2 MARK QUESTION ANSWER What do you understand by effective

1. What do you understand by effective organization?
Effective organizing focuses on finding in present organizing avoids organizational
in flexibility and makes the staff work effective by avoiding conflicts by clarification.
2. Mention any two merits of performance appraisal.
It helps the supervisors to chalk out the promotion programs for efficient
employees. In this regards, inefficient workers can be dismissed or demoted in case.
The systematic procedure of PA helps the supervisors to frame training policies and
programs. It helps to analyze strengths and weaknesses of employees so that new
jobs can be designed for efficient employees. It also helps in framing future
development programs.
For an organization, effective communication between employees and employers is
very important.
It serves as a motivation tool. Through evaluating performance of employees, a
person's efficiency can be determined if the targets are achieved. This very well
motivates a person for better job and helps him to improve his performance in the
3. What is functional departmentation?
A method for separating the activities performed within an organization into groups
differentiated by the function they perform. For example, a business employing
functional departmentalization would tend to group together workers that perform a
particular function, such as accounting, that differs substantially from the tasks
performed by other staff members.
4. What is meant by delegation? What are the advantages?
Delegation is the assignment of responsibility or authority to another person
(normally from a manager to a subordinate) to carry out specific activities. It is one of
the core concepts of management leadership.
1. It increases the level of motivation of employees.
2. Allows for new and innovative ideas from the employees.
3. Leads to development of employees' creative and decision making skills.
4. Improved decision quality
5. What are the sources of recruitment?
The sources of recruitment are broadly divided into internal sources and external
sources consisting of the following:
Internal sources of Recruitment:
1. Present Permanent Employees
2. Present temporary/casual Employees
3. Retrenched or Retired Employees
4. Dependents of Deceased, Disabled, retired and present employees
5. Employee Referrals External Sources of Recruitment
6 .Campus Recruitment
External sources of recruitment:
1. Private Employment Agencies/Consultants
2. Public Employment Exchange
3. Professional Organization
4. Data Bank
5. Casual Applicants
6. Similar Organizations
6. What is decentralization?
Transfer of decision making power and assignment of accountability and responsibility for
results. It is accompanied by delegation of commensurate authority to individuals or units
at all levels of an organization even those far removed from headquarters or other centers
of power.
7. Site an example for formal and informal organization
Examples of formal organization are registered companies, schools, churches and banks
informal organization exists within the formal organization.
8. What is span of control?
The number of subordinates that a manager or supervisor can directly control. This number
varies with the type of work: complex, variable work reduces it to six, whereas routine,
fixed work increases it to twenty or more.
9. Write the difference between recruitment and selection.
Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating
them to apply for jobs in the organization whereas selection involves the series of steps by
which the candidates are screened for choosing the most suitable person for vacant post.
10. What is organizational exchange? What are the reasons for resistance to change?
Company or organization going through a transformation. Organization change occurs
when business strategies or major sections of an organization are altered.
1. Fear of job
2.fear of demotion
3. Lack of resources
4.organizational structure.
11. Define organizing.
Organising is the process of identifying and grouping of activities required to
attain the objectives, delegating authority, creating responsibility and establishing
relationships for the people to work effectively.
12. Mention any four characteristics of an organization.
Common objectives
Specialisation or Division of labour
Authority of structure
Group of persons
13. State the advantages of organization.
Facilitate administration
Increases the efficiency of management
Facilitates growth and diversification
Ensures optimum use of man and material resources
14. List out the steps involved in organization process.
Determination of activities
Grouping of activities
Assignment of Duties
Delegation of authority
15. Mention the three categories of span of management.
Direct single relationship
Direct group relationships
Cross relation
16. What are the types of departmentation?
Departmentation by numbers
Departmentation by time
Departmentation by Enterprise function
Departmentation by Territory or Geography
Departmentation by customers
Departmentation by Equipment or process
Departmentation by Product or service
17. Give a note departmentation by customers.
This type of departmentation is preferred when the needs of customers are
different in nature. Some big organisation is providing special services to different
of customer.
18. Define authority.
Authority is the right to give orders and the power to exact obedience.
19. List out the sources of authority.
Formal authority theory
Acceptance authority theory
Competence theory
20. What is line authority?
Line authority is the direct authority which a superior exercises over a
number of subordinates to carry out orders and instructions. In organisation
process, authority is delegated to the individuals to perform the activities.
21. What is staff authority?
The relationship between a staff manager and the line manager with
whom he works depends in part on the staff duties.
22. List the steps involved in process of delegation.
Determination of result expected
Assignment of duties
Delegation of authority
Creation of obligation or accountability
23. What are the steps to be followed in making staff works effective?
Understanding authority relationship
Making line listen to staff
Keeping staff informed
Requiring completed staff work
Making staff work a way of organisational life
24. State the kinds of organizational charts.
Vertical chart
Horizontal chart or left to right chart
Circular chart or concentric chart
25. Define staffing.
Staffing is the part of the management process which is concerned with the
procurement utilization, maintenance and development of a large satisfied work force
on the organisation.
26. Write any two roles of staffing.
Effective utilization of skills and potential of the work force
Development and maintenance of quality of work life
27. What is job analysis?
Job analysis is a detailed study of a job to identify the skills, experience and
aptitude required for the job.
28. What is job design?
The job design is usually broad enough to accommodate people’s need
and desires.
29. What is job rotation?
Job rotation refers in the movement of an employee from the job to another
30. Define recruitment.
B.Flippo defined recruitment as “the process of searching for prospective
employees and simulating to apply for jobs in the organisation.
31. What is selection?
Selection is the process of finding out the most suitable candidate to the job
out of the candidates attracted.
32. Write down the tests used in selection process.
Aptitude test
Intelligence test
Psychomotor test
Personality test
33. What is orientation?
Orientation refers to the activities involved in introducing the new employees
to the organisation and its policies, procedures, rules, and regulations.
34. What is performance appraisal?
Performance appraisal evaluates the performance of worker also his potential
for development.
35. What are roles of manager?
Inter-personal role
Information role
Decisional role
36. What is matrix structure?
Matrix structure is a hybrid organizational form, containing characteristics of both
project and functional structures.
37. How can we define power?
“Power is the probability that one actor with in the relationship will be in a position
to carry out his own despite resistance”.
38. Define Human resource planning.
“Human resource planning is the process by which an organization ensures that it
has the right number and all kind of people at the right place at the right time, capable of
effectively and efficiently completions, those tasks that will help the organization achieve
its overall objectives”.
39. What is grading method?
It is one of the trait-based appraisal methods. The actual performance of the
employees is measured against these grades. This method is generally useful for promotion
based on performance.
40. What is mean by resources allocation?
Manager is responsible for allocation of money, material and human resource in the
organization. He utilizes minimum resource to give maximum profit to the organization.
41. Define the Peter Principle.
The principle states that every person in a hierarchy tends to rise to the level of his
42. Define: Training
According to B.Flippo “Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of
an employee for doing a particular job”.
43. Define; Organizational conflict.
According to step “conflict is a process in which an effort is purposefully made by
one person or unit to block another that result in frustrating the attainment of others goals of
the furthering of his or her interests.
44. What is managerial grid?
Managerial grid is behavioral theory of leadership. It plays an important role in
managerial behavior in organizational development.
45. What is meant by the term directing?
Directing may be defined as the process of instructing, guiding and inspiring human
factors in the organization objectives. It is not only issuing orders and instructions by a
superior to his subordinates but also including process of guiding and inspiring them to
work effectively.
46. List down the human factors in managing?
Multiplicity of roles.
Personal dignity.