 1 - general information of financial reports, 2 - balance sheet, 3- income statement, 4- cash flow statement, 5- statement of changes in owner’s equity, 7- entity annuity fund, 8- notes to financial statements. The second and third digital numbers show the extended link roles is bank extended link roles.90 means bank extended link role. The fourth and fifth digital numbers are skip code. The sixth digital number is for consolidation or not. Consolidated financial reports use 0, individual financial reports use 5. Code 2 has 6 digital numbers. Format is 90XXXX. 90 indicate banking extension taxonomy. The following four digital numbers are defined in certain order by banking extension taxonomy. For example, 900801 represents extended link role “Notes - Cash and deposits in central bank”. 90 indicate banking extension taxonomy, 08 indicate this note is the 8th disclosure item, 01 indicate the th order number of 8 disclosure item. 2.2 Physical Design of Banking Extension Taxonomy Physical design of banking extension taxonomy is as below: 2.21 Folder and File Structure As banking extension taxonomy cites CAS taxonomy core schema and some linkbases by using absolute paths, banking extension taxonomy files package only has its own core schema and self-defined linkbases. From components perspective, banking extension taxonomy has to be used with CAS taxonomy together to make up a set of taxonomy to reflect bank financial reports. From method perspective, as banking extension taxonomy cites CAS taxonomy contents by using absolute paths, when using banking extension taxonomy, CAS taxonomy is used at the same time. Banking extension taxonomy folders and file structures are shown as the following figure 4: BNK YYYY-MM-DD.xsd ROL_CAS_BNK_YYYYMM-DD.xsd PRE_CAS_BNK_YYYYMM-DD.XML LABELS LAB_CAS_BNK_CN_YYYY -MM-DD.XML LAB_CAS_BNK_EN_YYYYMM-DD.XML DEF_CAS_BNK_YYYYMM-DD.XML CAL_CAS_BNK_YYYYMM-DD.XML Symbol GLA_CAS_BNK_YYYYMM-DD-CN.XML GLA_CAS_BNK_YYYYMM-DD-EN.XML FOLDER Files Figure 4 bank extension taxonomy folder and file structure The folders and their contents, and the guidelines for folder and file names, are as following: (1) bnk_yyyymmdd, where YYYY-MM-DD represents the Financial Year ending date and is set to 2012-11-30 for the (2) bnk_core_yyyymmdd.xsd is the stored in this file; (3) bnk_entry_point_yyyymmdd.xsd extension taxonomy; The above files and file folders structure. current version of banking extension taxonomy; core schema, 828 newly defined elements are is the combined entry point for banking design are as same as CAS taxonomy physical (4) bnk folder is for the files to reflect bank specific financial reports contents: ①rol_ bnk_yyyymmdd.xsd defines extended link roles that reflect bank industry special financial reports requirements; ②{pre|def|cal}_ bnk_yyyymmdd.xml defines presentation, definition, and calculation linkbase files that reflect bank industry special financial report requirements; ③gla_bnk_yyyymmdd{cn|en}.xml is Chinese or English name of universal identifier linkbase for banking extension taxonomy extended link roles. (5) labels - label link base folder ①lab_bnkcn_yyyymmdd.xml is Chinese label link base files ②lab_bnken_yyyymmdd.xml is English label link base files 2.22 Absolute and Relative Paths To help users to easily locate banking extension taxonomy files, banking extension taxonomy adopts absolute and relative paths. Banking extension taxonomy uses absolute paths to cite core schemas, other schemas and linkbase files. Banking extension taxonomy uses relative paths to cite schemas internally. Absolute paths format: universal resource identifier + cited files path. For example, the path for Core schemas cas_core_2010160930.xsd is Relative paths formatted according to core schemas location in banking extension taxonomy. For example, relative path for banking extension taxonomy label linkbase files (lab_bnkcn_yyyymmdd.Xml) is labels\lab_bnkcn_yyyymmdd.xml 2.23 Name Spaces To help users differentiate elements, types and relationships, banking extension taxonomy uses three kinds of namespaces: Namespace to identify banking extension taxonomy, with Prefix “bnk”. Its universal resource identifier includes banking extension taxonomy standard date. Namespace to incorporate CAS taxonomy. Namespace to incorporate international financial report standards taxonomy. Banking Extension Taxonomy uses namespaces constructed according to the guidelines presented in Table 3 (below). Namespace prefix Namespace URI Use bnk /yyyymmdd/cas/bnk Banking taxonomy namespace (where YYYY-MM-DD Year ending date) cas omy/yyyymmdd/cas Chinese Accounting Standard taxonomy (where Y Financial Year ending date) ifrs /yyyymmdd/ifrs International reporting standard taxonomy (wh the Financial Year ending date) 2.4 Schemas Banking extension taxonomy extended elements are defined in schemas bnk_core_yyyymmdd.xsd. These files are core schemas in banking extension taxonomy. Banking extension taxonomy cites core schemas directly from the 2010 CAS taxonomy cas_core_20100930.xsd. Schema rol_ bnk_yyyymmdd.xsd stores newly defined extended link roles in banking extension taxonomy. Schema bnk_entry_point_yyyymmdd.xsd is entry point file for banking extension taxonomy. In the design of entry point files, CAS taxonomy keeps current entry point files, meanwhile, banking extension taxonomy creates bank industry entry point file. 2.5 Linkbases Banking extension taxonomy uses presentation linkbase, calculation linkbase, definition linkbase and label linkbase. It doesn’t use reference linkbase and formula linkbase. The linkbases used in banking extension taxonomy align with CAS linkbases. Presentation linkbase, calculation linkbase and definition linkbase are modularized in accordance to bank financing reports’ common components. Thus work load to implement banking extension taxonomy will be reduced. 3. Notes for Implementation Here are notes for implementing entities when they create their own extended taxonomy and XBRL financial reports: 3.1 Be Consistent with the Architecture of Banking Extension Taxonomy Implementing entities should fully understand logical structure and physical structure of banking extension taxonomy, aligning their own logical structures to banking extension taxonomy and CAS taxonomy. 3.2 Reflect Bank Financial Reporting Common Components Banking extension taxonomy converts bank financial reports common components to XBRL reports. It extracts bank financial report common concepts, based on CAS taxonomy, creating bank industry extended elements. For the common concepts, instead of define their own elements, implementing entities should cite banking extension taxonomy elements. 3.3 Keep Consistent with Financial Reports Implementing entities should fully understand CAS taxonomy and banking extension taxonomy, and based on their understanding, incorporate Chinese Accounting Standards and their own financial reports needs to choose elements, extended link roles in banking extension taxonomy. Implementing entities should not use elements which don’t match the definition in banking extension taxonomy or CAS taxonomy. However, they can add and extend the elements not defined in banking extension taxonomy and CAS taxonomy. 3.4 Use of Dimensions CAS taxonomy uses XBRL dimension technology for the first time in China. Two years’ experience proves that dimension technology improves XBRL data structure dramatically. As a result, without changing dimension related elements types, the current version of banking extension taxonomy uses dimension more deeply and flexibly in the process of modeling.