- Cistech

Material and Production
Planning Options
Deborah Vermillion, CPIM, CIRM
• Traditional Planning-MPSP, MRP, CRP
• Advanced Planner
• Thru-Put
(PDM+, IM)
Item Master
Bills Of
Customer Orders
and Material
Production Schedules
(Inventory Management)(Procurement Management +)
Existing Mos
Existing POs
Vendor Scheduling
SHOP FLOOR CONTROL (Procurement Management +)
(PM&C, PC&C, Paperless)
(Inventory Management)
Traditional Planning Cycle
• Master Scheduling
– Interface with Forecast thru DMDIFF file
– Blends COM orders and Forecast or Forecast
– Allows build up for seasonal demand
– Rough cut capacity for critical items
Traditional Planning Cycle
• But:
– Limited view of
– Can be
Iterative, time
Traditional Planning Cycle
• Material Requirements Planning
– Uses Master Schedule from MPSP, COM Orders
or Manual requirements to drive plan
– Uses PO’s, MO’s, Rep Schedules to satisfy plan
– Result is Time phased purchased material and
production plan
Traditional Planning Cycle
• But:
– Capacity not considered
– Requires MPSP update
for changes in blended
– ‘what-if’ capabilities
limited (manual req’s)
– Impact of new demandwait until night
Recommendation by Item
Traditional Planning Cycle
• How does yours work today?
– Appropriate staff effort?
– Integration from demand to scheduling?
– Length of planning cycle, can we provide
quick response to changes in customer
– What if we get this order?
– On time deliveries and consistent schedule
– Excess inventories?
• Do shortfalls cost us time/money/cust sat?
What is Advanced Planner?
• Advanced Planner is an alternative to XA MPSP, MRP
and CRP
• Windows based fast MRP that helps you to do
interactive planning
• Allows you to visualize load on the facilities (work
centers). AVP uses color coded graphs and charts that
makes it easier to manage the master schedule
process. This includes material and capacity testing
• Helps you to take appropriate decisions such as
offloading, outsourcing, level loading etc to meet the on
time delivery of your customer orders
• You can also estimate the labor requirements to support
your plant schedules
• Generates suggested supplies( both MOs and POs),
supply exceptions, detailed operation start times and
shipment delivery dates
How does AVP do this?
• Planning information is downloaded from the
AS400 creating an Access database on the PC
• Planning run is done on the PC eliminating job
conflicts on the 400 and decreasing processing
time. This allows for “more” planning runs.
Quicker response time!!!
AVP- Input Output
•customer orders
•Replenishment policy
•inventory on hand
•shop orders and allocations
•Outside operations
•purchase orders
Product Structures
•part attributes
•Standard and workorder bills
•Standard and workorder routings
AVP Engine
Production Plan
•manufacturing order releases
•load vs. capacity
•workcenter schedules
Procurement Plan
•purchase order releases
•expedite; defer; cancel
Shipping Plan
•customer promise dates
Plant Structures
AVP/MRP Similarities
• Both use all the planning modifiers in the Item
Balance/Plan record
• Both use the MRP Execution Options for rescheduling, auto-release, etc.
• Both use the MRP Horizon Dates
• Both have direct or indirect interface to Mapics
Forecast module
• Both use the Manufactured due date from the
customer orders for planning
• An MRP generation is performed by a BOM
explosion and netting routine usually overnight
• With Advanced Planner NO AS400 MRP
generation is ever necessary
• MRP/CRP uses Mapics calendars
• AVP has its own calendar within the database.
This calendar holds hours of operation per day.
• MRP has no easy “what if” capability short of a
new MRP generation
• AVP has powerful “what if” capability directly
with the AVP access database on the PC
AVP vs. MRP cont’d
• MRP interfaces with MPSP
• AVP has its own Master Schedule Routine
• MRP uses Lead Time to calculate start date
• AVP uses backward scheduling and the times in
the routing to calculate start date
AVP vs. MRP cont’d
• MPSP uses the greater of Customer Order or
• AVP nets the CO’s against the Forecast and
plans with the CO’s and Net Forecast
• MRP assumes infinite capacity
• AVP plans the work load in each work center for
capacity review prior to accepting the plan
AVP vs. MRP cont’d
• MRP provides a warning if a planned order
quantity exceeds the Maximum
• AVP uses the Maximum to create multiple orders
due on the same day for the Max quantity (or
• MRP plans an order to be due the same day as
the requirement
• AVP plans an order to be due the day before the
AVP extras: Forecast Consumption
Forecast can be consumed in four ways:
– Individual Item: The sales of each item consume the item
– An item and its parents: If many possible finished product
configurations exist, made from a small number of
components, you can forecast at the component level rather
than the finished product level. The sales of the item and any
parent consume the item forecast
– Planning bill Family: Identify an item as a planning bill item and
enter shippable forecasts for the item (% based on qty per in
Planning Bill. Forecast is consumed by end item and matching
configurations in the Bill of Material
– Product Family: Does not use a Planning Bill. The ‘Base’ Item
is forecasted. Customer Order Demand for items within the
Product Family consume the ‘Base’ Item’s forecast.
Forecast Consumption
This is the forecast
consumption chart
within AVP
AVP Extras
Config.ini settings to:
– Calculate run time by flow or batch method
– Uses RM Quantity (at the time of the RM
transaction) or Operation Quantity Completed
(from Labor Reporting) to calculate balance
– Can define horizon length values 1-999 days
AVP Extras
You can optionally update either or both
– The promise date on the customer order
– The manufacturing due date on the customer
Advanced Planner Process
• Downloading Data to
the Engine
– Pulls BOM, Route,
Item, Item process,
Item plan, Forecast,
CO’s and/or Manual
– Creates flat files that
are pulled in to create
access database
Advanced Planner Process
• Generating the Plan
– Forecast Consumption
– Nets the Requirements
against on hand & on
order (Load Project)
using Access Database
• Builds product structure
network using the BOM
and Routing
• Plans Orders (PO, MO &
Advanced Planner Process
• Manipulate the Plan
– View Load to Capacity Chart
– View items on Load
– Level Load both Material and
– Time phased view
– Drill down/up
– Perform “what-if” planning
Load To Capacity and Time phased load :
Identify overload problem
Orders that can be
Planned Orders- Green
New Colors at AVP 6.1:
Firm Planned- Pink
Released- Light Orange
Load To Capacity Chart
Process Hours;
Setup hours;
Capacity hours
Red – W/C is overloaded
Yellow – W/C has past due
Blue – Overload within one time
period that can be corrected by rescheduling, offloading, etc.
Green – Plan is within capacity
As decisions are taken you get instant feedback
Order waterfall view:
Identify what is needed when and the Critical chain
Advanced Planner Process
• Upload to Mapics Files
– Loads info into the MRP planning work files:
• Requirements-unconsumed forecast and
generated demand
• Planned Orders-all supply orders, including open,
firm planned and planned
• Demand Ref-Demand information
• Reschedule Activity-rescheduling actions
Advanced Planner Process
• What happens?
– Reschedules open MO’s/PO’s/Rep
schedules according to set up
– Updates the CO dates if specified in the
upload options
– Updates work center file in the MO/REP
operations as specified during offloading
– Loads the MRP planning files
– Creates the Order Review file
– Prints MRP reports as specified
Planning Execution
Once plan is saved
– Execute plan using OBPM
– Green Screen Order review and release
– Repetitive
Execute Plan using OBPM
Green Screen Execution
MRP Requirements inquiry
Estimating the Labor Requirement
Which Orders to push out
New Commands show the
potential order list that
will be delayed based
upon the current
Generated from within the Facility.
Lists supply orders where Supply
Due Date > Supply Suggested
Global Records not limited to within the Facility.
“Which Customer Orders..” lists only Customer
Orders where Demand Suggested Date > Demand
Due Date. Customer Orders pushed out will be
displayed from the “List of Customer Orders..”
Why Thru-Put?
• AVP is a planning tool; Thru-Put is an
execution tool.
1.Use Thru-Put to identify all resources
(internal –machines, tools, labor and
external-suppliers, subcontractors) that
limit your output (your constraints)
2.Decide how to best exploit the constraints’
capacity-Synchronize the work sequence
of your constraints with prioritized demand
Why Thru-Put?
3. Subordinate everything to the constructed
schedule-Synchronize all important
support functions
4. Promise new orders based on Real
Capacity and materials constraints, on an
ongoing basis.
ThruPut – Load Data
Thru-Put first reads the database
from the host system(s) – ERP,
MES or other – and pulls all
relevant information into the
Server’s memory
ThruPut – Quote Delivery Dates
Using a web-based
workbench, users quote
delivery dates for new
demand based on currently
available capacity AND raw
Users also have the
option to “force”
new demand in the
schedule, and have
Thru-Put calculate
the impact of the
new demand on
existing orders
Creating an Executable Schedule With Thru-Put
Phase 1 – Analyze Purchased Parts
Users follow Thru-Put’s phased
scheduling approach which is
based on the first 3 steps of
Theory of Constraints:
-Identify The Constraint(s)
-Exploit the Constraint(s)
-Subordinate everything else to
the Constraint(s)
During the first phase of
scheduling, Planners and
Buyers analyze materials
shortages, based on existing
POs and component lead times.
This phase allows purchasing to
work on shortages BEFORE the
corresponding orders are
pushed out by Thru-Put
Phase 1 – Analyze Purchased Parts
Thru-Put highlights
materials shortages
(required date prior to
available date)
This process allows Purchasing
to work with Planning and
determine possible solutions to
shortages PRIOR TO analyzing
Phase 2 – Analyze Machine Capacity
During the “identify machine constraints”
phase, ThruPut calculates load on all work
centers based on released and planned work,
and corresponding demand. It displays
resulting % of load to capacity in simple bar
charts and graphs. Automatic level-loading is
also available to the user at this stage.
Phase 3 – Analyze Labor Constraints
Thru-Put displays the results of a detailed
analysis of labor capacity and load. Users
can then limit the work centers capacity
based on labor availability.
Phase 4 – Level-Load Constraint(s)
Thru-Put then level loads all work on
selected constraints using a finite
capacity model. Various tools such as
Overtime, Offloading, and Batching are
available to the user to eliminate
lateness caused by capacity shortage
In this
Thru-Put will
group all similar
parts scheduled
over 3
Phase 5 – Subordinate Non-Constraints
In the last phase of constructing the
schedule (subordination), Thru-Put
creates a dispatch priority list for each
non-constraint resource in the facility. It
does so by backward and forward
scheduling from the level-loaded
The result is an EXECUTABLE
schedule which maximizes the
output of the constraints –hence
the plant, WHILE minimizing
necessary WIP and Purchased
Parts inventory to support it
Executing ThruPut Schedules
Execute Schedule – Dispatch and Track
After completion, optimized
schedules are available for display
and adjustments on high-resolution,
large-format monitors throughout
the facility.
Execute Schedule – Dispatch and Track
Users can access several Thru-Put
standard scheduling reports on line
at any time, or easily build their own
using off-the-shelf reporting tools
Execute Schedule – Dispatch and Track
Secure access to ThruPut reports
and screens can be tightly
controlled using Thru-Put’s User
Thank you!!