Introduction to MySQL & PHP Presented by David Sands CS 157B, SJSU Spring 09' History of SQL 1974 - First version of SQL developed by Donald Chamberlin and Raymond Boyce at IBM (SEQUEL). Used to manipulate and retrieve data in their database. 1986 - American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standardizes SQL-86. 1999 – SQL3 supports new features like procedural & control-of-flow statements, triggers, and regular expressions. ….. 2008 – SQL2008 - still modifying the language to date. Popular SQL suppliers today MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, Oracle 11g, PostgreSQLSQL MySQL & PHP, presented by David Sands 2 Basic SQL Syntax ➔ Data Definition Language (DDL) • CREATE TABLE / DATABASE / VIEW / etc..... • ALTER ... • DROP ... ➔ Data Manipulation Language (DML) • • • • SELECT ... FROM / INTO … WHERE ... INSERT INTO ... VALUES ... UPDATE … SET … WHERE ... DELETE FROM … WHERE ... MySQL & PHP, presented by David Sands 3 Intro to MySQL ➔ Released 23 May 1995. ➔ 11+ Million web servers using MySQL ➔ Similar, but not exactly same syntax as IBM DB2, Oracle 11g, etc... ➔ Open-source & free to download, under the GNU General Public License. ➔ Coded in C / C++, Yacc parser, and custom lexical analyzer. MySQL & PHP, presented by David Sands 4 MySQL Tutorial (1 of 2) ➔ Following from MySQL 5.1 Manual (3.3 Creating and using a database) ➔ For Command Prompt usage, follow these steps to use a database. Enter password: XXXXX Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 4 Server version: 5.1.31-community MySQL Community Server (GPL) Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer. mysql> SHOW DATABASES; +--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | information_schema | | mysql | | test | +--------------------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> USE TEST; Database changed ➔ You can now perform DML & DDL operations! MySQL & PHP, presented by David Sands 5 MySQL Tutorial (2 of 2) mysql> CREATE TABLE myTest (time DATE, note VARCHAR(10), id INT); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.11 sec) mysql> DESCRIBE myTest; +-------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | time | date | YES | | NULL | | | note | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | | | id | int(11) | YES | | NULL | | +-------+-------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ 3 rows in set (0.05 sec) mysql> INSERT INTO myTest VALUES (NULL, "hello", 3); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.05 sec) mysql> SELECT * FROM myTest; +------+-------+------+ | time | note | id | +------+-------+------+ | NULL | hello | 3 | +------+-------+------+ 1 row in set (0.01 sec) mysql> MySQL & PHP, presented by David Sands 6 History of PHP 1994 - Rasmus Lerdorf wrote Common Gateway Interface (CGI) Binaries. 1995 - Personal Home Page Tools (PHP Tools) formed. 1997-8 - Zeev Suraski & Andi Gutmans wrote PHP parser. Their PHP3 became the PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. To 2008 - Various improvements & bug fixes. ➔ Old versions of PHP – Code not compiled. Only interpreted and run. ➔ After PHP4, Parser compiles input to produce bytecode for Zend Engine processing. MySQL & PHP, presented by David Sands 7 Intro to PHP ➔ PHP file runs on web server, inputs PHP code, compiles to bytecode, outputs Web Pages. ➔ Creates Dynamic Web Pages, using Server Side Scripting. (like .asp, .jsp, perl). Clients “Run” these web pages when visited. ➔ Similar programming structure / syntax as C or Javascript. Other “Tools” included in PHP releases like ImageJPEG($im,$destpic, $jpeg_thumb_quality); ➔ HTML (markup language) usually used along with PHP. MySQL & PHP, presented by David Sands 8 PHP Syntax ➔ <?php PHP code here ?> ➔ $variable //automatic type detection on assignment. ➔ $ is escape character for variables within double quotes ➔ $newVar = “$string1 hihi!” //replaces $string1 with its value. ➔ “Double quotes” = variable replacement ➔ 'Single quotes' = literal string ➔ That 3rd set of quotes (`???`) = some other use ➔ function generateThumbnail($sourceImg, $destImg){ } MySQL & PHP, presented by David Sands 9 PHP Examples MySQL & PHP, presented by David Sands 10 Some MySQL + PHP Uses ➔ Managing database from the web. Phymyadmin is a commonly used remote database management system via a PHP interface. ➔ User places buy order on your website, and info is stored in DB. ➔ Progressively build a SQL Query string. ➔ PHP can blend with anything else on an HTML webpage, and even dynamically generate more web code. ➔ Make and test your own website / program. MySQL & PHP, presented by David Sands 11 PhpBB MySQL & PHP, presented by David Sands 12 PhpMyAdmin MySQL & PHP, presented by David Sands 13 MySQL + PHP Need a web server that connects to a local or remote Database? No problem! Host most likely “localhost”. To perform SQL commands, try this php function... $sql = mysql_query(“SELECT * FROM myTable); Just like with Java and its JDBC. There is a way to iterate through the resulting bag. MySQL & PHP, presented by David Sands 14 List all query results Ex. MySQL & PHP, presented by David Sands 15 PHP Control Structure Ex. PHP is much like C, Java, or Javascript in some ways. This will print 0123456789 MySQL & PHP, presented by David Sands 16 Form Post Ex. (1 of 2) • • • MySQL & PHP, presented by David Sands Test.php is purely HTML. Form's POST action sends the object names to PHP file. PHP file extracts them with array $_POST[]. 17 Form Post Ex. (2 of 2) MySQL & PHP, presented by David Sands 18 How do I get PHP or MySQL? (100 MB) (for reference) Some web server, like Apache or Wampserver will work. For the examples, I used Wampserver ( (16 MB) 1. Installed MySQL 2. created some new tables with mysql 3. installed Wampserver 4. make .PHP files and put them in the www folder 5. Go to http://localhost/my.php 6. test your code. MySQL & PHP, presented by David Sands 19 MySQL-PHP Conclusion ➔ MySQL is open-source and PHP is open-library. ➔ MySQL and PHP work well together. ➔ Free. Fairly simple and familiar to program with. ➔ MySQL is fast enough, but PHP is fairly slow. ➔ Many real-world applications on-line or even in a local network. ➔ If you are sick of MySQL command line, go get a web server with PhpMyAdmin. MySQL & PHP, presented by David Sands 20 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. MySQL & PHP, presented by David Sands 21