Health - Livonia Public Schools

Michigan Merit Curriculum
• Strand 5: Personal Health and Wellness
• Standard 1: Core Concepts
– 5.1 Describe how common infectious diseases are transmitted
– 5.2 Explain the importance of regular health screening or exams.
– 5.3 Analyze the importance of rest and sleep for personal health
• Standard 3: Health Behaviors
• 5.6 Describe health practices that can prevent the spread of illness.
• 5.7 Apply knowledge about symptoms of illness to determine whether
medical care is required.
• Strand 4: Social and Emotional Health
– 4.1 Identify characteristics of positive relationships, and analyze
their impact on personal and community health.
Identify Health Myths and Facts
To define the 6 major components
of Health: physical, social, mental,
emotional, spiritual and environmental
To define health, wellness, and
Identify the leading causes of death
in 1900’s and today.
To explore “life expectancy” country
 Complete pages 5 & 6 in your
workbook. (Go to next slides for
 1.
False - Going outside in the cold with wet
hair can make you sick. (bacteria or virus)
2. False – Eating chocolate will cause acne.
(stress cause body to produce more oil and
3. False – If you get a black eye, you should
put a raw steak on it. (cold is good, but
bacteria in the eye, cold frozen peas is
4. True– Sweat is what causes body odor.
(bacteria loves warm, moist area)
5. True – Going to concerts can make you
deaf. (over 90 decibels equal ear damage
concerts 100 decibels) (decibels unit to
measure sound)
 6.
False – Sitting too close to the TV will damage
your eyes. (focus better)
7. True – A hot bath before bedtime will make you
sleep better. (30 minutes warm bath warms the brain)
8. False – You can get a wart from playing with a
frog. (virus causes cells to multiply)
9. False – Reading with dim lights can make you go
blind. (you get tired easier)
10. False – People are more violent when there is a
full moon. (no change, coincidence)
11. True – Eat your carrots, they help your vision.
(beta carotene is a hydrocarbon found in carrots and
converted by the liver into vitamin A)
 14.
False – Cracking your
knuckles causes arthritis (might
weaken though)
 15. False – You should put
butter or peanut butter on your
burns (cold water for minor
Some more interesting facts about
1. Which toy accounts for the most
emergency room visits?
SKATEBOARD 80,242 per year,
walkers are #2)
2. The only 3 areas of your body
where hair does not grow are:
3. On the average, your hair will
grow about 6 inches a year. (50 to
100 hairs/day break off)
4.The most unsanitary part of your
body is your MOUTH. (10 billion
4.What creature has caused the
most deaths to animals and
people? MOSQUITOS (parasite
lives in mosquito for a week or so.
Malaria, Encephalitis swelling of
the brain and yellow fever)
 6. Which school nursery rhyme was written
abut the “Black Death” plague in 1350? RING
 7. Which bodily fluid is the cleanest? URINE
(95% water, 5% used up cells protein, salt, and
stuff your body does not need)
 8. When you sneeze saliva travels out of your
body at a rate of 100 m.p.h. (airborne for 1
 9. Which insects are used to treat bone
infections? MAGGOTS
10. If you play with this animal, it can
give you up to 20 different illnesses: RAT
 11. The woman who holds the record
for the greatest number of children
born, had how many children? 67 (a
Russian women gave birth 27 times in
1800’s – 16 twins, 7 triplets, 4 quads)
 12. What causes the most choking
emergencies in the US? TOOTHPICKS
 13. What is more toxic, indoor
pollutions or outdoor pollution?
 14. Does it really take 7 years to
digest gum? NO
• Drug overdose deaths: who are they?
Health – is the state of
complete physical, mental,
emotional, social, spiritual,
and environmental well being.
Not merely the absence of
disease and illness.
Wellness - an overall state of
well-being, or total health.
Being truly healthy in all of the
6 major components of health.
Multi-dimensional (6 parts)
Involves the whole person
Different meanings for
different people at different times
It includes emotions, beliefs,
experiences, and situations
It is changing, a dynamic entity
requiring on going maintenance.
5.6 Describe health practices that can
1. Physical Health:
prevent the spread of illness.
physical and
physiological abilities;
the ability to carry out
daily tasks.
2. Social Health: how well
you get along with
3. Mental Health: selfesteem; how good you
feel about yourself.
4. Emotional – ability to feel
and express the full range
of human emotions.
5. Spiritual – high level of
faith, hope, commitment
in relation to a welldefined world view or
belief system that
provides a sense of
meaning and purpose to
existence in general.
6. Environmental:
Do you stay informed about
environmental issues? Are you aware
of organizations and global initiatives
to protect the environments?
Other examples include: reducing noise
pollution, keeping the water and air
clean, conserving energy and natural
resources, recycling and being an
advocate for the environment.
• Environmental – your surroundings.
The Health Continuum
5.2 Explain the importance of regular health screening or exams.
5.3 Analyze the importance of rest and sleep for personal health
5.6 Describe health practices that can prevent the spread of
Factors Influencing Health
1. Age, Sex and Heredity:
(genetics) contributing but
not defining factor in
certain diseases/illnesses.
– Heredity is all the traits
and properties that are
passed along biologically
from both parents to
child. Hair and eye color.
Factors Influencing Health
2. General socio-economic, cultural and
environmental conditions:
Education, work environmental,
Water and sanitation
Health care services, housing
Agricultural and food production
 Environment -your family, where you grew up,
where you live now, and all your experiences.
 It also includes the people in your life-your social
environment. Peers are people the same age
who share a similar range of interests.
Factors Influencing Health
3. Social and Community
networks: relationships
with people
4. Behavior (individual
lifestyle factors) taking
responsibility for your
own actions.
– You have little or no control
over your heredity and
environment, you have
control over ONE factor,
affecting your life: YOUR
What Are Risk behaviors?
• Action that a person chooses that threatens
• Can cause injury, illness and premature death
• Most risk behaviors:
o Are established early
o Persist into adulthood
o Are interrelated (example drugs and sex, violence
and alcohol)
o Contribute to poor health, education, social
o Are preventable
6 Categories of Risk Behaviors
1. Behaviors contributing to
unintentional/intentional injuries
 Unintentional injuries: caused by accident.
However 99.9% of what is called an accident
could be prevented!
 Intentional injuries: involve interpersonal and
self-directed violence
2. Tobacco use
3. Alcohol and other drug use
6 Categories of Risk Behaviors
4. Sexual behaviors
resulting in unintended
pregnancy and STD’s
5. Dietary patterns
contributing to disease
6. Insufficient physical
1. Top 10 Leading Causes of Death in America - (2010)
Heart Disease 616,067 (25.4%)
2. Cancer 562,875 (23.2%)
3. Stroke 135,952 (5.6%)
4. Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases (Lung
Diseases) 127,924 (5.3%)
5. Accidents 123,706 (5.1%)
6. Alzheimer's Disease 74,632 (3.1%)
7. Diabetes 71,382 (2.9%)
8. Influenza and Pneumonia 52,717 (2.2%)
9. Kidney Disease 46,448 (1.9 percent)
10. Septicemia (infection of the blood) 34,828 (1.4
Leading causes of death among young
1. Motor vehicle
2. Homicides
3. Suicides
4. Cancer
Leading causes of death among young people
5. Heart disease
6. Congenital anomalies
7. Chronic lower respiratory
8. Influenza & Pneumonia
9. Stroke
10.Blood Poisoning
What about HIV?
 HIV does make the list in the age category 25-44
Three Levels of Disease Prevention
 Primary: things we do to decrease the chance disease will
ever happen. (not smoking)
 Secondary: Things we do to detect disease early to get early
treatment/intervention (tests)
 Tertiary: specific interventions to assist diseased or disabled
persons in limiting the effects of their diseases or disabilities,
which may include activities to prevent reoccurrence of
disease-can sometimes be same things as primary. (quit
What can be said about the majority of the
leading causes of death for all ages?
• All are predominately a result of lifestyles &
• Where the underlying sources of official
causes of death.
• Are: tobacco use, diet & physical inactivity.
What can be said about the majority of the
leading causes of death for teens?
Underlying causes/sources: alcohol &
drug use,
behavior that leads to
unintentional/intentional injury, &
behaviors that lead to STD’s, HIV, &
unintended pregnancies.
leading causes of death
1. Pneumonia
2. Tuberculosis (TB): chronic or acute
bacterial infections that primarily
attack lungs but can affect kidneys,
bones, lymph nodes
3. Diarrhea
4. Heart Disease
5. Stroke
6. Liver disease
7. Injuries
Major Achievements contributing to
changes in health status
Medical Advances
1. Antibiotics
2. Vaccines
3. Advanced Health Care
4. Identifying Pathogens:
*bacterial: single cell microorganism that
cause disease by releasing toxins
*viral infections: smallest known pathogen
5. Family Planning: birth control
Public Health Measures
1. Better nutrition (refrigeration)
a. -nutrition
b. -food production
Sanitation (hygiene)/Garbage
3. Water treatment
4. Waste treatment
5. Work safety regulations
 10 Most Deadly Diseases -YouTube
1. Microorganisms that cause disease are called
1. The 2 main types of pathogens are: bacteria
and virus
2. The most difficult infections to treat are viral
because: smallest known pathogen
3. Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial
4. When taking antibiotics you need to take all the
 Define vaccine: is a biological preparation that
improves immunity to a particular disease.
 It contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing
microorganism, and is often made from weakened or
killed forms of the microbe, its toxins or one of its
surface proteins.
 The agent stimulates the body's immune system to
recognize the agent as foreign, destroy it, and
"remember" it, so that the immune system can more
easily recognize and destroy any of these
microorganisms that it later encounters.
 Infectious Diseases: Causes and Controls (excerpt)
- YouTube
Adults in the U.S. = 77 years (77.9 in “10”
Males – 74.8 years (75.3 in “09”
Females 80.1 years (80.4)
EXPECTANCY: Japan = Males = 79 years –
Females = 86 years.
The average life expectancy today ( U.S.) is 78 years
old. How long do you expect to live?
At what age do you want to get married?
Have children?
Have grandchildren?
 Retire?
Beginning Age 78
Gender: Women generally live longer than men. New born
girls will live seven years longer than newborn boys.
Scoring: Males add 0; Females add 7.
Updated Age: _________________
FAMILY HISTORY: Family history influences longevity.
Like gender it’s a factor over which you have no
control. Knowing you’re the medical history of your
family my help you identify potential problems.
Cancer in family
Heart disease
None of the above
Updated Age _________________
EXERCISE: An active lifestyle is good insurance
against heart disease.
30 minutes daily
Updated Age ________________
Stressed out, not managed
Occasionally stressed, not managed
Use relaxation technique
Updated Age __________________
Drink 15 years or younger
Drink occasionally
Updated Age _________________
Use often
Updated Age _________________
Have a license
Been in a car with drunk driver
Seat Belt
Updated Age ______________
You smoke
Second hand smoke
None of friends smoke
Updated Age ___________________
Get sick easily and often
Rarely sick
Have a cat or dog
Poor family relations
Poor peer relations
Good family relations
Good peer relations
UPDATED AGE: _________________
Medical Care
Regular exams
Miss exams
Up Dated
Mental Health
Intellectually challenged
Up Dated
Spiritual Health
Have a belief
No belief system
Up Dated
Up Dated ______
High fat
Monitor fat intake
3/5 servings fruit/veggies
Low fruit and vegetables
Eat processed food
Fresh foods, not fried
Updated age _____
New to Michigan
Up Dated
Good understanding
Not aware
Up Dated
Up Dated
Mostly positive
Mostly negative
Healthy weight
Updated Age _______
Obese 30%
Healthy weight
Updated Age _________
: The average life expectancy today ( U.S.) is 78 yrs.
Raise your hand if you will live to be over 100 yrs, 90 to
100, 80 to 90, 60 years…
 What areas are subtracting from your life?
Are you going to live to see your children have
children? Your grandchild?
What kind of health will you have when you retire?
Will you live long enough to retire?
What changes do you need to make?
 Get between seven to eight hours of sleep per
 Eat nutritious foods from the various food groups
each day
 Refrain from smoking and using tobacco products
 Eat breakfast daily.
 Do 20-30 minutes of nonstop vigorous activity at
least three times a week.
 Do not use alcohol or other drugs.
 Maintain your recommended weight.
5.3 Analyze the importance of rest and sleep for personal
A key to your health
and wellness is
Practicing healthy
Wearing seat belts
Applying sunscreen,
Using protective gear
while playing sports
5.6 Describe health practices that can prevent the spread of illness.
 What are the 6 major
components of Health?  What is the leading cause of
death for adults today? For
 A. Physical, Mental,
Emotional, Spiritual,
Social, Environmental  A. Adults -Heart Disease
Teens - Accident
 Define “Lifestyle”
 A. Your behaviors
 What country has the
highest Life
 A. Japan
 What are communicable
 A. Diseases that can be
passed to others